Selfish/Shallow Reasons for losing weight?

This might sound horrible but does anyone have shallow reasons for losing weight? I know that there are tons of healthy incentives that go from losing it, but sometimes when I'm on the treadmill the only thing that keeps me going is having that little waist, small arms and the thought of dressing in a LBD and hitting the town with my friends.

Sometimes when I encounter other people and they ask me why I want to get thinner and I tell them they give me a surprise look, almost as if my reasons aren't good enough to lose weight, when quite frankly i got tired of being the fat friend, being looked over by guys and just not being able to wear the clothing that appeals to me. Maybe its my age (I'm 22) but has anyone else just woken up and starting pumping through for reasons other than healthy?


  • BH_Holl
    BH_Holl Posts: 55 Member
    My reasons have always been for shallow ones... Just wanting to look and feel my best... and I'm 37 so I don't think it is necessarily the age. ;). The only time I've ever been out of a healthy weight range was after giving birth to my two girls... I don't think wanting to look and feel your best is a bad motivator.
  • bob99
    bob99 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm not unhealthy or excessively over weight. My health is good my diet ok, but for vanity I want to look better in a bikini! Just cause its shallow it doesn't make it a bad reason!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Absolutely! Sure, I'm interested in staying healthy, but I'm motivated mainly by the desire to look better.
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    This might sound horrible but does anyone have shallow reasons for losing weight? I know that there are tons of healthy incentives that go from losing it, but sometimes when I'm on the treadmill the only thing that keeps me going is having that little waist, small arms and the thought of dressing in a LBD and hitting the town with my friends.

    Sometimes when I encounter other people and they ask me why I want to get thinner and I tell them they give me a surprise look, almost as if my reasons aren't good enough to lose weight, when quite frankly i got tired of being the fat friend, being looked over by guys and just not being able to wear the clothing that appeals to me. Maybe its my age (I'm 22) but has anyone else just woken up and starting pumping through for reasons other than healthy?

    well if thats what keeps you motivated there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. that is part of what keeps me motivated. the other part is that i want to be FIT (physically fit).
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    EVERYONE wants to look their best :smile: Its human nature. Don't feel bad about it! When I'm running, I fantasize about my dream body and try to picture myself being in amazing shape. It is the main thing that spurs me on, then of course, the better sleep, better skin, better mood, never getting ill, better digestion etc etc. x
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    Oh yeah...I really want to make people jealous from high school and college that I haven't seen it years that I kinda hated or especially the ones that may of picked on me in high school.
    Lets get a little more shallow...yes..SEX! I'm single, and when I was 265, sex isn' that big of an occurance, especially when your self esteem is at its lowest. Well my self esteem and definitively increasing, and I'm sure I'll be at my max once I hit 199...ohhhh the ONE-derland! And with that I would expect more sex to follow...

    I'm honest! :)
  • dcat4563
    dcat4563 Posts: 33 Member
    This might sound horrible but does anyone have shallow reasons for losing weight? I know that there are tons of healthy incentives that go from losing it, but sometimes when I'm on the treadmill the only thing that keeps me going is having that little waist, small arms and the thought of dressing in a LBD and hitting the town with my friends.

    Sometimes when I encounter other people and they ask me why I want to get thinner and I tell them they give me a surprise look, almost as if my reasons aren't good enough to lose weight, when quite frankly i got tired of being the fat friend, being looked over by guys and just not being able to wear the clothing that appeals to me. Maybe its my age (I'm 22) but has anyone else just woken up and starting pumping through for reasons other than healthy?

    i would say "i want my body to fit my lifestyle or personality" our clothing is a visual way of showing those things...
    you enjoy those things, want a meaningful relationship with people without your weight being in the way. there are a lot of people who aren't centered on health at 22. my hope for you is that as the "shallow" things become less important health becomes important and you stay fit. for me that wasn't the case, and I soooo regret it!
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    My weightloss is all about me me me. how much more selfish can you get lol
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Feeling better about yourself is the only reason you need..........
  • hullchris
    hullchris Posts: 16 Member
    I don't think it makes you selfish or shallow to want to lose weight to look good.. Sometimes having the extra few pounds and not being the one in the group who gets a guys attention can be hurtful. Having a health self confidence and self worth can be just as valuable as being physically health.

    I've always been overweight and yes I want to lose weight to be healthy but at this point in my life I really don't care. It bothers me more than anything when I go into a store and I'm looking at the plus size section and before you know it I've wondering into maternity and some one is asking when I'm due. I don't want to lose weight because its good or healthy! I want to lose weight so I can walk into a regular store and pick a pair of pants off the shelf and leave with them. Also, there are so many cute clothes out there that I would love to wear but they don't come in my size. So its me and the grandma's picking from the same section. I want to feel cute, attractive, sexy, etc. Who doesn't? Screw health! Lose it to look good, if that's what you want and that's what I want!
  • All of my reasons are shallow. The healthy benefits are basically a happy side effect. All kidding aside, of course it's about health, but it has mainly been spurred by vanity.
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    all shallow --- my weight loss is all about ME!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    who cares? i don't really think this is shallow at all, if having a fit body makes you feel confident, then more power to ya girly! in your case, getting healthier is just a benefit of looking good, hah!

    my weight loss is all about my own vanity. no one would ever look at me and say i'm fat. but if i feel fat, i'm not a happy person. i'm more comfortable in my own skin when i'm not worried about my weight, and that benefit everyone around me.

    now hop on that treadmill and picture yourself shopping, trying on everything without even having to look at the size.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Me! I want to rock the *kitten* out of a belly button ring! I want to look sexy as *kitten* in a bikini! Not my main reasons to lose weight lol but I guess those are my "shallow" ones hehe
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Because my husband is hot as hell and works with really fit looking women!
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Abso-freakin-lutely! If you're shallow and you know it clap your hands!
  • Roxie861
    Roxie861 Posts: 85 Member
    My reasons are definitely vanity related...i want to look amazing in a bikini amongst other clothes....the END lol
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Other than a few reasons here and there from people about health reasons....typically all reasons for weight loss are shallow. I mean..who doesnt enjoy eating whatever they want and not caring about their looks? Unfortunately we dont live in that type of society and you get judged on your looks.

    So again, I would find it hard to believe anyone said anything besides "because I'm shallow" unless they had legitamate health reasons.

    I for one, am shallow and losing weight so I can look awesome naked. :)
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    My main reasons are medical and health related BUT I also want to be SLAMMIN! lol
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Im tired of looking pregnant.

    Also, when I actually get pregnant, I would like for people to be able to see that before Im like 8 months along.

    I want to make certain people jealous.

    I want my husband to be more attracted to me (although, this one might be a bad thing, if he gets any more interest, Im not sure what I will do).

    I want to buy new clothes.