Is 25 too old to be single?



  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'm 31 and have no desire to get married.
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    10 years from now, you won't feel behind ... You will feel enlightened for taking the time to be young and free and find the right person for you. Enjoy your singledom. Enjoy your independence. Most of all never try to keep up with others, that is not the path to your own happiness.

    Be true to you. Never rush love.
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    32, single and loving it.
    And no I'm not the only one. I know tons of happily single thirty year olds.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Honestly, having been married and now divorced I wouldn't recommend getting married until you're 30 and experienced life or at least accomplished and self sufficient.
  • thatmixedgirl73
    I think it's better to wait as long as you can. I was 37 when I married. You mature so much and learn about yourself over time. And you should be happy alone first. You should be a complete person by yourself, and not rely on someone else to complete you. So, have fun!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I have good friends of every age who are single - some who have never been married. You need to define yourself by who you are, and be happy where you are. If it's time to be with someone, you'll meet that someone. Don't rush it.
  • KristysLosing
    A friend of mine is 32, single and that doesn't look like it will be changing anytime soon. To each his/her own. You don't want to rush something like this just because of your age. You're fine. You'll get there. :-)
  • erin_zuk
    erin_zuk Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 26 and still single.
  • cianalynn
    cianalynn Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 25 as well, and single. I have learned not to care about what people say. Believe me, it's not easy. Where I'm from, being a "complete" woman is measured by the type of marriage she has and the number of kids she has and whether they're cute+smart+talented. I know I'm being branded as an old maid behind my back. But at this point in my life, I really just want to discover the world and what it has to offer to people like myself. I guess what eases the blow is that I have like-minded friends. It's not a race, no need to rush.
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    If 25 is too old to be single, then I'm a Spinster. :-) Though I very much advocate getting people married younger, not all of us are destined to marry early. I'm 27 and waiting on my partner. My aunt didn't get married until 33 and she's been happily married for 25 years. :-) If you want to be married, go out there are find your wife (just be active in looking), but don't worry if you haven't settle down by tomorrow.
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    I'm just a month older than you and just started in a new relationship. Neither one of us is in any rush to get married, and we're just enjoying our time with each other. Take your time, enjoy your life, and make sure you get to know yourself. Confidence is sexy!
  • emdf7a
    emdf7a Posts: 36
    Do I think you are too old to be single at 25? HELL NO! I consider you smart!
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    I am 24, single, never been married. My best friend just turned 42, she is married with three kids. Don't think just because someone is older than you, you can't bond with them and have nothing in common.

    I did think I'd be married by now, with at least one kid. But I'm not. I know the time will come though. A friend of mine just got married and she is 28/29. She knew her fiance for just under a year before they got married.

    I do agree and understand what you are saying, it seems like ALL of my high school friends are either married or with children or both.
  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member
  • wanderlust23
    I'm only 21, but because I am involved in my church community, most of my friends are in very serious relationships or married, and even at this age I feel left behind sometimes! Which is just crazy. But I am honestly happy focusing on myself right now, and if I didn't get married until I'm a lot lot older I really think I would be fine with that, as long as I had good friendships and was involved in my community. I don't want my identity to become found in someone else, and I feel like my friends who got married at a very young age never really had a chance to find out who the are. I love spending time by myself.
  • quiggley
    quiggley Posts: 32 Member
    I must be ancient then I am in my 40's and have never been married LOL I think we are all ready at different times and when it is the right person that is when it happens :)
  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    Definitely not too old! I'm marrying pretty young (me 22, him 25) and if I hadn't met him when I did, I would probably have waited til at least 25 too, maybe 30. I always planned on avoiding marrying young. Oops! Lol. I think it's great to live a life on your own before settling down with someone!
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member

    As someone who's 35 -going on 45- and single, the mere idea of this is so ridiculous I had to :laugh:
  • mah1120
    mah1120 Posts: 37 Member
    Haha I hope not. I'm soon to be 25. I'm enjoying my single life for the most part. :-)
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    The older you are when you tie the knot, the less likely you are to get divorced =) So enjoy being single, enjoy dating, and when you meet the right guy you'll be ready =)