I'm never going to be thin or fit...



  • vikramvazirani
    You either want to do it, or you don't. You either will, or you won't. Whatever happens, it is YOUR decision and only you are responsible. Many have done it before you, so it IS possible.

    What he said. Gotta admit, sticking to 1200 calories on a non-workout day sucks (assuming 2lbs loss per week) so hit the gym more often. A 30 minute cardio workout (elliptical+running) gets you an extra 300+ calories for the day!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Two days is not the end of the world... Just promise yourself tomorrow is a new day... And start again. Every day is a new start! Amazing huh... Don't get many chances like that in life, x
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    Every day, people trying to get healthy have tiny moments of weakness, and absolutely berate themselves for being “bad.” Then, they allow that one fleeting moment to absolutely derail any success they’ve had by making additional bad decisions because “it’s too late at this point.”

    I’m going to teach you a little trick today to instantly stop this behavior and allow you to continue down your path towards a leveled up life.

    It’s called the “Get the **** over it” rule, and it’s sweeping the nation.
  • duncnmollysmom
    NO ONE ever gets "thin" by improving for a day and no one ever got "fat" by falling off the wagon for a day. So you goofed. Accept it. It was an off day. Tomorrow will be better. My personal mantra: "I will do better today", I say it when I get up. I say it when i work out. i say it when I decide what I'm eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner...DESPITE whatever my humming-bird-metabolic-rate husband and kids eat. i am worth the effort.

    Guess what.

    You are too!
    put down the cheetos and pick up an apple.
  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    Start with small goals try adjusting your diet just slightly healthier or reduce the amount of food if you don't feel you can afford the so called healthier stuff. jumpingjacks"side stradle hops", push ups crunches, jump rope, lunges. are all pretty free and if you do them fast will give you a decent burn. these are just a few options for ya. I keep my comment constructive and not bag on excuses :) /hug you can do it!
  • yogini_runner
    Two days is a drop in the bucket of 365..... get back on it tomorrow! You can do it! It's the first day back that's the hardest, but you can do it. You're the only person standing in the way of what you want to accomplish! :)

    Exactly what she said. You have this!
  • Britt_Duffy
    Britt_Duffy Posts: 40 Member

    Every day, people trying to get healthy have tiny moments of weakness, and absolutely berate themselves for being “bad.” Then, they allow that one fleeting moment to absolutely derail any success they’ve had by making additional bad decisions because “it’s too late at this point.”

    I’m going to teach you a little trick today to instantly stop this behavior and allow you to continue down your path towards a leveled up life.

    It’s called the “Get the **** over it” rule, and it’s sweeping the nation.


    You win for posting this. Everyone starting out on their weight loss journey should be forced to read this.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Giving up is the only unforgivable sin. It's cliche but true. As long as you draw breath, there's hope. As long as you don't quit, there's hope. This I've learned the hard way over the years. Being fat doesn't make you a loser, giving up does.
  • jnblatchford
    If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Do you know how many times I said that to myself? Do you know how many times I was wiling to accept the fact that I would be over weight forever. Finally I realized that wasn't okay. I owed it to myself to be healthy and to love myself. I was 252 pounds and thought that I would never have a skinny/fit body. I didn't think it was in the cards for me. But it was. I just had to work hard. I went from 252 pounds to 128 lbs. I love myself and I am so happy. I'm glad I didn't let that voice in my head win.

    Don't listen to that voice. Be strong! It's not going to be easy, but it will be so worth it!
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    A negative atttude is recipe for destruction. Think positive and baby steps, try one meal at a time. It just means you need to find what will work for you. Only bring in healthy foods, surround yourself by postivity and move on. Eat 6 smaller meals so you do not feel the need to chow down endlessly. You can do it, you've already took the biggest stepping, joining!
  • Healthy_gms
    Healthy_gms Posts: 24 Member
    Hunny, you've got to change your perspective. I don't know what you need to do to change that mindset you've got, but find some stories, find some inspirational shows online (assuming you have good internet access, you're posting here, so I think the internet can be a good resource), reach out like you're doing here but ask for or give yourself room for hope. I give you propers for giving us bare bones honesty, but you've got to believe in yourself, own your situation, choices, and feel powerful enough to over come them.

    I live with a roommate who makes different diet choices than me, and feels differently about her weight than I do though we're a similar size. I have a serious social relationship with food. I'm uncovering a lot of yucky feelings to make this journey. I've enlisted a friend that has lost 100 lbs to be my accountability coach in October. Her belief in me makes a huge difference. I'm just starting out, and it looks like you've made a lot of progress with 45 lbs lost, did I read that right?!?

    Gym - I let my memberships lapse for financial reasons a couple months ago. I am learning yoga poses online for strength, and to increase flexibility. Doing a plank challenge, and sit ups are all things you can do at home, there's lots of things you can do at home with very low cost things (can't buy weights? Fill gallon milk jugs with water, use bags of rice for lower weights). I'm getting out to walk more, walking is great. Add some stairs, add a hill or two, vary your terain, do walking fast and walking slower, borrow a friends bike perhaps. If you don't know anyone with a bike -- www.meetup.com is a free site to join local meetups around your area. You can start making friends that have done what you want to do, or are in a similar boat as you. Eventually, you'll make a friend that will loan you a bike. =) It's that type of determination and positive feelings that will help you feel better and not so doomed.

    Make a list of barriers, and then brain storm (with help or by yourself or both!) ways to solve all the barriers for yourself.

    If I can help you, please feel free to add me on MFP. I'm a processed foods junkie, slowly getting off it. I'm not a 'short and sweet' responder, as you can tell. But, please feel positive about your life, your choices, and how you want to live. You can do anything you put your mind to. It was my roommate that pointed out to me several places I'd succeeded at life (a move, education, work, etc.) and deBUNKED my fear of failure (at starting with a personal traininer a few years ago), and that's stuck with me (seeing as how that conversation was in a women's restroom at large chain hardware store, beside the gym I was going to 'interview')!

    You can do this, we all can, with a little help from our friends - as the song goes, right?
    Keep us all posted when you start to feel better!! We'll all want to know.

    E-mail if you'd like.
  • joyous504
    Sounds like a lot of "can't" and not enough "CAN". I don't have a gym membership - I walk M-F, 3.5 miles at 5:50 in the morning before work because my evenings are unpredictable and no one will want to make plans that early in the morning. You CAN afford healthy food. Shop a local farmers markets, fruit baskets or WalMart for that matter, you don't have to shop at Whole Foods. Fruits and veggies aren't expensive, what kind of healthy food are you looking to buy?

    I have been at this since January 2nd. I woke up that morning and said I'm NOT going to be fat anymore. I have 20 lbs to go, but for the first time I can walk into a store with my skinny sister and fit into the same clothes just a larger size. I fit into clothes at the Gap for the first time in my life.

    I get upset when people say they can't lose weight, when really they just aren't trying hard enough. Bottom line is, you have to make a concious choice as to what you put into your mouth every single day, all day long. If you won't do that, then you won't lose weight. Once you get the hang of it, you can have whatever you want in moderation. Simple as that.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Ate like a cow today, second day in a row...Losing motivation.

    I honestlyjmight just give up on the whole weight loss thing and admit I will be fat forever.

    And that attitude is what got me to the weight I was when I started MFP.

    Don't be like I was, because you don't want to get where I've been, weight wise.
  • ADT83
    ADT83 Posts: 6 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    I made a soup last week, with all organic ingredients for $25... and ate it every night for a 5 days in a week. That is $5 a meal. I also do the same thing for lunch everyday at week, and for breakfast too. It would be awful if I didn't enjoy the things I'm eating, but thankfully I do. You just need to get creative.

    Do Yoga at home, on your computer.
    Buy some free weights from a 2nd hand store or a garage sale.
    Check out local gyms and/or classes for special deals and discounts.

    Your ego is too loud today. If you want it bad enough, you can do it. Simple as that.
    We all have hard and bad days. Times where we fall out of motivation, but all and anything is possible. There is no room for negativity in self improvement, it will out make all that weight feel heavier on you.
  • jedikrissy
    jedikrissy Posts: 106 Member
    Wow!!! I don't mean to be harsh but it sounds like you need a cold hard slap of reality in your life right now!!!!!! It is your choice not to be healthy!!!! NO one forces you to eat like a cow! How about stop eating like one!!!! Healthy food is not more expensive, I spend less on food now than I did when I ate bad food. You don't need money to lose weight. There are tons of videos of yoga, and aerobics and so on for FREE on the internet! I am poor as crap, I have student debt up to my eyeballs and have two part time jobs and I am looking for a third. SO STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOUR SELF!!!! You are just looking for the easy way out, and to do it without feeling like your giving up.

    New's flash if you quit for these reasons, you are giving up and are choosing to be unhealthy. I used to have the exact same attitude, it was everything and everyone's fault I couldn't lose weight. Then I finally decided to really try and not make excuses. And wouldn't you know it, I have saved money by eating healthy, I have lost 45lbs and 22inches off my body in six months! Oh and all I did was walk, ride my bike and did FREE yoga off of YouTube!

    Sorry if this seems a little harsh but it needs to be said. YOU are in control of your life! YOU control what you eat and how active you are in your life!

    SO DON'T GIVE UP!!!! Pull yourself out of your pity party and take charge of your weight loss goals!


  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I have tried to lose weight and failed so many times! This time I am finally sticking with it and just because you are eating healthy doesn't mean you can't have a slice of pizza or ice cream one day. It just means you have to eat these things in moderation.
    I have lost 53lbs on MFP but 87lbs overall so far. I still have 63lbs to go but I am not going to let that get in my way of succeeding and finally feeling good about myself! You can do this, it may take a while but it is doable! Best of luck to you!
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...
    I can't afford alot of that stuff either, so I do workout videos. You can get one, like Jillian Michaels for $10-15. Keep the walking up and walk longer until you can afford what you need. The bad food you can afford, eat less of that. Replace it with cheap good foods: Fruit, salad, etc. Focus on what you CAN do and what you HAVE accomplished, not the negative.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    You've got access to a computer, looks like. There are a lot of free workouts on YouTube. I'm doing the 30-day Shred from there.

    Walking is good. Walking fast is better.

    Do the best you can with the foods you can afford, and remember - packaged, processed food costs more per pound than simple food (potatoes much cheaper than potato chips, for example). Look into frozen vegetables. They are often cheaper than fresh and maintain a good percentage of nutrition.

    Treat yourself the way you deserve to be treated.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Okay. This is clearly a pity party. Boo hoo poor you. Yes, you will never be thin and you will always be fat. Why, because you have already decided that, so that is your fate. No one can do the job for you. So, suck it up. Eat right and do your exercise. And, you do not need a gym.

    1. Run around the block once
    2. 25 - 50 pushups
    3. 25 - squats
    4. 25 to 50 lunges
    5. 25 - 50 crunches.
    6. Plank for 5 min

    Repeat for one hour.

    You will lose like crazy.

    Stop the pity party and just get it done.