Registered Dietitian in TX here to answer questions.



  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    I think this question may have gotten lost in the shuffle as you've answered some before & after it... So I'm bumping it back up. :)
    Oh yeah, and another question on daily potassium needs. According to MFP, I should be eating like 3500 mg of Potassium daily. I am always WAY under that, by hundreds if not thousands.

    I am 5' 9" weigh 213 age 45 female. My recommended caloric intake is 1200 to lose 2 pounds a week goal.

    I use almost no salt and use the product NoSalt which is potassium-based for my seasoning needs. So, I would think that would help. I tried to buy a potassium supplement in addition to my multi-V, but together they only total like 200 mg... nowhere close to 3500. Is that number legit? If yes, what should I be eating to get there?

    Here's a good reference to high potassium foods

    I'm very skeptical about the potassium numbers in the user entered foods. I don't really trust them.
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 733 Member
    I think this question may have gotten lost in the shuffle as you've answered some before & after it... So I'm bumping it back up. :)
    Oh yeah, and another question on daily potassium needs. According to MFP, I should be eating like 3500 mg of Potassium daily. I am always WAY under that, by hundreds if not thousands.

    I am 5' 9" weigh 213 age 45 female. My recommended caloric intake is 1200 to lose 2 pounds a week goal.

    I use almost no salt and use the product NoSalt which is potassium-based for my seasoning needs. So, I would think that would help. I tried to buy a potassium supplement in addition to my multi-V, but together they only total like 200 mg... nowhere close to 3500. Is that number legit? If yes, what should I be eating to get there?

    Here's a good reference to high potassium foods

    I'm very skeptical about the potassium numbers in the user entered foods. I don't really trust them.

    Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. But....Is it realistic that we really need 3500mg of potassium daily?
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    I think this question may have gotten lost in the shuffle as you've answered some before & after it... So I'm bumping it back up. :)
    Oh yeah, and another question on daily potassium needs. According to MFP, I should be eating like 3500 mg of Potassium daily. I am always WAY under that, by hundreds if not thousands.

    I am 5' 9" weigh 213 age 45 female. My recommended caloric intake is 1200 to lose 2 pounds a week goal.

    I use almost no salt and use the product NoSalt which is potassium-based for my seasoning needs. So, I would think that would help. I tried to buy a potassium supplement in addition to my multi-V, but together they only total like 200 mg... nowhere close to 3500. Is that number legit? If yes, what should I be eating to get there?

    Here's a good reference to high potassium foods

    I'm very skeptical about the potassium numbers in the user entered foods. I don't really trust them.

    Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. But....Is it realistic that we really need 3500mg of potassium daily?

    We don't need 3500 per day and the amounts can fluctuate. Just make sure you have variety in your diet and it really shouldn't be an issue. Its only really ever been an issue for my clients taking potassium-wasting diuretics. If you think you're not getting enough from your diet, try adding some of those high potassium foods. If you're not cramping from low potassium or eat variety in your diet, I wouldn't think too much into it, personally.
  • AGreen54
    AGreen54 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi. I've been doing this for 2 months now but I have not seen any progress. I weigh and measure myself once a week and no loss whatsoever. My net calories is at 1350 and I exercise 6.5 hours a week. I don't eat very healthily but I try to and I love fruits and veggies. Any advice please?

    If you're not making any progress and your goal is weight loss, you simply need to reduce your caloric intake. Try cutting your calories by 20%.

    Thanks for replying. I did cut my calories by 20% and no significant change happened. I had a 250 cal deficit and now I have a 500-700 calorie deficit so I should have lost at least 1 lb a week but I only lost 0.8 lbs 1 week and 0.6 the next.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hi. I've been doing this for 2 months now but I have not seen any progress. I weigh and measure myself once a week and no loss whatsoever. My net calories is at 1350 and I exercise 6.5 hours a week. I don't eat very healthily but I try to and I love fruits and veggies. Any advice please?

    If you're not making any progress and your goal is weight loss, you simply need to reduce your caloric intake. Try cutting your calories by 20%.

    Thanks for replying. I did cut my calories by 20% and no significant change happened. I had a 250 cal deficit and now I have a 500-700 calorie deficit so I should have lost at least 1 lb a week but I only lost 0.8 lbs 1 week and 0.6 the next.

    Give it a few more weeks before you make more changes. Those are actually pretty good results. Remember to track your weight on a month-to-month basis to account for water weight fluctuations throughout the month due to a variety of things including hormones.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Hi! My question is this...I'm a "pear shape"/hour glass shape (whichever...heaviest in my thighs and hips). Are there certain foods I should "avoid" that will promote weight loss? I read an article that said not to necessarily eliminate carbs but to definitely minimize the amt of carbs i take in. Also, what are your views on a "high protein" diet>
  • ferb03
    ferb03 Posts: 82
    You're awesome for sharing your knowledge. Thank you!
  • I'm SO glad to find this thread. I have a few questions. First, I'm 26, 5'4 and 250 lbs. Obviously way overweight, but that's why I'm here. Anyway, my questions...

    1) What would be my ideal weight?
    2) What should my calorie intake be?
    3) How can I best manage hypoglycemia?

    1. Because you're starting off at 250lbs, you're going to have a different ideal bodyweight than another 5'4" female with much less weight to lose. I would set your first long term goal to get below 200 and *kitten* yourself from there.
    2. Go with what MFP tells you. Make adjustments each month as needed.
    3. Here is a link with the ADA providing more info about hypoglycemia I could give you some tips but you'd be better treating medical issues with your dietitian or doctor.

    Thank you!
  • Loving this, thanks Tony
  • altarimage
    altarimage Posts: 95 Member
    What's your favorite thing about the profession? Is there anything you didn't expect going into it? I'm currently getting my undergrad in Nutrition and plan to continue with my masters and doctorate later on. Thanks! :)
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 733 Member
    You have said that you recommend people do not eat back their exercise calories because when you set goal for your clients, you already include those calories. What do you recommend for those of us who have not set up our calories that way? I use the sedentary seting on MFP and then eat back my calories based o and then eat back my calories based on activity. So my daily caloric allowing is 1200 + exercise. I am about to be 46 years old. I weigh 213 pounds. I stand 5 feet 9 inches tall. 5 to 7 day. My exercise varies. 45 minutes treadmill to 3 hours hiking, biking, kettlebells, etc if I were not going to eat my exercise calories what would you set my daily calorie allowance to be?
  • Thanks A Bunch!!
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Is it possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same? I've read it wasn't. I was hoping this would explain why I've only lost 2 pounds in over a month with the above diet (whole grains/fruits/veggies/lean meats). I've begun weight training twice a week and my cardio mixes in strength. Could it be I am adding muscle whilst losing fat, or is the more likely assumption that the food I eat does not match its advertised caloric intake?

    Gaining muscle requires a caloric surplus. Fat loss requires a caloric deficit. Sometimes these cycles of anabolism and catabolism can be short, so it may appear that we are gaining muscle and losing fat "at the same time."

    It also all depends where you are in your phyisque. If you're already lean and lost 2 pounds in a month, that's not bad at all. If you're obese, 2 pounds in a month is pretty slow. The general rule of thumb is if you want to lose more weight, increase your deficit a bit. Monitor. Adjust as needed.

    Thank you so much for answering my question! You have no idea how much help it is. <3 It's so nice of you to sacrifice your time.

    I am 149 pounds, at 5'5". I am very large breasted (each breast weighing around 6 - 7 pounds) so this affects my weight. I would consider myself leaner but not skinny.

    So the muscle I see in my arms and legs were already there, I just now don't have as much fat hiding them?
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    Im a 6 foot 240 pound man and I am eating 1200 calories a day. I work out 6 days a weak. 4 of those days I do weight lifting and the other 2 I just do cardio. I sometimes burn 1400 calories in a 2 hour workout. Should I increase my calorie intake? If so, where my calorie intake be if my main focus is weight loss?
  • SPHmypal
    SPHmypal Posts: 7 Member
    I had a heart attack in April 2012. Really have to keep up with sodium & fat intake. Would love some advice & or recipes
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    Bump for later!
  • RATTER33
    RATTER33 Posts: 9 Member
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    Love this thread!
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hi Tony -

    Thank you for doing this. I'm a little bit desperate. I'm 43 years old and 222 lbs. I should be less than 184, but feel comfortable at about 175. I'm 6' tall. Here's my issue. I've been wearing a BodyMedia Fit for many months and it shows that my TDEE falls between 2400-3300. I had joined a gym last year and tracked weekly with a Tanita scale and it put my resting cal rate at 1740. I've got a pretty good feel for the days now and where I'll be. 2400 on the bodyfit is a day when I'm at the desk most of the day, but I'm also a mom of two and that keeps me running around wtih "busy" activity even on slow days.

    I am VERY good about tracking calories, weighing and measuring. In my 20's I lost 70 pounds with WW food selection method (similar to ADA diabetes tracking now) and didn't gain it back for over 10 years.

    I've logged for months on end, eating at a consistent calorie deficit with no response - so I give up OR WORSE - resort to carb restriction etc.
    I ate 1500 calories a day for 4 months, and didn't lose a pound even though every-single-day posted a deficit to calories. I just signed up for MFP and it has me relegated to 1400 calories. I'm 5 days in and it's not hard for me to do that, but I get hungry on the days I'm moving all day.
    I bought and just started wearing a fitbit because I'm intrigued by the "calorie zone" the combination of fitbit and MFP will give me. Perhaps I'm not eating enough?
    Is 1400 calories a day enough for me? As I've done before, should I just kick up the exercise? The food I eat is pretty good, but I do have not-so-healthy foods mixed in that calorie count sometimes.

    Please tell me what you think I'm doing wrong, and even recommend an excellent book or two.

    If you can't lose weight, you simply need to cut calories. You're not doing anything wrong, you just need to create a bigger deficit. Nothing drastic, try a 10% cut.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hi. I've been doing this for 2 months now but I have not seen any progress. I weigh and measure myself once a week and no loss whatsoever. My net calories is at 1350 and I exercise 6.5 hours a week. I don't eat very healthily but I try to and I love fruits and veggies. Any advice please?

    If you're not making any progress and your goal is weight loss, you simply need to reduce your caloric intake. Try cutting your calories by 20%.

    Thanks for replying. I did cut my calories by 20% and no significant change happened. I had a 250 cal deficit and now I have a 500-700 calorie deficit so I should have lost at least 1 lb a week but I only lost 0.8 lbs 1 week and 0.6 the next.

    Did your body composition or inches change at all? That's still some pretty good weight loss. See what you average over the month and use that to determine if you want to cut calories again.