

  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    im here! but of course we all know that, bc im addicted to the interweb and my computer!
    Ive been truly enjoying my zumba classes. my legs are constantly tired, but getting less so every time, and it actually feels good!
    Today was kinda weird tho. I had some sort of weird fall back day or something. I got to work after drinking my coffee and decided that i wanted a bagel with creamcheese. Not a normal thing, but reasonable right? well i eat the thing, and then get into one of my weird funks. So for lunch, being a dummy, all i ate was carrots. dummy i know. well i was regreting that in class. For some reason, all day, i managed to convince myself that i shouldnt eat anything else. i hate it bc i pretty much do it without thinking. getting home so late made dinner late, and now that ive entered that in, i still have a ton of calories. i dunno why id o this to myself, KNOWINg that its counter productive!

    Anyway, im going to go browse the forums for a while i guess... maybe get some kind of snack. dang i stay up tooo late! its almost 11 here!
  • joydex
    joydex Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for welcoming me, i find it difficult to get back in all the calories that i have have worked off, but i still dont want to ease up from exercising. i do a lot of cardio and strength training. By not eating all of the calories i worked off would this hamper my weight loss that bad.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi joydex! I personally don't think it is necessary to eat ALL of your exercise calories if you don't feel like it. I usually eat an extra 200-300 calories when I exercise, even though I usually burn 300-400. And even when I have a big day, like 600 calories, I usually won't eat that many extra - maybe 400. BUT, it is nice to feel like I can eat them, if I still feel hungry.

    I have been consistently losing weight since I started doing this. At first, I was never going above 1200, even when I exercised. And I hit a major plateau! I started eating a few hundred calories more on my exercise days, and voila! I started losing again. Here is a post I made a little while ago regarding hunger:

    I would recommend spacing your calories out through the day - so if you know that you are going to being exercising later, have an extra snack or larger meal. And don't forget your breakfast! :happy:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Wake up 25 to lifers!!!

    today was an off today for me. I was fairly under the weather all day, so much that it was the first day in a whole month that i sat half of the day in my chair. thats right, my chair hasnt seen my butt in 3 whole weeks! until today. i felt so crappy and had to stay late as usual. Deadlines can be hectic, but they are un-freaking-believable when half of the office goes by their own deadline, not the one set by the paper! ok, that was my negative flow for today!

    positively..ive been feeling great with going to zumba on mwf. my thighs are feelin it! along wiht my calves and feet!!. Im thinking about starting a strength training class to start some toning, something ihave NEVER attempted. i used to be the little yogi guru but im so out of practice. its my dream to get back into top form so i can stand on my head and do all that other fun stuff. its been a while and its hard to start at the bottom, barly able to lay my hands flat on the floor when i stretch.

    Hey! it hink writing this has given me the inspiration to get a very thorough stretch before bed tonite. I need to address it, I can SEE that ineed to address it. SO im the only one at fault for the fact that i am not more toned! (my dream!) initiative. thats what mfp helps us to have. My fitness pal really is the most fitting name for this site!

    anyway, i think i need to start a yoga diary. maybe i will start a thread such as this one, for the yogis out there!!! weeeeeeeee!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    okay, so I usually work out on MWF, and I had the chance to work out today, (neighbor had Ryan) but I did some errands and worked. Then, I realized.... Oh damn! I can't work out tomorrow!!
    My son is in a spelling bee and I'm going to watch him at 9:15 after I drop Ry off at school (which is usually when I workout, when he's in school), and then I will have Ryans friend over after school, so I can't workout then either. Darn it!!! I should have worked out today!:explode: Oh well, maybe on Sat. I'll do something. Or maybe I can get in a few minutes of jump rope!
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    I definitely had a crappy day:frown: I was home with the baby today and the kitchen was calling my name!! I broke down and ate a huge piece of leftover pizza; now I feel guilty and disgusting. On the upside, I did buy a new scale (digital) and it's not evil like Jenbars...:happy: Cheers to a better day tomorrow! :drinker:
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    I've been trying to up the vegetarian type aspects to my diet in the last little while - it's amazing how healthy I eat when I'm doing that (probably b/c I'm watching my protein intake so much!). It's supposed to be a nice relaxing treat for your digestive system too and help with bloating and all those other fun things. (:

    That said, I'm having trouble getting away from my Coke Zero! My poor liver. lol
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    I love Cherry Coke Zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • yorkbiz
    yorkbiz Posts: 9
    You guys are just totally cool. I am a newbie-not to dieting but to doing it right. I've been on every diet known to man over the years. If I could just count the times I lost the same 30 lbs...over and over:ohwell:

    I've been trying to follow the train of thought on calorie burning and consumption. I always thought the goal was to try to consume less than you burn. I'm not clear on why "when" you consume them matters or why you should consume more if you are exercising. Can somebody help me out.

    And thanks-you have all taught me a lot already and I've just arrived:drinker:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Welcome Yorkbiz!
    Check this out, might make you understand a little better.

    But here's the easy thing. Log all your information in i.e. weight, height, etc. It will tell you how much to eat. Eat it.
    If you burn calories. Eat them.
    Pretty much that simple.
    Read the stuff under the TOOLS bar. It will explain some things.

    p.s. I've been fighting with the same 30 pounds myself. Now, I just need to know off 25 more and KEEP IT OFF!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    alrighty yall, its saturday, before memorial day.

    are you guys off of work? i am but we dont have anything too exciting planned..we may be going to the lake tomorrow! im excited to work on my tan, but wish i felt ready to wear a bathing suit out there. i may go with one of those tankinis that i have. i used to be a lifegaurd so i have a thousand bathingsuits to choose from, but all of the cutest ones from 20 lbs ago!

    so we will see how that goes.
    I started a yoga thread so if any of you guys are interested in starting a stretching routine (you dont have to already be knowledgeable about yoga) you should come join! The only bad thing about stretching is psyching your self up to just do it! It will make you feel longer and leaner so i decided to bring it back into my daily routine, and im using you guys as my motivation!!

    so anyway... stay strong on this, our holiday for veterans (next to veterans day and the fourth)
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Okay, since tomorrow is Memorial Day, it will be hard, because of the long weekend and parties, to weigh in. Or for that matter, want to weigh in. Danger, Danger Will Robinson!
    So, if you felt that you did poorly and want to avoid your scale this week, by all means, go ahead. And weight in next Monday!
    If you feel that you were pretty good this weekend! Go ahead, step on that scale!!
    Let's hear it!
    Maybe I'll wait till Tuesday! We'll see how much I'm going to be when I turn the big 3-8!
    Yikes. I can't believe it! I don't feel it, and hope I don't look it! Trying to fight the hands of time! With good food (thanks MFP) , good times and really good lotion!
    Have a great day and stay strong! We can do this together!
    :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Jbar!! yay for birthday on the horizon! i am being totally honest with you when i say that I do not pay much attention to ages on here, and i did not alreay know that you were 37!! you definitely dont look like you are going on 38!! So heres to another (more healthy) year! im glad i know you!

    ps i may skip the weigh in this week..not sure. i did fine until yesterday at the lake... :(:( now i woke up feeling disgusting. i havnt really stuffed myself like that since starting the site! so i think itd be better for me to just not know the damage!!
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    I love Cherry Coke Zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    I have never seen that! *Gasp* Then again, I haven't really seen cherry coke since I moved back to Canada. :(
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Aww - happy almost birthday Jbar!

    Welcoem yorkbiz!


    Sparkles - great idea on the yoga. I'm a super big fan of Astanga (when my arm can support my weight!). It's the most amazing, intense yet gentle workout I've ever had. By July I hope to be back at it!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Happy Memorial Day everyone!
    Didn't have time to weigh in this morning, so I'll do it tomorrow.
    Let's see where everyone is and where they want to be!
    For me, this next month, I somehow need to up my cardio and really work my back, arms and chest.
    Tried on about 25 dresses again today. Decided I CANNOT where a sleeveless/strapless one with spaghetti straps. Nope, no way. Did not look good! I did find a pretty Anne Klein dress, but it was a lot of money and was a goldy maize color that didn't flatter my skin color. But it was flattering. So now I know which type to look for. It's just going to take some time
    I haven't gained, I know that much. (keep sneaking a peek) so I'll give my official weight tomorrow morning.
    Hope you had a fantabulous weekend!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    okay! weighing in today!

    last week 164
    this week 162!
    2 more pounds never to see my body again!

    woo hoo! yeah me! I'm getting there!
    anyone else out there or are there only a handful left?????
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Start weight 225.4
    Last week 189
    This week 191 :cry:

    I guess I was worse over the long weekend then I thought! I was a bum too and didn't run at all over the 4 days I had off. Ran 5.5 this morning though. Hopefully the scale starts being nice to me again next week...
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    okay! weighing in today!

    last week 164
    this week 162!
    2 more pounds never to see my body again!

    woo hoo! yeah me! I'm getting there!
    anyone else out there or are there only a handful left?????

    im losing so slowly! Jbar you already weigh less than me!! I will know for sure my weight tomorrow after zumba so i will post then
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    ps , i hate that i have to weigh in in the evening. Thats the only time i have access to a good scale! maybe tomorrow i will go by the gym before work and breakfast so i can get the most accurate scale reading. Even after sweating profusely at zumba, i still have breakfast and lunch still in my tummy! grrr!