The moment that made you SERIOUS about losing weight?



  • :laugh:
  • Me... I have gained 80lbs. over the course of four years going back to school and meds... finishing school and looking forward to the new me.:bigsmile:
  • When I realized I had a closet full of clothes and could only wear maybe half of it. I had my second child at around 40 and just figured you don't lose as easily at 40 as you do when you're younger (lost all the baby weight and then some when my older child was six months old). Looking at my wedding photos from five years ago and barely recognizing myself. Getting a flyer from my OB/GYN at a checkup that was titled something like "Tackling Obesity" or something like that.

    My parents are both diabetic and my mom has always been a couch potato. Well, last year, she started eating right and lost a ton of weight and actually weighed less than me, and she's 63. I thought well, if she can do it, I can do it! Her diabetes is in remission. We have high cholesterol in my family and I had been putting off getting a yearly physical because I didn't want to know my cholesterol! So once I reach my goal weight, I'll be able to go to my doctor.

    For most of my adult life, I have worn a size 2-6 (usually on the low end) and I was growing out of my jeans. I was 185, the highest I have ever been, and my weight was just STUCK there. I joined WW and MFP over the summer and added cardio in the past couple of months, and finally the weight is really coming off. It honestly hasn't been too hard and I'm never hungry for long.
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    I really like "You GO girl!":bigsmile: I know I'm big and that's funny to me!

    My moment was when I got control of my blood sugar level fluctuations by paying attention to MY triggers!!

    I can now feel hunger AND not want to binge, and I can even skip eating all together. And, yes, when I don't eat trigger foods, I can skip eating all together to give my body a break from digestion for as many times as I have overate in the past.
  • My moment was earlier today - got the new running shoes and hit the track, puff, puff, felt terrible, bulky round the middle and now my legs feel like they don't belong to me, lol. I'm going to do it all again tomorrow so that I can find the woman who used to run 10kms lightly and easily (me!!) - anyone looking for a friend in New Zealand, add me in :bigsmile:
  • When my doctor told me it could be the reason I am not getting pregnant.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Lying on the table in the ER at 2am being strapped up to the EKG. I heard my 7 yr old daughter asking my wife if Daddy was going to be OK.

    It still brings tears to my eyes even just typing this. I promised myself there and then that I would try my best to be there for the two of them.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    When my doctor told me I had probably never ovulated before because of my weight, and that I couldn't get pregnant until I started ovulating (which took some weight loss).

    The first time I ovulated, I was terrified. My body was sore, my breasts were tender, and I thought I was pregnant. I'm used to it now, but I know for a fact I never ovulated before, even though I've menstruated since age 8!

    I remember when I dropped 25 pounds in the first three months and the doctor said, "if you keep it up, the next time I'll see you, you'll be under 200!" She doesn't know how much those words changed me. I hadn't seriously thought that I would ever be under 200 pounds again, but now I'm 15 pounds away!

    I started in March at 269, now 215 (took a two month break). I have PCOS and hypothyroidism.
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    I didn't like that my blood pressure was very high...I was reaching a size 30 and that freaked me out....I just starting questioning myself, and knew that something wasn't working for me, ie; staying in bed, not working, being depressed, eating whatever... I knew there was more to me than that...I wanted to control my depression and not let it control me...I was bored as heck, too...When it all comes down to it, i was just plain exhausted living a life that wasn't really worth living....
  • heykaraoke
    heykaraoke Posts: 191 Member
    A friend was taking pictures at my daughter's second birthday and posted them on Facebook afterwards. There was one shot of me. It was the worst picture I've ever taken. I cried when I saw it. That was the moment when I knew my weight had seriously gotten away from me. I was 180 pounds then, the highest I'd ever been. I knew I needed to do something to lose the weight, but it took two years to really get serious about it. And the thing that ended up lighting the fire under my butt was getting engaged. Yep, I'm vain - I want to look good in my wedding dress. Improved health is a big plus, too, of course :)
  • Last week, the moment the recruiter told me I couldn't join the Navy until I lost some weight....I held my tears in till I got home, but then I cried like a child. This is my dream, my ENTIRE family has been in the Navy, and to me, there is no higher honor or privilege than serving my country. Except I can't, until that weight comes off. So here I go :)
    CW: 188
    NW (navy weight): 167
    GW: 160
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    For me it was the moment when I realised that this MFP thing was actually working.
    I joined here on a whim, January 2011, I wanted to lose weight, but never actually thought I could be slim. I didn't really stick to the calories at first, went over by 200 or so every day, but I started losing anyway.
    That's when it became nearly an obsession to log absolutely everything. And before I knew it, I was seriously losing and now I'm "normal".

    I'm maintaing for about a year now, months can go by without me logging anything. It's just every now and then, when I feel it slipping ever so slightly, that I go back tracking for a bit, just as a refresher.
  • shephard1996
    shephard1996 Posts: 6 Member
    The way others treated me I was at work someone I had not seen in a few weeks looked at me and said you have gotten fat! What happened? I felt like crap I hit my high at 272 I was close to reaching 300 and knew I needed to go the other way so here I am going the other way and loving it! Everyday is a struggle and long road but I'm worth it! And so is everyone Elsa on here good luck on your journeys to a healthier you!????
  • testease
    testease Posts: 220
    Breaking up with the GF, Could not let her win this round.
  • When I was really sick and realized I was avoiding going to the dr because of my weight. My health needs to be more important.
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    Saw myself naked in a 360 mirror!!! :O

    Yep. That and when I made the 'grunt' sounds to tie my shoelaces...I was like, OH H**L NO!!!!!
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    Saw the scale hitting 189 last Christmas. I'd never been that heavy ever, and immediately made sure I never reached 190. It really clicked when I started moving and lost weight in April, and have kept on going!
  • I have had many moments. My recent one occurred recently when I went to visit a friend and could not pass through a fence to get to her back yard. I blogged about it here:
  • Isatryli
    Isatryli Posts: 76 Member
    For me it was the moment when I realised that this MFP thing was actually working.
    I joined here on a whim, January 2011, I wanted to lose weight, but never actually thought I could be slim. I didn't really stick to the calories at first, went over by 200 or so every day, but I started losing anyway.
    That's when it became nearly an obsession to log absolutely everything. And before I knew it, I was seriously losing and now I'm "normal".

    I'm maintaing for about a year now, months can go by without me logging anything. It's just every now and then, when I feel it slipping ever so slightly, that I go back tracking for a bit, just as a refresher.

    Good work girl! Thanks for sharing. it shows that litte step by little step make big results! I'm obsessed too by logging everything I put in my mouth as the big issues I had were to control my diet plan!
  • katieneer7
    katieneer7 Posts: 1 Member
    When my hubby of 10 years admitted that the reason he was not treating me very nice was that in all reality, size does matter to him and he equates fat people with laziness in his mind. So regardless of the fact that I spend my days serving him and being loyal to him he just could not love me in the same way. It was really, really hard to hear but exactly the motivation that I needed to finally start losing weight nearly 3 years after I put it on when I was pregnant for our son and had postpartum depression.