Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for February



  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    Peter - It's my entire legs up and down front and back. I did free step and hula first and I mistakenly thought that would warm me up and stretch me out. Any thoughts on how I can speed up the healing process?



    Off hand the only thing I can thing off is take a hot bath, I've heard an epsom salt bath works well. But definately make sure you stretch your muscles in your legs, After you warm up and before you exercise, and especially AFTER exercise is most important to stretch those mucles, while you cool down. (most people forget to stretch afterwards)

    Especially stretch your calves, quadriceps, and hamstrings.

    I always find a steamy jacuzzi works wonders!

    Appreciate the input SkodaGal! Thanks.

    I'm not sure if you do any of the yoga stuff on the WII Fit Plus but I always start my time with the Deep Breathing, Half Moon, and Sun Salutation Poses. They get me mostly stretched out before I start working. I take a minute to stretch out my calves and arms before starting the rest but those really help to stretch everything out. I also do them in reverse when I am finished as part of my cool down (Sun Salutation, Half Moon, then Deep Breathing) :o)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I still love my Wii Fit . Do you know if there are advanced areas in the basic step? I moved up to advanced step because i thought the basic was too slow and wasn't doing anything for me. Should I go back to basic and see if there are other "steps" that you unlock?

    I do the free step at the fastest pace and it still gets me sweating before the end of my 30 minute session.


    PS: I do love the Advance Step and sometimes do it 3 times and it does make me sweat.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I did 10 minutes of hula hoop this morning and had my yoga class at noon. This morning I weighed 152.8 which is a number I haven't seek in too many years. I do my weigh-ins on Wednesdays, so I hope it stays down there or something better.

    A big welcome to everyone new to this forum! Congradulations to everyone doing well and hang in theres to those struggling.

  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you for the info. I also just ordered a platform that raises the board another 4 inches to make the workout a littler harder. I'll post how it does. Has anyone tried it?
  • boscopup
    Thank you for the info. I also just ordered a platform that raises the board another 4 inches to make the workout a littler harder. I'll post how it does. Has anyone tried it?

    My friend has it! She loves it. I know the first few times she used it, she was working pretty hard at the Free Step. And she's an active runner, so is used to doing a lot of cardio. I remember we were talking on the phone and she had to get off the phone because it was too much work. :)
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you for the info. I also just ordered a platform that raises the board another 4 inches to make the workout a littler harder. I'll post how it does. Has anyone tried it?

    My friend has it! She loves it. I know the first few times she used it, she was working pretty hard at the Free Step. And she's an active runner, so is used to doing a lot of cardio. I remember we were talking on the phone and she had to get off the phone because it was too much work. :)

    So I'm in for a workout huh. :tongue:
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Hi guys,
    Skodagirl do you have the regular MFC? i have both that one and the Cardio workout and imuch prefer the cardio one, the instructor in the regulag one is a *****!

    JAM - your comment about clothes fitting is SO TRUE! I have been on MFP for about 2 months and have only lost 6lbs but my clothes fit so much better! i have no actual weight loss this week but my arms, thighs and tummy are looking way better! and a girl @ work said i looked great!!! WOO HOO!!!

    so good luck guys, keep going!
  • TwentyTen
    Thank you for the info. I also just ordered a platform that raises the board another 4 inches to make the workout a littler harder. I'll post how it does. Has anyone tried it?

    Four inches is quite a difference, I'd bet you'll feel that alright. Let us know!

    I've been sticking to my goal quite well, getting in 6 days a week instead of 5. I have at last unlocked the advanced skateboarding, but feel I need a little more practice before I jump into it.
    My biggest success of the week was quitting coffee, and it was terribly hard, still is, I could reeeally use one now to help me finish this day. To have managed to stay off of it thru the whole work week is huge.
    No matter how tired I feel after dinner, I am getting on that Wii and burning some up though!

    Keep jamming everyone, and have a fantastic weekend!
  • tigermom79
    Hi all!!!! Well because I haven't been home since Wednesday my wii minutes are zip!!!! I am going home tomorrow so hopefully can get back on my schedule.

    You all are doing great so keep it up!!!!
  • jawhwilson
    I did my first workout with EA in two weeks because of this whole "stay off the foot" thing. lol. I made a custom work out with most of the sports and a few arm workouts. I did this sitting in a chair, and did pretty well. I actually got a workout, I was suprised but it was nice to get a little work out in.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I did my first workout with EA in two weeks because of this whole "stay off the foot" thing. lol. I made a custom work out with most of the sports and a few arm workouts. I did this sitting in a chair, and did pretty well. I actually got a workout, I was suprised but it was nice to get a little work out in.
    Jawhwilson - that's great, and that's one reason why I talk about EA active because there's many exercises you can do .. sitting down, with sore feet. This is great to get someone motivated and moving, even if they can't stand up and exercise.

    Jane... Make sure you drink lots of water, anytime you get that coffee craving :wink:

    I just finished my customer workout and 30day EA workout # 16 of 20. 660 calorie workout. Off to make myself an eggwhite western omellette.
    Have a good weekend everybody.
  • TwentyTen
    Jane... Make sure you drink lots of water, anytime you get that coffee craving :wink:

    I just finished my customer workout and 30day EA workout # 16 of 20. 660 calorie workout. Off to make myself an eggwhite western omellette.
    Have a good weekend everybody.

    I am trying to do that Peter. Keep bugging me tho! And I admire the 600 calorie burns you do on a consistent basis. One day I will get there.

    I just couldn't Wii tonight, just sooo tired, I'm sure from the coffee detoxing. I did manage a brisk 20 minute walk at least and then did some lively housecleaning, running in place as I did the dishes even, haha.

    Tomorrow I should have the time to get a good Wii burn on!
  • Meehansbride
    Where did you find the platform? I would like to add that in for a bit of a change once in awhile.
  • nightbringar
    When I started doing the exercise to go along with my change in eatting habits. I wanted to be able to do something from the house so that I wouldnt need to leave, since its the middle of winter and didnt want to spend time away from my kids. My wife started using our old treadmill and rather than but a new piece of equipment I busted out the old Wii Fit and discovered that a new version was out so I bought that. I enjoy the added things you can do, and the fact you can have the game determine a workout for you.

    I recently bought the cardio workout game for the wii and wow am i sore in the shoulder area after day one.
  • boscopup
    Where did you find the platform? I would like to add that in for a bit of a change once in awhile.

    My friend got it at Sam's, but I don't know if they still have it there or not. I saw it during Christmas. They don't seem to have it listed online. It was part of a set, but I can't remember what all was in the set. The other stuff in the set was somewhat useless, IIRC.
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    Good Evening!
    I did a looong day of heavy cleaning and took a hike w/ my son on my back and then came home and did 30 minutes on EA active so today has been productive to say the least. Also I am 3 pounds away from my goal weight!!!:happy: I am so excited and I am sooo happy I bought the EA active personal trainer I feel like it is helping me shed those last few pounds and getting down to size. So people with a Wii if you want a game that will give results EA is it!:heart: I cannot believe that in 9 months I have successfully lost 58 pounds. I feel so much better for it.
  • TwentyTen
    Good Evening!
    I did a looong day of heavy cleaning and took a hike w/ my son on my back and then came home and did 30 minutes on EA active so today has been productive to say the least. Also I am 3 pounds away from my goal weight!!!:happy: I am so excited and I am sooo happy I bought the EA active personal trainer I feel like it is helping me shed those last few pounds and getting down to size. So people with a Wii if you want a game that will give results EA is it!:heart: I cannot believe that in 9 months I have successfully lost 58 pounds. I feel so much better for it.

    Wow, I am in awe! Great job!I have about 50 to lose and doing that in 9 months is just incredible! I figured it would take me a year, but seeing you did it in so much less time is real inspiration. I think I too will have to get the EA Active, everyone says it's the best.
    Thanks for the bit of motivation as I am about to get on my Wii now!
    My husband was good enough to give me the raiser for my balance board for Valentine's Day. Now I think he is trying to kill me. I did free step yesterday with it and IT HURTS!!!! But at least I am getting a serious workout!
  • tigermom79
    Good evening all! Made it home this afternoon okay. Weather is turning nasty so am glad got home before it moved in. I am soooooooo going to get back on the wii tomorrow. I have missed not being at home and having all of my "stuff" at my convenience. Hopefully this next week will be calm and things can get back to normal.

    Everyone have a great evening and happy wii ing!!!!
  • TwentyTen
    How's everyone doing this wonderful weekend?

    Welcome back Ann!

    I've met my 5 days a week goal pretty successfully so far. Hard to believe just one more week left to the month!

    Has anyone here done the advanced skateboarding? I may give it a go later and I am curious what i am in for.
    Yesterday I mostly stuck to the Wii routines. It forces me to do some things I normally wouldn't choose on my own, and i like the flow of it.

    CABERLUND, thanks for the warning about the platform riser. When I feel a little braver, I may get one myself. Let is know if it gets easier.

    Keep it up gang!