Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for February



  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Where did you find the platform? I would like to add that in for a bit of a change once in awhile.

    I ordered off Amazon. $16.99 I believe. Have not seen it anywhere else.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Cathy. I just finished my first 30 day challenge yesterday and I loved it! I can feel my triceps for the first time in my life that I can remember. I'm looking forward to my next round. As a reward for finishing, I bought myself a new set of resistance bands and the risers for the balance board. I found the risers at Best Buy for $24.99. I thought about ordering it online since I know Amazon has it cheaper, but my need for immediate gratification took over lol. I did 20 minutes of free step with my wii fit last night and I can feel it in my calves today.

    I just found this site last week while I was browsing through the EASA boards and I'm loving it so far. Happy wiiing everyone :happy:
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    I just received my riser and EA Active. The riser is about a 2 inch height addition. I really love the Wii Fit Plus. I agree the super hula hoop is fun and burns calories. I also like the yoga. I am on day 2 of the EA Active and I will say my abs are feeling it! It is a great and fun workout . I actually can not wait until tomorrow. I am doing the high intensity program.
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Here is the info on the riser at Amazon

    Wii Riiser Aerobic Step for the Wii Fit Balance Board
    by ZooZen
    Platform: Nintendo Wii

    Price: $19.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    I completed 30 minutes on EA active and I am probably going to do it again. I would love to know ttthumper your customized workout that burns 600 calories:noway: . I feel the need to burn more calories in the shortest amount of time and one workout isn't cutting it for me. I hope everyone exceeds there own expectations with the Wii today!:flowerforyou:
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    I worked out with EA Active for 30 minutes this am. It was a good workout. I like that the trainer works to make sure you are doing the exercises and motions just right.
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    I worked out with EA Active for 30 minutes this am. It was a good workout. I like that the trainer works to make sure you are doing the exercises and motions just right.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    I completed 30 minutes on EA active and I am probably going to do it again. I would love to know ttthumper your customized workout that burns 600 calories:noway: . I feel the need to burn more calories in the shortest amount of time and one workout isn't cutting it for me. I hope everyone exceeds there own expectations with the Wii today!:flowerforyou:

    Hey there Rach,
    Not sure if you mis-read something I typed, but to clarify.
    I have been doing two workouts. My customized then my 30 day challenge. Both say that I burned ~200-220 calories So for the Wii, that's 400-420 calories it said I burned. I wear an HRM, and I've been between 600-800. Duration about 60-70 mins.

    My customized workout, I was playing around. My1st customized was 20 mins, my 2nd 28 mins and still might create another one.

    But I have, not in any order. 2 events of basketball shoot/pass 2 events of baseball pitch/bat 2 events of volleyball 2 events of tennis, 2 events of the faster dancing. Then I have 3 events of targets/boxing and 4 events of running.

    I start off with running(medium), then basically one event of each sport, double of the targets, then 1 event of each, then targets and end off with a run(very long) and two exercises of run and walk(medium ). about 17 exercises. Then I do the 30 day challenge another 17-18 exercises.
    I also have everything set at the hardest - 30 day challenge hard, and the customized workout I kept hitting the + until it doesn't advance anymore.
    My last workout, I got a good run (jog on the spot for almost 10 mins- customized), and then the 30 day challenge decided to work my legs. I thought I was screwed, had to do a run (very long) again, squat jumps, right after inline skating jumping (which is the same thing),then squat holds twice, and squat calf raises twice. I fought threw it though, and it felt great.

    If I had to create another workout that I could do the most workout in least time.
    I would include.

    For Cardio
    Jog very long
    Dance fastest.
    Boxing targets, as long as your hopping in between punches.
    Some version of the squat jumps, inline skating jumping
    reverse lunge, high knee.

    strength training.
    The squats, squat holds, shoulder presses, bicep and tricep exercies, upright rows,lunges.

    Another thing to make the workout harder, is increase the resistance or weight.
    I have a stronger resistance band, and some workouts aren't good with that so I have some dumbbells.

    Hope this helps.

    Since I just typed all that, now I gotta go do my workout. :wink:
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    Oh dear, I kinda fell off the Wii-ing bandwagon :laugh: . From Wednesday until tonight I done the grand total of zero minutes on the Wii or any kind of exercise at all. Last week was the worst week in work I've had in a long time and could just not motivate myself to get off my butt!!!!

    Food wise I was ok, maybe not the healthiest of choices but still not bad. Stayed the same when I weighed in this morning so that is a plus :happy: .

    Did 20 minutes on the free step tonight. Well I think it was around 20 minutes because I was stepping away, watching TV and did not realise my batteries had run out so the board switched itself off. Whoops!!!! Also did 20 minutes sprint round the supermarket after work so counted that too. I have rubbish shifts this week so will try my best to fit a Wii workout in around them.

    Good job on everyone else who has stuck to, met and exceeded their goals. :heart:
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    So, this was not a good week for working out. All sorts of things jumped in the way and kept me from being able to get any exercise in. GRRRRRRRRR...... I stayed at or under my calories so I am hoping to maintain my weight for this week. I don't think I will have lost anything again, but I will be happy with maintaining. :o)
  • TwentyTen
    Finding the time is hard isn't it? I know it is for me. Finding the energy too, can be a challenge!

    I just had a manic Monday, just crazy. a day spent spinning my wheels too, little was accomplished. Very frustrating. I thought I had eaten smartly too, but I have 265 calories to burn off now. I knew I shouldn't have eaten that dang chocolate power bar. I had brought celery and peanut butter but just couldn't get to it. I did manage to stay away from the coffee so I will pat myself on the back for that.

    So as tempting as it may be to put my aching head down on the couch, I am going to get off my butt right now and see how any of those extra cals I can burn off. Hopefully I can get close at least. I am going to let the frustration of the day propel me.

    Hope it's a good week for everyone, last one of the month!
  • jawhwilson
    YAY!! I finally got my Wii Fit Plus that my hubby mailed me from Kuwait today! I had a ton of fun doing it. Although when it measured my Wii age and called me Obese I had to kick the kids out of the room cause they were laughing at me. LOL. Note to self when you are 5 ft 6 1/2 inches tell the game you are 5ft 7 in, its a tiny bit nicer to you. I worked out for about 40 minutes and only quit cause I have to write a paper due by midnight and of course make dinner for the kidos. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! (OH, btw my actual age is 27 but my mii age is 39, i have no coordination or balance abilities. lol):smile:
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I ordered the EA Active and am waiting for it to arrive. So, I'd like to join your group too and look forward to working out on the Wii as soon as I can. :smile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone and a big welcome to everyone new!

    I am finally back 100% from my little over exersion episode last week (or was it the week before). As soon as I finish writing this I'm off to do the Wii Fit.

    I looked at My Fitness Coach and the Wii Fit Plus and I think I'm going with the Wii Fit Plus as my next purchase just because it is cheaper.

    It is hard to belive it is the 22nd of the month already and March starts next week. Over the weekend I will put up a new thread for March and then come back here and post the link. That gives us all a week to think about our February goals and how we did on them and set new goals for March. Remember no one here is going to write them all down and track your progress for you. We just post them to set a visible goal and then help each other attain them with support and helpful ideas.

    I inherited this forum from some one who stopped using the Wii for exercise. If any one every has any ideas on changes to make it better please put them out here on the thread for discussion.

    Happy Monday and let's finish Febrary off in style!

  • TwentyTen
    YAY!! I finally got my Wii Fit Plus that my hubby mailed me from Kuwait today! I had a ton of fun doing it. Although when it measured my Wii age and called me Obese I had to kick the kids out of the room cause they were laughing at me. LOL. Note to self when you are 5 ft 6 1/2 inches tell the game you are 5ft 7 in, its a tiny bit nicer to you. I worked out for about 40 minutes and only quit cause I have to write a paper due by midnight and of course make dinner for the kidos. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! (OH, btw my actual age is 27 but my mii age is 39, i have no coordination or balance abilities. lol):smile:

    I am doing a little happy dance for you , thats fantastic! Sounds like you got off to a great start! You will find the balance and coordination improves as you go, it really does. For the first time ever my Wii finally did not call me obese last Sunday. It works!

    And heyyy Lisa!! Good to have you join us here.

    My Wii is callin me now...

    Have fun everybody!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey everybody, Did a 730 calorie burn today.
    I think I would like to try the wii fit as well, that balance board is interesting to me.

    Jane - way to stay away from that coffee - make sure your getting lots of water intake

    Well, everybody that finds they don't have the time or motivation etc. I've been there. We make excuses, and say we'll do it tomorrow, or the next day.

    What helped me is to make some time for exercise in your day everyday.
    We all find stuff that's "more important", and sometimes we just don't feel "in the mood" to do exercise.
    Make it an appointment with yourself that your not going to cancel. You get other tasks to do, Fit them in around your exercise.
    even if it's 30 mins or 1 hour every day.

    We ALL have made that 30 mins to 1 hour to sit on a couch and watch some tv show or sit in front of a computer.

    Before you can enjoy the tv, or get on the computer, do your exercise you'll feel better.

    We want to be changing habits and changing a bad lifestyle (not exercising) into a healthy lifestyle (some form of exercise every day) .

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey everyone. I was wondering what program for the Wii is the most Cardiovascular. I want something that will make me huff and puff, not something for strength training and weights. Any suggestions before I go out and buy would be appreciated. Thanks! :smile:
    def the free step. I do it for 20 minutes. Now I do it with the risers and I am sweating. Kids think it's funny. mom's sweating!!!!
  • tigermom79
    Good morning all you wiier's!!!!!!! I have been so bad.......with the olympics on all I want to do is sit and watch them after I get home from Curves!!!! HOWEVER......at least three times this week, I am determined to get on and do a free run and watch the olympics. It is just a matter of motivation!!! I have it but I just need to get it done!!! ;)

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • gracefullyjenn
    I just did 30 minutes of free step holding my 7 month old 17 pound son because he is teething and crying all the time. He actually fell asleep when I was almost done. How can I add a little bit of weights to step on my exercise diary?