Is Diet Coke bad for the body?



  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    It's not good for you at all. Clearly, we have some soda addicts who think it's perfectly safe, but they're horribly mistaken. With that said, we're all putting something bad into our bodies, so just drink up (in moderation) and enjoy.
  • anapestic
    anapestic Posts: 169 Member
    Every morning, I get out of bed, get dressed, take the dog for a 1.5-mile walk, shower, get dressed differently, and get a Diet Coke on my way to the office. And it's not until I take the first sip and feel the acid burn of the Diet Coke that I feel alive and ready to face the day.

    Caffeine is addictive. The last time I decided that it was bad for me and went through withdrawal, I had a couple of days of headaches, then the headaches went away, and I waited for the promised sense of euphoria and well-being, and it DID NOT HAPPEN. Mostly I just felt mildly tired. A couple of weeks later, I decided I'd have a Diet Coke in the morning, and OMG was that a great day. The best way to deal with caffeine addiction is to keep having caffeine. Caffeine really isn't heroin.

    I lose weight if I ingest fewer calories than I burn. I gain weight if I ingest more calories than I burn. Artificial sweeteners don't give me headaches. If they significantly increased the incidence of cancer, the epidemiologists would have figured that out by now. There are a hundred things in my environment that may marginally increase the chance of cancer and that don't make me any happier. Diet Coke may, or may not, carry an itty bitty health risk, but it helps me control my calories and lose weight, and it makes my day so much better.
  • otiris81
    otiris81 Posts: 6 Member
    If you just have one once in a while you won't die from it. However, the stuff they substitute sugar with is known to leave a vast majority of people with a greater hunger feeling. I have one every now and then on weekends when I eat out but I don't drink it at home and that works for me. But I wouldn't drink a bunch a day.
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    I have a difficult time deciding if posts are serious or not..:)

    Serious? No. Extremely stupid and unhelpful to OP? Yes.
  • jonilynn70
    jonilynn70 Posts: 145 Member
    Oh sweet jesus, yes!!! Soda diet or not is bad all the way around. It can hide fat deep in your bones, muscle mass and over time it can age your heart, kidneys and take a toll on your vascular system. I'm a a diet Pepsi person at heart but when I read what even 1 sode a day can do long term to your body, I limit a soda to maybe once a month a best. I also found when I quit diet sodae, I lost 5 pounds over a month without chaning anything except skipping the soda. My mom was a "Diet Rite" fan for a lot of years and I told her to try skipping the soda, she was amazed at how much lighter she felt.

    That's my '2cents'....

    This is the issue as outlined above. Maybe not the "deep in the bones" part as I don't believe bones hold fat. It's more than being about the artificial sweeteners. They are in almost anything we eat or drink to watch our weight. From Crystal Light which is said to be "healthy", to coffee creamer, too many to mention. But the rest of the ingredients in this drink, as well as regular soda, are unnatural and absolutely bad for our bodies. I am a 24 year addict of soda - 15 years of diet soda - and just quit 11 days ago. I finally read enough and decided it was time to stop. I have taken up some coffee and the rest is water which is totally foreign to my body!!! All the years of drinking soda I never drank water except a bottle during exercise. Good luck to you - I say give it up and opt for something more natural or that at least has some benefits to you vs. this chemical concoction. OH AND IN ADDITION, I have found it to me much more of a mental addiction than a physical one now that I have given it up. My mind always wants to get one but my body has not craved it :) Just have to beat that mind over matter issue.
  • txbiker3616
    It has been known to promote kidney stones along with Dr Pepper and Mountain Dew!! I have slowed down (not stopped) :flowerforyou: my intake to one Diet coke a day because of PAINFUL kidney stones.
  • txbiker3616
    It has been known to promote kidney stones along with Dr Pepper and Mountain Dew!! I have slowed down (not stopped) my intake to one Diet coke a day because of PAINFUL kidney stones.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I dont think anythign is ruining the world. Im just saying; ingestign things into your body that aren't natural IS not GOOD for you. The opposite good is bad. This inst rocket science.

    Please all knowing and powerful OZ tell us what value added benefit we get from ingesting chemicals contained in the likes of Diet Soda.

    What Good benefit do our bodies derive from this list below?

    2. Phosphoric Acid

    3. Caffeine (synthesized)

    4. Acesulfame Potassium

    5. Potassium Benzoate

    First, if your "source" is Dr. Oz, your argument is thereby invalid. QED.

    Did know our body is MADE from CHEMICALS? OMG! Phosphoric acid is found naturally in milk, eggs and plenty of other things. Phosphates form the basis of our DNA. Phosphates are needed to grow crops and sustain life. Diet coke also has SODIUM (about 20 mg, or about 1% of what's in a can of vegetable soup). You can just call those "electrolytes" if you want to be like the energy drink companies. Aspartame is also made up from natural substances that occur in the human bodies. And like many "chemicals" our bodies break it down the minute we digest it.

    The National Cancer Institute believes there is no link between aspartame and cancer but you know, go ahead and quote Dr. Oz some more. Love it. You should probably stop drinking water because it's a compound of two elements. Or maybe if you want to stick to "natural" foods go ingest some uranium or cyanide as both are plentiful and naturally occuring. Cyanide is also organic. So enjoy.

    Doctor Who...who the F is Dr OZ? I just listed the chemicals found in Diet coke..... And you failed to answer the question...What added value do those extra Non naturally occurring synthesized chemicals bring to you...???

    BTW... RJ Reynolds said cigarettes had health benefits and believed it. Is it really that hard to just accept the fact that eating non natural things arent the best for us?

    ---->>> Im not telling you not too <<<

    I eat crap all the time every day. Im just saying its not good for you. And the person Im quoting.... If you jump to another conclusion like that you better wear a parachute. Next time I wont catch you!
  • jesindc
    jesindc Posts: 724 Member
    I think it is one of those, "everything in moderation" type things.

    A friend at work was drinking something like 12+ diet cokes a day (no exaggeration -- she would start drinking them first thing in the morning and continued drinking them through dinner), and she started having weird neurological symptoms. She was seeing doctors & getting all these tests done b/c she thought she might have MS, but it turned out that her body was having a weird reaction to all the diet coke she was drinking. She stopped drinking diet soda and within a week or so, the symptoms went away.

    But honestly, the average person isn't putting down a case of diet soda a day so i think that is probably a very rare story.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The amount of alarmism in this thread is downright scary.
  • warsenic
    Diet coke poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses.
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    Diet drinks is not really good for you. If you want soda, diet is the way to go, but doesn't mean you can abuse it. There's aspartame which is not really good for you, causes migraine on some people, and then there's the caramel color which is not good for you.

    diet drinks should be something you drink once in a while, not all the time. would be good post workout though.
  • Neese76
    Neese76 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm addicted to Diet Coke!!! I hate to admit it but its I've been able to keep the weight off so that's not an issue, but is it good for me probably not but what is these days?!?!?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    The amount of alarmism in this thread is downright scary.

    and there's loose change EVERYWHERE
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    The jury is still out according to this article:

    Several years ago, I easily drank a liter or more of diet coke a day. I haven't had any in years, and no longer even like it. I kicked it by approaching each decision about what to drink by asking myself "What is the best drink for my body?" Usually, the answer was water or herbal tea.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I would think anything that you can use to eat corrosion off of a car battery with wouldn't be good for you to drink.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    What Coke and Diet Coke campaign ads want you to believe, smiling happy polar bears:


    What's really happening with the Polar Bears since drinking diet coke:


    That's why they're CGI'd now!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    This is an exert from an 8 year study on people consuming both regular and diet pop by Dr Fowler in which there were higher levels of weight gain associated with diet pop. "People think they can just fool the body. But maybe the body isn't fooled," she says. "If you are not giving your body those calories you promised it, maybe your body will retaliate by wanting more calories. Some soft drink studies do suggest that diet drinks stimulate appetite."

    This is one studied artifical sugar in mice: In the mouse study, researchers fed aspartame, a calorie-free sweetener used in some diet sodas, to diabetes-prone mice. One group of mice ate chow to which both aspartame and corn oil were added; another other group ate chow with only corn oil added.

    After three months, the mice that ate aspartame showed elevated blood sugar levels.

    "These results suggest that heavy aspartame exposure might potentially directly contribute to increased blood glucose levels, and thus contribute to the associations observed between diet soda consumption and the risk of diabetes in humans," said study researcher Gabriel Fernandes, professor of rheumatology and clinical immunology at the university.

    I am insulin resistant so I stay clear of all pop and the research seems to agree. If you however have no health concerns then the choice is up to you and if you are already watching and logging your food intake you probably know best if diet pop fits into your plan.

    Good point. Another perspective:

  • warsenic
    I would think anything that you can use to eat corrosion off of a car battery with wouldn't be good for you to drink.

    It's good that the gastric acid in your stomach is so much stronger.
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    What about that old saying "Everything in moderation"?