Scared to Get Pregnant...



  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    see,one day when i decide to have a kid, im not worried about the weight,like on what to expect when expecting i wanna be the "magical pregnancy unicorn" lol im more concerned about the excruciating pain that happens during labor!
  • VickyJo68
    VickyJo68 Posts: 90 Member
    Hun there is no logic to it. I put on 50lbs when I had my son, but only 1oz (yes that right) with my daughter. If you want a baby then you just have to go with the flow and deal with what it throws your way.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I am expecting currently, baby #7. There for a few years, while I was busy, overwhelmed, and not paying attention, my weight crept up. But once I decided to get off my butt and work on it, I got back to my healthy, normal weight (after baby #6). And this time, I have MFP to help me out! I have continued my workouts, I am tracking my foods (my calories are set to maintenance, and I'm paying special attention to salt, sugar, and protein intake), and I have lots of support here. I'm pretty confident I'll get back to where I was.
    My friends list is full of mommies who are healthy and look great!
  • Igneous
    Igneous Posts: 12
    I've seen some women bounce back at times even "better" than before, their "secret" is eating the right foods, supplementing (calcium, fish oil, prenatal etc) and believe it or not having a healthy and consistent workout regimen. Don't skip out on the most wonderful joy you can ever have. I'm not a woman but I did gain 30 lbs of sympathy weight, I wouldn't trade her (my daughter) for the world. I enjoy now setting life goals and examples for her to follow all while becoming a better individual. :glasses: I hope this helps, good luck to you and yours.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    I would love to experience the miraculous wonders of pregnancy and childbirth..however I have been running from the possibility everytime I think of how much weight I would gain. I've heard some people have gained 90 pounds! Seriously??!!?? I've also heard it's ridiculously hard to get off. The basic motto is either you've got "the snap back genes" or you don't. :( Is this true?

    If you are worried about how you would look after having a kid, it is better for you to have a child young due to skin elasticity. The younger you are, the faster your skin will snap back into place. The older you are, the longer it takes and it can take up to 2 years in most cases. Every age after 30 your skin elasticity will decline.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I am currently 28 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. I had an OB/GYN appointment yesterday, as a matter of fact. My previous Doctor's visit was exactly 4 weeks prior. In that 4 week time span, I haven't gained a single pound. And that's in the Second Trimester. Most of your weight gain is in your control. If you eat right and exercise, really all the weight you do gain is literally the weight of the baby and the placenta. You will literally lose 15-20 pounds within minutes, just by birthing a child and it's placenta and the fluids associated with it. And weight gain, really, can be limited to just the Third Trimester, so long as you are eating right and exercising.
  • jhandur
    jhandur Posts: 19 Member
    I started my pregnancy with a BMI of almost 30 and at 32 weeks I'm up 14 lb. I had gained 18-19 lb but due to some pregnancy complications I was put on a special diet where I lost 4-5 lb in a short amount of time. If there is one thing that I found motivates me to eat right it’s that I now have someone else who depends on me to do so for their own wellbeing. Just keep an eye on what you eat and remember that pregnancy is not a free pass to eat all of the junk food that you want.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I would love to experience the miraculous wonders of pregnancy and childbirth..however I have been running from the possibility everytime I think of how much weight I would gain. I've heard some people have gained 90 pounds! Seriously??!!?? I've also heard it's ridiculously hard to get off. The basic motto is either you've got "the snap back genes" or you don't. :( Is this true?

    You don't ahve to gain weight when you are pregnant, thats a choice, people decide to eat whatever they want because they "are eating for two". However around 200 calories is enough extra a day.

    And obesity is actually one of the biggest causes of complications at child birth
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I have 2 children - I had my son at 31 and my daughter at 33. I must've gained about 35lbs with my son, at least, despite working full time up to 36 weeks (as a teacher so on my feet all day), going to the gym 4 times a week and being careful about what I ate. I think the thing for me was that I had just lost loads of weight for my wedding, and I hardly ate carbs, and then when I was pregnant my body craved carbs. So although I didn't overeat, I just ate like a normal person, carbs just do not agree with me.

    I lost all the weight though, by exercising and eating healthily, and then I got pregnant with my daughter when my son was nearly 14 months. I was shattered, working, and had a toddler to look after, and felt really nauseous, so again i ate too many carbs, and I wasn't able to exercise as much. I put on a lot of weight.

    I was 35 this week and I'm now slimmer than when I got married, so it is possible to lose weight!

    I'd like to try for a 3rd baby next year, and hopefully by then i'll be as slim as I want to be. I'll just exercise as much as possible and continue to log my food on here.

    I think some people just gain weight more easily than others when pregnant, so I'd be prepared to gain a bit. It is possible to lose it though!

    I was upset to have gained weight, but I have 2 beautiful children, and I'm looking good now, so it was worth it!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I would love to experience the miraculous wonders of pregnancy and childbirth..however I have been running from the possibility everytime I think of how much weight I would gain. I've heard some people have gained 90 pounds! Seriously??!!?? I've also heard it's ridiculously hard to get off. The basic motto is either you've got "the snap back genes" or you don't. :( Is this true?

    You don't ahve to gain weight when you are pregnant, thats a choice, people decide to eat whatever they want because they "are eating for two". However around 200 calories is enough extra a day.

    And obesity is actually one of the biggest causes of complications at child birth

    Oh, and despite the fact that I ended up gaining weight, i've had both my children naturally, easy fast labours (got to hospital 10cm dilated with my 1st), just used gas and air, and didn't even need stitches either time.
  • MeccaLoves2Sleep
    MeccaLoves2Sleep Posts: 43 Member
    Kaiser Permanente is in the midst of a study that looks at calorie counting when you are pregnant. It focuses on gestational diabetes and prevention.

    Since I need to get pregos soon (as 35 is creeping up) and consulted my doctor who said they'd put me on a reduced calorie diet- enough for baby and specific nutritian. My other gal friend was alson on it and she was a healthy weight before and really was all baby while pregnant. We weren't sure the calorie thing was a good idea becasue she looked so great and only gained 25 lbs. We wondered about baby... well she just gave birth to a 10 lb baby and still looks fab! Point being baby is healthy and so is Mom.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Thats great. Just I think a lot of poeple say to themselves

    I'm pregnant, I can eat what I want. That isn;t the case. Also, you can find women who eat loads, gain a massive amount of weight will ahve smaller babies, as they are not eating the right food.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I have had 3 children and I loooooove them dearly. I have never had a perfect body. Who has one?? You can control what you eat when you are pregnant. childbirth is a miracle and it made me less concerned about my looks and made me realize what is truly important. What is important to you? I guess that is what you have to decide for yourself. Having children also makes you way less selfish because you have to think about your kids first. Having a perfect body is really not important as long as you are taking care of yourself, eating right and exercising. Holding each of my babies in my arms after giving birth is the very very best feeling I have ever ever felt in my entire life. Who cares if you have a little extra fat on your body.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    As many women have said, you don't need to put on any weight at all. For me with the sickness (9months of it with each), I lost 7lbs with both my children, ending up thinner both times after pregnancy than before. Just watch what you eat, make the majority of it healthy and have a few treats (like you probably do now).

    In my opinion the time to be extra careful is after the birth. You will be tired with a newborn and sometimes a take away and a few energy drinks can seem far more appealing than cooking. Be prepared, cook and freeze in the last few months and you'll be fine.

    As for exercise, in my first pregnancy I swam ALOT. Great for giving your body a break from the weight. Second pregnancy I wasn't allowed do anything due to risks to the baby.

    Don't let fear of how your body will change stop you having children, you'll never ever look at your child and regret 1 stretch mark (I didn't get any because I drank loads water, exercised and used loads and loads of vitamen E body butter) x
  • I would not be scared, fat comes and leaves, baby stays If you have a man to get pregnant from go ahead!
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    Go to Fat2Fit radio, they did a whole show on pregnancy which would be worth a listen!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Yeah, some people gain a lot but you don't have to. I only gained 25 pounds with my first two kids lost all the weight within a year and 20lbs extra the 2nd time (of course then I gained 45 pounds the 3rd pregnancy but that was also mostly gone in a year).
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    I would love to experience the miraculous wonders of pregnancy and childbirth..however I have been running from the possibility everytime I think of how much weight I would gain. I've heard some people have gained 90 pounds! Seriously??!!?? I've also heard it's ridiculously hard to get off. The basic motto is either you've got "the snap back genes" or you don't. :( Is this true?

    I completely understand and this is one of the MANY reasons I'm not in any rush or barely interested in spawning. I can't see the logic in working off all this weight and then just gaining it back even for the "magic" of being a mother.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I was terrified about the weight gain when I found out I was pregnant in 2010! I was the smallest I had ever been and I was so afraid that I would never be able to lose the baby weight, that my body would change forever, etc. I stuck to a pretty healthy diet during my pregnancy, and I didn't deny myself when I was hungry but certainly didn't embrace a hog-wild "eating for 2" mentality. I gained less than 30 pounds and was under my pre-pregnancy weight within 5 months or so. Bottom line is, you have to gain weight when you're pregnant (under most circumstances), but if you overdo it, it'll be much much harder to recover afterwards.