

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Coming from a family (dad's side that lived at the coast in south Devon), I was used to hearing my grandpa say "Red sky at night, sailor's delight, red sky in the morning sailor's warning". But the other side of my dad's family were from the Cotswold area of England and my gran always said "no, it's Red Sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning"

    So, I guess if it a red sky at night it is delightful for everyone/anyone and the opposite in the morning.

    Back from my walk around the mall, now to go to get on with my lace scarf.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Monday and it's beautiful today,

    Gini-congrats on your loss:flowerforyou:

    Michele- LOVED:love: your pool.

    M-I too exercise in the restroom, I do wall push ups and squats then in my office I do chair push ups for the back of my arms, every little bit helps:drinker:

    Lila-hope you are feeling better soon:flowerforyou:

    Glenda-so sorry to hear about your Mom and her dementia, I know it's hard when you see them going through that.:flowerforyou:

    Donna-glad you are back and that you have done so well and are entering maintenance. Good news about your hubby hoping he continues to improve.:flowerforyou:

    Lila-good for you not adding to your clutter...now sure if I'd have been able to do that...I'm a sucker for books:ohwell:

    Jen- YEAH your son is home on R & R (?) or is he home for good? Either way you enjoy your time with him and take lots of pictures:drinker:

    Kate-sorry you are having boss issues, that makes work more challenging:grumble:

    Vicki M- Welcome Back:flowerforyou:

    Robin- so sorry to hear about Robbys passing, I know it's always hard to lose a pet, but it sounds like he was the best :flowerforyou:

    Linda Sundance- how proud you must be of your daughter, doing so well in the shooting competition:drinker:

    Dee Dee- so sorry to hear about your journey that brought you here to MFP but glad that you shared your story with us, it's a good thing that you have a granddaughter to help keep you looking to the future:drinker:

    Deborah- about my pie that I eat, I prepare the pumpkin pie receipe that's on the Libby can but change the egg to egg beaters, the sugar to stevia and the evaporated milk to fat free evaporated milk, then prepare it and put it in a greased pan with out the crust bake it accoring to the directions. I love pie crust but if I can have the pie filling without the crust for less calories then I'm going to do it:wink:

    Friday I had the best of intentions of getting back here to post and then over the weekend...but never did. Peanut had to have a couple of teeth pulled so he was quite the whinner on Friday night, but he's doing fine now.

    I spent my weekend in the kitchen, it's something I really miss puttering around and cooking up a storm. Hubby was at work on Saturday and Sunday he went to a gun show (I didn't want to go) and I cooked and prepped a lot of food for easy heating for meals for the next couple of weeks. I tried out some new receipes on the hubby and he really liked them so that was a plus too. Hubby wanted me to go on a bike ride with him yesterday but when he asked I was in the middle of #7 of chicken breasts so I didn't go.

    I didn't do a very good job of logging my food over the weekend as I was doing a small bite here and a small bite there as I was preparing food but today I'm back to the scheduled foods because I only eat what I bring to work, so if I don't bring it it's not there for me to eat.

    Everyone have a good day, keep on moving, drinking and logging your food:drinker:


    PS and about that gun show that hubby went to he bought me some silver earrings that look like seashells:love:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Bump to mark my place. We had a fabulous weekend getaway and now I have to get ready to leave for Philadelphia tomorrow morning. I'll be back tomorrow evening and catch up....looks like I have a lot of reading to do. Blessings to all of you! Meg
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    An extra big hug to you DeeDee I saw your long post with tears and knew I had to read it even if it was the only thing I read tonight. :flowerforyou: Meg
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy Monday...trying to get myself on track yet again...I know I am my own worst enemy...but logging and checking in are invaluable tools for me...I did bike this am..9 miles in 34 minutes so a good start to my week

    Deedee - wow what a journey you have had...it is wonderful that you have such a great relationship with your granddaughter

    Jb- your community garden sounds great but a LOT of work to get the results that you do...and that is before all the canning

    Laura - ds has a few days off and then will be home on leave for about 10 days...he still has about 2 1/2 years left of his active commitment ...we will see what he decides after that..I am sure he will be deployed again somewhere but we have been through it once...so will take it as it comes

    Barbie - thanks for keeping our thread going...so much inspiration on here...your love of line dancing has prompted me to purchase a line dance workout Dvd...I am a terrible dancer so this should be very entertaining:laugh:

    Linda - congrats to your dd...it is great when kids find and pursue a passion

    Ok that is all I remember..have a great night..hugs, high fives and prayers
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Evening lovely ladies:smile: ,

    Pretty uneventful weekend but sometimes that's not a bad thing! My DS one year wedding anniversary is today and I was quite delighted to find out the gift cards I sent them for Red Lobster not only arrived in time but that was where he was planning their anniversary dinner at!:happy: It made me feel that even though he lives so far away, I haven't lost touch with their lives! And they're coming for Christmas!

    DeeDee -Thank you for sharing your story with all of us here!

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Monday night already, seems like the day just flew by, and I’ve still got a Council meeting to attend. Cold is still hanging on; I might have to warn the Mayor to nudge me if I drop off from the cold medication. It always makes me sleepy. I’ll take some tea with me to sip on.

    Michele – your energy inspires me. Whenever I feel lazy I just have to read your posts and remember how much can be accomplished.

    DeeDee – I’m with you on walking the dogs. Rex would probably go all day but Evie I have to encourage every step of the way after 15 minutes. It’s like encouraging a kid to try harder. My mom used to say “Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning; red sky at night, shepherd’s delight” and if you could see enough blue for a Dutchman’s breeches, then the sky would clear. Hope your allergies abate some.

    Liz - your Woodcutter’s Ball sounds like great fun. I love anything where kids and adults are dancing and doing activities together. Sort of like weddings.

    Linda – yay for your daughter, how great that she enjoys something she does so well, or vice versa.

    Oh DeeDee – thank you for sharing your story. You made me tear up and I had to leave for a few minutes. And I am so glad you are off the Paxil and on to a new life with your family. I have friends with Paxil stories too. I’m happy you’re happy being you (and then you can be happy that I’m happy that your happy etc.etc)

    Nancy – oh no, itches in the worst places. And if you even nudge your breast I can guarantee every one of those 12 year olds will notice. LOL. Your post made me laugh out loud. Which was difficult after DeeDee but so glad to have your cheeky outlook.

    Genealace – Yes, I think what you are referring to is an Oat Bath and Nancy, Aveeno makes one.

    Wessecg -OMG 773 calories, it must have been amazing!!!!! ‘

    Kathy – how lovely that your DS and DDIL are coming for Xmas. Christmas is wonderful with family staying. (and children are even better).

    Better run, got to get to the Council meeting. Will check in on all the posts later or tomorrow morning.

    Hugs to all, and double to DeeDee.

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hugs Deedee and thanks for telling your story. So glad you have a grand daughter to be the sunshine in your life.

    (Paxil isn't the cure-all doctors would like it to be.)

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    I got on to read posts as I was working my way back I knew no matter what I was going to read your post. Thank you for sharing your story. Big Hug to you ! :smooched:

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies, :smile:

    Today has been a good day enjoy my day off got finally caught up on the house work, made a Costco run. Able to get Bella out for a walk.

    @Lila-- Hope your cold will go away soon. Have a good time at your meeting.

    @Linda cool about your daughter.

    @Kathy -- So nice that your son will be home for the holidays

    @Michelle -- I agree with Lili you have such amazing energy!

    @Lin Safe travels

    @Jenn - You will do it and get yourself back on track.

    Today I went out and bought a George Foreman grill. Couldn't wait to get it a few of my friends have them and use it all the time. But after one use not too sure. Maybe I just need to get use to it,

    The scale didn't move this week stay the same I got on Saturday, Sunday and today I think maybe I hope I read it wrong but I didn't. I knew this was going to happen but still bug me. At least it didn't go up.

    Wishong everyone well ! Hope you have a good evening!:flowerforyou:

    Liz:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    What an amazing group of women! You make me laugh and cry, I love reading every post. Your strength just comes through and makes me feel that I will succeed where I have not felt successful in the past. Today was exciting at work. They installed my new sit-stand desk so I look forward to spending a lot more time on my feet, burning more calories, improving my metabolism, logging more steps on my fitbit. It is all good. I am looking forward to the second half of October continuing to track every day, wear my fitbit, practice tai chi and follow this thread everyday.
    With gratitude,
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Made it to the gym after work. Will do either the gym again tomorrow or go to a zumba class.

    Nancy- Hope the rash goes away very quickly. When I was a teenager, I had head to toe hives that itched horribly. It took doctors a few years to determine they were caused by food allergies. I also work with 7th and 8th graders. They don't miss much!

    DeeDee- Thank you for sharing your story. It brought tears to my eyes to think that you had to go through all of that. I lost my husband to suicide when my children were young. It was so hard to try to explain to them why their daddy wasn't ever coming home. Every milestone in their lives would bring up feelings to work through. We are all very close and they have done very well at handling it all. They are all independent adults now following their passions and leading very full lives. Any lose is difficult, but I can't imagine what you went through. I am so glad you have your granddaughter. Lots of hugs!!

    Deb A
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    DeeDee - I do hope you're feeling better real fast.

    Linda Sundance - congrats to your daughter! What an accomplishment

    Linda - yes, I think the reason Vince is hurt when I say that we really didn't have a choice on the tile is because he wants me happy. He got his garage, now I'm getting my pool.

    Did 20 min of yoga, now off to buy gas and then take the extremepump class. It's raining right now, but according to weather.com it should be gone by 10. Don't know if the guy is going to come to finish the tile. Well, if it's delayed one day, no big deal. Vince has a dentist appt this afternoon so I've scheduled it so that I'm home in case the tile guy has any questions. I'll probably work on another one of the coasters. Don't want to forget them, now. I called Mary Maxim for more yarn back on 10/1, said they'd send it, haven't gotten it yet. Called again a few days later and was told the manufacturer would send it. Well, if I don't get it, I'll only give them the 4 coasters that I have finished. Update: he didn't come so I went and bowled 6 games.

    DeeDee - thank you for sharing your life with us. So sorry for your loss. I can't begin to imagine what you went thru, but I'm ever so glad you're back.

    Did about 20 minutes of yoga and then an hour of the extremepump. Tomorrow I have my annual physical with the MD. I'll do a Leslie Sansone walking DVD because that's something I can do at home. No one was here today working on the pool, it rained early but by 10a.m. it had cleared up. Now the sun is out. I think this is just another thing about how we live further away. In Charlotte it was raining. People don't want to come here for only 3 or 4 hours of work. Well, the tile guys will be here tomorrow and then probably Wed. Not sure when the guy about the fence will be here.

    Nancy - oh no, what a horrible place to get poison ivy! When I had what I thought was poison ivy, I used the AfterBite a lot and it really helped. Aveeno oatmeal soap is helpful, too; but I don't think it works for as long as the AfterBite

    Played mahjongg tonight. . Maj'd three times, and once on a close hand (that's BIG for me). Gotta get ready for the MD appt. tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    What an amazing group of women! You make me laugh and cry, I love reading every post. Your strength just comes through and makes me feel that I will succeed where I have not felt successful in the past. Today was exciting at work. They installed my new sit-stand desk so I look forward to spending a lot more time on my feet, burning more calories, improving my metabolism, logging more steps on my fitbit. It is all good. I am looking forward to the second half of October continuing to track every day, wear my fitbit, practice tai chi and follow this thread everyday.
    With gratitude,

    Mary, what a nice post! I feel the same way and I'm sure others do as well. When did you start doing tai chi? After my heart problems, I asked the cardiac rehab center if I could start doing yoga for relaxation. They suggested that I do tai chi instead heart patients seem to do better with that. Funny...:ohwell: So I picked up a dvd but I'm still trying to get into a regular routine with exercise in general (and my stationary bike in particular), but I plan on giving it a go before very long. Do you enjoy it?

    PEARLYGRACE Posts: 6 Member
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Thanks to Deborah,:smooched: I finally found you again! So glad, I was going through withdrawal.:love::love: So I saved my post after it shuffled off to Cyber-Buffalo. This is a combo from yesterday and today. Hope it makes sense, but I rarely do so who will notice?:bigsmile:

    Nice, long weekend. My knees are better, but now I have a problem with my foot:sad: :grumble: . Its really red, very swollen and hot (yesterday):mad: . Got worse overnight so today I went to the doctor. He seems to think it is a spider bite that has triggered a gout flare up (OH, JOY)!!:angry::angry: So after two injections to the nether regions (I am beginning to feel like a pin cushion by now) I have two weeks worth of two strong antibiotics to consume:grumble: :grumble: . Could someone check, do I have a bull’s-eye on me somewhere, LOL:ohwell: ?

    I lost all the fluid and 1.2 to boot, YAY!:happy: :happy:

    Welcome to all the Newbies. I encourage you to talk freely here. These ladies are wonderful!:flowerforyou:

    Autiebk- I am so so sorry for your loss:brokenheart: :cry: . I had a St. Bernard as child that I dearly loved. His name was Goliath. He was killed when he stepped between me and a drunk driver that had run up on the shoulder of the road where we were walking. :sad: Goliath had knocked me into the ditch. I know in my heart, he sacrificed himself to save me:cry::brokenheart: :brokenheart: . Currently I have a Chiweenie and a Pomeranian, both rescues. Nothing like having those sweet faces to make a bad day go away. I will pray for your healing heart. He was lucky to have such a wonderful life with you.:smile:

    Junekaatz- I know exactly what you are talking about. You might check your caffeine intake at least 8 hours before bedtime. Have you tried melatonin supplements? It’s pretty natural and safe. It might help.

    Linda- I know exactly what is causing my fluid problems…TOO MUCH SODIUM!!!! :mad: :mad: I can’t seem to avoid it. I love having soup for dinner, but by the time I get home I don’t usually have time to make it from scratch. I have to get this under control.:frown:

    Lila- Hope you feel better soon. Be kind to yourself.:happy:

    Barbie- Great idea on the recumbent bike. I had a Gold’s Gym recumbent that I loved, loved, loved…but I killed it. Word to the wise, you can’t run a recumbent bike on a cord for a laptop without it smokin’. That’s all I have to say about that….:blushing:

    Amanda x- London?! How exciting. I have always wanted to visit. I imagine it’s beautiful. I probably won’t ever go though. I am a big chicken when it comes to flying. You will have to tell me about it.

    DeeDee- All those stairs. They would have had to carry me to the car. You are THE WOMAN!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Donna- I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Sounds like to are a very strong woman. So glad things are going as well as they are.:smile:

    Jen- I am so glad your son is home and safe. I know how I worried when my husband was over there. It’s always scary. God is good.:happy:

    M-Congrats on the 5K. I knew you would do! So proud of you.:drinker: :drinker:

    DeeDee- My heart aches for your loss. But please know God knew you needed to be here to help us, the ladies in the group. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing and giving so much.:love:

    Nancy- You crack me up. I am sorry about the poison ivy hanging on. But I have a very vivid imagination and I could just picture you scratching in your boobs to the shock of the 12 years olds. I do hope you are better very soon.:flowerforyou:

    Well, my foot has its own heartbeat. I am going to go put it up and give it an ice pack.
    Sweet Dreams Ladies:happy: :happy:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Score !!! shortest Council meeting ever!!!! Yay.

    Liz – what did you cook on the Foreman grill? I’ve only done chicken breast and steak but it seemed to be pretty good – haven’t tried it on fish yet. What was it about the grilling you didn’t like. Don’t lose hope – plateauing just happens sometimes, just hang in there.

    Mary – what is a sit-stand desk? I’d love to see what it is because it sounds interesting. Keep coming back and visiting us here, we’re all friends. Love the way you signed off – with gratitude.

    Pearly Grace – if you open your food diary, lots of people will give you input and/or suggestions about what might be happening. Welcome to a very very supportive group of women.

    Jolenec1 – your dog story about Goliath gave me the chills – I had the exact same experience when I was 10 and my black lab Queenie knocked me and my sister into the ditch on New Years Day coming back from skating and a drunk driver hit her.
    Hope your foot eases up soon.

    The day started out kind of dreary then the sun came out and just lit up the world for awhile. By the time I came back out of the Council meeting, it was absolutely pouring again so I had to run to my car (does that count as exercise cause I really didn’t get any today). But I did buy a treadmill that I plan on putting in my front foyer for the winter. No one ever comes to the front door in winter anyway because of the snow (and my back door always has the light on so I guess they just naturally gravitate there). A couple of friends will help me get it in the house tomorrow (no it doesn’t fold up, it’s a biggie). Looking forward to it.

    Night for now, happy dreams everyone.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Brandy and Sasha are Standard Poodles---dogs that are known to need and want a lot of exercise. The North Olympic Peninsula in Washington has some of the best weather in the world---never too hot, never too cold. Brandy and Sasha love cold weather and want to walk more when it’s cold and rainy and they especially like to frolic in the snow. Put that all together and it’s a recipe for lots of fun exercise every day of the year.

    :flowerforyou: Linda, thank you for your kind words……my positive attitude is connected to two of my happiness commandments---come from a place of love and act the way I want to feel

    :flowerforyou: Deb A., this weight loss journey is something we do day in and day out……like a clock ticking in a thunderstorm, unaffected by the vicissitudes of life

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, thank you sharing your story…..I am grateful that you came through the darkness to become part of my life.

    :flowerforyou: Genealace, I sent Chiclet a personal message and got this in response
    “Thank you for the intended encouragement, but I think I already have given up. I am pretty sure I have gained all my weight back. My mother is near the end now and it is getting very hard to take care of her on my own (she can't help me in any way now). I have hurt myself numerous times in taking care of her. I can barely walk my dogs now with the pain in my back and knees and have resorted to using my mother's power chair to take them out. And of course I am fighting depression.....what else is new right?
    I don't even bother posting on the site anymore. All I will do is bring everyone else down. But thank you for thinking of me.”

    :flowerforyou: Jb, your community garden sounds heavenly

    :flowerforyou: Jen, I hope you enjoy your line dance video

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    So Lila - it sounds like you managed to stay awake for the council meeting - or is that why it was so short?:laugh: Sure hope you are feeling better soon:flowerforyou: And a new treadmill! How exciting! I still much prefer to be outside but a treadmill is my torture machine of choice!

    No Nancy - I don't think you are going to be able to scratch there in front of your class!:noway: Those kids will be sure to see it and all rapport may be lost for the year. (I did have a giggle!) I do hope that rash clears up for you. It has been a week now, has it not? Have you sen a doctor?

    Jolene - we had a St Bernard/Great Dane cross for a few years and it was a great dog - quiet, intelligent and, yes, very protective. We really missed her when we had to put her down. She had developed a bad hip and the vet did not recommend surgery with her size. My daughter tearfully told me at the time "You better hope you don't get a bad hip"....gave me some cause for concern when I developed osteoarthritis and needed surgery!:frown: (She was actually very supportive and helpful, in case you were concerned:smile: )

    DeeDee - thank you so much for your openess and vulnerability in sharing your story. It is brave to recall all those memories and hard times, but also perhaps therapeutic to look back and see how you have emerged victorious. It is definitely an inspiration and encouragement to the rest of us. thank you.

    It was another glorious day here, if a bit breezy. The full schedule today prevented me from getting out to enjoy it (though I did hit the pool for aquacise - yes, indoor Linda:smile: - earlier in the day). But as I was driving to the library to teach my classes, I caught a glimpse of the sun shining on the full golden leaves of the trees in the valley - breathtaking and a gift moment! a moment of joy!:smile:

    with gratitude, glenda
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Thank you everyone for the kind words about my DD and her competition. I am very proud of her. :heart:
    I had to make myself eat more tonight as I am just not hungry. Wait, did I say that?? Anyway, I need to go to bed now. Tomorrow is my one day off so I can take a little nap tomorrow. Heres to a great week, logging, counting, drinking water and exercising! :drinker: :drinker:

    Deb A- the area you live in sounds really nice.I know that I would not like the cold very much if I had to live in it. One gets used to the sunshine and warmth. I would take being warm any day over being cold. I guess it all what one gets used to. How long did it take you to lose your 71 lbs. That is really awesome! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Auntiebk- sending big hugs your way. Looking to seeing you back on MFP! :smile:

    DeeDee- I am feeling so much sadness now still after I read your story a few hours ago. I just got some time to write and it still has shaken me. One of the reasons is that we are going duck hunting this upcoming weekend. My DH and both DD and me. I thought that this will be the first time we will all go together , is this a good idea? I guess a little anxiety taking over after reading your story. You have done a wonderful job of pulling through such a difficult time and made it to the other side. You really need to be so proud of yourself, as YOU did make it through. You are now a stronger person for having done so. God has a plan for everything and everyone. That is why you are on this site helping all of us! :drinker: I am sorry if this has brought up a difficult time for you. I just liked the idea of being a Queen for the day! Your GD is so luck to have you be her GM. I really appreciate you
    and for sharing your story with us. It really makes me stop and think that we only have this moment in time and to make the most of each moment. As Barbie ,told me to “come from a place of love” Hugs :heart: P.S- Hugs to Dixie too. I think of her often and sending prayers her way! :heart:

    Cathy- the best thing for arthritis is to keep the joints moving. Ok, so that is what the doctors say, but they aren’t the ones with the pain. :grumble: Let alone being overweight. I am in the same boat as you. Yes I have pain, but I just take some medicine and go exercise, so I can lose this weight. It is the only way I can get through the exercise. I believe if it will help me to lose weight and get a stronger body- then it is worth it. One day I will be a a healthy weight for my body and the exercise wont be killing my joints (so much), due to the excess weight! You can do it yes, you can ! Any exercise is better than no exercise at all! :bigsmile:

    Nancy, take some non drowsy antihistamines –like Allegra, zyrtec etc. They should help keep the itching down during the day and then take some Benadryl at night. :yawn: :yawn: One would think that for as long as poison ivy/oak has been around that science would have a pill, lotion or something to get rid of them in a few days. I hope that you get better soon. If you need to scratch, well just you got fleas from your pets. :blushing: :blushing: How in the world did you do a 5k? Were you running and itching all the way? Let us know how the book is after you get over your poison! You know that the rash is inflammation, which causes tissue swelling. Maybe when you get healed up you will be down some weight! Don’t give up hope, we can do this together. Concentrate on getting rid of the itch and rash! :flowerforyou:

    Carolyn –would love it if you could share your white chicken chili- it sounds very yummy. I bet my picky girls would love it too. Well, maybe? Lol How loving of you to make homemade soup for your patient! :flowerforyou:

    JB- Thanks for sharing about your garden. That is such a wonderful way to grow veggies. How fun to work along with people who are all working for a common goal. It is so economic and the rent is so cheap! Good for you for taking care of yourself before the world. :drinker: :drinker: I need to incorporate this into my mind set. I always put everyone first before me. :sad:

    Wessecg- it is amazing how that weight creeps up as we age. I look at how little weight you gained as compared to me. I used to also be 5”8, and I would be so ecstatic if I was I84. Actually, the big weight loss Guru here is So Calif told me that I should weight 180 and not any lower for my height. He said that at my age 180 would be a good weight. He said that he did not want me to get too low and then have to spend my time rigidly trying to maintain a lower weight. As Dee Dee said about depression and weight gain that is what happened to me, plus the meds. You are well on your way to getting back towards 150. You look awesome in your picture on the horse; do you have much more weight to lose? You might have already posted about this, but I can’t remember! :flowerforyou:

    Lentogogirl- congrats on your weight loss. You are correct; We all have the same issues. I think some people caught it sooner than others. We are all on the same journey. Laura 80111- said that last time she lost her weight she did not maintain it and the key to maintaining it , is to stay on MFP. You need to be her to help those of us who are not near maintenance, but know that it is down the road somewhere. We will need your insight and knowledge when we step on the maintenance road! You best stay! :smile:

    Jane- praying that you and your back will feel better soon! :bigsmile:

    Lin- your Dad is very lucky that he has you to help him out. You are so kind to help him with all his needs. From what you wrote you will be very busy logging exercise calories. How often do you travel to help your Dad? You may have already told us , but this old mind can’t remember. I will pray that you will have a good and safe trip with your Dad and that you will be able to get a lot done! :drinker:

    janehadji – welcome home! We are glad that you will be back on MFP soon. Looking forward to hearing about your trip. :bigsmile:

    Genealace –what are leaves? Ha. We don’t see any leaves fall on the ground until November or December. Think of all the calories you will burn raking up those leaves! Always a positive to work, cleaning and all those lovely tasks that we can’t wait to do! :laugh: :laugh:

    Laura80111- that is so sweet that your DH bought you some earrings. Everytime we get an email from Gander Mountain, I think of you and your DH. Sounds like you had a fun time baking and cooking this last weekend. It’s a good thing that you are taking care to prepare your meals for the week! Poor peanut, glad peanut is doing better! :smile:

    Jen, glad you are back on track that is all that matters. I read somewhere that the difference between people who maintain a healthy weight and those who do not- people that keep gaining weight “keep making the same mistake over and over again” Glad you off to a great week. :drinker: :drinker:

    Kathy – that is awesome about the gift card and your DS’s anniversary dinner. You did well and I am so happy for you that they are coming for Christmas! :drinker:

    Lila, darn cold! Hope you feel better soon and you did not fall asleep at the council meeting! I also cant believe that same thing happened to you as Jolene with your beloved pet. What is wrong with people drinking and driving! :grumble: :noway:

    Liz- my SIL loves her GF grill, maybe it will just take some time to get used to it. I have one of those rotisserie things and I love it to use for whole chickens. I cooked hamburgers in it tonight and they turned out really well :bigsmile:

    Michele- what a sweet DH you have. I would take a pool any day and yes, my DH would also want a garage. Are you going to use a pool cover for the winter/ How much is you r electricity bill going to go up to heat the pool and spa. If we use the air conditioner our electric bill goes up to $550.00/month. Otherwise is is about $200.00/month. I am just curious how expensive to live in other area’s California is outrageous. They say, “well that is what you pay for the nice weather” Ha, I guess that is why so many people are leaving California! :laugh: :laugh:

    Deborah and Mary- ok so explain how you do tai chi! Sound like a type of tea to me! :laugh: :laugh:

    Jolene- why would you get shots in –you know where for your foot? Maybe you can find some low sodium soups or make a huge batch on the weekend ( low sodium of course) and then have it during the week? That is a sad story about your dog. He did save your life.:cry::cry: :drinker:

    Barbie, thank you for sharing the following. my positive attitude is connected to two of my happiness commandments---come from a place of love and act the way I want to feel. I just started reading the book. One day I pray that I will be coming from the same place that you are at now! :bigsmile:

    Glenda- your description of the sun and the trees sounds so beautiful. Good to see the beauty in the moment. We have a treadmill too,in the garage. Someone on here called it the “dreadmill” I think that is an appropriate name :laugh: