Smokers – selfish scum or persecuted minority?



  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    i smoked from 19 tell about 3 or so years ago... finally got tired of the stuff and stopped cold turkey and never looked back... as a smoker yes.. got a lot of grief bout where and when or how u smoked.. i understand most of it..but as a business the business owner should have that choice. and if some one didnt want to be around it..they didnt work there and they didnt go in.. that is the way it should have been. i would be watching a parade and find a spot where no body was around and people would come up next to me..then gripe me out for smoking next to them. and so on...

    however now that i am done with that crap i can really care less..lmao..and wish they would make it completely illegal.. but if that happened.. it would go underground and then the govt. would find somebody else to rape with their taxes. i cant even be near some one smoking now..makes me gag, and eyes burn etc.. i understand if i am visiting some one it is their home...but they could hold back on the smoking some or not at all or go outside. just to be polite.
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member

    Your post makes no sense.

    Plenty of people get emphysema without smoking just as plenty of people get HIV without sleeping with someone who has aids.

    Causes of empyhsema -

    Other potential causes of HIV - born to a HIV+ mother, infection from a needle stick, blood transfusion...... to name but a few.
  • tmanfromtexas
    tmanfromtexas Posts: 928 Member
    As a smoker I will say that our government over governs. Smokers had their own smoking sections in most restaurants and smoking rooms in hotels. But with the nanny government we allow to control us, those things in most places no longer exist. Most of that is because of very left leaning liberals who are trying to save ourselves from ourselves. I dont need or want their f@cking help. I revolt by simply not eating out at restaurants and will not stay in hotels that do not support my desire to do what is legal. I cant wait for the government to come after what ever you like to do, that is for the ones who are hitleresque in their rabid hate of smokers. Your time will come and I will be smoking away watching what you want to do be denied. I hope it comes for you soon enough.
  • I stopped smoking four months ago and started walking again after a long break. As a smoker I felt persecuted for having an addiction that was so hard to get rid of. Heroin addicts get free needles free substitute drugs free clinical advice and they even go into a rehab centre for 28 days free of charge with free everything gas electric food rent (DRUGS). I would have stopped a long time ago if I got THAT much help.

    I would have considered my self as being a clean smoker, using ashtrays etc Im not a litter bug. At the same time, I always smoked outside even before the ban as I found my smoking to be a five minute break from the indoor activity.

    Smokers dont want to be catigorised they want to stop smoking. Herling abuse at them wont help. Instead of deciding right and wrong try asking a friend if he wants to stop smokinmg then HELP them do it.

    There are always two choices when confronted with a smoker.... STAY or LEAVE

    But dont persecute them......
  • Tiffikat
    Tiffikat Posts: 47 Member
    Why? I didnt bring them there. Also second hand smoke isnt bad for you. As the study I posted proves. I grew up around smokers, I have no ill effects. If I can live in a house full of smokers for 18 years and have no health problems, then surely spending an hour in a restaurant is not doing any harm.

    Your argument is a fallacy.
    Personal choice and responsibility ends when you do something in public that harms someone else, and 2nd hand smoke is more deadly than doing it yourself. But saying that...I do think that in bars you should be able to allow smoking. But any place that allows children, I think it should be banned.

    I also live in Ohio, and it was the best thing that happened in my opinion.

    Add me as another from Ohio that is thankful for the ban. I've also noticed a decrease in the number of smokers here. A LOT of people I know have quit and the smoking ban made that much easier for them. Do what you want to your own body, but when what you want to do affects others you no longer get to choose when/where to do it. You do not get to choose what to do to others bodies, especially children. It really is that simple. That said if I'm with a friend and they smoke I deal with it unless my children are around and then either they do not smoke or I will not be around them.
  • Tiffikat
    Tiffikat Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a smoker - I don't smoke in my house, I smoke outside it. I don't smoke in my car either. Oh and I don't smoke around children, or around my non-smoking friends if I can help it! The one thing that does get me is pregnant women smoking - yes I know its their choice, but I see that as being selfish (my sister in law smoked constantly whilst pregnant, and unfortunatley lost 2 children - not saying its because of this, but it could of been a factor - and now the 2 children she does have both have bad asthma, again, don't know if it is caused by the smoking whilst pregnant - but it doesnt help)

    When I smoke at work, it is on the roof, away from people who would likely walk past and cough and splutter because I'm "polluting their air" - what about all the car fumes you inhale - do you cough and splutter everytime one of them goes past you? If anyone does this to me now whilst I'm walking to work, and enjoying my pre-work ciggie, I make a point of blowing the smoke toward them and try and keep up with them - petty, I know - but if you can be like that then so can I!

    When I go to the pub, I smoke outside, away from the door (if I can unless there's some inconsiderate non-smoker taking up my space!)

    There are so many rude people on here - everyone has their own vices, and not everyone may agree with them, but not everyone goes on about it, and tries to change people!

    I think most of the people here don't care if someone smokes, they just wish most people were as respectful as you are about it.

    I do think the vast majority of people do not want to be around someone smoking and that is why public bans are occurring. In almost every case the bans were voted on and the majority voted for the ban.
  • Tiffikat
    Tiffikat Posts: 47 Member
    And if smoking in front of children is considered child abuse, then what about drinking in front of children or swearing. We cannot wrap kids up in cotton wool and shelter them from the vagaries of real life.

    It's not the vagary that is the concern. It is the smoke and the potential effects it could have on a child's health if they are breathing it in. I also keep my children as far from exhaust fumes as possible and I put poisons in the home up in high places they cannot reach. I can't protect them from everything, but when they are too young to protect themselves I will do whatever I possibly can.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
  • Tiffikat
    Tiffikat Posts: 47 Member
    Bottom line is this. You cant have it both ways. You can not say that the government should ban this and that and then say they should stay out of your life. If you think the government should have the right to tell me that I cant smoke, then dont be upset when the same government tells you what you can and cant eat. Or who you can and cant marry. Dont tell me that you have a right to an abortion because its your body but I dont have a right to smoke. It makes zero sense. Wake up people. Eventually, something you enjoy is going to be banned and youre going to be pissed. And guess what? Nobody will care because we allow the government and the busy bodies to dictate what we can and cant do. If I want to allow smoking in my house, that my business, you dont like it, too bad, dont come over. If I want to allow smoking in my place of business thats my choice, you dont like it? Too bad, go somehwere else.

    If something I enjoy is harming someone else then it is no longer my right to enjoy it in a way that would harm others.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    Oh boo hoo the poor children. And there is no allergy to smoke. Anyone that says they are allergic to smoke is lying. Alleriges are caused by various proteins and cig smoke contains no proteins.

    Sweet. Please tell that to my sinuses. Because everytime I attend a show in a smoky bar, my nose pours blood the next day.
    And make sure my eyes get the memo cause they burn like hell when I'm around smoke...

    Burning eyes caused by smoke is not an allergic reaction. But my advice would be to not attend places that allow smoking. If you do that, then i guarantee you will not have burning eyes caused by cig smoke.

    That's easier said than done. I have to go outside and take a bus to go places. Even at bus stops or the bus station (out in the open) it's nearly impossible to stay away from smokers. Many times I've had to move more than once to get away from smokers while waiting for the bus. It's hard to do when they don't all stand in one area. Then to be on the bus where there are already smokers and someone who has just smoked a very strong cigarette gets on, I can't just get off the bus and not go where I need to go. It's extremely hard to have to sit there with burning eyes and a nasty taste in my mouth (thankfully I always have TicTacs or mints) and struggle to just breathe. You really can't guarantee anyone they won't have burning eyes caused by cigarette smoke just because they don't go to a business that allows smoking.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm not a fan of people who smoke in public. I think it's rude.

    Bottom line is you shouldn't really have the right to smoke in public. It is an addiction, and I hate it for you, but do it at home. Aside from bothering people with allergies or asthma, you're also setting a bad example for the kids that may be around you.................

    Oh boo hoo the poor children. And there is no allergy to smoke. Anyone that says they are allergic to smoke is lying. Alleriges are caused by various proteins and cig smoke contains no proteins.
    they didn't say allergic to smoke, they said 'people with allergies or asthma'....

    I have allergies.
    Smoke irritates me, makes me feel sick

    Then I would give you the same advice. Dont attend places that allow smoking. Simple fix.

    In other words, stay in your own home and never go anywhere?
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I am going through this thread and I am not sure it's been brought up but, in my experience, smokers tend to litter. A LOT. In that respect, I would say they are selfish scum.

    Not all. I will go out of my way to find an ashtray or trashcan or put a butt in my pocket before throwing it on the ground. I've seen plenty of non-smoking people that litter, so that is a pretty generalized stereotype. :flowerforyou:

    Then you appear to be in the minority of smokers. I drive an hour to and from work every day, mostly on two lane roads, so when you get behind someone, you tend to be behind them for quite a while. Most of the people that I see smoking in their car throw their butts out the window when they are done,

    In order to walk from my house to the downtown area, we have to walk through a congested intersection with gravel shoulders. It's disgusting how many of hundreds and thousands of cigarette butts are on the shoulder there. If you want to talk about legislature that should be implemented immediately, I'd love to start seeing $50-$100 tickets being handed out for littering (for any kind of litter, but definitely keep after the cigarette butts).

    50-100? It's 500 here, not that it is ener enforced though.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member

    Your post makes no sense.

    Plenty of people get emphysema without smoking just as plenty of people get HIV without sleeping with someone who has aids.

    Causes of empyhsema -

    Other potential causes of HIV - born to a HIV+ mother, infection from a needle stick, blood transfusion...... to name but a few.

    Sorry, there is no sarcasm text.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    As a smoker I will say that our government over governs. Smokers had their own smoking sections in most restaurants and smoking rooms in hotels. But with the nanny government we allow to control us, those things in most places no longer exist. Most of that is because of very left leaning liberals who are trying to save ourselves from ourselves. I dont need or want their f@cking help. I revolt by simply not eating out at restaurants and will not stay in hotels that do not support my desire to do what is legal. I cant wait for the government to come after what ever you like to do, that is for the ones who are hitleresque in their rabid hate of smokers. Your time will come and I will be smoking away watching what you want to do be denied. I hope it comes for you soon enough.

    It should also be legal to drink and have sex in public if you ask me. I mean, I am not hurting anyone else by doing this and the act is perfectly legal, so why not?
  • Tiffikat
    Tiffikat Posts: 47 Member
    Believe what you want. The bars have seen a huge dip in revenue, especially int he winter time, and the bowling allies cant get people to go there. Read any American paper and you will see. Doesnt take a lot to research it.

    They haven't in Ohio where I live. Bars and clubs are just as busy (or slow) as they were prior to the ban. Restaurants actually seem to have LONGER wait lists and are busier.
  • Tiffikat
    Tiffikat Posts: 47 Member
    I think its annoying that non smokers seem to think its ok to lecture smokers.

    Hers the thing, I'm an adult, its my body and I'll do it if I want. If I get cancer I will not blame anyone else.

    I don;t go into McDonalds poking fat people telling them they are killing themselves.

    I don't think anyone should lecture someone for something they do unless they are doing it in a way that harms other people. If you smoke around my children I will certainly say something. If you smoke in your own private home or out in the open away from other people that is totally your business.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I smoked for several years. I have been completely cigarette free for probably 5 months now, but slowly weaning for like 5 months before that. I don't have a problem with people who smoke. However, you don't realize how bad you smell. When I walk into a store and someone walks past me, I can immediately tell they are a smoker. They stink to high heaven. I also think it's ridiculous when you walk into a store/restaurant and there's a group of smokers right next to the door and you have to walk through a cloud of smoke to walk inside. It reeks! Or I watch people leaving a store and as soon as they get just into the foyer, they're already pulled out their cigarette and lighter and as soon as they exit, they're already lit up. Jeez, do you really need a cigarette THAT bad?
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    A persecuted minority of selfish scum......

    It's all relative. Let me begin by saying I smoked for nearly 20 years (started when I was 11) and watched the slow and steady progression of anti-smoking legislation and bias from its beginning. Anti-smoking hype has gone way overboard. What started out as a campaign to raise awareness of the the true health risks became an attemept at social engineering. While there is some fact the second hand smoke deal contains a bunch of crap as well. For example I thought the asthma rates were supposed to go down when people were no longer subjected to second hand smoke?

    It's also about, money, money....I used to pay $8 a it's what $50-60? Like any drug, people are still going to want it if they want it....want to raise the price and make obscene profits from it?? Prohibit it (or in the case of cigs...STRONGLY DISCOURAGE it. Do you really think the money that they G reaps in taxes goes to fund healthcare??? The only people who lose money are business owners. Add that to the fact that they try to use the same "business model" on other things we enjoy like soda, sugar, salt and a host of other ingestable goodies and you'll see where I'm coming from.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I think it depends on the smoker. Some are perfectly courteous, stick to designated areas, and just want to enjoy a smoke without someone going YOU'RE KILLING YOURSELF. Other's are inconsiderate asshats who do smoke in front of heavily trafficked doors and walkways and don't give two ****s about who they're exposing.

    I think both sides need to just leave the other alone. Smokers should be courteous since many people don't like being around smoking or have respiratory issues that can be made worse by smoke inhalation. Non-smokers need to accept that it's a smoker's body and they are free to do with it as they please. I don't understand why it's unacceptable to tell a fat person how unhealthy they're being when they eat a cheeseburger, yet it's perfectly okay to jump down a smoker's throat when they light up.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I smoked for several years. I have been completely cigarette free for probably 5 months now, but slowly weaning for like 5 months before that. I don't have a problem with people who smoke. However, you don't realize how bad you smell. When I walk into a store and someone walks past me, I can immediately tell they are a smoker. They stink to high heaven. I also think it's ridiculous when you walk into a store/restaurant and there's a group of smokers right next to the door and you have to walk through a cloud of smoke to walk inside. It reeks! Or I watch people leaving a store and as soon as they get just into the foyer, they're already pulled out their cigarette and lighter and as soon as they exit, they're already lit up. Jeez, do you really need a cigarette THAT bad?

    They do need a cigarette that bad, becasue their life is controlled by the cig companies. Smokers want to talk about how the gov't shouldn't control their life all while they are blindly being controlled by the company making the cigs that they are entitled to smoke. It's actually pretty sad