What broke your camel



  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    that xmas family photo. i see hubby and 2 year old at the time looking thin and then there's fat mommy, although they both loved me the same. thankfully. that was december 28th. i didnt wait for january 1st, i started that day on mfp and never looked back. that was almost 2 years ago and ive been maintaining for over a year and 1/2.
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    My birthday was approaching that would make me the same age my mom was when she died. She wasn't overweight but she was unhealthy and never took the time to take care of herself. It launched me into a health quest... the weight loss was just an added benefit (I have lost over 90 pounds but reset my ticker to for a smaller goal in the beginning of September)
  • UG77
    UG77 Posts: 206 Member
    The first time I dropped over a hundred pounds it was because my wife left me. The reality of the situation was humbling and at that time (I was only 21) getting laid was a big motivator.

    This time around, I'm 35 now and let myself go to **** the last 4 years while finishing college, I have to get the weight off or life is going to be much harder than it has to. Tall guys don't typically age all that gracefully, and tall fat guys have it even worse. I do not want to be the old fat guy in the scooter at walmart in 10 years.

    The thing that also woke me up this time around to get me moving was somehow managing to inflame my achilles tendon by just going through my normal day to day sedentary life. If I'm so fat I'm popping tendons there's a problem.

    Also, I figure as I get older there's a good chance I'm going to go bald. My ego can handle bald or fat, but not bald and fat.
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Sucking too much wind on a 60 mile ride that I normally have no trouble with.
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    Finding out I have Type 2 Diabetes...and not being able to fit into my clothes.
  • ewl6850
    ewl6850 Posts: 158 Member
    At my cousins wedding, with no date, there were TONS of beautiful women, but they we're all with the Navy guys.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    My life sucked and I thought it might be better if I wasn't fat. Sadly, it worked...
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Fed up not being able to do the same **** everyone else was capable of. Too many missed opportunities and spoiled events for being overweight. From getting dates to going for a walk on the beach. It was just the biggest excuse I used. Getting gassed out easily. Just completely fed up and told myself to get out of it and I did.

    The funny thing is I'm a really easy going guy, and get along with most people, but I even let my confidence fall.
  • owndbycatz
    owndbycatz Posts: 90 Member
    I did an online "life expectancy calculator." It predicted I had another 5 years to live -- all based on conditions either caused by or exacerbated by my weight.
  • lewshetland
    lewshetland Posts: 52 Member
    I love walking and like shopping and meeting friends for lunch and coffee. The weight was stopping me enjoying these activities. The day lots of people far older than me made light work of a steep hill was the day I knew things had to change.
  • hdjjones
    hdjjones Posts: 130 Member
    A stay in the hospital. I realized it was past time to do something
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Not recognising myself in a photo on facebook until I clicked on the larger image! I had no idea I looked THAT fat. It horrified me into actually being serious about getting healthy.
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    When I let my skinnier best friend take my skinny jeans because I hated seeing them just sit there. I am committed to losing the weight so I can wear them again.
  • BirdieNYC
    BirdieNYC Posts: 26 Member
    My 30th birthday party. I had 5 martinis, 3 beers, 4 shots and DIDNT FEEL A THING...except self loathing.

    I was depressed, sloth-like and was queen of self-pity.

    Then I realized--- did someone force-feed me on a daily basis to make me overweight? Did someone forbid me to get exercise? No, these were my decisions. I lost a parent a few years back and just drank and ate myself overweight.

    And it was time for a change.

    Since May of this year, I've lost almost 13 lbs (though my ticker only says 10!), and I only have 6lbs left to go. At 6lbs down, I will be at my all-time thin weight. More than just looking good, I feel confident, alert, alive, happy.

    And I am never looking back.
  • I can't do it in one sentence....

    I've been struggling to lose weight for years now...but i got a very heart-felt text from my cousin and it out me in tears...and got me seriously thinking.It was my wake up call...even tho i knew i was unhealthy...no one had ever "spoken" to me so sincerely about my health and size before. It was like a very large elephant in the room. She sent me pictures of how much weight she's lost to help motivate me and i haven't looked back! I still have a very long way to go!

    I hopped on my bike...and even with my lungs on fire I continued on. That was a few months ago....its easier than i thought...and I LOVE being active so I really don't know what caused me to be content with being sedentary for so long!
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'd slowly put on weight over 5 years not really noticing how bad I looked until I had a really unflattering picture taken at a house party, then I kept having more and more unflattering pics taken of me and posted on facebook and I couldn't just blame bad angles, that's how I looked now. So I started a half arsed diet lost a few pounds, felt a bit better about myself, then stopped but didn't gain weight back.

    A few months later had more pics taken of me and realised I was still big and I was still overweight, so joined weight watchers and dropped a few more pounds until I hit a healthy weight range, went on holiday than when I came back kind of didn't bother dieting again (my holiday pics were much more flattering, I was just in the healthy BMI and felt pretty good about myself) However that honeymoon period of my new weight loss soon ended when I got used to it and a friend took another pic of me beer in hand with my fat tummy still spilling over my jeans at a party. I was a healthy weight but my tummy measurement was big, I sent off for a British Heart Foundation tape measure and measured round my belly button and it was 36 inches and in the red and said seriously at risk even though my BMI was normal! 32-35 was pink moderate risk and under 32 was in the white and counted as no extra risk of heart disease from abdominal fat.

    Again I started half arsed dieting again not really losing gave up but then got engaged, and restarted again but again half arsed (not from lack of trying I just didn't have a plan and was mostly guessing), was getting really frustrated and then a friend introduced me to MFP, the diary is the best thing in the world, made me really accountable and shocked me into how calorie loaded some of my seemingly healthy choices were. Now I'm properly seeing the results and since I have a long term goal of spring next year to hit my perfect weight, I'm not tempted to quick just because I've lost a few pounds, I'm now willing to do this long term until I hit goal. :)
  • I've tried to diet so many times I've lost count but my dad being diagnosed with stomach cancer a couple of months ago is really what has given me the push.
    I've always been a daddy's girl and I want him to be proud.
    I'm also terrified because the chances of getting stomach cancer are increased with a bad diet and I don't want history to repeat itself when i'm older and my daughter to have to watch me get sicker like i'm having to do with my dad.
    Started slimming world 3 weeks ago and i'm 7 pound down so far- about another 60 to go. x
  • Seeing the scale almost hit 300; I was 298 I was NOT getting there.
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    I've known for the past few years that I don't look the way I think I should(!), but haven't quite managed to be bothered enough to do anything about it. My camel moment came when a petite friend asked me to be matron of honour at her wedding next year. No way do I want to look like the fat elephant waddling down the aisle behind her! :frown:

    I don't know quite what my goal weight is, but thought I had about 3 stone (21lb) to lose. I've got half way there since mid-July, and it's kick-started a whole healthier lifestyle thing. Instead of lamenting the fact that where we now live, it's hard to keep walking lots as a part of daily life, I've worked out how and when I can fit exercise into my routine. I'm now waiting for enough fat to disappear to be able to see some of the muscles I've started feeling are there beneath it!
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    finding the MFP app in the app store while browsing through it on my phone... It set some things in motion and got me thinking.
    Oh, and my holiday photo's :-/