Dry Wit? Geek / Nerd? Need Friends / Support? Me Too!!



  • I've apparently started quoting Firefly in my sleep... Which is better than me telling my boyfriend the return policy for a games store :\
  • Bianca1972
    Bianca1972 Posts: 19 Member
    New around here and am totally a Nerd.

    I'm 39 for 20 more days -- oh the horror!!!

    I also need to loose more than 100+ pounds...

    I was laid off in 2005 and now I'm working full time, I've never recovered the difference in pay (even though I am only 2 miles from home now). I'm also married and have a house and two teenage stepsons who eat like there's no tomorrow!

    To say that money is tight is a severe understatement -- so getting that gym membership or some hand weights is kinda out of the question. My husband is concerned about how this is going to affect him -- i.e. will he have to eat Fat Free salad dressing or Fat Free Sour Cream... MEN!!! :-Þ

    I need all the support I can get. :o)
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I'm a geeky 45 y.o. Englishman living in the States. I have to have my BBC America to get my fix of Dr Who and Top Gear. Red Dwarf is available on Amazon Prime too - got my 13 year old son into that! He goes around the house singing "it's cold outside, no kind of atmosphere..."

    ETA - this might help:

  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member
    I guess I can be classified as a geek and/or nerd.. I'm working on a new tabletop rpg that I'll publish hopefully March of next year. >:) I write electronica... grew up watching original series Star Trek w/ my dad, but Deep Space Nine was always my favorite. Worf/Dax, the best love story evar.
  • gse313
    gse313 Posts: 252 Member
    Litl, richard, (ok... now that's a little funny) Bianca, Radey, Mercury, and anyone else I may have missed... let me officially welcome you to our little asylum. We are all slightly twisted, some may consider us crazy even. In all reality we know we are the "Normal" ones, It's the rest of the world that's nuts!!! lol
  • gse313
    gse313 Posts: 252 Member
    Ok... here's a question for the group... what SciFi Actor or Actress have you seen in a non SciFi role that just made you think... Ok... maybe they ARE ok in other genre...

    For Example: Kevin Sorbo: Hercules, Andromeda, Kull, and Soul Surfer?!?! But it worked!!
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Ok... here's a question for the group... what SciFi Actor or Actress have you seen in a non SciFi role that just made you think... Ok... maybe they ARE ok in other genre...

    For Example: Kevin Sorbo: Hercules, Andromeda, Kull, and Soul Surfer?!?! But it worked!!

    Can't help on this! Only watch sci fi! If there's no space ship in it. I won't watch it!!
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    How did I miss this thread!
    Tomorrow me and my fit club friends are having a Doctor Who Marathon! My Bestie just recently started watching New Who on Netflix with me, now my 3yr old God Daughter is a fan and tomorrow we finish up Tennant and start Smith!

    I dress in garb and do medieval weapon combat with foam weapons in tournaments.

    I play D&D.

    Wish I could say I was a Trekkie, but I am working on that, about to start watching them.

    I have a Harry Potter Tattoo... yep.

    Also, I have 100lbs to lose myself :D
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Duh, Shatner in TJ Hooker...oh, wait, you said "ok in another genre". Nevermind!

    Not. that. he was. so. great. in Start Trek, either. Just a classic icon with a unique style. :smile:
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Duh, Shatner in TJ Hooker...oh, wait, you said "ok in another genre". Nevermind!

    Not. that. he was. so. great. in Start Trek, either. Just a classic icon with a unique style. :smile:

    OH! I just remembered Shatner in Boston Legal was fantastic! Nathan Fillion in Castle, Adam Baldwin in Chuck, Gina Torres in Suits!
  • Justamanatee
    Justamanatee Posts: 9 Member
    I love this post! :)
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Ok... here's a question for the group... what SciFi Actor or Actress have you seen in a non SciFi role that just made you think... Ok... maybe they ARE ok in other genre...

    For Example: Kevin Sorbo: Hercules, Andromeda, Kull, and Soul Surfer?!?! But it worked!!

    I remember watching Deep Space Nine because it was Hawk (Avery Brooks) in space, then I got used to him in the new role.
    Rene Auberjonois - Father Mulcahy and Odo
    Armin Shimerman - Quark and he does being a judge well
    Richard Dean Anderson Or are MacGyver and Jack O'Neill not far enough apart?

    Do Milla Jovovich and Clancy Brown count?
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    How could I forget Colm Meane!
  • Have Nerdism, I do.
    Friend request sent...
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    I'm a geeky 45 y.o. Englishman living in the States. I have to have my BBC America to get my fix of Dr Who and Top Gear. Red Dwarf is available on Amazon Prime too - got my 13 year old son into that! He goes around the house singing "it's cold outside, no kind of atmosphere..."

    ETA - this might help:


    Totally a nerd then! I'd put a sad face, except I'm actually pretty happy the way I am XD. Can't exactly say I've watched Red Dwarf, but I do love my Monty Python. Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings were my HUGE obsessions, and the Legend of Zelda. I've considered many times over the years getting a Triforce tattoo - just haven't done it yet! Either way, friend requests sent, feel free to send one to me if anyone so chooses :-)

    Also - forgot to add- I totally think the Twilight Zone counts as nerd-ism, and that's one of my all time favorite shows! All the mention of Shatner reminded me ;-)
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    I also loved Quantum Leap!! I thought Dr. Sam Becket's quantum leap theory, and how he got it, was amazing!! "Imagine your life is this string, your birth at one end and your death at the other with all the days, seconds, moments of your life in between. Now if you take that string and ball in up tight, every point intersects with countless others..."

    Just started thinking about Scott Bakula as Sam Becket and I am now hyperventilating a little bit.

    Ok - nerd/geek over here. I work in IT, love Dr. Who (pretty sure Amy Pond's character was taken after me), Eureka, Stargate (I have a special love for Universe), too many other shows to name...
    Ok... here's a question for the group... what SciFi Actor or Actress have you seen in a non SciFi role that just made you think... Ok... maybe they ARE ok in other genre...

    David Tennant in Fright Night
  • Nerdphiliac
    Nerdphiliac Posts: 136 Member
    ...You're looking for nerds?
    Well, I don't have a clue where you'd find someone pertaining to that nature... ;)
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    I need to lose IN EXCESS of 100 lbs... as Gabriel Iglesias puts it, I'm a size DAMN!!! lol

    I don't know what or who any of those shows or people are (so I probably don't qualify), but THIS comment alone made me crack up. :flowerforyou:
  • Ok, so I'm an "Old Fart" at 39...

    I am a "Whovian" who clearly remembers watching Tom Baker on PBS back in the 80s...

    The short run and British SciFi shows like "Misfits of Science", "Blakes 7", or "Red Dwarf" still hold a place in my heart.

    "Benny Hill" and "Dave Allen At Large" STILL crack me up.

    I need to lose IN EXCESS of 100 lbs... as Gabriel Iglesias puts it, I'm a size DAMN!!! lol

    If you think you'd work well in the asylum I call my friends, Drop me a request!!

    Damn, here I was thinking I was gonna find another nerd, you're already my friend! LOL. Anyone who falls into this category- Add me too!
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    .....love Dr. Who (pretty sure Amy Pond's character was taken after me), Eureka, Stargate (I have a special love for Universe), too many other shows......

    Now this! My mom turned me on to all of these shows! Now we sit and watch Alphas, Merlin, and Haven like Syfy is prime time television!