Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    dreary, cold, windy, rainy day......what to do???
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Saturday Success:? Umm..I got to go out with some old highschool friends. It was a good time. I haven't had time to really enjoy too much this semester. It's hectic.

    Sunday.. Don't remember the title of this one but i'll just blab. So, hopefully tomorrow I find out about the internship. I'm going to be so happy if I either get an offer or a second interview. It'd make my day and even my week. :)

    PS. Are we moving to another thread soon?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @MOwMOw~Good for you for getting out and walking, it really does help to boost serotonin. I hope your feeling back to you're usual self soon!
    Saturday Success:? Umm..I got to go out with some old highschool friends. It was a good time. I haven't had time to really enjoy too much this semester. It's hectic.

    Sunday.. Don't remember the title of this one but i'll just blab. So, hopefully tomorrow I find out about the internship. I'm going to be so happy if I either get an offer or a second interview. It'd make my day and even my week. :)

    PS. Are we moving to another thread soon?

    Good luck with the internship! Yes, we move to another thread every 500 posts.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)


    1. Take your measurements at the start and end of the month.

    2. Control Your Carbs. Limit your carb intake below what you had been eating before this month. For example,
    dramatic carb limits would be 150 gm carb a day.


    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Yep, me too!


  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    B-usy trying to get everything done
    U-ploading student grades as I type this
    M-issing my "me" time
    P-raying everyone is having a great weekend. :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys!

    Sunday Share:
    So I made the decision to go for a long run vs. the gym. Got ready to go and waited for a lull in the rain. Got out of my gate with gunner. AND IT STARTED POURING. :angry: We ended up just doing a quick walk around the block (Gunner hates the rain), and I was soaked to the bone when we got home, so no gym either. I will do core tonight and go to the gym tomorrow after school.

    Grading goals for the week ahead:
    1. 7/22 AP essays
    2. x/22 punctuation tests (started these--plan to finish them while watching TV tonight)
    3. x/58 Thoreau essays
    4. x/22 2 paragraph responses
    5. finish section 2 of Montana 1948

    So Walking Dead season premiere is on tonight!! So excited!!! :happy:

    That reminds me of people I miss:

    roozombie (zombie show made me think of you)

    almost added karenleona, but I see you popped in. :smile: We are rainy too--not very conducive to exercise. :ohwell:
  • best of luck to grandmakaye and aug on your surgeries and to morgori on quitting smoking!

    I got called today to go in for an interview tomorrow morning at 10! Super excited, although I'm not entirely certain what the job entails... even though I just re-read the description. I will have some questions, for sure. Now, if I can just figure out what to wear....
  • btw, to all you teachers out there... do any of your schools have a "behavior intervention specialist?" if so, what does s/he do?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lmack--teaching upper levels, I don't get a lot of behavior issues, but it sounds like someone who would work with teachers to help manage students with behavior disorders. I would guess that position could take on a lot of different forms--as someone to help in the classroom, as a resource person who pulls kids out of class for one-on-one interventions, or even as a resource to the teachers (rather than someone who works directly with the students).
  • @skinnyjeanz thanks for your reply. The job description suggests that i would do all those things, plus data collection and reports, plus work with parents, plus network with outside providers. I guess I will just have to ask what a typical day looks like, to get a sense of how much is direct student support versus other activities/responsibilities.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My daughter made an absolutely amazing dinner for us tonight. I really enjoyed it, and much to my surprise, I still came in under points.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @Skinnyjeans - thanks for the boost. Yep, I *will* get back on track.... I just have to put my mind to it.
    @Andrea - Glad to see you back, and glad your husband's surgery went well. Sending good juujuu that all your medical things come out successful!
    @Robin, Lin, Chris & everyone else - Thank you for being such a strong inspiration for folks.

    Sunday Share - life is starting to settle down, and hopefully my emotions will settle down as well. I'm a terrible emotional eater, and it's kicked me off my path for a little bit. Did a bit of 'retail therapy' this weekend (ok, my other vice) and I'm feeling motivated.

    Ok, I should clarify - "retail therapy" is not what you might think - I nabbed a great dress at Goodwill, and undies at a warehouse sale at the Fredericks outlet. I actually can't bring myself to pay real retail prices! I'm a thrift store/yardsale/outlet addict.:laugh:

    Have an outstanding week, everyone!
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    btw, to all you teachers out there... do any of your schools have a "behavior intervention specialist?" if so, what does s/he do?

    We have a behavior intervention specialist at our school. Her job is to find out who our students that are not being successful in the Tier process are and to get them the help they need. Our specialist is fabulous and she really cares about the kiddos. :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    lmackbeth - good luck on the job interview - :flowerforyou:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, :smile:

    @Vicki-- I really enjoy shopping at thrift stores its so fun to find that good find.:wink:

    @Big Aug and @Kaye -- Saying prayers for your surgeries tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

    @Christine-- Hope you had fun at your DS and DIL's today,

    @skinny so did you enjoy your run outside? We are having beautiful weather here. Enjoying as much outside as I can get.

    @MyMOwMOw--- I am glad you forced yourself out for that walk it does help not only phyically but mentally too.

    @Tom -- good job on quitting it is a process good for you on trying..

    Good day overall did a good job on food and was able to take Bella outside for her walk. I went to my settings and change it my goal has been 2lbs a week now it is 1lb. It is sort of scarey too me to do this but I think it will help. But it sort of startling seeing the number they gave me for calories allow daily seems like too much to loose weight so will see how it goes.

    Today was a 1st I didn't loose anything stay the same I knew this could happen but still didn't sit easy with me. But at least I didn't go up.

    Sorry if I miss you best of thoughts and wishing everyone a goodnight.

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA this weekend. Fairly on track though. Busy trying to get ready for NYC trip which has been delayed for a few days. That's good because I was not ready. Been training someone to handle my shipping while I am gone.

    A little about me. I run a sucessful EBAY store out of my home. My hubby helps me

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    btw, to all you teachers out there... do any of your schools have a "behavior intervention specialist?" if so, what does s/he do?

    Yes, we have one for our district. We have ten elementary schools, two middle schools, and one high school, and he works for all of them. For the students with behavior issues, he observes and meets with students, consults with teachers and special educators, contacts parents, consults with principals and outside agencies, coordinates/writes functional behavior assessments, helps develop behavior intervention plans, and purchases rewards for students on behavior plans. That's what I can think of off the top of my head.
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @liz ~ Changing your goal from 2 lbs. to 1 lb. per week might be just what you need to keep losing. When I belonged to Curves, their diet had three phases. It was similar to the South Beach diet. I started out on Phase 1 for one week. On that phase, I ate high protein/low carbs, and I was VERY limited on carbs. Then I went to Phase 2 and was allowed more carbs. I stayed on Phase 2 until I reached a plateau. Then Phase 3 started. On Phase 3, I ate anything I wanted. Believe it or not, I continued to lose on Phase 3 for a couple weeks but then started gaining. As soon as I gained, I went back to Phase 1 and started over. It messed with your metabolism or something and really worked. The problem with me was, when I went to Phase 3, I had a very hard time going back to Phase 1. I remember being on Phase 2 and had not lost for awhile, but I didn't want to go to Phase 3 because I knew how much trouble I always had going back to Phase 1. We went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant, and I ate a great big bowl of fried rice. I couldn't believe it when I got on the scales and lost that week! Anyway, bumping up your calories might be just what you need to jump start your body to lose again, as weird as it sounds! (BTW, I lost 70 pounds on that diet but went to Phase 3 and never could bring myself to go back to Phase 1! Hence, I gained about 40 pounds which is what brought me to MFP!)
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    stopping in to say hello before I head to sleep. I have been remis in posting....working way to hard and not enough time. Working in the morning but wanted to say hello
