Things That Annoy Me!



  • tubbytabbytales
    When I'm on lunch at work (granted I take it a lot later than most people) reading a book and people think its ok to come over and start talking to me. I even have head phones in my ears. If I wanted to talk to you I wouldn't be reading. I finally solved this problem in that I now sit at the table right next to the vending one can see me! Why hadn't I thought of that earlier.

  • pooh70
    pooh70 Posts: 38 Member
    This is one of my big pet peeves. Also annoyed by people who do nothing all day, get paid more than me, and when they do something, like print a letter, they get showered with praise. UGH!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    People asking me or my husband when I'm going to go back to work! If we can afford for me to be a SAHM for now why should anyone have a problem with it!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    90% of people
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 318 Member
    Anyone that is so obnoxious, they think you are the lower person for not associating with them. :noway: I don't get people like this. Please, are we still in high school or what?:laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    1) My husband B!tchin' at me about things that I don't care about

    2) Wet socks

    3) Mother-in-Law

    4) Bills

    5) Scale that doesn't budge

    Whew, that does feel better
  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    When I've reminded my 9th grade students for weeks that they have a paper due, and on the day it is due, only 25/80 of them turn it in. Grrrrr.

    At least I don't have to grade as many!
  • annieray1999
    People who think they are better than you

  • granrobn
    Unforgiving people
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    People who are perfectly capable of working but who have learned how to cheat the government (and thereby, you and I) and are living off government assistance. All the while living in a beautiful home with three cars, every modern convenience, seven TVs, taking vacations and then having the nerve to talk about how our country is going to He!! because it's turning into a Socialist country.

    Hello? What would you do if it wasn't? Get a job?
  • lindsay1982
    lindsay1982 Posts: 245 Member
    ~ Early Morning Overly Happy Co-Workers...Not everyone is a morning person!!!
    ~ When In The Elevator, And It Stops To Pick Up Someone Who Waited For 5 Minutes, Only To Go Down 1 Floor...Take the stairs!!!
    ~ People Who Think Just Because You Told Them Hi, You Want Their Whole Life Story...I just said, "Hi."!!!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    When I've reminded my 9th grade students for weeks that they have a paper due, and on the day it is due, only 25/80 of them turn it in. Grrrrr.

    hahahaha... I have this problem with my field managers at work... I send out reminder after reminder about "XYZ Report Data is due on whatever date", big bold red letters, whatever. Two days passed the deadline I have someone call me and say "I didn't know when it was due"........ :explode:
  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
    1. When my students use texting abbreviations for their class work or test answers.
    2. When I get "IDK" for the answer on a multiple choice question - at least guess I am giving your 4 choices and one is correct
    3. When my husband complains how dirty the house is after I have worked a 70 hour 6 day work week and goes to play WOW after his 9 to 5 job.
  • leavinglasvegas
    Here's my top 10!:wink:

    1. People who preach. Whether its politics, religion, or diet... Or they start offering advise that they are not qualified to offer. I like to say, "Ima do me, you just do you." I enjoy hearing everyones point of view, but some people just don't know when to quit.

    2. People who don't use blinkers. I mean, its right there on the streering wheel, how hard is it to push it up or down?

    3. My single friends who feel that they need a man to be complete and take care of them and they look for these guys in bars.

    4. My married friends who feel sorry for me that I'm single. Seriously, I'm fine.

    5. People who try to "hook me up" without telling me or even asking if I'm interested. Please do not give my number to your plumber.

    6. Excuses.

    7. The media.

    8. Hearing about Kwamee every freakin day. (I'm in Detroit)

    9. People who walk into college classes or leave half way thru the class and interupt the Prof to get what they missed. For that matter, people who interupt the lecture in general just to say something stupid because they think they are funny.

    10. Wal-Mart!:laugh:
  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    1. When my students use texting abbreviations for their class work or test answers.
    2. When I get "IDK" for the answer on a multiple choice question - at least guess I am giving your 4 choices and one is correct
    3. When my husband complains how dirty the house is after I have worked a 70 hour 6 day work week and goes to play WOW after his 9 to 5 job.

    I agree with 1. and 2. COMPLETELY! I'm sure someday when I'm married I'll agree with #3 as well. haha
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    People with REALLY ugly feet who wear flip flops....

    People who are ALWAYS down... never have something positive to say...they ALWAYS see the negative... I call them LIFE LEECHES!!! They SUCK life out of you!!

    People who friend request me on Facebook that I don't know and we have NO friends in common.

    People who stare at the gym... GYM GAWKERS... EWWw... they are usually creepy looking old guys.

    Spandex Lady <-- she is in my jazzercise class at the gym... She has NO idea WHAT THE HELL she is doing, but thinks she is the HEAT!! ... bless her heart.
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    People who don't use the turn lane, but rather just turn right from the main lane! I mean, isn't that the purpose of a "turn" lane! :explode:
  • leavinglasvegas
    People who are perfectly capable of working but who have learned how to cheat the government (and thereby, you and I) and are living off government assistance. All the while living in a beautiful home with three cars, every modern convenience, seven TVs, taking vacations and then having the nerve to talk about how our country is going to He!! because it's turning into a Socialist country.

    Hello? What would you do if it wasn't? Get a job?

    OMG!!!! This annoys the CRAP out of me! There are actual people who need help but can't get it because so many people abuse the system! When my daughter was in day care and I was having some financial trouble, the director told me that there are people who get 100% assistance for childcare and they pick their kids up in Jaguars and Mercedes! All I had was an Oldsmobile that you had to enter through the window:laugh: Those kids were in Guess, Dior, Pelle Pelle, Luis Vuitton... My kid was in Target and Payless. If I didn't have morals, I'd be livin' the high life, I guess.
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    hahha One of my co works made me a NO HOVERING Sign:laugh: :laugh: when I use to work at a "real" job. People would come ask me to work just because I ate lunch at my desk.:ohwell:
  • leavinglasvegas
    1. When my students use texting abbreviations for their class work or test answers.
    2. When I get "IDK" for the answer on a multiple choice question - at least guess I am giving your 4 choices and one is correct
    3. When my husband complains how dirty the house is after I have worked a 70 hour 6 day work week and goes to play WOW after his 9 to 5 job.

    I took an English class last semester and I was the oldest in the class. I thought the Prof was kidding when whe requested that all papers be typed in plain english and not text abbreviations. She was dead serious, and the kids actually groaned!