Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 7



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hello to all!

    Checking in for the night
    Water-10 glasses today!
    Exercise-Was going to...got rear ended on my way home and my neck is hurting...was told it's probably not a good idea to work out!
    Proud-hmmmm...woulda been proud if I could workout (Can you tell I'm bitter!?)...so I will go with that I lowered my calorie goal today and am still under my goal and went over my water intake.

    Hope everyones night doesn't end with a bang like mine did!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jess - Sorry about your bang-up night!:ohwell: I rear-ended someone in November. I have no idea what the eff I was doing but I just rammed into them! My third accident in 47 years of driving (my first was when I was 17 but it wasn't my fault, my second was a year ago - yikes!)

    Bluenote- I'm so impressed with you're walking up the hill to school and NOT being out of breath! Walking up steps and/or hills kicks my butt! Congrats on the complements!:flowerforyou:

    Awestfall -:heart: Inches:heart: is what its all about baby! I mean seriously! Its our size right? And you're DOING IT! You rock!:smooched:

    Chris- 3 minute runs! WAY to GO!:drinker:

    Mari - dropped weight is ALWAYS fat - only gained weight is water!:wink:

    LilDebbie - I'm so happy to see you posting - you were sooo missed!

    Everyone else (and I mean YOU) - I love you guys and reading your posts gives me so much courage to keep going! THANKS!

    Checking in -
    Calories - Over by 200 due to a sneaky Bailey's Irish cream Pie... made with Baileys and whipping cream (frozen)
    Water - YES my drink a giant glass of water before beer trick took me right over the top today!
    Exercise - 35 minutes on the elliptical this AM, Crunch test (79!) a fast 45 minute walk at lunch that left me gross and sweaty (thank god I'd changed into a t-shirt before the walk in the snow) and I got in 1000 "up" stairs today!!!

    Proud - that I saved calories for dinner and only went over by a couple hundred.

    What do I value most in life? My grand children. Sure they are technically "step" grand children but I couldn't love them more - they are the most amazing people! I wish I lived closer to them!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi there, checking in for today
    Calories - 1254
    Water - 9
    Exercise - 20 mins walking 4 flights of stairs
    Proud that I have have a few high stress weeks at work and I am not soothing with food

    Well done to EVERYONE on your accomplishments this week, you are all such an inspiration!!
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hey jlb, I think i'm going to pick up some of that fimring lotion. Nivia, right? So you say its working? I'm getting a little scared of having saggy skin when I get to my goal weight. I think i should start up a skin routine to get it in good shape and keep doing my strength training. Did you see nivea's cellulite serum and the other gell stuff for skin firming? I'm curious.

    Now I won't say whether or not I think it's working until I give it a full 2 weeks. I can say it smells okay and it seems to moisturize pretty well, though. My skin isn't saggy right now (but I suppose it could use some "firming" :tongue:)-- I'm just trying to prevent it from becoming saggy! I have stretch marks on my upper arms (and on my hips but from what I understand that's a normal thing for any lady who's been through puberty :laugh:) and that's why I think my arms are going to be my trouble zone. I actually don't really have stretched skin on my tummy because... um, because I've always been fat. :ohwell: I didn't see the cellulite serum. I'm of the impression cellulite stuff doesn't work at all. My mom claims that it's not what you're rubbing on your cellulite, it's just that you're rubbing your cellulite. So, according to her, any ol' lotion should work the same. I have no idea if that's true or not.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1200 on the nose
    Exercise: only 20 minutes stationary bike & a few flights of stairs
    Water: 2 cups short, unless I'm forgetting to count some (this is really weird for me)
    Proud: Dunno. I'm too sleepy to think of anything.

    Good topic, bluenote. What do I value about my life? I love my bf who has been especially attentive and doting and supportive the last few weeks. I don't know exactly what's up with him, but I like it! :tongue: I love my dogs, who show me such genuine appreciation and affection. And I love that after looking for months and months, I've finally found and purchased a piano accordion!! I'm so excited to learn how to play (I already play the piano so I just have to learn the left hand buttons on the accordion). I'm aware I'm a huge dork. :smile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Awestfall - WTG on the inches.

    Jess - Good luck with the dress....

    I am still UP on the scale, but it is down from monday so that is a good thing. I didn't log cals yesterday :( I think i do okay calorie wise, but thinki had lots of soidum. We went to a sandwich shop, then last night we went to applebees..I had a salad with low cal dressing, and open face cordon blue sandwich it was very good...and looking at it i can't imaigne it was really hight. It was a small hogaie roll, grilled chicken, shaved ham, a piece of swiss cheese.

    Didn't get any exercise or water yesterday :( Hubby came home to go to the doctor and we went out for lunch so didn't do any exercise.

    I value most my most wonderful husband in the world and my beautfiul girls.

    speaking of those "beautiful" girls..:grumble: the little one up again at 5..i told her last night don't get up till mommy comes and gets you..did that work...NO!!!

    I enrolled her in SoccerTots last night...I hope she likes it.
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning everyone! I didnt sleep very well last night at all.. its because I have WAY to much goin on in my mind. I know I have been calling my fiance' my hubby.. for 1 it is easier to type, 2 I feel like we have been married for years! We have been waiting on getting married bc of different things.. money mainly. So we decided just to go to the Justice of the Peace... we went and got our license Tuesday. I told my mom about it that night... she freaked out and said that we should at least do a small wedding... so needless to say, Ive got 3 wks to put EVERYTHING together. :noway: Im completely stressed out.. not bc of the deadline but bc my mom keeps trying to change everything! Im hoping we can get the majority of the things done this weekend... We are going today to sign the contract at the place we are going to do it. Then I am going to run and pick up the briadsmaids dresses bc when I was just looking for a cute dress I found a really pretty pink one that I LOVED but they didnt have my size but had everyone elses and they were only 16 bucks! I dont mind cheap clothes... it doesnt look cheap at all.. but I HAVE to go get them today bc they are on the sale rack and I want to make sure I can get everyones size!

    So this weekend is going to be jam packed... not to mention it is my sons 5th birthday this coming wednesday! and his party is next weekend! At least all I have to do is order his cake and be done with it!

    Check in for: 2-24
    cals: under... Im very surprised bc I tend to eat alot when I stress
    water: on target
    exercise: none
    proud: That I i only have 5 more lbs for my prepregnancy weight!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning everyone! I didnt sleep very well last night at all.. its because I have WAY to much goin on in my mind. I know I have been calling my fiance' my hubby.. for 1 it is easier to type, 2 I feel like we have been married for years! We have been waiting on getting married bc of different things.. money mainly. So we decided just to go to the Justice of the Peace... we went and got our license Tuesday. I told my mom about it that night... she freaked out and said that we should at least do a small wedding... so needless to say, Ive got 3 wks to put EVERYTHING together. :noway: Im completely stressed out.. not bc of the deadline but bc my mom keeps trying to change everything! Im hoping we can get the majority of the things done this weekend... We are going today to sign the contract at the place we are going to do it. Then I am going to run and pick up the briadsmaids dresses bc when I was just looking for a cute dress I found a really pretty pink one that I LOVED but they didnt have my size but had everyone elses and they were only 16 bucks! I dont mind cheap clothes... it doesnt look cheap at all.. but I HAVE to go get them today bc they are on the sale rack and I want to make sure I can get everyones size!

    So this weekend is going to be jam packed... not to mention it is my sons 5th birthday this coming wednesday! and his party is next weekend! At least all I have to do is order his cake and be done with it!

    Check in for: 2-24
    cals: under... Im very surprised bc I tend to eat alot when I stress
    water: on target
    exercise: none
    proud: That I i only have 5 more lbs for my prepregnancy weight!

    Congrats on getting married...hope everything goes smoothly for you.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning everyone! I didnt sleep very well last night at all.. its because I have WAY to much goin on in my mind. I know I have been calling my fiance' my hubby.. for 1 it is easier to type, 2 I feel like we have been married for years! We have been waiting on getting married bc of different things.. money mainly. So we decided just to go to the Justice of the Peace... we went and got our license Tuesday. I told my mom about it that night... she freaked out and said that we should at least do a small wedding... so needless to say, Ive got 3 wks to put EVERYTHING together. :noway: Im completely stressed out.. not bc of the deadline but bc my mom keeps trying to change everything! Im hoping we can get the majority of the things done this weekend... We are going today to sign the contract at the place we are going to do it. Then I am going to run and pick up the briadsmaids dresses bc when I was just looking for a cute dress I found a really pretty pink one that I LOVED but they didnt have my size but had everyone elses and they were only 16 bucks! I dont mind cheap clothes... it doesnt look cheap at all.. but I HAVE to go get them today bc they are on the sale rack and I want to make sure I can get everyones size!

    So this weekend is going to be jam packed... not to mention it is my sons 5th birthday this coming wednesday! and his party is next weekend! At least all I have to do is order his cake and be done with it!

    Check in for: 2-24
    cals: under... Im very surprised bc I tend to eat alot when I stress
    water: on target
    exercise: none
    proud: That I i only have 5 more lbs for my prepregnancy weight!

    Planning a wedding is stressful enough, not to mention doing it on a budget! I been trying to help my sister plan hers and that has been quite the fiasco, and it's not till October! Hang in there! You will get through it all and when it's all said and done you can hopefully have a couple of days to relax!
  • Solandra
    This week has been unpleasant on a few fronts, but I'm moving forward with grace and style - or a reasonable approximation thereof. That said, I'm back below 250 again, so yay!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Water - over
    Calories - under
    Exercise - swept and mopped the floors, scrubbed the kitchen countertops

    Proud of - The past couple of days have involved intense pressure at church, chaos at work and a gravely ill elderly cat. I'm proud that I have stood my ground at church, kept my head above water at work, and did the right thing for my cat.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Tiger: Congrats on your upcoming marriage. How exciting!! And way to go on being just a few pounds away from your prepregnancy weight. You're rockin'!

    Jlb: You mentioning that you mom thinks getting rid of cellulite is more about rubbing the cellulite than the lotion made me remember an article in Cosmo years ago that said you could smooth cellulite by running a rolling pin over it. Apparently it's supposed to break up the fat to give it a smoother appearance. Of course, this was when I was in like junior high (I had NO cellulite then) and I had to try it and obviously it doesn't do anything when there's nothing there to begin with. Okay, it just popped in my head and I had to ramble about it.

    Checking in for yesterday
    Calories: 11 calories left over
    Sodium: Over by 676, but this is WAY better than the past week has been
    Water: 16 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I stayed within my calories even after eating the DQ Reese's Blizzard. It was so delicious!

    So yesterday, I was up 1.5 lbs. from the previous morning and now this morning I'm down that AND some. Today's glimpse at the scale said 193.2. I was expecting something terrible after eating ice cream last night, but I'm glad I was wrong!

    As to what I value in my life...I have SO much to be thankful for that I'm ashamed that I forget it once in a while. Luckily the weight loss journey has made me more grateful. I have my mom who is my best friend and a sister who frustrates me to no end, but I'd be lost without her. My boyfriend is the most wonderful guy I've ever met and I love his entire family. The volunteer work I do is truly inspirational and I always feel like I get more out of it than I give and the people there are truly amazing. Oh, and there's my pets (two cats and a horse) who give me unconditional love. To be completely honest, I'm happier than I've ever been, even though my financial situation is worse than ever, which shows me that money isn't as important as people seem to think.

    Okay, I'll get some work done now. I'm having a rambling day.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Congrats, Tiger!!
    My bf and I have been together almost 4 years. All of my friends who started dating their SOs AFTER me have been married for 2-3 years now. :laugh: I understand calling your fiance' "hubby." Or even calling a bf "hubby." I don't call mine that because he could possibly have a stroke if he heard me doing it, but it would be easier just because it's a more accurate term for our relationship situation. We've lived together for 3 years, we pay bills together, we have dogs together, we make life decisions together. What we have is marriage without BS legal commitment. I just don't have what are considered "traditional" values when it comes to my own relationships (although I don't have anything against them).

    When (if?) we do ever get married, I'm 100% sure we're going to elope or maybe just have a courthouse wedding. My brother and SIL eloped when they were 23 & then didn't tell anyone they were married for over 2 years. :laugh: My poor mom. Our father certainly passed the absolutely-effin-batsh*t-insane gene to both my brother and me. Thanks, dad!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning!

    My knee is killing me again. Its only my left knee so I dont know if I land on my left side funny when I run or what but its pretty painful (read-not sore actual pain). I wasnt going to take the stairs at work this morning but when I pushed the elevator button the elevator went up to the 3rd floor instead. I decided that was a sign from god to get my lazy whiny butt up those stairs and I did :laugh:

    tiger- congrats on your wedding! How exciting!!! My bf and I have been together almost 6 years and I am still waiting on him...we have a house, car, and most importantly a son together. I dont know what hes waiting for but while I do get frustrated with waiting I dont want to push him into anything..**sigh** Sorry for the ramble. I am super excited for you! Please post pics afterwards!!

    lildeb- You should go back and try to log your calories from yesterday today. Its a pain in the butt but it really helps you keep track of the choices you are making.

    JLB- You're bf is probably being so attentive because you are looking so hot he's afraid some other man might come snatch you away :wink: :heart:

    I did my sit up test yesterday and I was pretty crappy, lol. I did 31. I can only go up from there!

    Have a great day everyone I'll be in later to check in for the day.

    Oh..one more thing...I peeked at the scale this morning and even with TOM paying a visit I was 229.2...hoping it stays that way for tomorrow! Could I really be out of the 230's already?! I hope so!!!:love:

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb- Ditto on the everyone who met their SO's after me are married!!! :explode: :grumble:

    We talk about our wedding all the time and we are actually planning on doing a destination wedding, should be cool if he ever freaking proposes! :noway:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    JLB- You're bf is probably being so attentive because you are looking so hot he's afraid some other man might come snatch you away :wink: :heart:

    You know, I actually think this is part of it (not that I'm saying I look hot, lol, just saying I know I do look better than I did). It's also obvious he finds me more attractive. :blushing: And I think it has a lot to do with how he's been concerned that I've been depressed for so long & I had kind of... I don't know, given up. But now it's obvious I actually care about something (myself :tongue:) enough to really push myself to do something about it. I think he's finally seeing that I do have drive and I have goals and I can really make stuff happen for myself if I'm determined & that's something he wasn't seeing in me before. And I think my drive is spilling over to other parts of my life. I *REALLY* want to go back to school for my Master's. I've been studying for the GRE and I'll take it soon. I've also wanted to learn how to play the accordion for years now and I finally saved up money to buy one. He was worried about it at first & actually said "Well, at least when times get rough when you're practicing I can just be thankful you didn't want to learn how to play the bagpipes." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Little does he know I would LOVE to to own bagpipes! But then last night I got home from work and he was so excited to show me he had bought me all kinds of accordion theory and song books! :love:

    And it also probably has a lot to do with my disposition being better and me being happier in general. :wink:

    Okay. now that I've analyzed the crap out of that, I'm going to actually get some work done. :embarassed:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    tiger - way to go on the wedding! Sounds so exciting. Can all you ladies with good men tell me where in the heck you got them from? Is there a tree somewhere that grows them? :laugh: if so I sure as heck cant find it!

    jlb - alright cool. if you see any good results let me know. i sure hope this lotion turns out well, I wont bother with any of the other products. I'm mostly worried about my skin, not my cellulite...and luckily I dont have too much cellulite.

    mstahl - thanks for the encouragement :bigsmile: I gained a little back today so I guess that's water! :laugh:

    Check in for yesterday:

    Calories: Ate a bit of my exercise calories
    Water: bad...diet soda attack!
    Exercise: 30 minutes strength, 20 minutes cardio

    Proud: that I'm staying close to 240! i cant believe it. I'm sooo happy, I havent been this light since college! (tecnically I'm still in college..I mean college without living on my own/having a job lol now its more of a job.)

    I'm taking a business programming class and leanring visual basic..I made a calculator that determines your goal weight using body fat percentage rather than BMI or any other method. Its pretty neat, but It crashes if you put letters into the input boxes. If anyone wants to give it a try, let me know, or I can crunch some numbers for you with it without sending it.

    You put in:

    Current Weight: 242.6
    Current Body fat percentage: 43.5
    Goal Body fat percentage: 20

    And it spits out:

    Lean weight: 137.1
    Goal Weight 171.3

    Programming is fun!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hello girls!

    Sorry for the late check-in but due to another storm coming our way, we are expecting between 10-15 inches of snow! Enogh already!!! My children, who are in middle school, came home at 11:30 am...so i had to do my workout and clean up before they got home...there might not be school for them tomorrow....what a long weekend?!?!

    Checkin for yesterday: 2/24/10
    calories: i think i went over with the peanuts in shell and a slice of lemon cake
    exercise: yup! 45 minutes on the treadmill
    water: I know i got more than 8 cups...i think it wa like 10 cups...finally i reached 10 cups
    proud: that i worked off those extra calories i ate, and i only had a handfull of shelled peanuts...back then i would have went for seconds and thirds...but htis time i was satisfied with a handfull...so happy :)

    Have a great day everyone:heart:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:

    calories: stayed under .... even with eating out ... yeah!
    exercise: good - did 40 minutes of 30 day shred in the morning at home ... big accomplishment for me :drinker:
    water: good - 68 oz
    proud: that I put myself first and went to work late to do my exercise ... and that I'm keeping up with my goal of exercising for 420 minutes this week (although I'm getting pretty worn out) ... also still taking the stairs for our challenge

    what do I value: this is a great question - first and foremost I value my children, and my husband (although I'm not very good at acknowledging what I value about him when he frustrates me ... I really need to work on that, I value that he is a great father and a good husband). After that I would say that I value my health, now that I'm getting older I have more friends and relatives that weren't able to stay as mobile and active as they once where, and I want to stay healthy and even more active as I lose weight and get more fit.

    tiger: Congrats on the wedding! It sounds like you will have a couple of weeks of stress, but you will get through it and have a lovely day to remember! Good luck!

    solandra: I'm sorry you had a tough week, good for you for getting through it with style!

    Everyone have a good day!
  • Badtz
    Badtz Posts: 14
    Hey, is it cool if I jump in to the over 200 club?

    I had my baby in Dec. 2009 and just got up the courage to get on the scale a little over a week ago. I'm trying to tell myself to give myself a break, that I just had a baby, but the truth of it is I was 200 lbs. BEFORE I got pregnant! So now I'm 218! You guys seem pretty motivated & I'd love to be a part of a team that regularly checks in to stay on track.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hey, is it cool if I jump in to the over 200 club?

    I had my baby in Dec. 2009 and just got up the courage to get on the scale a little over a week ago. I'm trying to tell myself to give myself a break, that I just had a baby, but the truth of it is I was 200 lbs. BEFORE I got pregnant! So now I'm 218! You guys seem pretty motivated & I'd love to be a part of a team that regularly checks in to stay on track.

    Welcome Badtz! This is a very great and awesome group of ladies here!