Mikes Daily Rant Topic: Big Bones

Well I have never been the type of guy that has ever had trouble admiting to what appears to be evident. If asked a question, I have always been truthful. I have always been fair but honest. Often times the truth can be hurtful if you already know it to be true but expect someone to lie to you. I dont get that concept. Today at the gym a woman said "I work hard everytime I come here. I eat right and everything. I just cant lose weight. But Being Big Boned runs in my family." I just shook my head without commenting right then. I walked away and she followed behind me asking "What, What?!?!" I tried to walk away and keep her from hating me. But she insisted that I share my thoughts. Sooooo.... I did! I said, "2 things. 1. It appears that no one runs in your family so that theory is wrong. 2. All bones are the same size. You are not big boned you have regular bones with big *kitten* meat wrapped around them. However you are in the gym which is the second step to making a change to your body. First is changing your mindset and cutting the denial out." Her jaw dropped and and she had a serious face and she bursted out into laughter. I was relieved and she couldnt believe that I said that to her but she worked hard in spin class after that and told her friends what I told her and they all got a good laugh out of it.

My rant is this. Although we laughed about it, This is no laughing matter! People stop saying that you have big bones. You dont. You have big deposits of fatty substances under your skin. Keep it real. I know I do. Look out for Mikes Daily Rant tomorrow. Im sure something will upset me and make me post.


  • AlichiaMJohnson73
    AlichiaMJohnson73 Posts: 186 Member
    Beings dat I'm a BIGBONED SISTAH myself...I agree's with you totally MIke...nobody with BIGBONES runs in my family, but we be in the GYM getting it!!!
    LOL:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :happy:
    I'm ctfu at what you said to her...KEEPING IT SO REAL!!!!
  • Beings dat I'm a BIGBONED SISTAH myself...I agree's with you totally MIke...nobody with BIGBONES runs in my family, but we be in the GYM getting it!!!
    LOL:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :happy:
    I'm ctfu at what you said to her...KEEPING IT SO REAL!!!!

    I trid to run away!! She came after me!! LOL.
  • :heart: :heart: :heart: this!!! SO true! I get sick and TIRED of hearing people use that EXCUSE. Get up and MOVE it. :happy: and, thanks for the laugh!! :laugh:
  • Substances
    Substances Posts: 120 Member
    I wish there were more people like you around.
    Being blunt is what helps, if you ask me.
    Someone told me I wasn't fat, but I was losing my muscle and getting flabby after I stopped gymnastics.
    They were SO right, even if I was offended for a few minutes at the time. I'm glad they told me before I really did become overweight~
  • quietcoral
    quietcoral Posts: 64 Member
    Well.. some people's bones ARE bigger than others(frame size) and some people are more susceptible to weight gain due to genetics, hormones, muscle fiber type etc. That was a pretty insensitive thing to say if you ask me. I do agree with you that people use that excuse much too loosely and often when really they need to make a lifestyle change and learn to eat right, but I also think some people have a harder time than others with their weight and it's not our place to judge.
  • Vnm77
    Vnm77 Posts: 32 Member
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    No big bones here. Just big butt and thighs. :bigsmile:
    STARSHINE1975 Posts: 168 Member
    You sir, are getting a friend request. :laugh:
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    ROFLLLLLLLL, I love it!!! Yes I agree all bones are the same size I just happen to have unusually large thigh meat wrapped around my bones. LOLOLOL I am so glad my bones arent big cuz how the hek could one change their bone size...LOLOL that is funny!!!!
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    Well.. some people's bones ARE bigger than others(frame size) and some people are more susceptible to weight gain due to genetics, hormones, muscle fiber type etc. That was a pretty insensitive thing to say if you ask me. I do agree with you that people use that excuse much too loosely and often when really they need to make a lifestyle change and learn to eat right, but I also think some people have a harder time than others with their weight and it's not our place to judge.

    'Big Boned' is just an expression. Frame size, height genetics have nothing to do with bone size. Some people do have a harder time but it has NOTHING to do with their bones. All the other items you listed yes, but their bones no and I believe that is all he was referring too, which is why the lady had to laugh at the notion her self.
  • slshaw23
    slshaw23 Posts: 126 Member
    You're crazy lol....what is spin class
  • Wow. Glad you didn't get smacked in the face! Ouch! Seriously though, I know what you mean about the whole big bone thing buuuuttt. There is a range. For my height I can be something like 140 lbs or 104 lbs and still be considered a healthy BMI. Im just pointing out that there is a pretty wide range of healthy. Im in the middle, pretty happy with it and cant imagine nor would I want to weigh 104. but i would feel overweight if I was at 140.
  • Ginnyesq
    Ginnyesq Posts: 109
    That's hilarious. I'm glad she laughed!
  • :heart: :heart: :heart: this!!! SO true! I get sick and TIRED of hearing people use that EXCUSE. Get up and MOVE it. :happy: and, thanks for the laugh!! :laugh:

  • Goodness.
    I wish there were more people like you around.
    Being blunt is what helps, if you ask me.
    Someone told me I wasn't fat, but I was losing my muscle and getting flabby after I stopped gymnastics.
    They were SO right, even if I was offended for a few minutes at the time. I'm glad they told me before I really did become overweight~

    I Truth really does set you free. I am free as a bird!
  • princessdartany
    princessdartany Posts: 28 Member
    My rant....people who make excuses for being rude. Yes denial is a reality but so are people who are rude for no reason. There is more than one way to say something and you chose to be rude and on top of that you think its funny. I say being nice and honest is better. Over weight people experience enough rudeness from the world. I am sure she might have laughed in your presence....(denial) but I would bet your comments adding about another 500 calories to her caloric intake for the day (emotional eating).
  • Well.. some people's bones ARE bigger than others(frame size) and some people are more susceptible to weight gain due to genetics, hormones, muscle fiber type etc. That was a pretty insensitive thing to say if you ask me. I do agree with you that people use that excuse much too loosely and often when really they need to make a lifestyle change and learn to eat right, but I also think some people have a harder time than others with their weight and it's not our place to judge.

    Well I am judgemental if asked to be. I dont feel that it was insensitive. How would you have said it? Just curious
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    This needed to be said! And yes, some people have medical issues, I get that, but most of the time it's excuses.
  • No big bones here. Just big butt and thighs. :bigsmile:

    Inbox me proof.
  • RedHotHunter
    RedHotHunter Posts: 560 Member
    This rant is right up my alley. I've been tall and curvy for as long as I can remember. I'm also very tough. So as I got fatter other people would try to make me feel better by saying I had "big bones." I would try to argue. "No I dont." They just say "dont be so hard on yourself" while I got fatter and fatter LOL I guess if you're tall and tough you MUST have big bones? WTF Anyway, I have used every measurement guide under the sun and it has been confirmed that I have a medium frame. Totally average bones.

    So Mike would you please tell my family and friends that I'm NOT big boned? Big bones is just an excuse and it's certainly not one that I've ever used. I was simply lazy and liked to eat more than my share.

    Big bones :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: