Halloween~ My children are not happy!



  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I grew up in the country and we got homemade stuff all the time. One of the older ladies made popcorn balls every year just for Halloween. Her kids had been grown and moved away years before and this brought her great joy. I hate that we live in a society where people no longer trust their neighbors to not poison homemade snacks. I will be traveling on the 31st this year, so no worries about left over candy.

    I agree, I can remember my mom making popcorn balls when I was a kid. Now days, not happening. I wont let my kids eat homemade treats and I wouldn't expect other parents to allow their kids to eat what I make. It is a safety issue when you don't know where the stuff is coming from.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Buy candy. Teach your children about portion control by exercising it yourself. Problem solved.

    I find that by eating 1-3 small pieces of chocolate a day I don't end up gorging myself with a movie-theater size bag of M&Ms a few times a week like I used to.
  • jpe71
    jpe71 Posts: 50 Member
    Our kids' dentist does a candy buy back the day after. She pays the kids $1 a lb up to 5 lbs and then donates the candy to a group that sends it overseas to the military. She also gives the kids goody bags with things like toothbrushes and such.

    If my dentist had done that when I was a kid, I would've sold them all the candy I didn't like, and then use the money to go out and buy candy I did like! Buy candy for the kids every year, give it out at approximately the pace that should last until nine. After that, I'm usually getting teenagers who have already been around before. Then I turn off the porch light and go to the bedroom. I don't usually have much in the way of leftovers. What I do have, I have no issues with eating
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    I find that by eating 1-3 small pieces of chocolate a day I don't end up gorging myself with a movie-theater size bag of M&Ms a few times a week like I used to.

    I'm the opposite... if I start to eat chocolate, I have a really hard time stopping. It's much easier for me to just abstain.

    I'd give anything for a bag of Oreo double-stuffs right now :cry:
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    You should buy cough drops! Haha okay thats mean.

    Walmart used to sell these red cinnamon flavored hard candies is hugeee bags for like $2 or $3 dollars a couple a years ago. I'm not sure if they still do, but i used to buy them and suck on them when i was craving somethig sweet. for some reason i remember them being around 10 cal or so each. i cant remem fberf they were sugar free but it certainly is better than the 90 cal you'll find in one fun size chocolate candy.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Our Local Food Shelf LOVES getting left over Halloween candy!

    what a great idea! I never thought of this! :)
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    We never have enough candy and always need to go buy more! We have hundreds upon hundreds of trick-or-treaters. So, you could move to Chicago, IL and it would solve your issue. ;] Lmso.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I find that by eating 1-3 small pieces of chocolate a day I don't end up gorging myself with a movie-theater size bag of M&Ms a few times a week like I used to.

    I'm the opposite... if I start to eat chocolate, I have a really hard time stopping. It's much easier for me to just abstain.

    I'd give anything for a bag of Oreo double-stuffs right now :cry:

    It has to be the right chocolate. I eat six squares of Green & Black's 85% cocoa dark chocolate (usually with a little peanut butter) pretty much every day. I'm not normally a dark chocolate fan, but that stuff is to die for. But it's so pure and rich (and low in sugar, actually) that it's ruined all other chocolate for me. Milk chocolate doesn't taste good to me anymore.
  • leeann0517
    leeann0517 Posts: 74 Member
    If you are just going to throw out all your kids' candy (and if I knew your kid got candy from my house and you threw it out I would be mad since you just wasted my money) why do you let them go trick-or-treating? There are plenty of events that could go to so they could dress up, yet not bring home tons of candy.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Our Local Food Shelf LOVES getting left over Halloween candy!

    what a great idea! I never thought of this! :)

    LOVE this idea too.

    OP, just get candy. Work on the self-control. Never stiff the kids at Halloween lest you enjoy picking eggs and TP off your lawn.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    We're going boating in the mountains
    We will all be extremely happy!
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Buy it as late as possible.

    Buy less and each tricktreater gets less > I think it’s a win-win for us and the theire parents’ dentist bills.

    At the end of the night the last kids get all the remaining candy so there is nothing remaining in the house.

    Kids always swap their loot that night or the next days so usually they get their favs from someone if not my house.

    Basically, I have been doing like this my entire life else we would eat it all, get sick, get cavities, and have Halloween candy here
    through Christmas..

    We tried apples, Unicef, and other positive approaches. But we got egged or toilet papered, so those good ideas went in the trash.:sad:
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I don't buy candy that I like; if we have leftovers, my husband or I bring it to work and give it away.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    There is no leftover candy! we're the house that gives out huge handfuls of the good candy :)

    I do munch on heath bars and take5 bars in between trick or treaters :D
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    I lock the gates and leave the dogs on the loose, they sound vicious but wouldn't bite the kids... they don't know that though! :laugh: I've not had to buy candy for years :tongue:
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I lock the gates and leave the dogs on the loose, they sound vicious but wouldn't bite the kids... they don't know that though! :laugh: I've not had to buy candy for years :tongue:

  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Buy it as late as possible.

    Buy less and each tricktreater gets less > I think it’s a win-win for us and the theire parents’ dentist bills.

    At the end of the night the last kids get all the remaining candy so there is nothing remaining in the house.

    Kids always swap their loot that night or the next days so usually they get their favs from someone if not my house.

    Basically, I have been doing like this my entire life else we would eat it all, get sick, get cavities, and have Halloween candy here
    through Christmas..

    We tried apples, Unicef, and other positive approaches. But we got egged or toilet papered, so those good ideas went in the trash.:sad:

    PS We do not buy candy that we like...
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    I get hundreds of tricker treaters, our neighborhood shuts the streets down and people of all ages dress up and roam the streets we have a haunted trail and guys in chainsaws scaring all the little kids. its so much fun. The 1st year we spent 500 dollars on candy and it was all gone by 9pm.

    The next year we went to the movies instead.

    Now I roam the neighborhood and dont really give out candy, or will give it out for about an hour then roam the neighborhood. =)
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I get hundreds of tricker treaters, our neighborhood shuts the streets down and people of all ages dress up and roam the streets we have a haunted trail and guys in chainsaws scaring all the little kids. its so much fun. The 1st year we spent 500 dollars on candy and it was all gone by 9pm.

    The next year we went to the movies instead.

    Now I roam the neighborhood and dont really give out candy, or will give it out for about an hour then roam the neighborhood. =)

    That is absolutely ridiculous. $500 on candy?! That's my rent! I'd go to the movies too lol
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'll be handing out raisins and protein shakes and ezekiel bread with sweet potato spread.

    Then, I'll move to another state because my house would get burned down.
