Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I just wanted to drop in before bed. Finally caught up. Today went ok the walking was good. I am hurting a bit some swelling going on. I think it 's what happens when I toot my own horn. :tongue:

    Was really hungry all day. I even had a 2nd bowl of oatmeal. I stayed under but I just hungry. I am up now because I am hungry. Just had a drink of water to fill up on that.

    @Toots -- Congrats on /The writing competation.

    @Kaye I can be an emotional eater too.

    my tuesday fitness plan is to keep walking as much as I am able. Walking seems to be a good fit for me.

    Welcome everyone, and I have read all of your posts. I am sorry this is short today but realizing maybe the water is working I am getting very sleepy.

  • @ohpampered: sounds as though you know what you need to do - I hope you're able to find the financial freedom (greater earnings, willingness to downsize, or whatever) to get out of this really unhealthy relationship!

    @robin: so glad to hear that you are finally on-the-mend and able to think about getting back into the pool! Swimming is my absolute favorite activity and I wish I could do it all year long!!!

    @KellyAnn: We are opposites (although we have about the same amount of weight to lose)! I typically do really well in the summer and horribly over the winter. Perhaps we could trade ideas...

    @KJeffries: good luck with your first weigh-in! and way to stick with it!

    @naceto & Tina: I went back to school at 32 (started at community college, then transferred to a liberal arts school) and finally graduated six years later! crazy, busy years, but so worth it!! Hang in there and keep on keepin' on!

    @Jana: grave shift stinks. i hope you and your boyfriend find a way to make it work.

    @Christine, feel better soon!

    @grandmakaye: thanks for the recipe!

    Congrats to Toots and Tina and everyone else celebrating victories!

    I have been reading and logging for the past few days but haven't had time to post, since I have been furiously sending out applications for a new job and have been trying to prepare my home for various guests. I need to check in and see where I am with the Haloween Challenge -- I suspect that I have fallen a bit behind, but now that my heels are on the mend, I will get moving again.

    I took my measurements, but left them at home (I'm at work), so will just say that (1) I think I'm the largest person here, sigh! and (2) I'll be interested to see how my measurements have changed at the end of the month! As for carbs, I reset my limits (never really knew to do that) to 40%, which puts the goal at slightly under 200. Less than it was, so I'll go with that.

    Tuesday goal is to start eating under the calorie goal again and figure out a way to get some exercise (last week was a difficult one in these regards, even though the scale somehow still moved a bit in the right direction).
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Ok! Measurement update here:

    Waist 47.0 on 09/30/12
    Hips 53.5 on 09/30/12
    Chest 47.5 on 09/30/12
    Arms 18.0 on 09/30/12
    Tummy 57.5 on 09/30/12
    Thigh 30.0 on 09/30/12
    Calf 21.0 on 09/30/12

    Monday Check in: The weather is changing and it shows. My throat has been sore and my nose stuffy. However! I am doing so much better with cutting down on my caffeine intake (with the exception of yesterday- major caffeine withdraw headache... or maybe sinus related - not sure). I've come to the conclusion that I really love cranberry juice of all kinds. I didn't like it when I was a kid so I feel accomplished. Now the downside: I somehow have injured my arm. I don't think it's serious, but it hurts. I think I pulled a muscle in my shoulder- the pain is radiating all the way down into my wrist... it especially hurts when I stretch out my arm.

    Tuesday goals: at this point I just want to make sure I burn enough calories throughout the day to offset my calorie intake. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't seem to get energy up here lately. I think it's from cooking more and going to the store more often but I can't say for certain. I've pretty much bombed on the Halloween challenge though and that REALLY bums me out. I feel like I failed myself... and I don't like that feeling.

    Wednesday Wish: I wish I could get my energy up. I've been so draggy lately.
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    @ohpampered - I feel your pain. My ex boyfriend was like that too though he would make comments like "I can't wait til you're thin so you can wear slinkly lingerie" but then bring home junk food. I finally got to the point of telling him that if he wanted it, he would have to spend his money on it. My husband is very supportive and just wants us to be healthy so no junk food in the house.

    Things have finally gotten back to normal around here. My truck has been in the shop so my husband and I have been commuting together which isn't easy in the DC area since he works in one area and I work closer to DC. Plus work has slowed down a bit too.

    Wednesday Wish: to get back to the gym now that things at work have slowed down.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good morning everybody and happy Wednesday!

    My unrealistic wish is for the man that I am in love with to be in love with me as well.

    My realistic wish is to work hard on myself and realize that I have self worth so I don't feel like I need to make the first wish anymore. :)

    A little personal, but I needed to tell the truth. :)

    BTW...I'm always looking to add friends on here as I keep going in my journey. The support everyone provides is just wonderful, so please feel free to add me!

    Finally, a question: How many of you out in MFP land are eating the calories you earn while exercising and how many of you are simply sticking to you assigned calorie target? I've been doing a little of both, but wanted to get an idea of what everyone is doing and what kind of success you're seeing.

    Thanks and have a nice day everyone!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wednesday wish: I just wish that I could have a day without pain. Maybe when my knee is replaced and healed. That's my wish.
    I also wish a happy, successful day for everyone. You are all worth it!
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    @grandmakaye~ I'm sorry your in pain. It makes everything eles we do in our lives that much more difficult. I pray that your replacement goes smoothy, that you get to recover quickly showing off your beautiful red robe.

    @nzenczak~ I normally eat my exercise calories, I try not to eat them all, but there are (a few) days when I don't eat my 1280 but more days than not I go over. :blushing: I am a work in progress.

    @ohpampered1~ Sorry for your struggle, this is hard enough without knowing someone wants you to fail. I really think that might be your *DH* point, so know that the suprises are not from love, and treat them as such. keep us posted, the support you can find here is like nothing eles! :flowerforyou:

    @skinny~ :flowerforyou: you went to the gym! (and kicked a little *kitten* while there)

    Wednesday Wish: That it was easier to remember to enjoy the process, rather than getting impatient for the end.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Hump Day!

    I love that its the middle of the week already - I think I'm actually going to get a relaxing weekend this weekend, and its going to be cool on Saturday! :love:

    Wednesday Wish~That I didn't do as bad on an exam last night as I think I did. :frown:

    @nzenczak~I do tend to eat some of the exercise calories I earn, but not all of them. If I do, it is usually in the form of protein.

    @grandmakaye~I do hope that your knee replacement brings you relief, I know several people that have had knee replacements and are like new once recovered - the pain is gone and their mobility is returned.

    Have a great day!

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots -Grats, that's such wonderful news!
    @Toots -- Congrats on /The writing competition.

    Thanks, the competition for the final ten is fierce. If anyone is at all curious you can see the entries here. it's just 250 words per entry which is, alas, about one page. so short! anyway :laugh: i've got some stiff competition. if you want to see the entries you have to scroll down to the comments. they're in the comments section. well, the rest. the first part was 50 words. anyway, good stuff, talented writers. i'm not used to being up against such stiff competition. we'll see. i'm pretty sure the hot vicar is going to win lol

    Good morning everybody and happy Wednesday!

    My unrealistic wish is for the man that I am in love with to be in love with me as well.

    My realistic wish is to work hard on myself and realize that I have self worth so I don't feel like I need to make the first wish anymore. :)

    A little personal, but I needed to tell the truth. :)

    BTW...I'm always looking to add friends on here as I keep going in my journey. The support everyone provides is just wonderful, so please feel free to add me!

    Finally, a question: How many of you out in MFP land are eating the calories you earn while exercising and how many of you are simply sticking to you assigned calorie target? I've been doing a little of both, but wanted to get an idea of what everyone is doing and what kind of success you're seeing.

    Thanks and have a nice day everyone!

    i eat my workout calories if i'm hungry. if i'm not, i don't eat them. maybe not that sophisticated lol but logical. unrequited love is hard. been there and done that. later i realized how much of my energy i had wasted but it felt like it was worth it at the time.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Morning -

    Raven - you may need to put your arm in a sling to relieve the pain and load up on NSAIDS like ibuprofen or Aleve. I hope that helps.

    OhPampered - sorry you have such an unhealthy relationship with your hubby - talk, talk, talk, and if he won't listen, then just do for yourself, and talk here to us - we'll always listen!

    GrandmaKaye - I know you're looking forward to the knee replacement but are probably a wee bit nervous about the recovery period. I hope all goes well for you. Choose a PT place with a swimming pool - much more condusive to recovery!

    To everyone hurting, sick, or recovering - my wish is for all to feel better!

    RE: eating work-out calories: I don't do it. That's for maintenance, as far as I'm concerned.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    OHpampered - oh, I can totally sympathize/empathize - my husband is much more passive aggressive about it than yours, but it is clear that he also is totally committed to keeping me as fat as possible.
    I work hard at a job that is quite sedentary, but have figured out some dodges:
    I now walk every day either by doing grocery shopping or running errands at lunch and tacking on a walk.
    I'm also struggling to discipline myself to get up early in order to sneak in more workout time. (that's my Wednesday wish.)
    Bottom line: Find the ways to do what you must! .
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    I did remember to measure myself,:drinker: but I did not remember where I put the measuring tape so I could not actually do it.:blushing:
    Amy is going to look for the tape, if she does not find it I'll have to stop and get one on the way home.:mad: So hopefully I will take the measurements tonight.

    Wednesday wish: I wish my memory did not suck!

    Have a good healthy Wednesday.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Robin Thanks for the encouragement. I am really nervous about the recovery. DH had knee replacement 4 years ago, so I am a first hand witness to how difficult it can be. His is wonderful now. That's what gives me the courage to go through with this. Unfortunately, there is no year-round pool in our community (5,000 people). That's a luxury for bigger cities. We do, however, have a couple of really good therapists to choose from.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Sorry I haven't checked in in a while. Its really been a busy week.

    On Saturday the 5K was awesome!. I loved running in it. My foot did act up which slowed me down to a crawl and I walked probably a quarter of it BUT I finished it! The 3 miles really went so quick that I didn't realize I was done until I saw the marker for 3 miles. Also once I passed the 3 mile marker my kids wanted to run the last few yards with me which made this run even sweeter. I'm still nursing my foot and haven't run since Saturday which is killing me because I really love running. I know I need to get better so I can again so I'll have to bite the bullet. For all of those curious ones out there my time was a turtle paced 1:01:28 which in retrospect isn't bad since I walked a big part of it but at least it gives me a time to beat.

    I do plan on running 5k's in the future and if my foot gets better possibly one at the end of this month. I have learned several things about running them though.
    ALWAYS get in the front of the pack of people
    ALWAYS show up early for the start of the race
    AND ALWAYS set your own pace

    I showed up late and started way back in the pack of walkers so I couldn't set my own pace and had to run slower than I could have. I'll know better next time.It was fun though and was a really humbling experience. People around me were giving me high fives for finishing and everything but all I could think of were the series of people who were walking for people who had either passed away from the disease or who were fighting to beat it. Yeah I ran but so what. What I did was nothing compared to what the patients do EVERYDAY and can't run or even walk because of it. It did feel good knowing that so many people felt the same way. I will be wearing my little pink tie dyed band on my wrist in memory of my experience in this race.

    Everybody have a great day and remember to do something nice for one another.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    The next time it comes in the house send it right down the disposal. Once he's he's had his 'treat' destroyed three or four times I bet he'll learn to finish it off in the car on the way home!:laugh:

    Loved your suggestion to pampered!!!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Wednesday wish: I just wish that I could have a day without pain. Maybe when my knee is replaced and healed. That's my wish.
    I also wish a happy, successful day for everyone. You are all worth it!

    I understand completely how you feel about the pain:angry::angry: :angry: I am praying you will have a successful surgery, heal fast and be pain-free in no time.

  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    @DOUG: GREAT job on the run/walk:flowerforyou: :drinker:
    @OHPAMPERED1: Thanks for the water additive suggestions, I've tried allot of those, just have to pull my big girl panties up, and drink the water:ohwell:
    @TOOTS: GREAT job on GETTING to the Finalists:flowerforyou: ....Most people can't say they've done that!:drinker:

    Wednesday Wish: too be more motivated/motivating....I'm getting there...just wish it would go faster!!!
    Bee Healthy, Bee Happy, Bee Blessed:heart:
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Wednesday Wish(es):

    1. I wish that next time I eat a banana, the sugar content would magically be less.
    2. I wish that today when I go to web production my instructor can help me fix one of my pages.
    3. I wish that my mom makes it here this afternoon with no troubles.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Grandma Kaye - :) Your wish will come true. The surgery will go great and you'll be the bionic woman in NO time!

    Doug - Super job on the 5K! You did great!

    Wednesday wishes - That when I adjust my budget there would be more in the +column and less in the - column!! I'm excited to see my family at Christmas but this is going to be one expensive trip.....:sad:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Doug~Awesome job on the 5k! I do several of those a year and it always affects me deeply what others or their families are going through. I always come out of it with an amazing feeling. You did great!