September Challenge - Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred.



  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    i kind of fell off the wagon the last few days, had my husbands and my sons birthday and parties and it got really hectic, back to level 2 tonight.

    when does everyone do their workout?
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    i kind of fell off the wagon the last few days, had my husbands and my sons birthday and parties and it got really hectic, back to level 2 tonight.

    when does everyone do their workout?
    I do mine an hour after dinner on weekdays, and whenever I feel like it on Saturday; rest on Sunday.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Finished level 3 doing all of the circuit 2 cardio with the 5 lb weights! The jumping jacks weren't exactly in time with Jillian and her crew, but my arms simply couldn't get fully extended that quickly with the 5 pounders. Getting stronger every day, though. WHOO!
  • I have abs!!!! I can actually do the leg ups from Level 2 while holding the weights and not screaming in pain. I haven't lost a lot of weight but I saw obliques in the mirror today.:bigsmile:
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    30 Day Shred - Final Stats!

    So yesterday I finished the 30 Day Shred (whoo! yay me! :drinker: lol) and here's my final stats from yesterday compared to the first day I took measurements back on August 26th)

    legs: 23.5 to 20.5 (3 inches down)

    bust: 39 to 35 (5 inches - boo! :sad: )

    arms: 13.5 to 12 (1.5 inches down)

    hips: 38.5 to 35.5 (3 inches down)

    waist: 36.5 to 31.5 (5 inches down)

    weight: 158 to 150 (8lbs down)

    it is such a great workout and i've been recommending it to all my coworkers!! :D I LOVE IT (but Jillian does kick your *kitten*!)
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    30 Day Shred - Final Stats!

    So yesterday I finished the 30 Day Shred (whoo! yay me! :drinker: lol) and here's my final stats from yesterday compared to the first day I took measurements back on August 26th)

    legs: 23.5 to 20.5 (3 inches down)

    bust: 39 to 35 (5 inches - boo! :sad: )

    arms: 13.5 to 12 (1.5 inches down)

    hips: 38.5 to 35.5 (3 inches down)

    waist: 36.5 to 31.5 (5 inches down)

    weight: 158 to 150 (8lbs down)

    it is such a great workout and i've been recommending it to all my coworkers!! :D I LOVE IT (but Jillian does kick your *kitten*!)
    Pssst...39 - 35 = 4 :wink:
  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    30 Day Shred - Final Stats!

    So yesterday I finished the 30 Day Shred (whoo! yay me! :drinker: lol) and here's my final stats from yesterday compared to the first day I took measurements back on August 26th)

    legs: 23.5 to 20.5 (3 inches down)

    bust: 39 to 35 (5 inches - boo! :sad: )

    arms: 13.5 to 12 (1.5 inches down)

    hips: 38.5 to 35.5 (3 inches down)

    waist: 36.5 to 31.5 (5 inches down)

    weight: 158 to 150 (8lbs down)

    it is such a great workout and i've been recommending it to all my coworkers!! :D I LOVE IT (but Jillian does kick your *kitten*!)

    You will have to post some before and after stats, those are great results.
  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    30 Day Shred - Final Stats!

    So yesterday I finished the 30 Day Shred (whoo! yay me! :drinker: lol) and here's my final stats from yesterday compared to the first day I took measurements back on August 26th)

    legs: 23.5 to 20.5 (3 inches down)

    bust: 39 to 35 (5 inches - boo! :sad: )

    arms: 13.5 to 12 (1.5 inches down)

    hips: 38.5 to 35.5 (3 inches down)

    waist: 36.5 to 31.5 (5 inches down)

    weight: 158 to 150 (8lbs down)

    it is such a great workout and i've been recommending it to all my coworkers!! :D I LOVE IT (but Jillian does kick your *kitten*!)

    You will have to post some before and after pics, those are great results.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    @gingerjen7 - oops! lol 4 isn't as bad then, is it?! :D

    and @zoelesley - i'm assuming you mean post pics? :)

    how is everyone else getting on with 30DS? this september group has kind of died down a bit!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Oh Em Gee, y'all. The finish line is in sight! 28 minutes today, 28 minutes tomorrow, and then I can finally say that I honored my commitment to the 30 Day Shred. This is maybe the third or fourth time I've started it, but it will be the first time I ever finished it! I think the best part is that even though I don't feel like I look different, I do FEEL different. My habits have changed. I drink way more water than I ever did before, I don't think about food all the time, I am not tempted to hit up drive throughs, if there's something I want that isn't a stellar idea, I make it at home full of substitutions. I don't skip my workouts or make excuses as to why I shouldn't/don't need to do them or how I can do them later. When I put on my "skinny" jeans today they were loose, and I thought, "Well, they've fit well in the past, but you always ended up going back to sitting on the couch and eating crap until they were too tight before..." but I knew that this time was different. This time it's for good--not a temporary thing until I feel better about myself, because I already do (in some ways--someways, I still hate the way I look). I've made a real change and I can't guarantee it will be permanent, but I am committed to doing everything I can to make it that way!

    ETA: I do plan on making up my rest days next week, so I'll do three days of level 1, two days of level 2, and one day of level 3 and then I will be completely finished and ready to post my final results.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    Oh Em Gee, y'all. The finish line is in sight! 28 minutes today, 28 minutes tomorrow, and then I can finally say that I honored my commitment to the 30 Day Shred. This is maybe the third or fourth time I've started it, but it will be the first time I ever finished it! I think the best part is that even though I don't feel like I look different, I do FEEL different. My habits have changed. I drink way more water than I ever did before, I don't think about food all the time, I am not tempted to hit up drive throughs, if there's something I want that isn't a stellar idea, I make it at home full of substitutions. I don't skip my workouts or make excuses as to why I shouldn't/don't need to do them or how I can do them later. When I put on my "skinny" jeans today they were loose, and I thought, "Well, they've fit well in the past, but you always ended up going back to sitting on the couch and eating crap until they were too tight before..." but I knew that this time was different. This time it's for good--not a temporary thing until I feel better about myself, because I already do (in some ways--someways, I still hate the way I look). I've made a real change and I can't guarantee it will be permanent, but I am committed to doing everything I can to make it that way!

    ETA: I do plan on making up my rest days next week, so I'll do three days of level 1, two days of level 2, and one day of level 3 and then I will be completely finished and ready to post my final results.

    Congrats on being so close to finishing! and on your new eating habits and sticking to it! that's the hardest part, this whole 'lifestyle change'. i've really enjoyed making stuff at home, and playing around with new healthy recipes ! (most i've found or heard about on here!). all we can do is try are best to stay the healthy and fit people we've now become! :D

    cant wait to see your final results post!
  • Oh Em Gee, y'all. The finish line is in sight! 28 minutes today, 28 minutes tomorrow, and then I can finally say that I honored my commitment to the 30 Day Shred. This is maybe the third or fourth time I've started it, but it will be the first time I ever finished it! I think the best part is that even though I don't feel like I look different, I do FEEL different. My habits have changed. I drink way more water than I ever did before, I don't think about food all the time, I am not tempted to hit up drive throughs, if there's something I want that isn't a stellar idea, I make it at home full of substitutions. I don't skip my workouts or make excuses as to why I shouldn't/don't need to do them or how I can do them later. When I put on my "skinny" jeans today they were loose, and I thought, "Well, they've fit well in the past, but you always ended up going back to sitting on the couch and eating crap until they were too tight before..." but I knew that this time was different. This time it's for good--not a temporary thing until I feel better about myself, because I already do (in some ways--someways, I still hate the way I look). I've made a real change and I can't guarantee it will be permanent, but I am committed to doing everything I can to make it that way!

    ETA: I do plan on making up my rest days next week, so I'll do three days of level 1, two days of level 2, and one day of level 3 and then I will be completely finished and ready to post my final results.

    Great job! It really does feel great to do something that isn't running to the scale everyday but that makes your mirror your friend.:smile:
  • limico91
    limico91 Posts: 68 Member
    Hows everyone doing?
    I still have 11 days left but will take longer as only doing it 4 times a week.
    Im amazed at what I can already do such as planks, and proper push ups now as well as my fitness level improving.
    Although i am dreading level 3, Im quite enjoying level 2.
  • I started the 30 day shred a few weeks ago.....started out using my Zumba toning sticks, then bought me some 3 lb weights and just last night, I started using the 5 lb weights (for everything but those side lunge things with the arm raises, sticking with the 3's for now) I am still on level 1 and do it 4 times per week with a couple of classes at the gym twice a week and I take one whole day off per week. I don't have alot of weight to lose but I have a lot of muscle building and belly fat burning to go. I plan on moving on to level 2 by the end of the week.

    So this will take me a little longer than 30 days but I will get there :)

    Good luck to everyone else doing this too!!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Hows everyone doing?
    I still have 11 days left but will take longer as only doing it 4 times a week.
    Im amazed at what I can already do such as planks, and proper push ups now as well as my fitness level improving.
    Although i am dreading level 3, Im quite enjoying level 2.
    Logging at the end of 30 days (which included rest days) I lost 5.2 lbs and 13.75". I will post my final stats on Sunday for 30 work outs (10 at each level).
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I've decided to do 30 ds a second time after my holiday. On day 3 of level 1 and definitely finding the cardio easier this time round but I still find some of the strength moves very tough!!

    I got pretty good results the first time, I'm hoping to match it this time!!
  • mkielt
    mkielt Posts: 1
    I just re-started the 30 day shred, and am hoping to see some improvement. How are you logging it into the fitnesspal diary, though? I feel as if I am underestimating my calories when I try to estimate.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I have successfully completed my September 30 Day Shred Challenge! It took me 36 days because I took rest days (recommended). Here are my final results as of this morning:

    starting stats:
    SW: 125.8 lbs
    GW: N/A
    waist: 30"
    hips: 35.5"
    arms: both 11"
    thighs: both 20.5"
    chest: 38.5"

    current stats:
    CW: 120.4 lbs
    GW: N/A
    waist: 27"
    hips: 34"
    arms: both 10"
    thighs: both 19"
    chest: 34.5"

    5.4 lbs
    waist: 3"
    Hips: 1.5"
    arms: 1" off both 2" total
    tighs: 1.5" off both 3" total
    chest: 4"
    (Plus 2.5 off my belly, stats which I never posted)
    Total of 16" lost.

    Edit: I just signed up for photobucket.
    Back (close up):



  • limico91
    limico91 Posts: 68 Member
    I have successfully completed my September 30 Day Shred Challenge! It took me 36 days because I took rest days (recommended). Here are my final results as of this morning:

    starting stats:
    SW: 125.8 lbs
    GW: N/A
    waist: 30"
    hips: 35.5"
    arms: both 11"
    thighs: both 20.5"
    chest: 38.5"

    current stats:
    CW: 120.4 lbs
    GW: N/A
    waist: 27"
    hips: 34"
    arms: both 10"
    thighs: both 19"
    chest: 34.5"

    5.4 lbs
    waist: 3"
    Hips: 1.5"
    arms: 1" off both 2" total
    tighs: 1.5" off both 3" total
    chest: 4"
    (Plus 2.5 off my belly, stats which I never posted)
    Total of 16" lost.

    Edit: I just signed up for photobucket.
    Back (close up):




    Fantastic results, I bet you are pleased!
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    I have successfully completed my September 30 Day Shred Challenge! It took me 36 days because I took rest days (recommended). Here are my final results as of this morning:

    starting stats:
    SW: 125.8 lbs
    GW: N/A
    waist: 30"
    hips: 35.5"
    arms: both 11"
    thighs: both 20.5"
    chest: 38.5"

    current stats:
    CW: 120.4 lbs
    GW: N/A
    waist: 27"
    hips: 34"
    arms: both 10"
    thighs: both 19"
    chest: 34.5"

    5.4 lbs
    waist: 3"
    Hips: 1.5"
    arms: 1" off both 2" total
    tighs: 1.5" off both 3" total
    chest: 4"
    (Plus 2.5 off my belly, stats which I never posted)
    Total of 16" lost.

    Edit: I just signed up for photobucket.
    Back (close up):




    OMG you can see a TOTAL difference in your stomach!!! and your butt (lol) and your back....and your shoulders and thighs!! AMAZING!!! well done! (and btw, love your tattoo!)