What was your WORST binge ever?



  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    During that time of the month.. I binge the whole time my period is on...... I still my be food conscious though, just thinking about the hard work prior too the binge..
    oh yes, good times. Or should I say bad times? How about like an entire pot of spaghetti with a half of bottle of Kraft parmesan cheese on it. yum!
  • My weakness are UTZ Plain Potato Chips!!!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I just spend close to $200 on groceries for this weeks planned binge after i learned I lost my pregnancy.
  • shelley2shane
    shelley2shane Posts: 31 Member
    I've had a few
    - a whole cheesey bread from Papa Johns
    - Culvers: Bacon Double Cheesburger with everything, tater tots, Dr. Pepper and a Concrete Mixer

    - Whole boxes of Stove Top
    - Whole boxes of shells and cheese mixed with tuna
    - 1/2 of a brick of cheese
    - Full bags of doritos
    - 1/2 a pan of brownies

    Food and I - we're good friends. I had to break up with it.
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    sorry, but I had to laugh at the girl that said 36 cake rolls! I would have been sick of them at #2! :bigsmile:
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Chinese fooood!
  • shelley2shane
    shelley2shane Posts: 31 Member
    I've had a few
    - a whole cheesey bread from Papa Johns
    - Culvers: Bacon Double Cheesburger with everything, tater tots, Dr. Pepper and a Concrete Mixer

    - Whole boxes of Stove Top
    - Whole boxes of shells and cheese mixed with tuna
    - 1/2 of a brick of cheese
    - Full bags of doritos
    - 1/2 a pan of brownies

    Food and I - we're good friends. I had to break up with it.
    I am so there with you on CULVER'S, it's a HUGE DOWNFALL for me!!
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Most of these posts are the way that I ate every freakin day!
  • gingerlynnlove
    gingerlynnlove Posts: 82 Member
    Any time I cook gumbo, I know its gonna be a bad day. I usually have 4-5 bowls all day.. and I never really hate myself afterwards... but I feel huge but before I cook it I half to be down a few lbs and happy wiht the fact it's coming right back when I am done. Sad but my kiddo loves it and I hate cooking it because I can't say no :(
  • aphillips8180
    aphillips8180 Posts: 77 Member
    The sad thing for me about reading this is that yes, I've binged. Terribly. Before I started dieting, what I now consider a binge was almost daily eating for me. But, it *never* has made me sick. Made me feel incredibly full? Yes. Uncomfortable for a little while? Yes. But never has it made me sick. I almost wish I would get sick from binging so that maybe my body would realize how terrible it is. Or at the very least I wouldn't eat those foods for awhile (if I get sick from eating something, generally I can't eat it again, my stomach just rolls at the thought). :-/
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I'm not sure if it's my worst, most likely it is because these 2 items are dreadful for you, but I used to chow down on chinese food followed by ben and jerry's ice cream!!!!!!! I was good for eating 1/2 to 3/4 of an entire general chicken, rice, chicken fingers, and egg roll meal and then I'd eat an entire pint of half baked B&J ice cream......... and that was often!!!! I don't even know the last time I had chinese food, but that is the one food my husband and I will no longer go near!!!!!!! We have our cheat meals, but we won't do chinese!! Lol
  • Sarahwillow
    Sarahwillow Posts: 56 Member
    I don't even want to type this but...3 little debbie oat meal cream pies, 3 swiss cake rolls, whole bag of plain m &m's the medium size, 6 cans of coke, 3 slices of pizza hut supreme pan crust, 4 sticks of cheesy bread with mozz and pizza sauce, a pint of ben and jerry's camel sutra ice ream and a family size bag of Lays potato chips and a large onion dip. In one day. I did this in June of this year. I was so sick that night, I thought I was going to have to go to the ER and admit what I had done to myself...It took until July to admit that I was an emotional eater to myself. I had a really bad day at work, was very frustrated and pissed at co-workers and a few customers. I don't even want to see how many calories this was. Now, I binge a little, or go for a walk or just talk about it.
  • Molissa08
    Molissa08 Posts: 112 Member
    I can't believe I"m actually admitting this - I never tell anyone about my binges, but I've eaten an entire large pizza, breadsticks and hostess cupcakes at one time. I felt so ill and woke up the next day still feeling nauseous. Sadly, I have had simliar binges more than once.
  • i was just thinking about my past binges and they are very bad. You name it, i've eaten it.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    oh my gosh i love this thread. i don't feel as horrible about my bad binge nights now.

    pint of gelato, no problem. whole package of soft baked cookies while playing video games. in 08 i would often split a handle of vodka with my best friend, shot after shot until 5am, and eat mcdonalds (double cheeseburger, snack wrap and fries) on the way home from the club.
  • Sarahwillow
    Sarahwillow Posts: 56 Member
    I just spend close to $200 on groceries for this weeks planned binge after i learned I lost my pregnancy.
    I am sorry for your loss!!! l know how you feel!!!!
  • Dimplezz11
    Dimplezz11 Posts: 2 Member
    OMGOSH, I think it would be when I would eat White 6 White Castle Cheese Burgers a Sack of Fries, and 2 Fish Filet samdwiches for dinner.. I already had Breakfast, I ate Lunch and I would tear up the White Castle meal.. I checked and that was 2,170 cal.. Topped it off with 2 cans of Pepsi and Popcorn... =0(
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    Ugh, the biggest "meal" in one sitting was a time when I was really depressed and I sat down and at a bucket of chicken, drank a 12-pk of beer, and I think I still munched on an entire bag of beef jerky my aunt sent me from New Mexico... =(
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    Lol@ replies of "medium pizza"

    medium pizza has around 1000calories.
    This is not binge.

    I never binge, but When I didnt care about weight, i ate 1 bigmac, 3 double cheeseburgers, 3 junior chicken, rolo icecream. Then i would come home and have almond snack(around 2000 calories), and id also eat cereal (1000 calories)
    so around 9000 calories day.
    yet I was never over 22% bodyfat. never. I dont know how people can get obese. to the point of the need of using those mini-mobiles they drive in mall.
  • Disgusts me to even say but something like; a whole tub of ben & jerrys. a whole box of cereal. a cup cake. milkshake. big bar of galaxy chocolate. skittles. more chocolate and pizza.

    Strange that I can eat all that one day and then most days be full off hardly anything!