Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    katie and ltlhmom your words of encourgement are on point thank you.

    i completely agree! :flowerforyou:
  • leshawnturner
    leshawnturner- glad to hear from you. how are you doing? any better? you thought by weekend you might be able to start moving more, can you? it is very hard to have or sustain much loss when you cannot get your metabolism stimulated by exercise, so maintaining not gaining is good this week. i hope things get better for you soon. i know jeania is facing some of the same issues with her knee. keep on working, your bodies will get better and you are still getting new patterns and habits established that will pay off once you can start moving.:flowerforyou:

    I'm doing okay this week. I just started on some new meds so I'm hoping that will help me out as far as the pain goes. I did just start a new workout program and so far so good. I made it through day 1 and that is fantastic!! THanks for the encouraging words!!!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    well, a little frustration. :explode: i had a response all typed last night and when i clicked post reply, it told me the site was down for maintenance. :grumble:

    anyway- i had said to jeania that i was thinking of you standing in front of your refrigerator in the night, and remembered a quote i saw on someone's signature on an mfp thread. it said....oh shoot... i knew it last night... i hate when that happens. anyway, no longer an exact quote, but it said "the path to success is not through the refrigerator" or in my case it could add ", or through the pantry!!!" :laugh:

    and mary... the note from the undertaker...eeewwww!!!!! :frown: it is terrible to think of how polluted we have become with preservatives, additives and hormones. it reminds of the experiment they did in supersize this (terrible movie i tried not to see) they put mcdonad's food & real food in glass cases to watch them rot, and the mcdonald's took much longer. in fact, though the homemade french fries were unrecognizable for the food they were in a week, the mcd's french fries looked unchanged after a year. :noway: i repeat....eeewwww!!!!!:sick:

    have an excellent day everyone. i went out yesterday after dinner, did have a snack, but was done eating before 8:30. now if i can be good thursday evening with the group that goes out after 9:30pm every week.:ohwell: -katie
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    where do you get the la tortilla wraps? i haven't seen them, all i seem to find at my publix is mission and theya re closer to 120 in calories.


    Michelle I find mine over by the deli section of the grocery store. They need to be refrigerated so you should find them there in the cooler area by other tortillas if they carry them near the low carb ones.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    something new today- i wore a pair of black shoes i haven't had on in a month, and my heels lift out with every step. :laugh: HA! my feet aren't swelling anymore and i think i've lost some weight there. amazing. :bigsmile:

    saturday (the 27th) i will be taking my monthly measurements, maybe i'll run out to a shoe store and check my current shoe size. changing sizes in my feet is unexpected.:flowerforyou: -katie
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    katie and ltlhmom your words of encourgement are on point thank you.

    i completely agree! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks your guys!:blushing: I'm here for you all! I know I will have some hard times you all will be there to pick me up! This is an answer group!!!

    leshawnturner Glad to hear you are pushing through it!

    Jeania I hope surgery goes well and you are back on your knee in no time! Sometimes we need to be creative with what we are dealt and it sounds like you are getting ready to do that.

    Katie I wish you luck with your dinner date. You just might have to stay up later. :bigsmile:

    Mary what you said about the undertaker was a huge eye opener! That is total eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! Great job at drinking you water and getting your exercise in!

    Have a great night and Happy Wednesday!:wink:

  • mimi7grands
    Thanks again to all of you for the motivation. I've done my 30 minutes of exercise. 3 days in a row! Didn't think I could do it but knowing you all did it is keeping me on track. Just about done with the water and will swallow my last bite shortly!

    Katie, good luck on Thursday with the late night eating. That's a hard one. I'm with just might have to stay up later that night!

    Jeania, how's it going? You've got some extra challenges. I know you can do it. What works best for me is to really load up on veggies. Tonight I had 1-1/2 artichokes (the giant ones) with a little spray butter (I know it's bad for preservatives...but I'll wean myself off of it eventually!) I would have eaten the last half, but my 5 year old granddaughter, Olivia, beat me to it. I steamed them then cut them in half, scooped out the stickers, and broiled them, cut side up, at 475 for 10 minutes. Honestly, gourmet eating.
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    My daughter was home sick today from school... so instead of going to work, I went through my closet.... I am giving away all my clothes that are size 22! YEA for me! Of course it was mostly shorts and capris.... so I guess I will be getting a new summer wardrobe this year:)
  • leshawnturner
    Hello ladies!!! Thanks for all of the encouraging words. I'm still plugging along. I did day 2 of my workout yesterday and I'm really excited because it was a 45 min workout. Plus my niece helped keep me motivated through the workout be doing it with me yesterday. She said she really liked it. Boy am I feeling it today after 2 tough workouts over the past 2 days. I'll probably be stretching most of the day just so I won't be too sore to do something tonight.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    hey all, not a good day for me :sad: its that time of the month and iv ate junk all day think i went bout 200 ish over my calories , nothing was working to fix my cravings so i couldnt seem to stop munching, im annoyed at myself for giving in. im hoping cos iv ate so much rubbish my body will be satisfied with water and tea for the rest of the night lol but i know what i really want is a chocolate muffin :laugh: oh well minor slip i suppose but i cant wait for the next few days to pass

    heather x
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    sorry heather. it can be really hard to reign in those ultra powerful urges. but you can try to trick yourself a little. - i can have a snack after i drink a 16 oz glass (i think that's around 500 ml) of water. and if you still want more try to first drink more water or tea, something to help fill up so there isn't as much room for junk.

    and then make the snack something you really want. if you really, really want chocolate; don't try to satisfy yourself with 4 other things only to find you can't stop until you've had the chocolate anyway. & try best as you can to watch the portion.

    sometimes though, you just have to bite the bullet & indulge; but try to put the brakes on before it gets away from you. and if it does, well tomorrow is another day filled with good choices that you can make happen. -katie
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    katie congrats on the weight loss!!! i see at 86 now. that is great!

    do you eat all your exercise calories/ or even any of them?

    i keep eating some of mine adn it still do ok.

  • pinkhockymom
    pinkhockymom Posts: 86 Member
    Hi gals! I hope you all are having a great week. Just wanted to check in. I have incresed my workouts from one 30 min workout to two 30 min workoouts a day. i was a little sore this morning, but I LOVED it! I burned over 600 calories yesterday! I start a belly dancing class tonight and am SOOOOO excited about it! I am trying to figure out how to log it in my exercise, i am thinking I will put it under dancing-general. What do you guys think?
    Also had a bit of a rough spot this morning. I was very frustrated with my family. I had the feeling that I had been forgotten about, like I was just there to make their life easier. I felt as if Kathy was non-existent and had been replaced with Mom, wife, maid and so on. I am sure I have done this to myself over the past 16 years. I have ALWAYS put everyone elses needs before my own. I am now wanting my needs to be met and am getting a little push back from the family. How do you take back yourself, or find her in the chaos that has become everyday life? The name on my birthcertificate is NOT mom, wife, or maid, it is Kathleen Lynn an I am really ready for others to recognize that. Do you gals have any suggestions on how to balance all of this? I am struggling and a little frustrated. I don't want to seem selfish, but it is time to take care of me.

    Thanks for listening!!

  • mimi7grands
    I have incresed my workouts from one 30 min workout to two 30 min workouts a day.

    How do you take back yourself, or find her in the chaos that has become everyday life? Kathy
    Kathy, wow. 2 workouts a day. That's impressive. I struggle with 1!

    Re taking back yourself...I'm at the other end of the spectrum. Kids are grown, single, mostly an introvert. So, in a way, your challenges sound very appealing! On the other hand, nobody wants to be taken for granted. Maybe take some time for yourself, sans kids, once a week and let a babysitter or your hubby watch the kids. Maybe cast yourself in a new light, get glammed up, and go on a date with your hubby once a week.

    I've always had a hard time with asking for what I need. You've recognized you do need something different. That's a good first step. Next, I think, will be defining what it would take to give you what you want. Then comes asking for those things. And, finally, I suppose, working on figuring out steps you can take to make them happen, just like you've done with losing weight.

    I'm probably the last person who should be expressing an opinion about this. But your questions intrigued me. I'll be interested to hear how it goes. Good luck!

    I understand where you are coming from! I have been a mom and wife for the past 14 years and there are days that I just want to be Carole and be only responsible for myself. That is one of the reasons I have decided to take control of my eating. I was just kinda floating along and not taking care of myself. Now that has changed and I feel great. It has affected the way I am around my family too. I am making them responsible for their own lives too. We are fixing up the house and getting rid of the crap that we have been accumulating. It has been a change for all of us. You rule the roost and if you choose to become your old self again, it'll change the dynamics of your family in a good way.
  • gracefullyjenn
    Nicmc that is awesome about giving your clothes away. I have been doing the same size. I never want to be that size again!! Heres to new clothes woot woot
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    michelle- i am not eating my exercise calories. (i have read all the great debates about it on threads here) i figure i'm cutting back on calories & adding exercise to lose more. (and frankly, i want to hurry through this weight loss stuff and get to maintenance where i can truly learn to live within limits so i won't gain again) so as long as my body seems to continue moving the right direction, i will continue to let exercise calories be additional loss. if my body stops losing "goes into starvation mode" because it feels deprived of fuel, i will consider increasing my intake.

    but i wouldn't dream of critizing anyone who is doing it the other way. everyone has to find what works best for themselves.
    weight loss definitely is not a one size fits all kinda deal.

    kathy- i understand. there were times i rather enjoyed the surrendered identity, i did it to myself. and i still find, once in a while, i need to speak up and remind folks that i have a choice and need to be asked, not just assumed to be available to assist. i tried to gradually make sure they knew i was making a choice to do whatever with them. so instead of mentally figuring out how i could fit their thing into my plans, i would list out loud what i am planning, so maybe we could work their event in tomorrow afternoon or this evening. (hard to blame them for thinking my calendar is always open, if they never hear that i have things going on when they aren't looking) it doesn't hurt to make sure they know you are postponing or not doing something to be free for them, not to make them feel guilty, but to appreciate that you will choose them.

  • KaeChelle
    I'm going to post my weight for this week now, because today I am packing and tomorrow I am moving. I bought a new scale and tried it out. Stepped on and off 3 times and all 3 times it said 275.2, which would be a 1.8 pound loss, if last weeks weight was correct. As I said, my old scale was very inconsistant! Anyway, I hope you all have had a great week. I have been doing good on the water and not eating 2 hours before bed. I've also increased my exercise some, but still need to work on it.
  • leshawnturner
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just wanted to comment about exercise calories. I definitely agree with Katie that you have to find what works best for you. And, again like Katie, I was having great (and pretty fast -- avg 2.5#/week) success NOT eating them when I weighed more. Then I slammed into a brick wall at about 50 pounds lost. I have FINALLY started losing again after I recognized the plateau for what it was and started fiddling with my diet and began eating half of my exercise calories about 4 or 5 weeks ago. It took about 3 weeks for me to start losing again. And I'm losing slower now. I'm okay with that because I never expected to keep up with the 2.5 pounds/week pace the whole time, and I'm actually planning to increase my calorie intake again soon & expect to actually lose weight faster when I do that (counterintuitive I know).

    Unlike Katie, I'm looking at what I'm doing now as my actual forever lifestyle. I'm not trying to get into "maintenance mode" because for me, this is it. Nothing's going to change when I reach my goal weight -- I'm still going to have to eat healthy and exercise then, too. Of course neither of us is wrong, I just noticed that appears to be the difference in our thinking.

    The important thing is find what works for you & stick with it until it doesn't work anymore and then find the next thing that works for you. However, if you're already eating just 1200 calories or less when you run into a wall, *decreasing* the amount you eat will never be the right choice.