

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thursday, one day closer to the weekend,

    Deborah-I love your schedule for when you eat....I sure do wish I could do something like that, right now mine during the work week is breakfast at 7:45-8, snack @ 10, lunch 12:30-1, snack @ 3, dinner 6-7 ish and last snack @ 8 bed by 9-9:30...now the weekends are a totally different animal and there is no schedule at all...something I will have to work on:blushing:

    Glenda-exercise in a pool must be so refreshing, don't have access to one so it's to the basement for me during the winter months:ohwell:

    Meg- hearing that you cleaned your office made me realize that mine is a mess:blushing: and could really use some TLC. Ahhhh hot wings, I love them and then I looked up the calories on them and was soooo disappointed in how high in calories they are...I really have to plan if I'm going to eat them:grumble: and then I can never really have as many as I want because I really do want a lot:blushing: 4th place in your work contest....the two of you are doing great:drinker:

    Lin- oh I so understand not being able to give up clothes. There are some in the spare room, my "special room" that hubby did for me and the basement that really need purging but when i go and look at them I remember how much I enjoyed them and then i don't do anything just leave them:grumble: I really do need to get ruthless and determine that someone shopping at Goodwill will really appreciate them and let them go.

    Jen- how good of you to plan when you know that exercise might not happen to be aware that your food choices have to be better...sometimes I do a good job of that and then other times:blushing:

    Gail-thank goodness there are always the tomorrows when our eating gets out hand:wink: About dementia....because my parents lived in Oregon and I am in Colorado when we started to notice it it was over the phone in conversations we would have, they would repeat things that they had told me yesterday or even earlier in the conversation that day, they weren't remembering the simplest things either....then came the calls from their friends, church, and doctors to me that I had to get out there because something wasn't right:cry: It was a hard time, I'm sure that if I'd been closer I would have had other signs too but not seeing them very often made it harder to see the changes. Both of my parents were teachers and because they were highly educated it really stood out when the changes happend.:flowerforyou: Congrats on seeing the scale move:drinker:

    jb- awesome sounding receipe...will have to print that off and make it this winter:drinker: Thanks for the tortilla info, When we go shopping tomorrow we will be checking them out as I know hubby is really missing his mexican and I'd love to find the right foods to help him along.

    Michele-sorry to hear that you are having problems with the quality of work those guys are doing on the fence....why in the world would they think doing a "fix" that looks like that is acceptable is beyond me:huh:

    Barbie- Happy Birthday to Jake:flowerforyou: I'm sure that with all your dancing you burn off just about everything you eat, as always you continue to set a good example for us:flowerforyou:

    Lila- how fun for you getting jackets from your sisters:flowerforyou: Congrats on not giving in to the fast food fix that's always a bonus:drinker:

    Liz-hoping you are feeling better soon:flowerforyou:

    Linda-Congrats on finishing up your IRS issue:flowerforyou: Reading that your girls have no problem throwing out clothes that they don't like anymore gave me a smile:happy: My DIL's are the same way and I have inherited some really great clothes from them that I just don't understand why they didn't like anymore:ohwell:

    Amanda-so sorry to hear that your cousin is doing poorly, will add him to the prayer list,:flowerforyou: 34 is so young to have a colostomy bag, my grandfather had one from having colon cancer but I believe he didn't get his until his late 50's or 60's, not a good thing, but he did live until he was 81.

    M-I'm impressed that you will be doing the 5K, I'm not sure even walking would do it for me. I could ride my bike but even then I'd probably be the last one back:laugh: as I'm really slow.

    CSueB- I don't lift weights right now so I don't plan a rest day, I figure that there will be some evening when I get home too late from work or get too busy and so that turns into my "rest" day, otherwise I just keep plugging along. I don't want to lose the momentum because it took me so long to get going to begin with:happy:

    Jadsait-:flowerforyou: Congrats on the loss.

    Kathy L- good luck on your interviews. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you all for your kind comments about my #2 son. Hubby and I are truly blessed and our friends and family are always reminding us of it when they hear about the latest info on our three sons. Son #2 turned 32 on the 4th and Son #3 turned 29 yesterday the 10th...of course they had to remind me how old I am, it's not about them getting older it's all about their Mom getting older, so yesterday I had to remind Son #1 how old he is (35.5) and he too turned it around to how old Mom is...ah kids I love um:love:

    Last night I after I'd had my dinner I had planned for my crustless, sugar free pumpkin and hubby reminded me that I hadn't made him his sugar free jello:blushing: So there I was eating my special treat and he had nothing:blushing: ...so tonight he works until 9:30 but I will have his jello made before he gets home.

    I have some squash that my boss gave me from the garden here at work and I'm thinking I will saute them up with some onions and spices for my dinner tonight I do love veggies so will have to see if all I want are veggies or if I should add a side of fish or Salmon.

    Everyone have a good day, log it if you eat it, drink plenty of water it really does make a difference and let's keep moving:drinker:

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Oh Laura - if you have any good recipes for butternut squash, I could use some. My husband brought home a bunch and I have no clue about them - do I peel them, are there seeds? Do I chop and boil like potatoes? Nothing. Last night I baked the acorn squash, but that was easy.

    Glendlight - wow you sure eat few calories. I've been eating a ton but my fitbit keeps adding a ton back. There is no way I can eat all those calories. My goal was 1420 and I've been eating between that and 1900 on some days this week. I've been doing a lot of physical labor though - helped GotJunk for 3 hours to load their truck with all sorts of debris that was in the woods of my horse property when I bought it 5 years ago.

    Megblair - yes, sneak peeks are disheartening - either I'm light early and expect bigger results on weigh in day, or I'm up and scared to death I'll have a gain or no loss on weigh in day (tomorrow).

    Exermom - When I had a contractor get my horse property horse ready, at the end he asked if he'd missed anything. I said, "Well, the gates on the pastures are supposed to swing both ways, the stall doors should have latches,the barn doors should have handles, and 6 of the twelve light sockets don't work." All reasonable things to point out. He had a temper tantrum and left and never returned to finish the job." Thank goodness I was still holding the last $4000 I owed him or I would have been more mad than I was. Hope you get your fence latch fixed correctly.

    Jabsiat - when I started on this board 60 something days ago I had already lost 4 pounds. I was so envious of the folks who'd already lost 15 or more. I thought it was such a slow process. Now I feel like the time flew by. Congratulations on your lost this week and I hope your time flies by also.
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning Ladies

    YIKES!!:frown: I stepped on the scale this morning and to my dismay I had gained 6.5 pounds overnight.:huh: No wonder I was short of breath this morning. So I guess it will be a big fluid pill and lots of water for me today. I am posting now, because you all know where I will be spending my day after that….:ohwell:

    Nancy- I hope the poison ivy gets better. My husband is so allergic to that I have to take him for injections when he gets it. Be careful and watch that stuff. If it continues to spread seek medical help.

    M- You have my best wishes on the 5K. I think you are amazing for doing this. I can’t imagine walking the 2 ½ miles you ran much less running a 5K. That is a stellar accomplishment. You should be very proud of yourself.

    Kate-SNOW! You are so lucky…I love snow. If you get chance build a snowman for me.:laugh:

    Glenda- you would give my trainer and dietician strokes.:wink: They won’t let anyone go below 1200 calories a day. They say your body thinks it’s in a starvation mode and holds the weight. You have to eat to lose. I know it sounds crazy, but I have found it to be true. Along with getting the 8+ hours of sleep and drinking 8+ cups of water a day. When I do all these things is when I lose the most weight…just sayin’:flowerforyou:

    Michele- so sorry the work results are so frustrating:noway: . It saddens me to see how folks don’t seem to take pride in their work or have a solid work ethic anymore. I hope you get things resolved.:cry:

    CSueB- I struggle with the rest day concept all the time. I feel guilty when I don’t get some form of exercise in every day. But I am told and have read that it is a necessity. I suppose when I get a bit farther into my weight loss journey it might get easier. Right now I feel like if I stray the least bit I will fall back into my old lifestyle and I don’t want that to happen.:noway:

    Hope everyone has a great day...maybe I can get out long enough to post again tomorrow:flowerforyou:
  • kzbpk9
    kzbpk9 Posts: 1
    Good morning. I am new to this group and am recovering from major spine surgery. I am finally to a place where I can focus on getting some weight off again. It has been a challenging year and I have gained 24 pounds since my surgery and was already 50 pounds overweight. Steroid injections and medications have added to my weight challenge. I am looking for friends to help encourage me as I take this journey to become healthier and lose weight. I am so glad to have found this group!
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 309 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I finally downloaded the App for MFP on my phone.:smile:

    Jb_2011: I copied that recipe, Thanks, I’m glad someone asked for it, I thought it sounded good the other day when you were talking about it.

    Michele: Kale chips, I forget where I heard about them, it may even have been here. I Googled it, and it was very simple and straightforward (thank goodness) You just wash the kale, tear it in pieces, put a bit of olive oil and salt bake in the oven at 350 till they start to turn brown on the edges. They are very light and I think addictive. My sister tried them with onion and garlic salt.

    I got a call today from the Arthritis Society with an appointment for next week with some belt type thing she is going to try to keep my brace up. My husband and I rigged up a couple of straps, one around my waist and the other through the top of the brace and around the belt at my waist.I am trying it today for the first time so we'll see how it holds up!:smile:


    October Goals:
    * Track my food
    * Use the bike pedals at least 5 days a week
    * Get to the pool 2-3 days per week
    * Cut back on my drinks on the weekend
    * lose and keep off 6 pounds (I tend to yo-yo)
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    Brrr, it’s still cold out, there is still evidence of yesterday’s betrayal of an Indian summer although the wind has it looking more like ridges of soap suds than snow. The arthritis in my hands reared its ugly head with a vengeance with yesterday’s arrival so I was back to applying heat and doing hand exercises just so I could put my face on! (Could have been ugly otherwise!)

    Well I charged into work yesterday announcing Mama Crankypants had arrived, knowing full well that after the initial shock they would take a verbal round out of me and have me laughing in no time at all. Bless them, they were right on target.

    I know this was a straight emotional reaction but if you think this was bad you should have seem me 20 years ago when we got transferred here from Lotus land,(just outside of Vancouver, B.C.) it snowed the day after we arrived here in October, snowed all winter up to the end of May but then the ultimate insult … it snowed on my tomatoes in August!!! What!! I shouted the house down!! I wasn’t going to live the arctic, I was moving back home!! Hahaha! It has taken me a long time to reconcile to the long and very cold winters here in Alberta (having to plug our cars in so they will run in the mornings) and to be honest, given half a chance I would leave to retire by the ocean.

    My hubby and son took turns trying to fix my computer problems yesterday and I think we are close to a solution; at least I can post again. It kept slipping into other modes while I was trying to write till I was ready to take a hammer to it. Hope to catch up tonight,

    Be warm, choose happiness,
    Cheers, Kate
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    here's a little sumthin' to add to the VITAMIX story~

    the Lucille Ball episode was "VITAMEATAVEGAMIN" ~ it was a tonic she was selling, and promptly got snockered by...:drinker:

    :laugh: janie
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi – decided to do a mid-day check-in – a little bored perhaps. I started out this morning absolutely starving. It appears to have abated now.

    CSue, I’m like you. It’s not quite my rest day – I have stretching to do, but I’m going for a walk anyway later this afternoon with the husband. I suddenly realized I can’t really live on 1200 calories if I do nothing else:cry: .

    Jadsiat – congratulations! You are indeed on the road. It’s cool here too but warming up a tad – I think we’ll get above 60.

    JB, I took a recipe out of Bon Apetite: grind together the peppers and salt (around a couple of tablespoons/lb or so), then let sit in a loosely-covered mason jar for a day. Add a cup and a half of vinegar and let sit for a week or more – the longer, the more deeply flavored. I left mine for about two or three weeks, mainly because I never felt like bottling them. Then strain the liquid through a fine sieve into a funnel into a vinegar bottle/cruet. Done. They recommend letting them rest for another month or so to allow the flavors to develop. DH tried the habanero last night – and said it is HOT but has a good flavor.

    He and his buddies are the types who would dare each other in school to put all the disgusting stuff in their mouths and see who could go the longest without vomiting, so I figured they could go to town with this. I have not made Escabeche but have heard of it. I might try it. I still have a ton of jalapenos that are going to turn if I don’t do something with them. Generally I’m with you – I’ll roast and freeze the peppers, then peel the skins off after I pull them out (skins come off easier because they thaw before the pepper “meat.” Thanks for the info on the tortillas – I’ll look for them!

    KathyL – how awful for your DH! I hope he gets some rest!

    Nancy, how fun! I loved watching curling in the Olympics, and when I lived in Colorado we would watch them play at the World Arena (son played hockey next door at the old center before they tore it down). I’m impressed! Be careful about keeping your arms covered when you’re working out because the sweat will make it spread too. I can’t tell you how awful it is. I don’t have to run if I don’t want to, but I’m a tiny bit stubborn sometimes.

    Cheryl, you can bake your butternut squash in the oven (just slice it straight in half and lay face-down on a cookie sheet), then scrape the seeds out (they come out easier if they’re baked) and scrape the squash out. Saute some shredded apple and a chopped onion and some garlic, then add the squash and some vegetable broth (or chicken), some thyme, and a little pepper. Cook until the veggies are soft, then puree and add a touch of honey (if you want) and top with a little dollop of greek yogurt. Butternut squash soup is so easy and popular these days, probably because it’s so good!

    You can also peel the squash raw (but it’s hard), then add the chunks to any veggie dish. You can also use the baked squash as a filling for ravioli or even as a substitute for anything you would use pumpkin in. It’s pretty versatile and so good.

    Jolene, wow, I wonder what happened! That’s so odd to gain that much weight overnight! Thanks for the good wishes – I know I’m going to need them.

    CathyB, I love that app! Hoping they figure out your brace.

    June, I’m still giggling at your Mama Crankypants:drinker: . You have a lot of stamina to stick out the cold like that. I don’t mind snow but only because I know it’ll be gone. I don’t know what I would do if I lived in a place where it’s there all the time.

    Janie, I remember that episode - so funny:laugh: .

    Well, ladies, I hope you all have a wonderful evening. It’s neighborhood Bunko tonight, so I have to go out to get a token gift. I’m making a lentil-veggie soup that is making the house smell heavenly. I can’t wait for dinner (oh dear, I guess I’m still hungry):tongue: .


  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks for that recipe. I am going to try it tonight and will let you know how it comes out.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Checking in early too!
    I have to work this evening. I am going to go to the gym after work tonight. Maybe, I can geT DD#1 to go with me. DD#2 wont go with me,because she has school tomorrow and she doesn't want to wash her hair again! Everyone is into straightening their hair and for her this takes a long time! :noway: :noway: :ohwell: :ohwell:

    I am so glad that when we were kids there were no hair straighteners,cell phones, etc. I think we will be the last generation of kids who just played outside in the neighborhood till the street lights came on. Played in the dirt, made bike hills out of dirt, made mudcakes,walked to the local stores without being concerned that we would be abducted etc. We are one lucky bunch of ladies to have enjoyed those times. Maybe some of the areas you all live are still like that! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am having to deal with a very immature, smart math teacher at school. My daughter was 2 mins late to class, and she made her go get a tardy slip. The school policy states if after 15 mins late then go to the office for a tardy slip. She has her own rules as to what being tardy is. I would think that the parent student handbook which contains the guidelines/rules for the charter school are the rules, and a teacher cannot make up her own rules? Teachers any thought or knowledge you can to share with me on this? :flowerforyou:

    It is rainy,but not hot here today. A nice change from the 100+degree heat. Mother earth is so happy for the drink from above!:bigsmile:

    Time to go get DD#2 from school. Thank everyone for the lovely recipes. Hope you all have a wonderful friday.:drinker: :drinker:

    I might be back tonight if I cant sleep! :yawn: :yawn: Lol Hugs to all,

    Linda :heart:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening ladies:flowerforyou:

    Laura:smile: What a beautiful story of your son, I really enjoyed reading it!!! What wonderful parents you are!!!

    Jen:smile: looking foward to hearing the good exciting news about DS!

    Gail:smile: It is amazing at the calories in burgers:angry::sad: !

    Susan:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: !! Come in often and chat with us!

    Jb:smile: The recipe sounds delicous...YUM!! Loved your garden poem!!! Thanks for the info on the tortilla!

    Michele:smile: It`s amazing at what people will try to get away with:noway: . I can`t believe they thought their answer to the problem would be acceptable!!!! When we were building our house, the workers scratched my kitchen sink, they told me they would give me a credit for it, I told them to replace the sink, I would be the first person to scratch it, I`m sure they didn`t like me, however I didn`t care:laugh: . I just wanted what I was paying for!!!!

    Barbie:smile: Happy belated birthday to Jake:flowerforyou: !!!! I love reading about your line dancing!

    Lila:smile: Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday, nice visits with family, good shopping and bonus nice coats!!!

    Liz:smile: Sure hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: !!!

    Linda:smile: Yay for getting the refund from the IRS!!!! Chocolate cupcakes made with beets:huh: , let me know how they turn out! I remember playing outside, making mud pies, we used to play in the woods behind our house, that`s where my pretend house was - thanks for bringing those memories back!!!! I had a fabulous childhood, the simplier, easier times:heart: .

    Amanda:smile: Hope you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: . It`s awful to go to the hospital and pick up a "bug" there:frown: . Continuing to pray for your cousin, 34 is so young!

    Gail:smile: Yay the scale was down, despite the burger!!!!!

    M:smile: Wow, I`ll be cheering you on, on your run this weekend!!!!! I did see the moon this morning, a beautiful bright sliver hanging in the dark sky:love: .

    CSueB:smile: Hope you had a good rest day today!!!

    Jadsiat:smile: Congrats on the 1.5 pound gone!!!

    Lin:smile: Your post made me sad:cry: . Alzheimers is so very hard on families:sad: !

    Kathy L.:smile: 10-11-12, I did not realize that til I read your post! Hope the job interview went well!!! Hope your daughter gets a second opinion!!!

    Nancy:smile: Take care of that rash!!! Several years ago I had poison ivy/oak, a lady at my hair salon took a Q-tip dipped it in Clorox and put on it and it dried right up! I was impressed!

    Cheryl:smile: You are one busy lady!!!

    Jolene:smile: Wow 6.5 lb. overnight:noway: , hope the fluid pill worked its magic!!!

    Kzbpk9:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and chat with us!!!

    Cathy:smile: How is your brace doing now? It sounds like it would be uncomfortable!!!

    Kate:smile: Mama Crankypants:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , I may have to borrow that sometime!!! Glad your co-workers got you laughing!!!! SNOW for that long:noway: :noway: :noway: , I could NOT do it!!!!

    Janie:smile: I saw that episode of " I Love Lucy", it was great:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: . Are you back at PT yet?

    Yesterday was a fabulous day, today not so much:angry: !!! I saw so many people yesterday that I haven`t seen in a long time and everyone of them commented on how good I was looking, (I love a good ego boost every once in awhile:blushing: !!!). I have a friend who owns a shoe store here in town and decided I needed to treat myself to some new fall shoes, so off I went, she insisted I try on a couple pair of boots, I used to wear boots all winter, until I gained weight and couldn`t get them to zip up anymore:cry: , I was a little hesitant to try them on but I said okay, they zipped with room to spare:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!!!! She also had me try on some that you just pull on, the kind that come up above the knee:noway: :noway: , I finally managed to get them on by laying on the sofa with my leg up in the air, needless to say I was their entertainment for the day:laugh: , they did look good once I got them on, and they were actually easy to take off, but I declined them, I don`t want to spend that much time trying to get them on, I said I would have to put the boots on before my makeup was on so I wouldn`t sweat it off:laugh: . Today has been quite the opposite, problems arising everywhere, and nobody answering phones to help me slove them:mad: . I`ll have to finish putting out those fires tomorow morning, and hope the day will improve after that!!! I am having comfort food tonight, carrot soup, I just absolutley love it:love: , I could eat it every few days, however I worry about eating too much and turning orange:tongue: , I don`t think that would be a good look for me:laugh: . Well, I think my soup is done, I just need to puree it!!!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous night!!!! Sleep well and sweet dreams!!! Until tomorrow....

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Sundance - your daughter's school allows them to be 15 minutes late?? Is this high school? I know in my daughter's 7th grade classe they can not be over 1 1/2 minute late. 15 sounds like a lot.

    Anyway I am done with my calories tonight. I ate around 1400 but of course, fitbit added so many back to it that it says I still have 866 to eat, and I haven't even gone to do my barn chores yet.

    I don't feel lighter this week even though according to my "reports" I have a 9000 caloric deficit. I can not possibly be burning this many calories. But then again, I go through this every week - and every week I've had a loss. So here's hoping that anything less than 168.8 pops up on the scale tomorrw!! :smile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Bump for today.....very hectic so will check in tomorrow. Take care all! Meg
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello everyone and hope your day was great.

    Liz – I know yours wasn’t but holding out hope that you will feel better tomorrow.

    Linda – the mother daughter sync thing is real, I was over it and then spent a couple of weeks with both daughters and sure enough, we all got in sync together again (and I didn’t appreciate it one little bit – bah humbug to hormones). Anyway that was a few years ago and thank heavens it has never repeated since. So glad to hear your struggles with the IRS are over, having that over your head is unpleasant so I’m sure you feel very relieved.

    Laura – what a joyful history of your son’s life and your pride shows all the way through. And only.6 pounds to go – whooo hooo!!!

    M – will hold the thought of you pushing through that run and actually liking it (or at least liking when it’s over).

    Lin – I love the huskies graphic.

    Kathy – I noticed the 10-11-12 date as well. I was getting my flu shot and the pharmacist was filling out the form when I pointed it out – she looked at me like I was weird and going to do a numerology thing on her or something. Your poor DH, what a long stressful day. And good luck with the interview.

    Nancy – You’re probably right about the poison ivy – it grows like crazy along the banks of the Columbia here. I’ve only had one run in with it but certainly do NOT want another.

    Kzbpk9 – what a handle to type! Welcome and come visit often. We’re friendly and would love the walk the weight loss journey with you,

    Cathy – good luck with the brace, surely they have some solution for you.

    Kate – have you tried the hot wax hand stuff. I know it’s for manicures etc. but my MIL used it for the arthritis in her hands and she really felt it gave her relief.

    Janie – I remember that Lucy episode! It was really very slapstick funny.

    DeeDee – your boot story made me laugh. I have a pair of Hunters that I can get on ok but getting them off requires much assistance (I don’t wear them often because of that). Hey, I wonder if they are easier now I’ve lost weight – hmmmm

    Had a good day at work writing a grant application for our town Age-Friendly group. They are really starting to get people out socializing and exercising so I hope the funding comes through for them.

    Better go make dinner, yam is probably roasted so I’ll do some carrots and a small chop. Yam and carrots, my dear old mom would have had words with me about the lack of colour variety on the plate. Maybe I should do green instead of carrots. I still really miss my mom even though it’s been 36 years now. I hear her voice in my head occasionally (and it’s always welcome).

    Time to go, got to get the water back up. I sort of avoided the full amount while I was away (travelling distances with a full bladder is very dodgy). So now I need to build up the levels again.

    Hope you all have a great Friday and will check in tomorrow evening. Bye for now
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Apple-butternut squash (or pumpkin) soup

    1 medium onion, diced
    1 butternut squash (about 2 pounds), peeled, seeded, and chopped (cut in half and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees for easier peeling and chopping) or equivalent amount of pumpkin
    3 red or golden apples, cored and chopped
    1½ teaspoons ground cumin
    ½ teaspoon ground ginger
    ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
    ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
    2 cups homemade or store-bought low-sodium chicken or vegetable stock
    2½ cups water, plus more if needed

    1. Put onion and squash in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add chicken stock, cook, stirring occasionally, until soft, about 10 minutes.

    2. Add apples, cumin, ginger, cayenne, black pepper, and the water (just enough to cover). Bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, and cook until vegetables are very soft, about 30 minutes.

    3. Puree in batches in a food processor or blender until smooth or don’t puree and just serve it chunky, and return to saucepan. Heat for a little longer, thinning with more water if necessary.

    4. To serve, ladle into shallow bowls; garnish with diced apples, jalapeno slices, and sour cream if desired.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Linda, choose your battles with the math teacher and go out of your way to notice her strengths and cultivate a good relationship with her…..have your daughter do the same….you may be right but it’s more important to help your daughter create a good relationship with her teacher…..come from a place of love

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Autumn is here is NW Washington….the trees are many beautiful colors….I zipped the quilted lining into my dog walking coat……the temperature before dawn was 45 degrees and by mid afternoon was 49 degrees….Jake started weatherproofing the yard and will plant bulbs tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: The dance I taught this morning was “Have You Ever Seen the Rain?” and the weather report says that we’ll be seeing the rain for the next week or more. This afternoon I took a 2 ½ hour walk on the Olympic Discovery Trail with a friend and enjoyed all the fall colors and brisk weather.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    Resolutions for October
    *yoga once a week
    *walk with hubby three times a week
    *say “OK”---be agreeable
    *stay in the moment
    *Be Barbie
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member

    THANKS for the Chile Verde recipe~ it sounds AMAZING! and for the info on the tortillas. i'm looking forward to trying it.

    janie :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    barbie - some of the eliminations on DWTS are so weird! I honestly think the judge's votes should count for much more since they're the experts, we aren't. We know who we like, but this shouldn't (note the word) be about popularity, but the dancing. Keep us informed about Jake, OK? Wish him happy birthday for me, too

    ot oh...getting another hot flash.....

    Liz - feel better fast!

    Linda Sundance - congrats on depositing that check! Seems all your hard work really paid off.

    Yesterday at the gym I had an experience that I've never had before. I was on the treadmill and, thank goodness, I was almost finished. This guy comes up and starts to use the treadmill next to me. No big deal. Only he SMELLED, and I do mean horribly. I've never had something like that happen to me. Did about 45 minutes of The Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD today. Tomorrow I'll go to the deep water class. Guess since there isn't yoga before then, I will go earlier and swim some laps.

    They started putting the tile on today. In one way I sort-of wish we'd been able to get a darker color, but I really didn't want the entire wall to the raised deck to be a dark color. As it was, there was really only one choice of tile for us. For one thing, we wanted something that had 3 variations so that we could use an accent so that severly limited us. We could have gone for one other one that had 3 variations, but it would have cost A LOT more and as it was this pool has gone over what we budgeted for. The other one we were considering had only 2 variations. Well, I do like the changes. The pool owner came here and didn't seem to have a problem with changing things. He then talked to the guy who does the fencing and we got the impression that this guy is going to try to do it as cheaply as possible. Which in a way I can understand, these changes are coming out of his pocket. But I also know Vince and he is going to be a harda** and get it done right. We did pay for some of the change orders and gave them another check today, but it did not include the fencing. I kow Vince, and he won't pay until it's done to his satisfaction, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if after they were done, he took a level to the fence to check it. He can be OCD that way, but in some ways, that's good.

    We watered the part of the backyard that they fertilized and seeded. It takes a little over three hours to do it. To be honest, I was a bit surprised they didn't have a seed spreader, they just mixed fertilizer with seed and by hand threw it on the ground. Well...

    Amanda - hope you and dh get better fast. That's just terrible about your cousin. Vince had part of his colon removed, but they reveresed the colostomy.

    mwheatcraft - good luck on the run. I'm with you, I'm not a runner by any stretch of the imagination. I just don't find it interesting or fun at all.

    Made some pumpkin spice muffins today. The tile guy said that it looks like it'll be a 3, maybe 4 day job. Honestly, he isn't real fast, but he's very thorough.

    jb - I like the LaTortilla tortillas

    wessecg - oh, the fence latch will get repaired, for one thing by law it has to be self-latching. And I know Vince, and he won't pay one penny until it's fixed to HIS satisfaction. As a matter of fact, there is a short part of the fencing that goes from our detached garage to the sidewalk - maybe about 2 feet long. Anyway, it's not level. When the pool co. owner was here today, Vince pointed that out and said we'd live with it (it really doesn't look all that bad), the pool co. owner said "no, it'll be taken care of". Then Vince pointed out the other part of the fence that isn't level and how the posts had been bent so that the latch would close and told him that that was unacceptable. The owner agreed, Vince said that he doesn't want anyone here to work on the fence until the guy who has the company that does the fencing is here. Trust me, Vince WILL NOT let them get by with anything. Good for you holding onto that check. That's why we didn't pay for any of the fencing.

    Welcome kzbpk9

    Cathy - ingenious way to keep your brace up! Maybe you should think about patenting it???

    Linda Sundace - when I think of my childhood and my children's I feel so sad. I remember getting up, going out, coming home for lunch, going out to play, coming home for dinner, then going out to play, and coming home to sleep. I remember drawing hopscotches on the sidewalks, playing jacks and hangman, riding my bike all over, so many good memories.

    DeeDee - yea for the boots!!!! I can just seee you trying to get that second pair on....lol

    Well, better get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Everyone is so busy! Love reading all the posts and wish I had time to reply, but work is keeping me in a chair way too long each day already. If I take the time to reply to all, I would never have time to exercise! As it is, I'm not getting anywhere near enough and am starting to feel sluggish.

    We went kayaking on Monday- probably for the last time this year:cry: (I may try to talk DH into going this weekend if the weather cooperates). We went north and the leaves were beautiful. A great workout and very restorative at the same time. We are going to try hiking and cross country skiing more this winter. I really love being outdoors- even with colder temps and snow.

    I really need to get a handle on making exercise a priority and getting it in everyday. I'm already up at 4:45am, so mornings don't work for me. By the time I get home I am ready for supper and then need to wait a while before exercising. It never seems to happen after that- always have work to finish along with chores. Today I am going to have a better afternoon snack so that I can exercise before dinner. I really need to get a routine in place asap!

    Thanks to all who post. I always check in before work and in the evening- as well as in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. I WILL start replying as soon as I get off this rollercoaster:ohwell:
    Deb A
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!

    Sounds like everyone is making progress and developing good habits for a healthy lifestyle! Welcome to the newcomers! This group has lots of encouragement and wisdom.

    Finally over that fall cold I had, got back to Jazzercise and got a bike ride in. It was a bit cooler than I anticipated so I only rode for 30 minutes. I will have to put the bike away soon so I am trying to get in any time I can on the bike! Nothing like the outdoor rides. I thought about trying a spinning class... Anyone tried that???

    I felt like I got into an eating rut this week. All of a sudden it just seemed like such a chore to plan, pack and be healthy. I did make a new recipe last night with Quinuoa, black beans, pineapple and cilantro. It was tasty, but more of a summer side dish. Tomorrow I will peruse some recipes and change my meals up a bit!

    My DD #1 will be off to Myrtle Beach for Rockette rehearsals soon. DH, DD # 2 and I are planning to travel to Nashville to see her in the show at Thanksgiving. Many NYC holiday travels in the past so I am hoping Nashville will be less hustle and bustle! The show is at the Grand Ole Opry and I hear the holiday decorations at some hotel in Nashville are not to miss. I will try to get in a honky tonk club and maybe a day trip to the Shiloh battlefield. Gotta book the hotel this weekend!!!

    Thank you Kate for your ending comment "Stay warm; Choose happiness". LOVED it!

    Weigh in tomorrow. Another week with a healthy lifestyle change in the books.

    Take care,
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I lost exactly one pound - 167.8. Sadly instead of elation I am so wishing it was a bit more. I don't think I'm going to burn more calories in any given week then I did this week. I could have eaten more but I already ate more than I wanted to. I wish it really was just calories in / calories out - then my caloric deficit would have been almost 3 pounds.

    Listen to me whine - last night I was afraid there would be a gain and this morning I am complaining about it only being a one pound loss. Geez.

    I'll start over - YAAAYYYYYY - another pound bites the dust.

    Hope everyone else who weighs today has a loss!!
