Husband don't like skinny women



  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    i know OP is serious...but still, this is so silly!

    Yeah I agree. Lol, I literally didn't know which to giggle at more, the insecurity or don't vs doesn't.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Fat and skinny are not the only two options.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    My husband PREFERS big girls. Not just girls "with some meat" but big. He also watches BBW p....well you know. I have always been big. I was 200 and 5'2 when I met him, but I ballooned to 282 at my heaviest (I was also 9 1/2m pregnant with an 11lb baby boy) but still normally range between 255-265. I am down to 229 and I asked him what weight he would like to see me at. He says, "200"...Pfttt I want to be smaller than that. He told me if I lost too much weight it would bother him. Why can't more men feel like that?
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    Fat and skinny are not the only two options.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    *enters thread*

    I don't want a third strike....

  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I do quite a bit. Even though my husband tells me he loves me no matter what I weigh, I still think that he won't find me attractive once I get to my goal weight. He seems to think that I shouldn't weigh less than 150 lbs, but technically that is still overweight for my height (5'3")
  • magairlin
    magairlin Posts: 93 Member
    Don't worry- he will adore you- especially if you are the mother of his new healthy son or daughter
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Fat and skinny are not the only two options.

  • Jelaine56
    Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
    I just read that you were diagnosed with diabetes too. If he can't support you losing weight to better yourself and lengthen your life then it doesn't seem like a great situation.

    If he loves you now he will love you when you're fit.

    feel the same
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I might violate my mancard when I say this, but some guys just say that so they're heavier wives don't feel unattractive to them. Take my word for it - whatever your body type is what your husband is into. :wink:
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    You aren't going to get skinny on accident.
  • jgm379
    jgm379 Posts: 97 Member
    Hy husband is the same way. He likes me thick - not fat not skinny. In general my husband likes his woman to look like a woman, not a little girl. FYI we have 5 daughters.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    What do you and your husband define as skinny? My husband likes women with some meat on their bones as well. He loves me no matter what my size. He loved me when I wore sizes 18 and 20 and he loves me just as much now in a size 10. If you are losing weight for your health, that is all the more reason for him to be supportive. Losing weight doesn't mean you have to get into a size 0 or 1 as your ultimate goal. I want and need to lose more weight, but I don't want to be super skinny. I still want some curves. Skinny does not equal healthy. A healthy lifestyle equals healthy.
  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    Mmm, I am sure your husband is a lovely man and loves you very much. But we are all human with our irrational fears. Do you think there might be a bit of insecurity there? Does he maybe (subconsciously) fear that once you lose weight, you might become 'too' attractive?

    I may be completely wrong and I am only suggesting this because my very good friend is overweight and in her case it also affects her health, but her husband really doesn't want her to lose weight and even jeopardizes it by bringing home all sorts of high-calorie goodies. He was honest enough to admit that he was afraid that once my friend loses weight, other men might become interested in her.

    If you have a really good relationship you can share your fears and make sure that he feels comfortable about the healthy changes in your life. Your health is paramount here, especially as you have Type 2 Diabetes which is likely to become much more manageable once you lose weight.

    And I agree, there is a big difference between skinny and in healthy weight.

    Best of luck on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • shimewazaMan
    Hey there. You're husband is going to love your body along with the rest of you regardless of the shape of your body. My wife's body has changed over time, as we all do. At one point she was extremely thin and now she is definitely more curvy. I have always thought that whatever shape she was in at the moment, that was the hottest she has ever been. And even though she is not necessarily happy with her current shape, I think she is the absolute hottest woman on the planet! (And, no, she is not on this site! So I am not just putting that out there for her to see! LOL)
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    My boyfriend prefers meaty girls as well.. so we sat down and had a look at some celebs and discussed who was too thin, who was just right, and who I look like now. The build that I want to achieve is exactly where he said I should stop (it's a lot thinner than I am now, but more toned-looking as compared to 'starving'). We also agreed that while I want to lose weight and gain some muscle, it's not what he wants for his body so as long as he's not being forced to 'diet', he's fully supportive. Some of his apprehension was that he didn't want to be forced to count calories, exercise with me, or feel bad for eating 'normally'. It's turning out well so far - I'm slowly losing, he's maintaining. He checks with me if I have workout plans for the evening before organising anything. He encourages me without being pushy, and I sometimes ask if he wants to come for a walk, knowing full well that the answer will be no!

    We've both agreed that if his health deteriorates I will force him to join me, but for now, this makes us both happy!
  • laylasmommy67
    laylasmommy67 Posts: 38 Member
    My SO doesnt like thin women either :/ he even got me pregnant when I lost a bunch of weight so I would gain weight back...wouldnt change it for the world, I have a beautiful 4 week old, AND I am actually smaller than what I was his plan backfired..hehehe

    He is afraid that I will leave now we have to have better communication to let him realize this isnt the he is a boob man...and generally bigger women have bigger
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    I think if you're hubby truly loves you, size won't matter!
    this is the perfect answer!!! Tell him it will be like being with a new woman lol
  • Ginnyesq
    Ginnyesq Posts: 109
    If my SO dared ever make me feel bad about losing weight I'd lose an immediate extra 180 lbs by kicking his hiney out.
  • Pimpmonkey
    So my Husband is the type of man that don't like skinny women. He likes his women with a little meat on them. He don't like them fat or anything but def. not skinny. I have gotta lose weight for my health, me, and our future baby (so I can have a healthy pregnancy). Its still in the back of my head that he won't like the new me. And I know I shouldn't worry about this but I don't wanna lose him. He says he will still love me but I don't want it to change things between us.

    Am I the only one that feels this way? Has anyone else has this problem?

    You are gonna have to have a little faith in him. He says he will still love you, give him a chance to still love you, before you freak out.