

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    My son and I are just back from today’s big football game, our team won, best game they have played all year. The sun even came out once the game started and I had to start peeling off layers of protective clothing. No snow today. I shined my halo and took carrot sticks to nibble on instead of the usual licorice twists BUT the woman in front of me had a purse full of little Halloween chocolate bars (I wanted to mug her and take a handful!) I was very hungry when I got home and I am thankful I had a pulled a container of homemade chilli from the freezer before I left. I almost inhaled it!

    I am becoming very disillusioned by my new boss, my respect for her goes down every day I am forced to work with her (and they head-hunted her!) I haven’t written the last couple of days because all I want to do is rage against her lazy @## and her increasingly obnoxious behaviour which isn’t fair to you. …. enough said….. (the beginning of a revolt is being planned…)

    Tomorrow is my sashing class, they are going to teach me how to put together this last year’s accumulation of Saturday morning block-of-the–month quilt patterns so I shall have to pay close attention. You get a lot of ladies in a class and it becomes more of a social gathering and I am so easily distracted. Looking forward to it! We do bring our own food so I hope no one decides to be the dessert queen with this gathering (it is very possible!)

    This morning found me digging through the back of my closet to see if I could find an old belt to hold my jeans up, I haven’t worn one in years but luckily there was one old abused thing hiding midst the dust bunnies. Yes, it’s a nice problem to have but I’m not ready to buy anything new just yet but soon I may not have a choice. I have started to tuck a few things here and there and there are some things that have been purged entirely but it’s the underwear and pants that will give way first (hopefully not in public!)

    Can’t believe you have written 5 pages since my last visit!! You’ll probably be on the next chapter before I can come again! Hello to all, hope all is well and I will be playing catch-up soon.

    Cheers, Kate
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Today is Isagenix cleanse day which means very low calories…….I walked the dogs in the morning and in the afternoon and helped Jake plant the bulbs in the garden……otherwise we hung around the house and watched TV and did laundry.

    :flowerforyou: When we were on our weekend trip we used a recumbent exercise bike in the hotel gym. We both liked it, so Jake did some research on the internet and we looked at one at Big Five and decided to buy the one we saw on the internet……it will arrive in about ten days…..some of you remember how sad I was when our last exercise bike died.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I am not a newbie but for most of you that is what I will be. I have not posted for quite a while. I am back because of a gentle nudging by Barbie. Thanks Barbie. I started on this site several years ago. (cannot remember exactly when) and lost 50 pounds and kept it off for quite a while. Then all of a sudden I started gaining. I gained 30 pounds in 3 months and then another 20 in 6 months which brings me to 6 weeks ago. I went to the Dr. and was shocked by the scale. She did blood work which came back fine. I then saw Dr. Oz and Dr. Furhman and his Live to Eat Diet. I got the book on my tablet and read it and started the next day. It is basically fruits and vegetables eaten fresh if possible and as much as you want. The first week was very hard, not because I was hungry but because by body was releasing all of the toxins and other crap that I had put into it. By the second week I was feeling much better and now I feel awesome. I do not have any cravings. When I finish eating I am satisfied and do not find myself looking for somthing else to eat. I have eaten out some and made good choices and I have lost 18 pounds to date. I dont feel that it is a fad but the way we are intended to eat. He suggests this for 6 weeks and then add some lean meat or fish if wanted or needed. Since I love fruits and veggies it is really easy for me. I can honestly say that I miss nothing. I think I have to take Barbie's approach that there are just some foods I cannot have without going off the deep end. So I hope to continue to post daily and get to know each of you. My goal is to continue this healthy way of eating to get to my best and healthiest weight. So it is getting late here so I hope to talk again tomorrow.
    Vicki M
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening all and happy Saturday night. I hope a few of you are out and enjoying yourselves.

    So nice to read the posts and see sons coming home and families reunited and good health stories. Makes me feel that God's in his heaven and all's well with the world (to steal a wonderful old poem bit). Also nice to see so many so close or at their goals. And welcome to all the new people, looking forward to getting to know you through your posts.

    After waking up so early, I started bedding and linens laundry, then I got busy on hemming pants and pressing things, then moved on to de-cluttering drawers. About 3 pm the cold caught up to me and I retreated to the couch with a whopping headache and fever. I took a cold tablet, and as usual, it knocked me right out for about 3 hours. Poor dogs only got a walk around the block before dinner; I'll make it up to them tomorrow with a long ramble down by the Columbia River.

    I think i'm going to do the sensible thing and take another cold tablet and retreat to bed in the hopes I will feel normal tomorrow.

    Good night all
  • Hyespirit
    Hyespirit Posts: 4 Member
    Sounds like a place I would fit in nicely... any specifics on joining to be part of this group? I am 50 (February) and would love to meet others who are on a similar fitness journey.... thanks.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Dear lovelies, Here's part of why I've been away.
    More later,

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    The General has gone ahead.

    Wednesday night while I was at line dance class, Robby had a bad spell, possibly a stroke. Panicked barking, as if trapped in a nightmare from which Joe could not wake him. He’d calmed by the time I got home, but was unable to stand. He refused chicken, milk, was able to take very little water. He passed a fairly peaceful night in bed between Joe and me, but never really “came back”. Thursday afternoon, the mobile vet gently ended Robby’s physical life.

    Robby, aka General Robt. E. Lee, came into our lives 10 years ago. I hadn’t had a little black dog of my own for 8 years and didn’t realize how sad I’d been until Robby healed my heart. Within the first 10 minutes he figured out that if I was at the chopping block, Cheddar cheese would fall out of the air and into his mouth. A 5 year old (or so we thought at the time) rescue, his transition into our family was easy and immediate. Housetrained, loving, gentle and sweet he was nonetheless a true terrier. At first he was reluctant to get on the bed, but after he became comfortable, he became too comfortable and thought he owned it. That led to the first of several “Who is the Mama and who is the puppy” conversations.

    He was a great traveler, riding all the way to Moclips on the space beneath the Miata’s rear window, although he “dug” his way out of the fabric folding crate we left him in while eating breakfast the first day.

    Squirrels, seagulls, ducks and geese feared him. He bounded after them, ears flying behind, barking and leaping up to appear more impressive.

    Children loved him and he was gentle, if kissy, with them.

    He was the most talky dog we’ve ever had, his range of sounds was wide, varied and telling. Especially helpful was his “I’m gonna puke right NOW” sound.

    Two years later Robby and I traveled to Bothell to meet Dixie, a 2.5 year old Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier up for adoption. The play date went well, Dixie was a little disengaged but tried to learn how to play when Robby invited her. The road trip home went great with both dogs comfortable together in the car and on the motel bed. BUT when we pulled into the garage at home, Robby was startled and looked at me as if to say “You’re not gonna bring Her in HERE!?!”. Dixie’s transition into our family was harder, took longer and was complicated by Robby stalking her. Finally they got into a real resource-guarding fight over me. They learned who the biggest terrier is (me again).

    About 3 years ago, Robby’s eyesight began to fail. That’s when the veterinary ophthalmologist told us that Robby was probably three years older than we’d originally thought. While cataract surgery was possible, it wouldn’t restore his eyesight, there were other age-related issues for which there was no remedy. Gradually his hearing failed too. Whenever he couldn’t find us, he’d walk in ever widening circles until he bumped into us. It was hard for him to relax unless Joe was in the Man-Cave and I was at the chopping block. Joe retired in March. The time and loving care he gave the General is what kept Robby going.

    While Robby was always his ownself, he also brought some of Jocko’s spirit back to me. The holes his passing left in our home and hearts were so big and so painful, he sent us Scooter the very next day to ease the transition.

    Thank you, my precious Robby, thank you. Mama loves.
  • provemwrong
    I am brand new here, and am so grateful to see your post, I will sure be using this to help me reach my goal. Looking forward to chatting with new friends.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Have any of you had nights like this? Its the middle of the night, my bones are weary but every bleeding nerve ending is jumping and painful, in particular my legs. I have been up several times, taken tylenol, advil, hot milk, used heated rice bags but all to no avail. Do you have a solution? Its making me crazy, I need my sleep I have a full day ahead and I need my brains about me.

    I feel this may cause some impairment to my generally sweet nature, hahhaha! Help!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Friends,
    It is 0043 and I finally have caught up on reading the posts and chatting back at ya’all. :wink:

    I am doing well, just busy with work, getting to the gym and family. I started the Happiness project and it is right up my alley. Getting rid of the clutter, Stop nagging, and This is as far as I have read. I went to my friends Celebration of her life. It was a beautiful ceremony, I had a chance to speak with 2 of her children and they were standing strong in their mothers love. It was a lovely way to celebrate her life. She was just 42 years old. I was able to go with my best friend and my DH. I did not eat anything there, it was a catered event. I ate before I left and was not even hungry the entire time I was there.After the celebration we went back to my Friends house and had a nice chat with her and her DH. They have 2 boys the same age as my girls. They have grown up together. It was strange to see them all as teenagers. My friends are from England and Wales, so they have no immediate family here in the states. It was a nice evening. It made me feel grateful for my life and that even if I have joint issues, I am alive and will make the most of every day. Thank you God for this day, another day to become the best person I can become.:drinker:

    Amanda- hope your cousin is doing better. Hope that you did not get sick and you are feeling better. :wink:

    M- I will check out the recipe for eggplant parmesan. I loved Baba ganoush when I was in Egypt. I will have to try to make that one. Congrats on your 5k! You must have felt so exhilarated when you were done! :drinker: :drinker:

    CSueB- I love my rest day from exercise. I don’t go to the gym, but I am always doing something around the house. :flowerforyou:

    Jadsiat- congrats on the weight loss! :drinker:

    Jb- who maintains the soil and keeps watch over the community garden? That is a huge plot that you have. How wonderful to eat the fruits and veggies of your labor. I would love to take a canning,freezing or preserving class. :bigsmile:

    KathyL Are you doing well with being back on track? That is strange how your MD mentioned a lap- band yet you were down 20lbs? I would think they would encourage you on your healthy weight loss journey! Congrats on H and R Block job! :drinker: :drinker:

    Nancy- how is the rash doing? :ohwell:

    Laura80111-cant imagine pumpkin pie without the crust! I love pie crust. I don’t eat pie,but once a year at Thanksgiving. So, I am gona have my pie and eat the crust too! Lol Congrats on the NSV! :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- I did not get any beets this week from our CSA but I will make those beet cupcakes and the test will be when the kids eat them. I will let you know. You must have looked so cute trying on those boots! At least you were able to get them on. That was a NSV for you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :laugh:

    Wessecg-/Cheryl after an email to the principle about the tardy, she explained that going to the office if a student was more than 15 mins late was just for safety reasons ,nothing else. My girls go to an independent home study charter school. The principle told me that they do not report tardies like traditional schools. It was the teachers way of punishment. Do you like your fitbit? :bigsmile:

    Lila,- that yam sound so yummy right now. I usually only eat them at Thanksgiving. I want to buy a mandolin so I can make sweet potato chips. I think about my mom often, but don’t really remember her voice. She has been gone about 35 years now, and oh there are days I really miss her. Maybe , you are not eating enough? If your calorie burn is so high,you will need fuel to burn some calories? Lila, hope you are feeling better soon! :sick: :sick:

    Barbie- thank you for the words of wisdom about the math teacher. It is hard in that the parent who have had older students with the same teacher, say that she is the worst teacher, she doesn’t teach the students. One parent told me that she had 2 of her children with the same teacher and she will never child in her class. She will have her child go to the local Jr college or they will change schools. Any way, I will take you words and come from a place of love. My daughter is doing ok in the class. So, I will work on the positive and her strengths. Thank you. Sometimes, I feel that God put you into my life for a reason! Thank you for your wisdom and help! :heart:
    The Olympic discovery trail must be beautiful!:flowerforyou:

    Michele- I loved jacks and hopscotch. Did you make those different designs with a string that was in a circle and one twisted it around your fingers and then twisted the string again another way to make another design too. Those were good days and life seemed so simple and carefree. Kick the can, kick ball in the street and hide and seek! Oh, lets not forget jump rope! Michele- it feels so good to get into the spa when the air outside is cooler. The hard part is getting out of the spa to go back into the house in a wet bathing suit! Go straight to the warm shower! Pictures of the pool and spa- amazing, beautiful! Are those pine trees in the back? Looks like you have some acreage! Wow, how amazing that will be sitting out in the spa under the stars. This is when I would have a glass of wine! :laugh: :laugh:

    DebA- wow you really get up early for work! You must go to bed really early? I don’t know how you find time to exercise either? Can you fit your exercise in before you come home for dinner. I don’t think that I would ever get my exercise done after that long day and dinner! Lol :smile:

    Carolyn, your trip to Nashville sounds lovely. You must take picture of the decorations to share with us. Hope you found some good recipes! :bigsmile:

    Cinnamon- you need to make your food diarys open so we can see them to offer you some suggestions! Don’t give up, you are worth it to make yourself healthy! :smile: :smile:

    Jolene- how are you doing and do you know why you are having the fluid retention? :noway:

    Gini- you are very blessed. Thank you for help me to realize that I need to spend sometime thinking about all of the blessings in my life. You are doing really well. So, fortunate to have your house paid off! Thar is quite an accomplishment during these days! Congrats to you! You have done an awesome job! :drinker:

    Jane- great news about your friend and your back. Youll be back up and running in no time! Oh, I mean walking in no time you will be up and walking!:happy: :happy:

    Deborah- good idea about the gratitude journal. I need to do this again too! It is very powerful to be positive and be grateful for the good things we hav in our lives! :drinker:

    Glenda- yes you are right about the Baba Ganoush! I am glad that you are living in the cold, I could not tolerate it. The cold brings you beautiful green summers and at least you get the four seasons. I have never had a white Christmas as an adult. There is always a positive side to everything! :flowerforyou:

    Mary- thanks for the saying that was very helpful! :bigsmile:

    Holli- Welcome! :smile:

    Donna in NJ- thank you for sharing your journey with us. So happy that all is going well for your DH. Congrats to your fortitude and sticking with taking care of yourself! A job well done.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Lin sending a swift kick your way! :laugh: :laugh: Hope you were able to get started on the task at hand. I would have no idea how to do it either. :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Nelsont86 and Tekwriter-,provemwrong===welcome :smile: :smile: :wink: :wink:

    Jen- doing the happy dance with you! Awesome news about DS, Amen! :flowerforyou:

    Kate, I got such a laugh about you wanting to mug the lady with the chocolate bar! How dare she bring those and sit so close to you! You did good with your carrots. Your body thanks you! :noway: :noway:

    VickieM- I am going to have to check out this book Dr. Furhman and his Live to Eat Diet. I always like to see what they have to say! Welcome back! :drinker: :drinker:

    AuntieBk- I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Robby. There is no other unconditional love that is so strong as between a animal and a human. My God comfort you during this difficult time.:sad: :sad: :flowerforyou:

    Meg, I hope you are having the anniversary of a life time! Can’t wait to hear about it! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :blushing: :blushing:

    Well, DD and DH are getting up in 2 hours to drive to a shooting competition, I am just going to bed,but at least I can sleep in. I told DD#2 that we are going to the gym (Sunday). Hopefully she will go with me. She has a few days before she has to wash her hair again! DH did go to the gym with me on Friday. He looked at himself in his elk hunting pictures and could not believe how overweight he is. It was so nice to go to the gym with him. God does work miracles! Thank you everyone for your kindness and well wishes. Now, we need to do 2011 taxes, but there should not be any issues with the IRS on the 2011 taxes as they own us a refund. Can you believe that they paid us interest on the refund! That was a nice surprise! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Ok, sweet dreams to everyone. Hugs,to those of you who need it. Congrats for the successes for all the losers!

    Another day to be loving and nurturing to ourselves! :heart:

    Blessings, Linda :flowerforyou:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,:smile:

    Yes I should still be in bed asleep I got up for a bathroom run and woke up~:grumble: I didn't post anything yesterday my day just got away from me. Went out with some coworkers Friday night fun but didn;t get in till late and Saturday was a very busy day. Today was our Churches yearly Woodcutter Ball. Fun time lots of work and fresh air. My chili was runner up this year. One of my friends has start Med Fast she loves it and is enjoying success on it. She eas buggy ne to try it. I said no I think what I am doing is working for me and fits into my life better.

    @Barbara--Sorry about Robby:flowerforyou: We lost our 1t dog around this past christmas it is so hard.

    @Meg--Happy Anniversity

    @Linda - have fun at the shooting competation.

    @Michele Pool looks great

    @M Congrats on the 5k

    @Kate yes I have had nights like that. Were every joint hurts.

    @Dee i never really like beets as a child but maybe should try them again. I know they are good for you.

    @Lin I love books so applaud you on not buying books you don't need

    @Barbie thanks for all of the great advice.

    @Jadesat Congrats on Weight Loss.

    @Lila--I really like yams, and sweet potatoes right now I cook them like a baked potato whole in the microwave.

    I am sure I am missing someone sorry but I wish you all the best. Starting to feel tired so going to try to get in a few more Z's!!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Mombert:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: , come in often and chat with us!!!

    Kate:smile: Yay for the football game win!!! Yay you had carrots and didn`t mug the lady in front of you for her candy:laugh: . Rant away at the boss here, it`s much better to get that stress out, stress is not good for weight loss!!! Is Mama Crankypants back:huh: :laugh: ? Do you have restless leg syndrom? I have no solution for you, hopefully some other ladies will:flowerforyou: .

    Barbie:smile: Congrats on getting a new exercise bike!!!

    VickiM:smile: Welcome back:flowerforyou: ! Looking forward to getting to know you!!!

    Lila:smile: Hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: , drink lots of fluids:drinker: and get lots of rest:yawn: !!!

    Hyespirit:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: , Just jump right in and chat!!!

    Barbara:smile::cry: :sad: :brokenheart: . So sorry for your loss!!!

    Provemwrong:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: . Come in often and chat with us!!!

    Linda:smile: Congrat on getting hubby to go to the gym with you, it`s amazing what we see in pictures that we don`t see in the mirror:huh: :frown: . Good for you resisting the catered food at your friends celebration of lfe!!!

    Liz:smile: Congrats on coming in runner up with your chili:flowerforyou: !!! And good for you sticking to what is working for you!!!

    Meg:flowerforyou: Happy anniversary:flowerforyou: !!! Hope you and hubby had a fabulous fun filled weekend getaway!!!!

    I get to be Queen today:bigsmile: , which means I need to go get myself tiara ready:laugh: . The princess dog is prancing around so we must go on our royal walk before the tiara goes on today, we don`t want the castle floor to be soiled:angry::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    Good Morning,

    Wow, 2 cups of coffee and 2 hours later and I finally caught up!:drinker:

    It's been a busy week!

    Have to go help my grandson get his breakfast and will be back later to post more.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Today is Isagenix cleanse day which means very low calories…….I walked the dogs in the morning and in the afternoon and helped Jake plant the bulbs in the garden……otherwise we hung around the house and watched TV and did laundry.

    :flowerforyou: When we were on our weekend trip we used a recumbent exercise bike in the hotel gym. We both liked it, so Jake did some research on the internet and we looked at one at Big Five and decided to buy the one we saw on the internet……it will arrive in about ten days…..some of you remember how sad I was when our last exercise bike died.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Barbie - I love my recumbent bike..quite often it is my exercise of choice since I have limited time to workout...I use the program for rolling hills but keep my resistence on the low end out of respect for my knees
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: oh happy day....ds is back in CA from Afghanistan! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    he is spending a few days with a friend and his family in Laguna Beach and will come home to NYS for leave in a couple of weeks....did I already sing oh happy day?!

    Have a good night

    Jen---how wonderful.


  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    @Barbara - 18 years is a nice long life for a puppy. I've lost 3 so far - each of which I'd owned since they were 6 weeks old. My 32 pound "Yap Yap" died of liver failure at 12 - he was my first and hardest death. Sadie - an 80 pound shepard / lab mix died at 14 - just went out side to do her business and laid down and didn't get up. And Suzy (looked like a labradoodle) died 3 years ago at 13 - she slipped on the wood floor and couldn't get up - I pulled her to the carpet where she could get her footing, hugged and kissed her and called her a silly dog and 5 minutes later she was no longer with us. I still miss each and every one of them. I got Suzy when Sadie was 12 years old, then I got my current dog "Sammy" when Suzy was 9 years old". Sammy is now 8 years old and two years ago I got Ozzy (a standard poodle) by fibbing to my husband and saying Sammy was 9 years old - he is just now 8 years old. My dogs mean a lot to me so I understand the pain you're going through.

    Sundance - I absolutely am addicted to my fitbit. My only concern is the calories it adds back - I think it may add too many. For instance I've only been awake for about 50 minutes and between sleeping and the bit I've roamed around so far, it says I've burned nearly 700 calories (which I am sure I have) but has added 94 of them back to calories I can eat. That sounds like a bit much.

    I am meeting some dear friends this morning for breakfast. Today is her 79th birthday and she is healthier and more alert than I. I fully intend to have a pecan waffle. I am going to sneak my low fat butter spread and my light pancake syrup into the restaurant. I have been looking forward to it all week!!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I am checking in like I promised I would. I slept in a little this morning which felt good. I am now up and have had my morning smoothie and am catching up on computer. Not sure what the day will bring. Hubby is at work, Beth and family are on the way back from Disney, Shawn's family at soccer games, Matt at girlfriends and not sure what Heather and family are doing today. I may just chill and catch up on housework and other stuff. Just wanted to check in. Read some of the posts. So glad to see so many on here. I have not found an easy way to respond to each like some of you do so please dont expect that of me. Barbie so glad you got a bike. I know how you loved your bike. So sorry for the loss of you dog. I know that is hard for you Auntiebeck. I will close for now but will be back later. Have a great Sunday ladies.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Jen- So happy for your news. I remember the feeling when my step son returned from both tours in Iraq

    Barbara- So sorry to hear of your loss. We have lost a total of 4 dogs over the years. It never gets easier. Our current dog is a golden retriever who is 11. He is so much a part of the family. We are hoping he has many good years left.

    Barbie- I have used the recumbent bike at the gym and find it so much more comfortable to ride. Enjoy!

    We were hoping to sneak in another kayaking trip today, but the weather is not cooperating. Guess we will make it a day to catch up on housework and hopefully get ahead a little on school work. I'll do one of my Leslie Sansone walk tapes for exercise.

    Have a great day all!

    Deb A
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Beautiful Sunday morning, a few red clouds overhead, no rain at the moment, but it's on the way. Red sky morning, sailors take warning. I need to wake the dogs up and get them out for a walk early. They're still in snooze-ville. :yawn:

    Barbara. My dear friend, nice to have you back. I'm so sorry Robby had to move on. I loved how you put it, "the General has gone ahead." Your story, my gosh, what a beautiful tribute! Brought tears to my eyes big time. Sending good thoughts your way today, and every day. :heart:

    Linda, about the community garden, each plot owner maintains their own soil. There are no rules in the bylaws about building good, healthy soil when becoming a member, but most folks add compost and manure regularly. Some don't, and boy, can you ever tell a difference. There are 132 garden plots total, my hubby and I have 2 where we've grown for the last 7 years. Just this year a fence was put up around the entire garden which will help immensely in keeping out the trespassers and gleaners who think "community" garden means "come and get it." We do have a security guard who makes an occasional pass through the area, and there are signs warning about the $1200 fine for illegal harvest and trespassing. A man was caught taking 10 tomatoes from our plot one year, and sure enough, he was fined that amount. We didn't see him, but another gardener did and called the police. Those were pretty expensive tomatoes! :noway: Sad, really, since if he would have asked us, we would have been happy to share. I should post a little sign in our garden that says "We Share, Please Ask." :wink: We give extra our veggies to neighbors and senior centers.

    Barbie, your bike! :bigsmile: That's going to be great! I've always thought that would be a wonderful thing to own.

    I canned a bunch of salsa yesterday, today I'll be making a few quarts of pickled jalapenos, carrots & onions (escabeche). I didn't get down to the track in the morning, but took the dogs on a wonderful hike down to a deserted island on the river. Gorgeous day, I was completely decked out in rain gear but wouldn't you know it didn't rain one single drop. :laugh:

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day. :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb
  • nycgirlo
    hope all is well
  • nycgirlo
    sorry for your loss