Is Diet Coke bad for the body?



  • Yes. There are loads of chemicals that make it tasty, but the artificial sweeteners and aspartame and such the like are actually worse for you than normal Coke. Try water.:smile:
    Good luck with reaching your goal!
  • When dieting, don't drink too much soda... they are high in sugar. Diet soda's
    contains plenty of "hidden" calories that make you feel hungry. So moderation is the
    order of the day.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    For everyone else:

    ADI stands for Average Daily Intake.

    The FDA sets the ADI for aspartame right around 1/100 of the lowest known dose to cause any ill effects in lab animals. Also consider that this would be a dosage limit if you were to consume this amount every day for the rest of your life.

    50mg/kg is the current ADI for aspartame. One can of soda contains on average, 180mg of aspartame.

    How this works out in terms of soda: 50/180 * bodyweight in kg = approximate number of cans of soda that would be considered a safe threshold to stay under.

    For me, at 182lbs, this is about 23 cans of soda per day.

    For those of you drinking 2 cans per day, that's just some perspective.

    I do think it's not a good idea for tooth enamel, and I do not think there's anything nutritive about it, but if you enjoy it, and you don't get headaches, and you don't suffer from Phenylketonuria, I don't think you have any legit concerns about it regarding aspartame.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member

    Dear lord (no pun intended), beliefnet??

    "Aaron Tabor, MD is an anti-aging, weight loss, and nutritional cosmetic expert. Check out his Beliefnet blog here."

  • Hellguy76137
    Hellguy76137 Posts: 53 Member
    Is Diet Coke bad for the body? Does it slow down weight loss?

    Yes. The artificial sweeteners are chemicals and since the human body is not made to process chemicals, nor does it produce those on its own, they should be avoided. Slow down weight loss? Not sure but why put something in your body that you don't need? It seems like a waste of energy to me.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    How this works out in terms of soda: 50/180 * bodyweight in kg = approximate number of cans of soda that would be considered a safe threshold to stay under.

    For me, at 182lbs, this is about 23 cans of soda per day.

    Wow nice try pulling a fast one!

    it comes out to 22.9 cans per day, 23 would be over your threshold!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I gotta say, this thread is a real eye opener.

    Possibly not for the reasons you are thinking.
  • A studie found in rats that had un natural sugars with there meals ate more claories through out the day because they still got the sweet sensation and it sent a signal to there brain so Yes Diet anything will hurt weight loss in the long run. The rats who ate regular sugar desserts with there meals stopped when they were full. I will find the published article in my office and tell you where it was done.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    How this works out in terms of soda: 50/180 * bodyweight in kg = approximate number of cans of soda that would be considered a safe threshold to stay under.

    For me, at 182lbs, this is about 23 cans of soda per day.

    Wow nice try pulling a fast one!

    it comes out to 22.9 cans per day, 23 would be over your threshold!

    I backwash. It evens out.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    For me, at 182lbs, this is about 23 cans of soda per day.

    Challenge accepted.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    A studie found in rats that had un natural sugars with there meals ate more claories through out the day because they still got the sweet sensation and it sent a signal to there brain so Yes Diet anything will hurt weight loss in the long run. The rats who ate regular sugar desserts with there meals stopped when they were full. I will find the published article in my office and tell you where it was done.

    How does that relate when people are tracking calories?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    A studie found in rats that had un natural sugars with there meals ate more claories through out the day because they still got the sweet sensation and it sent a signal to there brain so Yes Diet anything will hurt weight loss in the long run. The rats who ate regular sugar desserts with there meals stopped when they were full. I will find the published article in my office and tell you where it was done.

    How does that relate when people aren't rats and are tracking calories?

  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I dont think anythign is ruining the world. Im just saying; ingestign things into your body that aren't natural IS not GOOD for you. The opposite good is bad. This inst rocket science.

    Just because a food isn't "good" for you doesn't mean that it's "bad".

    ??? :noway: ????

    That sentence was quoted out of context. Did you read the rest of it?
    Just because a food isn't "good" for you doesn't mean that it's "bad". Diet coke may not be loaded with vitamins and minerals, but it doesn't have anything detrimental in it. In fact, I would argue that if you HAD to categorize it as good or bad, it would be good since it contains water. And it's certainly better than regular Coke.

    Translation: Food can be neutral, neither beneficial nor detrimental.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    aspartame is the work of the devil.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Yes. It's terrible for you. If you drink it, your insides will rust, and eventually, you will implode. Ask the millions of diet coke drinkers on the planet. They'll tell you.

    I had to cut back to about 2-liters a day. I rusted all the way through my motor mounts and imploded twice.

    Seriously though, I've been drinking 1-2 liters a day for several years, maybe 20-ish years. Diet soda will bloat you more than regular soda because of the extra carbonic acid (carbonation) and cause you to retain water a bit due to the sodium. It will NOT rot your teeth because it's the sugar not the carbonation that causes tooth decay. The jury is still out on the health risks of aspartame, but if the worst reports are to be believed I should have three arms, an extra limb and a cancerous growth on my back that would make The Hunchback of Notre Dame jealous. I don't. I'm just fat, but consistently losing weight while sucking down 1-2 liters a day. Fat wise, yes, diet soda can be an issue. In most people it will do some weird stuff because of the aspartame and make you a bit hungrier than normal.

    In short, diet soda isn't perfect. It can bloat you, make you retain some water, and make you hungry, but it's much better for you than straight soda. Water is the best, but diet soda isn't horrible either.

    But don't take my word for it. Listen to the Mayo Clinic:
  • xtrout
    xtrout Posts: 193 Member
    Yes, i think so because it contains aspartame, which causes cancer, among othere perservatives, such as carmel coloring.

    +1 Yes the aspartame is what can get you. Diet Coke is laden with chemicals. Good for weight loss over full sugar Coke - Yes. Healthy for you? - No Way.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Oh sweet jesus, yes!!! Soda diet or not is bad all the way around. It can hide fat deep in your bones, muscle mass and over time it can age your heart, kidneys and take a toll on your vascular system. I'm a a diet Pepsi person at heart but when I read what even 1 sode a day can do long term to your body, I limit a soda to maybe once a month a best. I also found when I quit diet sodae, I lost 5 pounds over a month without chaning anything except skipping the soda. My mom was a "Diet Rite" fan for a lot of years and I told her to try skipping the soda, she was amazed at how much lighter she felt.

    That's my '2cents'....

    Wow.... just wow....

    I'll admit, this is the first time I've ever heard of 'fat deep in your bones'
    " over time it can age your heart, kidneys" LOL know what doesn't age your heart and kidneys ... time LOL fat in your bones who comes up with this stuff?
  • Musicianess20
    Musicianess20 Posts: 21 Member
    Generally I would say no...however someone close to me lived and breathed diet coke for years and recently suffered some serious dehydration issues. As far as weight loss is concerned, I would say no...unless you're getting more of it in than water. Happy Trails. :)
  • Thanis90
    Thanis90 Posts: 63 Member
    Is Diet Coke bad for the body? Does it slow down weight loss?


    It contains aspartame, which is known for causing cancer.