People who appreciate their significant others!



  • WeAreWinners
    This is beautiful! I am a hopeless romantic so this is just the best thread ever! *tear.. One day I will meet my soul mate! I hope!
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    My hubby is awesome because he willingly puts up with my *kitten*....especially the pregnancy hormones. Those things make you bat *kitten* crazy. The sad thing is, in High School, I didn't even give him a second glance and even got him kicked out of our school at one point. Strange, yes, but we've both grown up from that time and he is awesome.
  • teletubbie87
    teletubbie87 Posts: 78 Member
    I love my better with a love I never thought possible, not even in fairytales.
    I'm not perfect and is awesome to have someone who tells me I am everything he wants and needs,
    that he couldn't ask to be anywhere else but there with me... he copes with my emo-self and always
    brings a smile to my face even through the hardest times because I know he holds my hand and is with
    me through it all. =)

    I can't explain this feeling.. So I'll just be glad a lot of people share similar experiences, Love is amazing,
    and you only know it when you have found the perfect one for you. <3
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    I've been married for 11 years and still have a crush on him. :blushing: I genuinely enjoy being with him but also appreciate that we have our own interests and are comfortable spending time doing our own thing. He's a keeper and I'm a lucky gal. :smooched:

    The other day I commented that he's still so romantic. He responded that I inspire him to be romantic. Isn't that romantic? :heart:
  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    What a sweet thread! This makes me miss my fiance! We don't get to see each other often right now, only a few times a year :cry: (it's been like this for 3 years now, less than a year to go) but whatever time we do have together, it's like we were never apart. I have never been so comfortable and blissfully happy around anyone in my life. He is the best friend I've ever had. We truly bring out the best in each other. Despite all the **** we deal with, the distance, military woes, loneliness, etc., he is SO freakin worth it. :love:
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I really adore my husband. He's definitely not perfect, and sometimes he gets on my last nerve. However, he loves me unconditionally no matter what and I him. That means everything to me. All the rest is just petty.
  • jerbear67
    jerbear67 Posts: 247 Member
    It's refreshing to see that people out there do apperciated their significate others and have amazing relationships that last! Reading this thread makes me hopeful that the new man in my life and I will have a loving and lasting relationship!!
  • sche1amy
    sche1amy Posts: 86 Member
    I appreciate my significant other so very much. Not only is he the love of my life but my BEST friend. We are truely each others crutch and were made for each other. After just about 5 years we are just as much in love and honestly do not argue or fight :0) People don't believe me when I say that but I don't care because I know the truth. Dave is truely the kindest, sweetest and most caring person I know. After a hard work day he will have dinner cooked with the table set, laundry done and house cleaned. On my days off I make sure I do the same :) We treat each other equal and that is how it should be!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    You're supposed to appreciate your significant other??? Who does that
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    My husband and I were just talking about this last night. Both of us had previous relationships, I was married and he lived on and off with a girl, but when we started dating, we both immediately knew that we were the ones for each other. He is my heart and soul, yes in 22 years we've had our ups and downs, but we stuck it out and are happier now than we have ever been. He is my best friend and soul mate and he calls me his best friend and life partner.
  • fitpilatesqueen
    Cute :smile:
    We hear to many sad stories about relationships
    I have always been in a relationship where I´m the one holding things together, become the slave and waiter, punshing bag so I enjoy being single.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I love this idea!

    Th best way for me to sum it up: I am so incredibly thankful to be marrying my best friend in the whole world. He was my best friend for a year before we started dating, and he has been my best friend ever since. He truly treats me like a princess. I feel I could never love him enough to make him feel the amount of love I feel from him.

    It was so hard for me to pick a gown without his input! You want your best friend's input on the most important dress of your life, don't you?!
  • DebraAukett
    DebraAukett Posts: 128 Member
    Great idea making a thread about how we appreciate our partners!

    My husband is my soul mate and I love him unconditionally. Yes there are days that I want to murder him, but luckily I won't be able to live without him so he is safe :-D
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    My husband is the best. Of course he isn't perfect, but what he does is exactly perfect. There are so many things he does for me, on nights that I am really tired he folds down the sheets, plugs in phone to charge, fluffs my pillow, tucks me in, gets down on his knee and professes his love for me. And I go to sleep to that! He is absolutely precious.
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    My guy, unf.

    He's so perfect. Funny, caring, crazy, a little loud, spontaneous but a little lazy, loves me unconditionally and is sexy to boot!
    He completes me and most importantly helps ME be better. Wouldn't want to go through life without him!