Weight Watchers vs. MFP



  • Time2LightenUp
    About a month ago My bestfriend and I decided to see whos was working best she was a on weight watchers and I was using mfp and it really help keep me on track and losing weight guess who made a mfp account today. Yep my best friend. Lol So I would say this is the better choice and FREE!! :)
  • raybaileyct
    You will. I lost a total of 23lbs on MFP. I gained by 10lbs but using it again to back to the basics. You will do fine.
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    Plus there's an easy point system you can follow and the points are listed on the products themselves, not just in a book. If not for fresh produce etc, then the info is readily available all over the internet.

    The points are also known as 'Calories'.

    You work out how many points (or 'calories') you can have in a day and add them up.

    There you go!

    :D this!!
  • eidc
    eidc Posts: 79 Member
    I am a life time member at WW but for some reason find counting calories way easier than counting points. I love the MFP app for my phone and you have to pay for WW'S app. Free is good!
  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    i did WW for 3 months after my mom always raved about it. It was easy but i was paying to use a website which was dumb to me. Because after a while you get in your own habit and i never went to the meetings. In my 3 months i only lost 10 lbs. I started MFP in July 19th and Ive lost 22 lbs on here so far. I like this so much better, the support is great and the whole design is much better. Id def. stick with MFP
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    MFP > all

    I third this!!
  • BoltzNBrew
    BoltzNBrew Posts: 24 Member
    I did WW for a while and didn't like it. Tracking is much easier here and am losing steady so MFP is all good. Main knock I had with WW is the "Free" foods that don't count against your daily allotment of points. Sorry but fruits and veggies still contain calories and should be counted.
  • lmores
    lmores Posts: 18 Member
    I did WW for a while and didn't like it. Tracking is much easier here and am losing steady so MFP is all good. Main knock I had with WW is the "Free" foods that don't count against your daily allotment of points. Sorry but fruits and veggies still contain calories and should be counted.

    totally agree with this. I eat a ton of fruits and veggies and work out. There is no way I can eat all I want and lose weight. I joined WW for the accountability, but then I realized I just could come here and make friends to keep me accountable - for FREE.

    ETA: I JUST last week quit WW and joined MFP!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    I prefer MFP because it deals with actual macros, nutrients, calories, etc, instead of some dumb point system created by middle aged women.


    I also got sick of weight watchers, point this, point that and before I knew it I had non left lol!
    It is much better on here and the fact it's free too xxx
  • clarevince
    I've recently cancelled my WW membership and started logging my food and exercise on MFP and I'm hoping it was a good move. I've been an advocate of WW after losing about 10st over the last few years, I introduced exercise about 2 months ago but haven't really lost any weight I fact I gained a little bit. I discussed it with my leader on several occasions and she didn't really have any advice or suggestions about how much more I should be eating depending on the amount of exercise I was doing. Fingers crossed for more success with MFP,
  • EvelynBfly78
    EvelynBfly78 Posts: 240 Member
    I have thought about joining WW. But it cost $. In these poor economic times who has extra money to spend. I guess someone has to pay for the rental space for the meetings, the advertising, website, etc. MFP is FREE. I'm glad someone told me about this site. It's easy to log in my food & exercising. The food database is quite extensive. MFP lets me know my carbs, protein, fats, sugars, etc. based on what I enter in my food diary. It's a great learning experience. I've only been on it since July & am happy with my results.
  • sissy685
    sissy685 Posts: 12 Member
    I did WW for a couple of years. I loved it and lost 60 lbs. The only reason I quit was because I could not afford it anymore. The one thing that I am sad about is all the support you get while you are there is gone the instant you choose not to go back. I am still a huge fan of WW but cant afford the gym and the meeting. I am falling in love with MFP! I feel the two are very similar and its a lot easier to count calories than it is to figure out points.
  • tdhighfill
    tdhighfill Posts: 200 Member
    I prefer MFP because it deals with actual macros, nutrients, calories, etc, instead of some dumb point system created by middle aged women.

    exactly! also the support system MFP you can find people that have similiar goals, similiar hurdles, etc. WW meetings I found myself sitting there wondering "who ARE these people?"....and although only on MFP for about a month now - I am positive that this is the solution to me getting fit.
  • gmpuggles
    gmpuggles Posts: 137 Member
    I'm currently doing both, though mainly keeping track of what I eat here because I like the database better here and a lot of the people here have nice senses of humor. Like a lot of people that have posted, what I like about attending the meetings is the accountability of stepping on the scale and no they don't make a big announcement if you loose or gain unless you yourself want to do a little bragging about it.
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    I went with my Mom all my life to WW meetings as a little kid. Great lesson in nutrition, weight loss, and healthful living as a little kid. I still look back at those meetings as very instructive for my life. That being said I did the WW online thing and bought the books and recipes, but I'm not a fan of the points system. I really just want to know how many calories a day to eat. Foods high in points although I could still eat them felt "bad" and forbidden. It took away the fun in the food. I like the freedom I have now. Literally anything I can have in moderation, The same could be said for WW, but the preception just isnt the same for me. Besides with those "free point" foods, I am one of those people who could get fat on carrots. I can sit down and eat a pound of carrots and not bat an eye. and then move one to the next free food. MFP has helped with learning control and I like counting caloreis. I can insistantly tell if I want to eat something or not vs. WW where Id have to type it in and decide based on the points if i wanted to eat them or not.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    ww is great. but, that being said, they only weigh you. they dont check your pics, fat, muscle gain etc. also mfp is 24 7 support. if i cant sleep or whatever. its great. i cant see ever leaving to go back to ww
  • LisaMarie8713
    I lost 60lbs with WW a couple years ago... but if I'd known about MFP I would never have paid for it again! Love this site!!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I prefer MFP because it deals with actual macros, nutrients, calories, etc, instead of some dumb point system created by middle aged women.

    ^^THIS!!! I've learned a lot more about nutrition this way. With WW, I was all about maximizing the volume of food I could eat with the least amount of points, therefore, I ate very, very low fat and very high carb. My hair looked like straw, and I was constantly hungry. I eventually snapped and swore I'd never diet again.
  • TeriCounts
    TeriCounts Posts: 3 Member
    Very interested in this topic, as I'm currently doing both WW and MFP. Perhaps I'll "weigh in" later with my observations!
  • skinnygal8
    I tried WW, and after four months I lost no weight. It just wasn't for me. I think actually counting calories/exercise will work better for me. My doc recommended this to me!!