30 lbs challenge



  • AntoinetteBain
    AntoinetteBain Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same problem...lost 30 then gained 20...and have been hovering there...need motivation..I go to the gym and do the classes....
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I'm with you! I'm about the same weight and needing to get down to at least 155 - 150s. I try to stay around 1200 calories a day and try to exercise a little every day. At least getting in a walk or 2 and some time on my stationary bike.
  • magsi25
    magsi25 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in too, need motivation. Same as above lost 30+ then put on 20+ as needed a small operation. 2 weeks till i can get back to gym so here goes.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Count me in - I have 30 - 35 lbs to lose (depending on which way the wind blows). Being part of a group would be strong motivation for me :-) Do we just follow here on the message board, or will someone create a group? Still new, so forgive me if that is a silly question.

    I started a group. Looks like a few people have joined so far.

  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    Joined the group and posted my CW and 30lb goal weight look forward to seeing you all over there!
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    Wow, this is great so many people joining the challenge!!

  • kerrid72
    kerrid72 Posts: 53 Member
    Still on track after 3 days which for me, lately, is an accomplishment. LOL
  • Slim140
    Slim140 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi everyone..long day for me. Had to get up at 5:30am to be at a meeting an hour away at 8am....then another meeting that last until 12noon then off to a lunch meeting @ 12:30pm ate just salmon and salad....worked all afternoon then at 6pm went to the gym for an hour, then grocery shopping now at 8:30pm i am finally home.

    I havent been losing weight at all but in fact gained 2 lbs...what i have learned is that id yo take ibuprofen, you will retain water. So i have to lay off the pills if i want to see a weight loss.

    Now to read everyone's progress.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member

    yes Ibuprofen can cause water retention so drink plenty or water and watch your salt intake and minimise taking them! Are you measuring for inch loss as well as you sure are working out a lot - also aches in the muscles means they are retaining water ? need a recovery day just gentle stretches etc? Few thoughts......

    Don't get discouraged its only water!
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    I got 32 to go.

    Started at 246, current is 192 and my goal is to get to 160.

    Last two weeks I've lost 5lbs. I've been on a tear. Under my caloric goal by 200+ cals and doing my cardio + walking dog + busy school schedule. I'm confident I will get there. Can't wait.
  • Slim140
    Slim140 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks Carol....today was a lb over again and my food intake was below the 1200. It doesnt discourage me to keep the low calories and the training but you wonder when it will drop down. Last night i just too over the counter excedrein pm. Dont know if that has the same effect.
  • Slim140
    Slim140 Posts: 66 Member
    Week....5 lbs is amazing. Wish i could say the same. Keep it up. Think the holidays and those great outfits you'll be wearing...in smaller size.
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    Today was a pretty good day for food wise. It was raining and really windy here today so wasnt able to get out for a walk with my daughter. But we baked a cake together! =)
    I cant wait until Monday so I can log my weight for the first time since the beginning of the month! (I'm so done with my "see if i can only weigh in once a month and see how much I progress! challenge. So lacking in the motivation.)

    I need to get my butt back in motion and start working out again. I'm become so lazy since my fiance got us internet and Netflix! My friend suggested to try a workout while watching a show but I get distracted easily.

    Anyone have any ideas to regain motivation?
  • shaleasymphony
    shaleasymphony Posts: 172 Member
    ehh my weight has been at a stand still for awhile, but i'll give it a go! (i have alot more to lose) so when are we trying to lose the 30 by?

    SW of challenge: 245.2
    GW of chalenge: 215.2
    UGW: 130
  • dwoodmanjr
    dwoodmanjr Posts: 89 Member
    OK - up 1.2 yesterday, but I was down 5.8 the week before, so I'm assuming this was a "correction". Got another "fill" on my lap-band yesterday, so hopefully the night hunger pangs will be stifled a little. Getting out and walking 3 miles everyday at lunch (my Company has a green line painted in the parking where one lap is 1.5 miles). And, for those rainy days (like today), one lap around the halls in the building is a 1/4 mile, so 12 laps gets me there.

    Good luck and God Bless
  • Slim140
    Slim140 Posts: 66 Member
    You have lost a lot of weight already. I would say we could safely lose 30 lbs in 3 months if we work really hard or 6 months at. A steady pace of 5 lbs a month. Remember the slower we lose it the longer it will stick.. The quicker we lose the harder we have to work to keep it off.
  • zoe1945
    zoe1945 Posts: 21
    Alrighty.....Im in!! I have 30 lbs to lose to get to my ultimate goal weight of 145lbs. I dont always log but I promise to try and commit to this group. Lets do it! Good luck everyone!
  • coccolino30
    coccolino30 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I would like to be part of this challenge as I would like to loose 30 pounds. Please add me to the group. Hope I'll do better this time as I'm up and down all the time.
  • bleistiftspitzer
    bleistiftspitzer Posts: 19 Member
    Yup, sitting at about 165 at 5'6. I'm at college and while my meals are healthy, after the dining halls close I have to scrounge up the most random junk food when I'm hungry :(. Looking for motivation and friends.
  • Slim140
    Slim140 Posts: 66 Member
    Ok.. We will all be weighing in tomorrow and see our progress for the week. I didn't do so well yesterday but back on track now. The secret for me is to pre plan my meals. On days that i think i haven't had much to ear is when i learned i've eaten the most in calories.

    Tomorrow is another week. Back to my hiking for an hour in the morning and weight training with a trainer in the evening.

    Hope everyone had a good losing week.