Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    woohooo for a rest day! lol. no spin or zumba classes today! legs need break.

    Hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend! enjoy yourselves! And no matter what you indulge in make sure you're conscious of whats going in, and logging it!

    huggs x

    PS not the group weigh in, but today is my pers weigh in, and am down a bit,, hope it keeps til wed! :o)
  • maribeld
    maribeld Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! This is just what I need! I started a kettlebell bootcamp to begin this coming Tuesday, so I'm hoping to be able to kick start my metabolism and my weight loss. I'm a mom of two, my oldest is 5 and my little one is two. So I stay busy a lot. My husband is going to law school part-time while he works full-time, so hubby is not around much, but is very supportive. I tend to go the easy way out when it come to meals and this is my down fall. I just saw the winner for 2010 Jamie Oliver and he had such an amazing message about his food revolution...check it out! He has inspired me to reconsider the way I'm eating and the way I'm feeding my family. Nevertheless I still need help. Weekends are the most difficult for me.

    My starting weight is 164lbs.
    My mini goal for March 1st - 160lbs.
    My goal weight for Sept 11, 2010: 130 lbs

    We can do this!!!
  • kerilorene
    kerilorene Posts: 39 Member
    I did a horrible thing!! I ate two Krispy Kreme. They tasted good but now I want to be sick I feel so horrible. My calories are blown for the day! :sad:
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    I did a horrible thing!! I ate two Krispy Kreme. They tasted good but now I want to be sick I feel so horrible. My calories are blown for the day! :sad:

    Don't beat yourself up.... Instead of thinking that you've blown it for today, make Healthy decisions for the rest of the day...2 krispy Kremes in moderation won't KILL your healthy lifestyle. Just tug at those boot straps, and jump back in feet first with healthy choices... and get in an excercise session... even if it's just walking briskly for 30 mins.... STAY STRONG, and POSITIVE...
  • jlgarcia85631
    jlgarcia85631 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi, My name is Lisa. I have started my diet this past Dec 1st. I joined MFP Dec 25th I belive. I have lost a total of 19 pounds since then. I wish to return to my weight of 145 where I was before I had my last two children. I had a baby boy and girl back to back in March 2007 and March 2008. I started seeing my family doctor to aid me in my weight loss. He weighs me monthly, does labs, and gives me an appeite suppressant...which was a god send at the begining of my journey. Now that I have gotten started my ultimate goal would be 140lbs by the Fall. I hope to hit 145lbs by this summer. Look forward to taking this journey with you all.

    Most I ever weighed: 192
    Starting weight:192
    Mini Goal: 170 by March 1st, 2010
    Ending goal: 140 by September, 2010.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Seeing everyone stressed about their Valentine's Day meals is making me a *little* bit better about being single this year. Just a little...*sigh*

    Last night I did a cardio/weight class ("24 Set" for 24 hour fitness members) and then 35 min on the elliptical. Then I had some leftover tuna sashimi w/spicy sauce (mm mayo) and rice.

    I have been working the C25K although I gave up on the actual program because I have a 60 min treadmill routine rather than 30 min..anyway...I'm in SoCal and it's finally warming up again (YES I consider 60 to be freezing cold now lol) so I really want to get outside, I found a 5k that's run near my house so today I'm going to walk the trail (my legs are dead from 100000 squats last night) and then tomorrow or Sunday I will do a run there. I'm so excited!

    Also I lost 2 pounds in 2 days..but I'm only logging 1 pound because I'm sure it was just that I wasn't feeling well & not eating/drinking enough and I'll see some of it coming back tomorrow. Is that wrong/cheating?
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    Seeing everyone stressed about their Valentine's Day meals is making me a *little* bit better about being single this year. Just a little...*sigh*

    Last night I did a cardio/weight class ("24 Set" for 24 hour fitness members) and then 35 min on the elliptical. Then I had some leftover tuna sashimi w/spicy sauce (mm mayo) and rice.

    I have been working the C25K although I gave up on the actual program because I have a 60 min treadmill routine rather than 30 min..anyway...I'm in SoCal and it's finally warming up again (YES I consider 60 to be freezing cold now lol) so I really want to get outside, I found a 5k that's run near my house so today I'm going to walk the trail (my legs are dead from 100000 squats last night) and then tomorrow or Sunday I will do a run there. I'm so excited!

    Also I lost 2 pounds in 2 days..but I'm only logging 1 pound because I'm sure it was just that I wasn't feeling well & not eating/drinking enough and I'll see some of it coming back tomorrow. Is that wrong/cheating?

    10,000 SQUATS in 1 day!?!?!?! Are you INSANE!!!!! Yeah I would guess your legs would be DEAD!!!!
    But DAMN!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!
  • sheri3762
    Hi Everyone! I'd like to join too! My Name is Sheri and I'm gonna be 48 in 3 weeks. I'm 5'4 and I'm really trying to get to 150 punds again! I weighted 150 back in 1985,,,a long time ago! Too many medical problems, a thyroid condition and 3 births really have done a number on me. also, my love of soda, chocolate and carbs didn't help either! I started this journey in Novemember 2009 and I'm doing ok so far, but this group will be a great motivator!

    heaviest weight - 210
    present weight (2/12/10) 186
    goal weight - 150 by September!

    mini goals:
    March 7th, my birthday, 179 ( I just want to get out of the 180's for now!!)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    LOL not really 100000..just felt like that...but @30 minutes straight..regular squats, squats on step, squats off the side of the step, squats off the back of the step..I mean honestly we did at least 100 squats as a warmup! You know you're in for it when the class instructor has ironclad thighs the size of tree trunks ;)
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    It's awfully quiet in here.... :heart:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Just finished day 26 of Power90 (Sweat level 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 -- did 80/100 again today). I had today off from work and was finding all kinds of excuses not to exercise -- including starting laundry, cleaning the kitchen, and trying on clothes from the back of my closet.

    Now I need a shower. :laugh: And lunch. Lunch would be very good.
  • missyannb85
    Good morning all!
    Today is going to be tough! I ate my normal high fiber breakfast so that is a plus. However, this is our annual shopping day with my mother-in-law. She takes us to lunch, then shopping all day, then dinner!!!! I haven't gotten ahold of her yet to find out where were going so that I can plan ahead and hopefully make some (at least) decent choices! For dinner you obviously can't go wrong with a chicken breast and steamed veggies, i'm a little more worried about lunch. She will probably just want to go to Arby's or something quick! I HATE QUICK RESTAURANTS!!! Oh well, I will make the best out of today and have a great time!
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!!
  • BigdaddyJ
    I think I fainaly have the self control thing under control....I went to McD's with the kids for lunch and had a spicy Thai Salad with a water bottle (instead of my usual dble big mac meal with 1xtra bigmac and a coke) and a caramel sundae (instead of a large McFlurry)...570 calories total at McD's!!! I hate less calories than my kids!! lol
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    YAY!!!! The Scale is down 2 lbs!!!! Started today well, with Eggs and toast.... Will try to keep everything in check... I'm crocheting a blanket for my SE so at least that will keep my hands busy, and I won't be feeding my face!!!

    Hope everyone has a GREAT Productive day!!! STAY STRONG!!!

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Today is my 6th wedding anniversary, and I weigh about 25 lbs less than I did when I said "I do" to my darling husband. What a great feeling. :)
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Congratulations Fit_in_2010 that's fantastic!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    YAY!!!! The Scale is down 2 lbs!!!! Started today well, with Eggs and toast.... Will try to keep everything in check... I'm crocheting a blanket for my SE so at least that will keep my hands busy, and I won't be feeding my face!!!

    Hope everyone has a GREAT Productive day!!! STAY STRONG!!!

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
    That's fantastic! keep up the great work!:wink:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    UGH. murphy's law always come's to kick me in the but i swear....

    so I get a call today, as soon as i see the name on my cell i say hi! :) what do you want lol (cuz they never call unles they want something)....

    so can I babysit 2 boys for the next week, sitter backed out due to whatever....
    great, extra money which is awesome!

    but..... yes there is always a but,
    I just finally got brave enough to go to spin last week, did spin x2 and zumba x2.... now i won't make it to ANY :sad: cuz obviously i can't leave these 2 kids behind..... ARG

    and i always find it hard to get back to something when you've stopped for a week.


    once i find out what time they have to be to school, and therefore whether i will be to work late or on time. . , I am going to look at the gym schedule, and poss take an early "lunch" and do the 10 am classes.for at least a couple of days so I don't feel like i've let myself down. Plus someone elses frige of food. a man's and 2 boys. great. gonna try to cook and prep as much lunch and snacks as i can tomorrow to bring with me so i dont eat their crap.

    I can make it through this week successfully ....right?
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    You CAN make it through the week! Looks like you are already on a good path by figuring out other options and NOT Throwing your hands in the air. Thankfully a week isn't too long! Good luck!:wink:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Last night was a HUGE overindulgence. The hubby and I went to my in-laws, where we cooked steak, potatoes and veggies... doesn't sound so bad, right? Except that EVERYTHING was coated, covered, marinated, sauteed, roasted, baked or smeared with either olive oil or BUTTER. Yep, salted sweet cream butter. We sauteed onions and mushroom in an ENTIRE STICK of butter.

    Plus the champagne (which I only indulged in a _bit_, and was much better than the 3 or 4 beers I would have loved to drink) and the deserts (roasted marshmallows, mini cupcakes, and Russell Stover chocolates -- yes, I had some of EACH).

    I calculated out my calories and estimated that I went about 200 cals over my maintenance level. It's more than I had planned, but not by a lot -- and it's a heck of a lot better than it could have been.

    It was interesting to let myself have free reign over food (for one meal, knowing how it was cooked if not the exact numbers of cals, fat, etc.) -- to a point. I plated a bit of everything, but did not clear my plate -- I left about 1/3 of my food. And I wasn't stuffed when I stopped eating, but I knew I'd had enough (which turned out to be way MORE than enough).

    Today I feel bloated and icky, but a little wiser. And I'm happy to report that my scale did not go up, in spite of it all. I don't feel guilty about eating what I ate last night -- today I am going to drink lots of water and lovely herbal tea, eat a light breakfast and lunch, have my planned romantic (but still healthy) dinner with my husband, and get in my exercise. It's a beautiful day.

    Happy Valentines Day, everyone. Be good to yourselves today, as well as those that you love. :heart: