How to handle it all :(



  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    I find the phrase 'train your husband' incredibly offensive. If I said I had to 'train my wife' people would lose their minds. You're both adults. So act like one and have a conversation. Tell him what you need from him. Marriage is a 2 way street, and the support you give should be equal to the support you get.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I think it's time to sit down and have a "coming to jesus" talk.

    Try and find a way to communicate that your needs are changing in a way he won't be defensive.
    Here are some wordings that might help
    "I need help from you" guys like to be spoiled, but they also like to feel wanted and needed.
    As apposed to
    "You need to step up, I've spoiled you/you're lazy"

    "I love you, I love our kids. We need to eat better for the sake of our health. We don't need to eat like saints, but some things need to change" "not every food, and not every day, but we do need to improve our habits"
    As apposed to
    "You want to eat like a slob and I'm fed up with it"

    "How can we solve this"
    "what things do you think We can do so We, as a household can work better." Take a team approach to this.
    "what is important to YOU. and where can we compromise" make him feel that his opinion is also important.

    As apposed to
    laying down the law and giving him "chores" and when he has to "babysit" don't ever use the word babysit or allow him to use the word babysit.

    A small list, no more than 5.
    These are things that I need.
    "I need more than 1/2 an hour by myself, especially to shower alone."
    If possible; "I think sharing shuttling the kids around can help aleviate a lot of the stress I feel."
    "perhaps hiring a babysitter once a week, we can spend some alone time together"

    Start with just a few topics. I suggest dinner, compromise with alone time, and how to find solutions.

    Here is a trick to getting him to do more of his fair share.
    Thank him for what he is compromising on and have the best sex you can.
    Next time you two talk, he'll probably compromise more.

    If all else fails, cry.
    The next day, have a casserole in the oven, with the timer.
    Table set. "Honey, the casserole is in the over with the timer goes off. Table is set, I have to run out, I'll be back later. Mkes sure X child does _____, indicating you'll be awhile. be it homework, take a break, whatever.
    Bribe the kids to behave. (I normally don't believe in bribery) and just go. seriously.

    Also, start stream lining some meals here and there. on a weekend, make some meals you like that can be prepared ahead of time, and some meals he likes that you can prep ahead of time. cut out any meal that takes over 45 minutes to prep.

    too much change at one time can be difficult.

    Mexican food can be healthy.
    I make enchiladas that come in at less than 400 cals and I skip on the rice and corn.
    ground chicken or small diced chicken breast sauteed in taco sauce make much healthier tacos than 80/20 ground beef.
    a black bean taco salad is healthy.
    A bean burrito is healthy.

    You'll need to have this talk at least 3 times. try and arrange to have great sex after if he is cooperative. Guys respond to sex.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    here you go baby

    sincerely, truly, please - read this.

  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    Just tell him you have to do this for yourself and go. He's a big boy, he can survive. If a person is THAT dependent on you and they're not your kid, there's something wrong. It just takes 30-60 minutes a day.
    The difficulty does not lie in your husband fending for himself. The difficulty is in you feeling comfortable stating what you need and requesting his support.. Are you so afraid of his 'no' that you don't want to bring up the topic with him? Or are you afraid that he will say yes, and you will then have to follow through? The longer you wait , the more you delay your making any changes.

    It is my fault for allowing him to become so dependant but now its a fight just to let me shower alone because he's so use to me taking the kids a shower at the same time.....I get about 30 minutes of alone time a day and thats when i have lunch at work......I do believe he needs to be trained I just do not have the energy to work with the situation....

    You can't shower by yourself? My love, that is insane. How long can you possibly keep up this pace before you crack? Our minds and bodies are only so resilient. And I'm talking to myself here too -- I can never seem to 'find time' to work out - always caring for others. But whose going to take care of US? Think airplane safety: put on your own mask before helping anyone else. If we're not in good shape - we're not able to care for our families.

    I've seen cheap treadmills and gym equipment at garage sales and craigslist or video workouts -- maybe not having to leave the house could work?

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. XOXO
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    don't ever use the word babysit or allow him to use the word babysit.

    Mag, I liked what you had to say a lot, but THIS. SO THIS. I can't stand it when men act like "watching" their own children is alien to them!!

    I feel for the OP. I don't have kids, but I do believe there are things you can do as a family to get exercise, indoors or outdoors. Even just going for a walk, or playing tag at the local park. I own a Wii. My young nephew is way better at it than I am, but damn when I play Wii boxing I sweat my butt off. Every family is different but I bet there are things you could do with the kids that would work as exercise. As far as the cooking, educate yourself about healthier meals and honestly, just do it and don't make a big deal out of it. Nine times out of ten, I'll bet you he won't know the difference. :)
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    Unfortunately you have to TELL them (in a nice way of course) what you're going to do. I will say for instance "Honey, I'm going to start dinner. Can you empty the dishwasher?" Or, "I'm going to put the baby down the bed, then work out, will you be ok w/ the other kids?" If you don't say what you want, they aren't going to know. The first year of having our 1st child together child (my 2nd) was hell. I was ready to KILL him, because he just sat back and let me do it all. I realized, after blowing up of course, that all I had to do was ask or tell him what was needed. If you're doing it all, they're going to assume you CAN and WANT to do it all. Not saying they're dense but...well they can be. Good luck, hon!

  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Sounds like your husband is a big baby. Stop enabling him and do something for yourself. You are not making things better for anyone if you keep allowing him to act like that.

    He's a big boy. He'll get over it
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Husbands have to be trained. Just like you weren't born knowing how to do everything, neither are our spouses. If he aboslutely cannot be taught to fend for himself, then simplify as much as possible. Streamline meals, etc.


    Men are not dogs to be trained. I think I'm offended on behalf of every man I know. When will women/society stop thinking this way?
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Just tell him you have to do this for yourself and go. He's a big boy, he can survive. If a person is THAT dependent on you and they're not your kid, there's something wrong. It just takes 30-60 minutes a day.
    The difficulty does not lie in your husband fending for himself. The difficulty is in you feeling comfortable stating what you need and requesting his support.. Are you so afraid of his 'no' that you don't want to bring up the topic with him? Or are you afraid that he will say yes, and you will then have to follow through? The longer you wait , the more you delay your making any changes.

    It is my fault for allowing him to become so dependant but now its a fight just to let me shower alone because he's so use to me taking the kids a shower at the same time.....I get about 30 minutes of alone time a day and thats when i have lunch at work......I do believe he needs to be trained I just do not have the energy to work with the situation....

    He sounds like he is being really selfish and needs to learn how to grow up. You need to have your "me" time.
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    Just tell him you have to do this for yourself and go. He's a big boy, he can survive. If a person is THAT dependent on you and they're not your kid, there's something wrong. It just takes 30-60 minutes a day.
    The difficulty does not lie in your husband fending for himself. The difficulty is in you feeling comfortable stating what you need and requesting his support.. Are you so afraid of his 'no' that you don't want to bring up the topic with him? Or are you afraid that he will say yes, and you will then have to follow through? The longer you wait , the more you delay your making any changes.

    It is my fault for allowing him to become so dependant but now its a fight just to let me shower alone because he's so use to me taking the kids a shower at the same time.....I get about 30 minutes of alone time a day and thats when i have lunch at work......I do believe he needs to be trained I just do not have the energy to work with the situation....

    I havent' read the entire thread- and I'm not going to tell you how to live your life... but if ytou've got 30 mins to yourself at lunch- I don't care where you work, put some trainers on and do a 2 mile power walk. You can eat your lunch whilst you walk or at your desk (depending on your job). 10 miles walking a week (plus play out with your kids at the weeken) will get you in the right frame of mind and will burn some calories!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I hate feeling down about myself when I know there are others with way more challenges but I feel so down about losing weight. With my kids, husband and work i just cannot manage. My day starts at 5am every morning and evenings end at 11pm. I don't know how to tell my husband he needs to fend for himself so I can have time to work out.....any other women have issues with a husband who is dependant on you for everything???

    I need some encouragement :(

    I had to ask my husband to help me. I couldn't have had my success without him. He realized that I would be happier if I lost weight so he made steps to help me. Now he says "A happy wife is a happy life". You have to find a way to set up your environment for success.

    Some people can eat at a big calorie deficit and some people can't. Everyone is different. Even a small calorie deficit puts your body in a state of flux with hormones as such, add a new workout routine, and those will make more spikes. This is a huge waiting game and requires much patience. Add in emotional eating issues and then you have more complications.

    Your body can only handle so much stress. Stress of any kind turns on the hunger hormones. Lack of sleep, fatigue, family issue, work stress, calorie deficits, all of it is stress. Sometimes it's better to eat at maintenance when you are stressed. Eating at maintenance is not going backwards, but eating to low and binging is going backwards. All you need is more forward days then backward days, or maintenance days, to lose weight.

    We are all merely humans. Do the best you can. There is always something to be thankful for, ALWAYS, no matter how bad things are.
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    Husbands have to be trained. Just like you weren't born knowing how to do everything, neither are our spouses. If he aboslutely cannot be taught to fend for himself, then simplify as much as possible. Streamline meals, etc.


    Men are not dogs to be trained. I think I'm offended on behalf of every man I know. When will women/society stop thinking this way?

    Just need to brielfly +1 this! Women do not deserve "rights" if we can't treat men without this kind of attitude. Stooping to "their" level fixes nothing.
  • ariesmom07
    ariesmom07 Posts: 57 Member
    You have to put your foot down and really just be honest with your husband and then follow through...You have got to take care of yourself before you can be a help to others! My husband can be a little dependent as well so I know it can be frustrating but remind him he is a grown man and he can not only fend for himself but pick up a little slack and help with the kids too. My husband is perfectly capable of doing things but just like anyone else he gets "used" to me doing it and then gets overwhelmed when suddenly he needs to do it
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I find the phrase 'train your husband' incredibly offensive. If I said I had to 'train my wife' people would lose their minds. You're both adults. So act like one and have a conversation. Tell him what you need from him. Marriage is a 2 way street, and the support you give should be equal to the support you get.

    So do I.

    If you need something from him you need to ask. I spoil my boyfriend because -I- want to so yes he has gotten a little used to it but I don't mind it. If I need him to do something all I normally have to do is ask. If you have started out the relationship where you have been doing everything it will take him a while to get used to the 'new' order of things and realize that you need help now.

    He is not lazy or an insensitive jerk..Most guys are wired a little differently so you need to actually "talk" to them as opposed to sending indirect signals..crying..playing silly games..expecting them to just 'know' that the rules have changed.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    First off, you can't train a man, he is your husband you married him the way he is, but he can grow to learn new ways, it's not called training. I have jokingly told my husband when he annoys me with the whole "Are you going to leave me or cheat on me." or deal, with "Why would I wanna train another one?" But he knows I'm kidding and knows I do not mean it like that. He is not trained, he just loves me enough to help me out when I need it.

    My days are like this... I wake up at 6am most mornings, get my son off to school with a good breakfast for him and my husband. I have a nearly 2 year old so I'm up with her as well. I usually work nights, with 2 days off a week. I work as a server, and mostly close the store, so I'm there from either 4 to close or 6 to close sometimes 5 to close. We close at 12 midnight on every day but Friday's, Friday's we close at 1am. I don't normally clock out till 2am, by time I'm in bed, it's 3am, right back up at 6am. I still manage to find time to workout. Simply because it is important to me. I don't work out as much as I'd like to, but I do manage to still workout.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    You need to decide enough is enough and do what is necessary for things to change.

    You can't change a person, but you can change your own behavior to cause change in others.

    Tell your husband what is not working and why--and propose a solution. Men like to be problem solvers, so you both need to sit down and come to an agreement. Not a compromise--because two parties lose in a compromise, but an agreement where both parties gain.

    If you can't come to an agreement, then set your own boundaries and enforce them.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Please be grateful for the fact that you have someone in your life willing to stick it out with you through thick and thin. Some of us don't have that person. I'm not saying you aren't struggling, but if you want anything bad enough, you will find a way!! Good luck to you :wink:
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I can understand!
    I have a big, young, busy family, too.
    I wonder if you could begin to make some small changes, like...begin to encourage your family toward an earlier bedtime, so that you can be in bed earlier.
    Or, begin to think about a few small changes that are achievable that you could focus on over the next week.
    Make improvements, instead of big huge changes.
    It is so encouraging to make progress...and small changes really do add up!
    Improve your habits and patterns.
    Don't get frustrated with your family...they are not in the way so to speak.
    I know your creative mind will go to work on this.
  • PrettyGirlPayton
    PrettyGirlPayton Posts: 93 Member
    You really only are suppose to use 30 minutes of your day to workout daily. That's the minimum.. You have to get a workout tape or just tell your husband what it is you need.. Your health comes first. I am still learning that. It's so easy for me to say I don't have time to cook or workout. I worked 50 hours a week and I am a college student. I barely had time to sleep.. But I had to make the decision that if my health is bad then I won't be able to do anything. Who wants bad health for the rest of their life??? And if this means dropping your kids off at the boys and girls club for a few or making your husband watch be it.. Just make sure you get that hour or 2 to yourself.Or you will be stressed out.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    Lots of great advice here. We don't have to train our husbands - but men don't read our minds. They simply need to be asked. We put our own ridiculous pressure on ourselves by being afraid to ask for help or afraid to take time to ourselves. Do you think men agonize over going to the gym? Nope. Read "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus." Basically, my husband has always been happy to do for me when I ask. My previous husband did not help but I never asked so no wonder I had to do it all. You'd be amazed at how well men communicate once you actually express your needs! :wink: