family doesnt support me is it worth it?



  • StephieF87
    StephieF87 Posts: 60 Member
    YES! Because you should be doing this for you and not them! Good luck on your journey! :smile:
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I know it's already been said many times in this thread, but it bears repeating many more times. YOU are worth it. You can do this. For you.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Don't let what others think of you affect you. This is for're doing it to better yourself, to make yourself healthier and happier. Block out the negativity or re-focus that negativity on a harder workout. Don't let haters get you down; sometimes it is because they are jealous because they don't have the guts to do the same....don't let them take your victory!!

    You can do it!!!
  • Darcy011
    Darcy011 Posts: 43 Member
    Don't quit, you need to do this for yourself and not worry about external pressure. Regardless of what you perceive right now you are also teaching your boys valuable lessons. Not sure if this happened to you but I remember teaching my boys to eat veggies, I just kept putting them on their plate and eventually they started eating...sama thing, they keep seeing you work and see the results, they will most likely become more aware and become more supportive. Another point watching you struggle may help them be a little more consicious of themselves and their health.
  • Is it worth it.. OHH GAWD YES !!! YOU ARE worth it :)
    Now is the time be selfish.. now is time for YOU !!!
    Workout... shut them down and have fun !!!

    You cannot quit !
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    To heck with your family's opinions. If they are not supportive, that's their dysfunction. YOU take care of YOU! They are likely just jealous that they don't have your will power, determination, love of self, gumption...whatever that makes you do what is right. It's their problem, not yours. If anyone should feel guilty, it's them!

    Just keep going. It's a hard road but one worth traveling. I'm a little disappointed in my results this week, but I know I'm on the right track. The only way to fail is to quit.
  • You are most certainly worth it! This is something you need to do for yourself. Once you start to see results in your weight and your health you will be so glad you stuck with it. As for the family, it is hard when you don't have any support. Get some music, get wired and go for a walk out of the house. The music will uplift you, the exercise will invigorate you and you will feel so empowered when you get back. My guess is when everyone sees you are serious and how your body responds they will back off. Good luck, Remember YOU Can do this!!! It's for you!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I feel ashamed when I work out to the point of not doing it if someone is in the house. I am 100+ over weight and I know I need to loose it but it's hard when I am the only one doing it. And I get looked at like there is a giant cow having a seizer in the house when im working out. So tired of going it alone. In only 15 days in and ready to quit.

    when you allow something like being ashamed of your body stop you from working out, you are giving someone else the power to keep you fat. Shoot, I make JOKES about my flubber! I used to hide in the bathroom to put on my HRM because "the world isn't ready for *all this*"...but now I just put it on where ever. If someone can't handle it, THEY can look away.

    I am 5'2" tall, and when I started my journey I was 228lbs. That is 92lbs "overweight". Yup, I need to be 136lbs to be considered at a "healthy" weight according to BMI. I took my fat *kitten* to the gym and I walked on the treadmill next to all the skinny girls. I been doing it for 8 months now, and I have lost 29lbs. I still have 32lbs to lose before I cross the line between morbidly obese and overweight...but the trainer the works in the morning *knows* me and my schedule. Several times a week he makes it a point to ask me about my workout, or crack a joke. The other day a lady who has lost 100lbs ( and probably still has 100 to go) was looking up to ME because I can do pull ups on the assisted machine.
  • You are most certainly worth it! This is something you need to do for yourself. Once you start to see results in your weight and your health you will be so glad you stuck with it. As for the family, it is hard when you don't have any support. Get some music, get wired and go for a walk out of the house. The music will uplift you, the exercise will invigorate you and you will feel so empowered when you get back. My guess is when everyone sees you are serious and how your body responds they will back off. Good luck, Remember YOU Can do this!!! It's for you!!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Sounds like you are doing it for them and not yourself. Stop that! Seriously you will not ever get to your goal if you care what they all think. Let me tell you a little story.

    120 lbs ago, I told my husband I wanted to lose weight. He acted as if he didn't think I was capable of it. After I had my daughter and gained 25.5 lbs back from the first 70 lbs gone, I was ready to get serious. He again said I would not stick to it so why waste my time? He and I got into a huge fight. He called me a fat lazy *kitten* and we got into a huge fight. To show him up, I started losing weight. I didn't do it for him though, I did it for me. The past 9 years of my life has been doing everything for everyone else and nothing for me. It was time I worked on me. It's my turn to be a little selfish and focus on myself. I only have 1 life and I refuse to be miserable in my own skin. Taking control of my life has been the best thing I could have ever done. My marriage is better for it, my relationship with people in general is better for it, I can keep up with my kids, I can work in public and not feel like people are thinking "OMG Shamoo is here."

    It will never get easy, but believe you me, we do get better at it. Eventually, waking up working out, eating right it all just seems normal. I have days I fight myself tooth and nail to not go back for 2nds or to go take that jog. We have to figure out what we want the most and do it. Start with doing it for yourself.

    Also, I wanted to say that now my husband and entire family are my biggest support group. It started out as "Yeah right, she won't do it." to "OMG! How did you do it? Can you help coach me?" My mom is doing it now and she is just now at a 50lb weight loss. I got her to sign up here and I'm so very proud of her. You can make a difference in your family's life just by ignoring them now and doing it for you, later they will support you when they see the weight coming off and see how serious you really are.
  • karabff
    karabff Posts: 98
    DON'T QUIT- 1st this is for YOU no one else-I am 100 pds over weight an look ridicules when I work out & could care less-there is no way to get my health bk without exercise soooo I just do it-even outside! No one in my family needs to lose weight nor do they work out with me but that does not stop me from pushing on ward- nor do I cook just from them an then something for me-they can eat healthy or they can buy the junk themselves & cook for themselves :) do this for YOU-think of all the benefits of being healthy & looking/feeling your best..YOU CAN DO THIS! Feel free to add me would luv to support you on this journey
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    I feel ashamed when I work out to the point of not doing it if someone is in the house. I am 100+ over weight and I know I need to loose it but it's hard when I am the only one doing it. And I get looked at like there is a giant cow having a seizer in the house when im working out. So tired of going it alone. In only 15 days in and ready to quit.

    Honey, Don't give up.. I felt the same way.. Do it for you and nobody else.. I have been off and on my journey for the last 2 years.. i refuse to let others bother me..
  • ninabaz
    ninabaz Posts: 75 Member
    I am blint and honest ok?? Screw everone else!! You MUST change your lifestyle because you want to. It is not easy. I ALWAYS recommend "Forks over Knives". I have lost 50lbs as of today over 6 months or so. I do it for me!! It's ok to be slefish.

    Message me if you would like more help and support.

    Thank you I love blunt
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Another voice, yes it is worth it. Your health is worth it, not just your current health but your future health, and I will repeat what everyone has said, you are worth it. I didn't have as much to lose, but I was very unhealthy and never exercised. To me, it wasn't worth it because obviously I didn't do anything about it. But I had an attitude change and I cannot even describe how much better I feel. Don't give up!! It doesn't happen overnight, but if you keep at it, you will see results.
  • jewelmarie793
    jewelmarie793 Posts: 54 Member
    If you want it bad enough, its worth it :)
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    You have to do this for yourself. What other people think shouldn't matter. If your family doesn't support you. Then look for another support system. Your doing what best for YOU. You can do this. Believe in Yourself. God bless you on this journey to a healthy life.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hon - don't give up. This isn't about them. It's all about you! Get away from them if you have to; go outside and walk.

    P.S: My husband doesn't exactly support me, either. He's seen me try and stop trying so many times that he doesn't believe in me. This time I'm going all the way to goal, and it doesn't matter how many times he rolls his eyes.