5 things you wish you can say without getting fired.



  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Sorry just one thing-
    If you hate your job so much-quit-negativity breeds negativity.:grumble:

    If you read this thread, it said nothing about hating anyones job. I love my job to be honest. I deal with different ppl everyday. I really hate threads like these. Your being negative. My point in this thread was that everyone has stuff they wish they could say. I like my job, some people hate their job and no one is gonna take your advice and quit because we have bills.
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    1. Shut the **** Up!!!!!
    2. Are you ****ing kidding me?
    3. Does your wife know your hitting on me?
    4. *wife calls wondering where her husband is and cussing me out because he is not in his room* Maam I don't know where your husband is and if you didn't treat him like garbage he wouldn't be hitting on me, plus its not my damn responsibility to keep up with his every move, I work the front desk and no i am not gonna knock on the damn door cause he has some other chick in there now.
    5. *when 4 girls plus the guys wife calls wanting to transfer to his room phone* No maam i think he is on the phone with his other girlfriend or wife.

    Not sure what my 5 things would be but I think I would like to be the guy staying at your hotel getting all the calls ;)
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Seriously? Your child is very overweight, they are clearly eating too much and not doing enough...JUST LIKE YOU...
    Yeah - right....LIAR
    oh for f*^@ sake, you stupid woman, control your vile brat before I have to hurt you
    No you child does NOT have ADHD you are just a *kitten* parent
    You named your child WHAT?? LMAO
  • Jamdrgn
    Jamdrgn Posts: 15 Member
    I like my current Boss she is awesome.

    My past Boss....
    Why are you even alive?
    Its not broken your stupid.
    This keeps happening to you because your an a hole.
    Of course none of us like you and yes we are all talking about you.

    I did tell her she is very annoying but then she did ask how i feel about her. She actually thought I was joking. :huh: for the love of pie!!!! that woman is an idiot.
  • starry8740
    1. Youre an old hag who thinks she is the effing ceo of the company and you know everything about everythigg. I could
    Make up a topic about talking walls and youd you know something about that! Truth is, everyone hates you and when they see your name on todays schedule they all shudder.

    2. so, youre supposed to be a customer service rep, right? Why is it you let everything bother you and when one thing stressed me out you felt the need to lecture me on chilling out? Oh, found it amuzing once I quit you suddenly remove me on fb and wont talk to me.

    3. Youre a manager? You have your favorites...the new guy gets premoted after a month and you refuse to give him a override number to do anything and you gave me one and demoted me? Yeah we all know hes giving you good sex. Either way youre a *****in lil *****.

    4. Tell all the customers with a bad attitude to go to hell.

    5. Prissy lil college girl thinks shes too cool to talk to ppl or me....cuz she drives a pink cobalt. Newsflash....my gt mustang destorys cobalts reguardless if theyre a supercharhed ss! Then she finds out my hubby has an 06' gto and wants to be friends....get a ****ing l
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    **** you pretty much sums it all up.
  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    We all float F bombs at work
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    shut up

    your stupid

    i dont want to no

    omg your arrogant

    oh and your fired and I am taking your place


  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Where do I begin?
    1) You're a fat tub of lard.
    2) You're a waste of space.
    3) Does the company realize you've been stealing time for the past 2 years?
    4) You're a legend in your own mind.
    5) It must be awesome to be you. You know everyone (famous people included),have been everywhere, done everything, and seen everything, but your experience was 10 times better and you did it sooner. Bravo!
  • GreatVibe
    That's the dumbest idea I ever heard.
    How the hell did you ever get to be a boss?
    Go to hell.
    Kiss my *kitten*

  • bennysammysofie
    "Hey boss, can i get fired for what i THINK?"
    "Well, no, you cant get fired for what you think"
    "Well, i THINK you are an ***hole."
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Im a server in a crappy chain restaurant where the a lot of customers think its an up scale EYETALIAN RESARANTE ( olive garden is NOT authentic italian and I should probably start with that - but moving on..)

    1. NO you can NOT have a 3rd bowl of soup- Im sick of running for your big fat buck fifty tip you're going to leave and you already scarfed 3 days worth of sodium so move along- heres your check.

    2. "soup of the day"? Are you stupid? This is Olive garden- 4 soups- same all the time- we rip that bag open, dump it in a pot and warm it up- you realllllllllllly think we have some chef making 'soup of the day' ?! READ THE MENU MORON

    3. Whats in it? - We have THE most descriptive menu in the industry- Lets read together shall we? idiot.

    4. NO YOU CAN NOT have the salad while your dining partner has the soup and I charge for just ONE UNLIMITED soup, salad and bread- I suppose you want more salad now---- oh and a to go box? Assholess.

    5. (this one is for management in my hell hole) Manager says 'customer (or guest- give me a break) is always right.
    I would say- The customer is HARDLY EVER right- but they ALWAYS have money. Lets not kid ourselves.

    Sorry if this damages anyone's outlook on eating in crappy chains.
  • rkgirlusa
    Wow. Y'all need to look for new employment.
  • millions0fpeaches
    millions0fpeaches Posts: 195 Member
    You're full of *kitten* dude.
    I don't trust you as far as I could throw you, so let's not pretend we're buddies, mmmk?
    Um, what do you DO all day?
    You know everyone thinks you're nuts right? Tell your therapist. I don't care.
    Hey boss man, wash your hands.
    Sit on my desk again and I'ma taint punch you.
    B!tch, don't hate on me because you're too lazy to work out.
    CAN YOU GET A GOOD PICTURE?! <-- Like Stevo from SLC Punk
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Wow. Y'all need to look for new employment.

    Why? Because you only got half the story from this thread you come to that conclusion.

    We all dont get to grow up and be super stars - some of us are in less then our ideal career -for now- for better or worse- or for life.

    There are a lot of things about my job that sucks (mostly the general public) but there are a lot of perks- such as flexible schedule- come in late -home by dinner. Oh I never work over time or weekends and basically dictate my schedule. Take vaca whenever I want. Work with some of my closest friends. As much as I hate this chain- it boasts some of THE best benefits in the industry. Im not curing cancer or dancing or studying marine life- but I am happy usually with my chosen path and Id bet most ppl in this thread as well. All? Maybe not- but dont judge based on our vents- rather myopic to be honest.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    1. You were dumb**** enough to use a prepaid card at a gas pump, and that's my problem how????

    2. You left your credit card in your car so of course it got stolen, and that's my problem how????

    3. You thought all people on the internet were honest and trustworthy, and that's my problem how????

    4. No, I will not do your work for you because you have poor time management skills and/or spent your day ****ing off on your phone. FU(K OFF and do your own work.

    5. You called ME to apply for what kind of credit card? Guess what, dumbsass, you're declined. You're too stupid to own a credit card. Use cash.

    I work in payment security/credit card fraud prevention for a gas merchant.
  • SirKelsalot
    I worked for a while as a volunteer journalist, and while my colleagues were all awesome, some of the people I dealt with were... well... aggravating. Things I wish I could have said in that job without getting fired?

    1. "Don't you dare complain to me that your piece isn't in! Our newspaper goes out on THURSDAY. You sent us the article on WEDNESDAY. At which time this week's issue had already flown away to a magical world of unicorns and sloppy sub-editors." - ARGH, THIS HAPPENED SO MANY TIMES. GET STUFF IN A WEEK IN ADVANCE AT LEAST, PEOPLE. GOD. -_-;;

    2. "Why didn't we send anybody to cover your charity karaoke night that only raised £70? Because we're a team of four journalists and three photographers covering a WHOLE TOWN on a ridiculously strict deadline and NOBODY BLOODY CARES that a bunch of you stood on a stage and wailed like cats for money. What you did is nice, but makes for pretty naff reading."

    3. "Sir/madam, I don't know what the hell you're on about; what you've phoned in isn't a story, you sound crazy and should probably take your meds, and stop talking because you've been rambling 45 minutes and I should have clocked off half an hour ago."

    4. "No, you cretin, we didn't print that. Stop having a go at us. You should be ranting at our rival newspaper, who printed the insensitive and poorly worded dungpile that seems to have infuriated you."

    5. "This is the fifth time you've phoned in today. NOBODY GIVES A DAMN ABOUT YOUR PIGEON RACING RESULTS."

    Although the guy I mentioned in #5 did bring us chocolates every time we printed his stuff, which was kinda awesome of him C:

    EDITED TO ADD: I absolutely ADORED this job and would totally go back in a heartbeat, in fact I want to work there as a paid employee one day, when I finally have a degree in English with Creative Writing and an NCTJ qualification.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    **** you
    **** off
    go to hell
    this place is hell
    take your high faluting *kitten* out of my office before I smash your face in
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    wow, besides the thoughts on a scumbag of a boss who is clearly a womanizer, I verbalize those thoughts to my boss on a regular basis. We've known each other for 13 years, and every time I quit, he just keeps hiring me back. I guess telling him off works for me :D
  • TimeWillTell2
    TimeWillTell2 Posts: 126 Member
    How the **** did you get promoted?
    Do you need a f****ing sign?
    Eat sh** and die
    Go f*** off
    Leave me alone so I can do my job!