What was your WORST binge ever?



  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
  • Snapshotgirl
    Snapshotgirl Posts: 57 Member
    An entire, two pound box of peanut brittle. Or, a box of Entemann's pound cake smothered in Hersheys' syrup. God, the thought of eating that much sugar makes me sick now but back then (college) it was a real treat.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Lol@ replies of "medium pizza"

    medium pizza has around 1000calories.
    This is not binge.

    I never binge, but When I didnt care about weight, i ate 1 bigmac, 3 double cheeseburgers, 3 junior chicken, rolo icecream. Then i would come home and have almond snack(around 2000 calories), and id also eat cereal (1000 calories)
    so around 9000 calories day.
    yet I was never over 22% bodyfat. never. I dont know how people can get obese. to the point of the need of using those mini-mobiles they drive in mall.

    You havent seen the size of a medium Dominos in Dublin obviously. Also, 1000 for the whole thing? I think not my friend.
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    :sick: 3/4 of a german chocolate cake.


    you know how you just grab a fork and start eating and then youre like "well thats not left even" so you keep forking and it never looks like an even cut so you just keep forking until you realize how much youve eaten
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    We've all been there. You're home alone. There's a full fridge of food, or maybe you have a few extra bucks to spend on ordering something. You just go insaaaane and eat as much as a small family could. Then afterwards comes the shame and the guilt. Boooo! It's never worth it once you're done eating, but we still do it anyways.

    My worst binge would probably be eating an entire large pizza to myself (maybe with the breadsticks it came with as well). Or when I used to not eat breakfast or lunch, then I'd come home after work and be shaking because of how hungry I was. Those were bad times, I'd eat like 3 granola bars, bag of popcorn, sandwich, 5 cookies... nightmare!!!

    What did you scarf down during your worst binge/pig-out session?

    Only ONCE when I hit 10% body fat and didn't know I needed to eat UP finally. Now that I eat more because I'm so lean this does not happen. But I've never had emotional eating or eating disorders and I take really good care that this never happens again! I truly know what it means to start into starvation mode and it does not happen until you go under 12% body fat.

    If it happens over then your calorie deficit is too great or you have other issues that should be addressed before going on a calorie deficit.

    My full story here --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout

    There are lots of good books out there on this subject and my friends who have this issue say that keeping a journal helps!
    Best of luck, Bobbie
  • mmachick2011
    mmachick2011 Posts: 55 Member
    I was reallllly upset (Hello, Emotional Trigger) and I hit the drive-thru on the way home. I wanted "just a bite" of everything... I ordered a 6 piece with sweet and sour, a big mac combo with a diet coke (go large... because why not?), two double cheeseburgers because they are good, and a M&M McFlurry. As I ordered I was so embarassed, I added another drink so it looked like two people were eating it. Finished it all and went home for dinner.

    I felt guilt and ill for about 3 days. Thankfully that was about 5 years ago.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I had a bad day yesterday I am not going to lie lol I had walmart deli food a cup cake for lunch pizza for dinner yeah I am not doing that again for sure I feel gross.
  • fletchleg
    fletchleg Posts: 116 Member
    My worst was last week...a full tear and share garlic bread with cheese (it was massive) 4 large cookies, 2 big packets of sweets, one little packet of sweets and a can of sprite. Came to around 1800-2000 on top of my 1700 allowance.

    it's probably been worse before I started calorie counting but that's the most in the past few months.
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    a 5 pound hersheys milk chocolate bar :drinker:
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    Potato chips & french onion dip are a fricken nightmare. I've eaten a whole family sized bag of ripple chips and a whole container of philadelphia cream cheese onion dip in one sitting. Sooo many calories - not to mention fat and salt! :(

    ^^^^^^ THIS - too many times to count. And then chocolate afterwards for a little 'sweet'.
  • yannuzzi
    No need to explain, I've lost Dad, Mom and my older sis to cancer...all within 12 year span. I stress-eat too. Don't think I've every "binged" but instead of being concious of what was going in my mouth, I would eat whatever was handy. I don't eat red meat ever, so nothing like burgers...but chips/pizza/mexican food......instead of being concerned about portions I'd just eat because i was hungry and sad. But over the course of years and then I'd lose and then I'd stress and gain...and then I'd lose. A vicious cycle.
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    What is scarier is thinking about what i ate before i dieted, would certainly be considered binging to me now but then...just a day in the life.

    Anyway- downfalls: cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, nachos. SALT SALT SALT basically.

    This is also one thing I have come to terms with since starting MFP. I used to be a binge eater. And I didn't even realize it. I just thought, oh, I will eat just a few cookies, just a few chips, just a few breadsticks, then I won't eat much dinner. When in fact I would eat like 5 or 6 cookies, half a bag of chips, 3 breadsticks, AND dinner plus seconds. I can't even believe I used to do that to myself. I am just very glad that I have realized this, and will try my best to never eat this way again.
  • dawnerika
    dawnerika Posts: 22 Member
    Ugh...when I think about how I used to eat it makes me feel ill lol ......entire bags of chips along with the whole container of dip....extra large chocolate bars...I made a box of Suddenly Salad once, added extra bacon, avocado, more mayo and ranch dressing...it was so rich and sickening...and I ate it all. A bag of super cheesy instant potatoes (all of it) along with 2 or 3 Cheddarwurst sausages....major sodium overload!
  • 0145528
    0145528 Posts: 25
    Basically during a full day of MMOing. Box of Cheezits to one side, package of double stuff oreos to the other, case mountain dew on hand, nothing left when I finally crashed. Things like this are why I ended up with HPB, high triglycerides and needing to seek out a lifestyle change.
  • dijonwillis
    My lowest point, ordering papa john's pizza, wings, and cinnasticks, ate it all. My stomach hurt so bad! then i THREW IT ALL UP!
  • rasha349
    looool i love this thread. :)
  • justaride08
    Ohhh I've done really bad like eating an entire pizza bad. But during my worst though, I think I ate taco bell nacho grande with a taco and then got 4 krystal's and chili cheese fries! For shame, I can't even believe I used to be able to eat like that. No more Thank Goodness!
  • natalap
    Entire jar of nutella....or jars of peanut butter :(
  • crybaby1216
    crybaby1216 Posts: 20 Member
    Today I had a really bad day did fine on diet till dinner then I had a big plate of spaghetti with sour cream 3 pieces of toast and after all that I ate a can of spaghetti ABC with ranch dressing and corn chips :( I was doing so good lately and just lost it tonight. Back on the band wagon I go.
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member