Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • I didn't do so well this weekend either, but we can do this. It really is one day of success at a time. Just remember...if and when we fall, we should always fall forward:)
  • Is it to late to join?
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    ok so babysitting two kids for the week = no gym this week :sad:
    1 day down and i'm already ready for the loonie bin!

    but i snuck in 30 min on the elliptical during my lunch hour... it's no hour of spin or 75 min of zumba, but it's something....
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    ok so babysitting two kids for the week = no gym this week :sad:
    1 day down and i'm already ready for the loonie bin!

    but i snuck in 30 min on the elliptical during my lunch hour... it's no hour of spin or 75 min of zumba, but it's something....
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    Ok so I ended up having a good week since the first weight-in.

    Current weight: 231.5
    Loss: 3.4

    I think that I set my 2/24 goal to much. Don't think that I can lose 6.5 lbs, but will hopefully get close.
  • ughh--I didn't do too well this first week, didn't lose anything.It has been a rough week . I have been under very high stress which makes it even harder both physically and mentally to get this weight to come off.I feel really dissapointed in myself and disgusted to be trapped in this body. I have to stay focused and do better this week.

    CW:169-0 lbs lost
  • Ok so I ended up having a good week since the first weight-in.

    Current weight: 231.5
    Loss: 3.4

    I think that I set my 2/24 goal to much. Don't think that I can lose 6.5 lbs, but will hopefully get close.

    WAY TO GO!!! That is awesome.Keep up the good work.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    My last weight was 178.

    My CURRENT weight is 178.4

    My next goal will be 177.

    I feel like I'm doing a lot of things right for once, watching what I eat, 8 days of cardio in a row....I WILL NOT let this little gain get me down. I feel great and that is all that matters!
  • My last weight was 176

    My CURRENT weight is 172.2

    My next goal will be 169

    I have been working out twice a day and my boyfriend thinks it's too much! I still have been eating enough calories... The problem is sometimes i'll feel like I haven't worked out enough if I only work out ONCE a day!! Any suggestions on how much is too much for working out? I have been doing 35mins after work and 30-40mins in the evening w/ my man. lol
    Thanks for the feedback!
  • kerilorene
    kerilorene Posts: 39 Member
    I did not do well the last few days. Saturday my weight was great but Sunday was a big eating day and Monday and tuesday were bad food days with no activity. Yuck. I regret to say the scale went up to 180. :cry:

    My TOM is due so that might have something to do with it. I am just plain HUNGRY for crap and sweets. I hate it!

    Need your prayers and encouragement!
  • kerilorene
    kerilorene Posts: 39 Member
    My last weight was 176

    My CURRENT weight is 172.2

    My next goal will be 169

    I have been working out twice a day and my boyfriend thinks it's too much! I still have been eating enough calories... The problem is sometimes i'll feel like I haven't worked out enough if I only work out ONCE a day!! Any suggestions on how much is too much for working out? I have been doing 35mins after work and 30-40mins in the evening w/ my man. lol
    Thanks for the feedback!

  • Hey!!! Good Luck to everyone today with their weigh in! I went down a little.
    gw for 2/24-170
    Don't know if that will happen but ya know I will work toward it!! I am going to my parents this coming up weekend and I am nervous!! It is my grandmothers 84th bday and I know we are going to go out to eat! I just hope I make the right decisions!!! anyways! Hope everyone has a good week!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Ugh :(

    SW - 150.0
    CW - 150.6
    gw for 2/24 - 148

    I guess I'll just have to put in more gym time this weekend to try to drop that weight.

    Congrats to everyone seeing good numbers this week! You deserve it!
  • k
  • ughh--I didn't do too well this first week, didn't lose anything.It has been a rough week . I have been under very high stress which makes it even harder both physically and mentally to get this weight to come off.I feel really dissapointed in myself and disgusted to be trapped in this body. I have to stay focused and do better this week.

    CW:169-0 lbs lost

    Its ok! Don't beat your self up about it. You can get back on it!! Don't let it get to you because that will just make you depressed and, for most people, want to eat. just work out a little extra this week. We are all here for your support girl!! Good Luck!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • maribeld
    maribeld Posts: 7 Member
    CW 163 lbs
    next goal 162 lb by 2/24/10

  • everyone is doing such a great job!! its really motivating to see others sticking to it and getting results and even more encouraging to hear those of you that have a bad day staying positive about making sure the next day is a better one. way to go us!!

    last week : 196
    this week : 194
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    I'd love to join you guys.:happy:

    Height: 5 ft 2 in
    Heaviest Weight: 225 (around this from 18yrs to now 36yrs)
    Lost weight on own: 225-194 (adjusting to divorce and want it to continue!)
    Starting Weight on MFP: 194 (Jan 4 2010)
    Current Weight: 187 (Feb 15, 2010)
    Goal: basically lost 5-6 lbs per month until I reach my goal of approximately 135 lbs

    I just divorced (Oct 09) and have sole custody of my two children (7 and 11...and my 11 yr old is disabled), I work full time and have ZERO time to myself. I have an underactive thyroid for 5 years, and iron anemia. I have a hard time cooking for just myself and the kids now as they are really picky and my kids are underweight (high metabolism NOT inherited from me!) so I have to cook high-cal foods for them and try to either eat a lot less of it or cook something entirely different for myself. I bought a treadmill and elliptical machine for home so can do that, but can't get to a gym based on my limited time. I also bought a DVD but my player broke the same night so haven't actually done it yet, hopefully will get a new one this weekend so can get into that. I am finding it hard to get motivated after working a full day and then caring for my kids to have the energy to actively "work out"....any suggestions?
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    ok so for this week's update:

    last week: 211

    this week: 209.2

    Next week: at least 208 I hope! :smile:

    way to go everyone! :)
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Start weight- 185
    CW- 177 (down a pound Wheeww)

    Goal 2/24- 175 or lower

    I was sweatin for weigh in bc after the weekend I had ( NO WORKING OUT- NO Counting calories) I was up to 180. I was not thrilled but yesterday I did 40 Mins of run walk and was under my net calories! It shows that it pays off to just stick to it.... even if yiou have a bad day or couple of days. For me this is something I need to remember!

    Alll the losers out there, great job!!

    Anyone who didnt lose.... step it up todayy, drink your water and youll see that difference.
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