I'm never going to be thin or fit...



  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    P.S. - I'm talking cost per pound, not cost per package. A package of chips is less expensive than a pound of potatoes (to stick with the same example), but a pound of chips would be much more expensive than a pound of potatoes.
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    It's hard being fat
    It's hard staying in shape
    It's hard either way, pick your hard, or press the Esc key.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    This is a great post by one of my MFP buddies. Remember that each meal, each snack is your chance to turn it around and make the healthy decisions.

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    I lost 50 pounds just walking. I've gained some back because I stopped.

    and I eat mostly fast food and frozen, because I don't have anyplace I can really cook. Just pay attention to the calories and you'll get there. You don't have to eat clean or have a gym membership to lose weight.
  • ifixyospeech
    ifixyospeech Posts: 25 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    then eat less!!!!!! put the money you save on not pigging out on a ****-ton of food toward a proper sports bra! buy veggies in season (significantly cheaper). do some research, for ****'s sake. clearly you have internet access. put in some time and find out how to make the best of what you've got. whining and giving up aren't going to change anything. sorry for the tough love, but some people need a reality check and i HATE excuses!
  • eleanorgrant
    I go to the local meat shop where the meats and poultry are much cheaper than in a super market, me and my husband have joined together as a buddy system and motivate each other. I am the one that prepares our meals everyday and count the calories.... He works so I =pack his lunch everyday as well.. We have a budget I have to meet every week so I get creative ALOT,
    Try these simple things for maximum food benefit for the dollar,,, for meats, go to your local butcher shop or meat market( I can get 40 lbs. of chicken for$ 25.00..... AND your local fruit and veggie stand instead of super market....I spend about $20.00 there every time I go and fill up my frig... all together under $50.00 and still have money for the dollar tree for spices and odds and ends. MOST of all my husband leaves his car at work and we walk together in the morning to his job and I turn around and come home and I do the same at night as well ...(and I have a new car ) my car stays parked in front and I use my two feet on nice days... Try it,
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    i understand what you're saying. junk food and fast food, are cheap and convenient. but they don't keep you full. healthy food seems more expensive but it takes less to fill you up. you just have to adjust to it. a lot of times people don't eat out of hunger, but for any other number of reasons. if you try to only eat when hungry, and stick to the healthy food, a lot less will make you more full than the junk. farmer's markets are inexpensive and you can get tons of fresh produce. chicken is almost always on sale! just look for the cheapest cut. bone in chicken breast was $.99/lb the last time i went to the store. that's much cheaper than most bad food. popcorn is cheap. stay away from the butter and salt. water is always cheaper than every other beverage. i make my own bread for about $1 a loaf. eggs are about $1.79 a dozen. and peanut butter is a must have.

    peanut butter

    this takes care of meals any time of day - and a week's supply for just 1 person would cost you about $25-30. do you spend less than that on junk food and fast food each week? probably not.

    also - free exercises:
    walking - including walking up and down stairs - don't do it leisurely, you have to get you heart rate up
    body weight squats
    push ups
    lunges - and walking lunges (and try them weighted, meaning hold something above your head- a textbook, your laundry basket, anything)
    flutter kicks

    good luck to you and don't give up
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    if you keep that attitude you will be fat forever. but if you just realize this is a lifelong journey, and everyday you have to work at it, you can be thin. you will have bad days, you'll want to pig out and not exercise. but it get's easier. challenge yourself. don't give up
  • sissypunks
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    i don't have that stuff either wear 2 sports bras 3 for 10 at wallmart go outside and walk get on utube they have many FREE video workouts some food is cheep that is good for u oatmeal plain min oats and a small bottle of honey great breakfast keep u full and taste good to u can do it i know what u mean about the money thing but it is possible just walking and watching portions take a good look at the grocery bill and cost of some low cal food that is what i had to do also my hubby is the only one working and we have 4 kids stuff is not cheep i get it but anyone can do it if they want to bad enought only U can make the disision if u r ready or not slipp ups will happen but just get back up and start over it is possible !!:smile:
  • emmagallo
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    Waaaah. Stop making excuses. Either you want it... Or you don't. There is hiking... Which is FREE. Walking... Which is FREE. Go to a community pool... Which is FREE. You work hard for what you want. BTW- I've lost 85 lbs in about 8 months. Yes, its hard... But its sooooo worth it if you just TRY. I have my days where all I want to do is eat CRAP, but then I pick myself back up and keep moving along.

    Don't mean to be so harsh... But people need to stop candy coating it. Life is hard...

    Cage the Elephant... Ain't No Rest for the Wicked:
    Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked,
    Money don't grow on trees,
    I got bills to pay,
    I got mouths to feed,
    There ain't nothing in this world for free.
    I know I can't slow down,
    I can't hold back
    Though you know I wish I could,
    Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked,
    Until we close our eyes for good.
  • bodyjammin85
    bodyjammin85 Posts: 34 Member
    How much do you spend on other things? I mean internet, cellphone, other food, video games, dvds, any other expenditures. How is it expensive to eat right? If you don't spend the money on junk, you will have some money to buy veg, even if you can't buy organic, you can buy the regular stuff. Don't buy soda, drink water from the faucet.

    As for exercise, others have already said that you don't need a gym to workout. Body weight exercises, local parks with monkey bars and other equipment.

    If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Walking is free and if you won't buy anything but bad food, fine - eat less of it. This site is free; count your calories and eat a deficit every day.
  • moreORless50
    moreORless50 Posts: 261 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    take some time and look at what cheaper foods there are thats what i did your be surprised what meals you can make on a small budget . i dont go to a gym all i do is walk watch what i eat and have lost 20 lb since august 10th its doable even on a tight budget and dont punish yourself for haveing some bad days we all been there its gone and done with, tomorrow is a brand new day :happy:
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Ate like a cow today, second day in a row...Losing motivation.

    I honestlyjmight just give up on the whole weight loss thing and admit I will be fat forever.

    Good luck with your hospital bills when you are older.
  • MrsGSR
    MrsGSR Posts: 88
    I've bought 5 cans of different beans for about £5, and whizzed them together to make a bean soup, eating it for lunch each day next week, healthy lunch for £1 a day. It counts as 2 of my 5 a day, and is low in Kcals and Carbs so for tea I can be a little bit more lenient and eat whatever I'm making my husband (just a much smaller portion!) Frozen Veg is cheaper than fresh veg and a lot nicer than canned!

    As someone else has said, there are some really great exercise videos on Youtube, a lot of them just use bodyweight. Walk everywhere you can and take the stairs more. When your watching TV go up and down the stairs during ad breaks.

    You will lose weight in no time :)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I don't mean to be a d!ck but less food = less expense, and healthy food doesn't have to be difficult to afford. Single-serving, fast-food meals are actually more expensive per serving than making a pot of soup/chili, grilling some chicken breasts for the next couple days, or frozen vegetables.

    Okay, so it's the truth, you'll never be thin or fit.... if you keep eating the way you do now. I don't even want to tell you how many times I cried myself to sleep *wishing* to be in a different body before I siezed control and changed it.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Ate like a cow today, second day in a row...Losing motivation.

    I honestlyjmight just give up on the whole weight loss thing and admit I will be fat forever.

    DO NOT GIVE UP! I struggled for 15 years beating my head against the wall. I didn't give up and I achieved my goal at age 50 and have been maintaining for over a year, I'm almost 52, and YES THAT AVATAR PICTURE IS REALLY ME. Please do not give up, my success story here, I hope it inspires you to not give up ===> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout -Bobbie
  • bosslady2012
    Dont give up two days is nothing i have been there before try a week...its ok we all get down but dont stay down
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    I don't mean to be a d!ck but less food = less expense, and healthy food doesn't have to be difficult to afford. Single-serving, fast-food meals are actually more expensive per serving than making a pot of soup/chili, grilling some chicken breasts for the next couple days, or frozen vegetables.

    Okay, so it's the truth, you'll never be thin or fit.... if you keep eating the way you do now. I don't even want to tell you how many times I cried myself to sleep *wishing* to be in a different body before I siezed control and changed it.

    This^^ is the truth.