

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Sat!Going to pt.I do stretching ex for back,leg lifts lying on stomach,and pelvic tilts so far.Still working on my quads and knee.
    Gonna have weekly Violet time on Tues,am excited.Hubby is off,if weather cooperates,we will take her to a pumpkin patch.
    Welcome newbies.This is an awesome bunch.
    Gotta go,will check in later.
  • CSueB
    CSueB Posts: 31 Member
    Good Saturday morning!

    Started out early with a run under the stars...enjoyed the milky way and got to see a shooting star...!!! nice reward for being up so early.....lots of things going on today so wanted that part of my day marked off on the "to do" list... afterwards walked the dear doggie for a cool down....he sure likes that I've started doing more cardio, because he gets a lot more walks! :laugh:
    Going to a party tonight with cake and beer and munchies............interesting combo, but it should be a great time! Going to do my best not to overdo on all the above!

    Amanda.....what is the hardest about maintaining???????? I am getting close to my goal weight, and it makes me nervous. :huh:

    I hope everyone has a safe weekend. We have sub-state volleyball this weekend so a lot of people will be on the roads, along with a lot of girls playing a lot of tough games....it's always great for the winners, but what I really pray for most is NO INJURIES! (on and off the courts)

    Enjoying what is supposed to be a beautiful weekend, after a couple of days last week of UGLY wind.......our nasty dust storm showed up on the satellite pictures......not that's a LOT Of dirt blowing around. Today is much better! :flowerforyou:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I slept beautiful sleep a full night no getting up or split sleeping shift seems like during the work week its this weird pattern, I go to bed a decent time sleep 3 hours maybe than wide awake for 2-maybe more and if I can get 2 more hours of sleep lucky. But last night I was able to sleep the full night and wake up 2 hours later. Yay :laugh:

    My DH is gone for the weekend left last night he is on his gamer's retreat. A bunch of his buddies all married play these board games example settlers of Catan, War craft and others I know they have all new ones now. That one game can take up to 3 to 4 hours to play. They meet monthly to do this and once a year they rent this beautiful condo up in beautiful part of our state McCall, Idaho where they eat junk food and play these games all day and night. Of course football is on and No wives, no children etc. They just stay inside I 'd be out enjoying the area great place to walk lots of fun shops. That may be why wives aren't welcome.:wink: He returns on Sunday. I am glad he gets to hang out with his buddies and have a good time,

    Still fighting the scale little upset. I was hoping for a loss this week. My clothes are feeling baggy but no! :grumble:

    Today while DH is gone going to organize our closet and clean up his corner area. and do some other deep cleaning things.
    other plans are to take DD shopping. If she doesn't go I will. Also to get a walk in with Bella.

    I need to get going day light is burning and my chores won;t get done by themselves. :wink:

    Loving all the quotes!! :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone has a fun Saturday!

    Liz:drinker: :drinker:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning!

    I had a wonderful lunch with Laura yesterday -- we talked for 2 1/2 hours! It felt comfortable, like we had known each other for a long time. I have to tell you that she looked terrific at her goal weight, truly someone to emulate.

    How do you post photographs on this feed? I don't see anywhere to upload photos, and wouldn't have any coding stuff to paste in (like Barbie says she does for her great graphics) for a photo. Sometimes technology just flummoxes me!

    Lin -- I hope your father is feeling better soon and doesn't have another infection.

    DeeDee -- Thanks for your great suggestions for a care package for my daughter, much appreciated. That has to have been a prank call at midnight. I'm sure that no phone company would call at that hour! It's so annoying that someone has to bother people like that. That's great that you and your brother have a hayride for the kids. I have many happy childhood memories of going on hayrides. :smile:

    Deb A. -- Flamenco dancers sound wonderful! I hope you have a good hike up the mountain today.

    Michele -- Thanks for the back exercises. I had wondered why the stomach has such a tendency to pooch despite tons of crunches.

    Lila -- St. Eugene's sounds really cool. It's great when they can retain the flavor of these old buildings instead of tearing them down and losing so much history. As to your dog..... I'm sure he loved it! Sometimes there's just no accounting for taste. :ohwell:

    Amanda -- I spent my childhood reading, also. We had just two television channels, and I would read at least one book every day. My home library is among my most cherished possessions. I have some of my mother's books from her youth, as well, which I still enjoy. It's so odd now to read things written in a time of no computers, cell phones, etc. Life was so much simpler then.

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning! Rainy day ahead, lots of indoor projects on my list. Clean the house, clean out my closet. I need to set up the sewing machine and do some alterations to a few items and repair hbbby's raingear. I was mildy successful on my shopping trip yesterday, bought a pair of Not Your Daughter's Jeans and a couple of tops. I tried on lots of fancy, fitted tops just for fun and couldn't believe my eyes at how my figure has changed! :noway: I've covered myself up in oversized, blousy tops for the longest time. It's time to start wearing my new hat and accept the fact that I've changed. It might take me awhile. :tongue:

    Oh Lila, Rex rolled in a dead bear UGH :sick: I bet that stunk! Whenever I let my boys off-leash I have to watch like a hawk that they don't sneak off and find a dead fish or something. And they often do. :ohwell:

    Michele, the brown station wagon! :laugh: Too funny.

    Amanda, "copper spangle", that is so cute. I love your description of reading "whilst sitting in the window seat of the living room, looking out over a back garden washed with rain". You have a lovely way with words! Your weight loss is also so very impressive. I can understand that you don't want to lose any more, though. :flowerforyou:

    Kate, yes, community gardening is really a great thing. :wink: I'd like to see it happen in more cities!

    M, I love V8. At first the low-sodium tasted so bland, but now I find it quite delish! :love: Oh, congrats on your NSV! I'd love to see a pic of you in your stewardess costume! My mom was a stewardess when she was young, I look to see if I can find a photo of her to show you. Size 10 jeans, that's great! Good for you. :bigsmile: I was thrilled about fitting quite comfortably into size 12 yesterday. That's a long way from 22, lol.

    Ellen, your scale fits in your purse? :laugh: Love it!

    Deborah, thanks for this. :flowerforyou: "Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light"

    DeeDee, Now that the garden is morphing into cold, wet mud, I'll be able to spend some time going through my closet :wink:

    Barbie, that's such a great pic you put up! That's exactly what I saw in the mirror while trying on clothes yesterday :laugh:

    Here's a nice recipe from Cooking Light for pork chops stuffed with feta and spinach. I've made this a few times, it's very good. I'm always looking for ways to cook things indoors now that we're not grilling much.


    Good day! :smile: jb
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi everyone I'm back! The internet was $10 a day at my hotel so that's why I was AWOL the entire time! I had a good time, ate way too much (they fed us and we had very few choices), but I did enjoy lots of fresh Atlantic seafood. For some dumb reason, I don't associate Philadelphia with the ocean, so I was taken by surprise! More later; I have a ton of things to accomplish today before going out tonight with some friends. Take care and I'll spend more time here tomorrow catching up! Meg
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wonderful Saturday All,

    Just skimmed the posts since yesterday, I'm already busy at my cooking and trying out new things. I'm working on some short ribs and they are making the house smell wonderful. :love: Of course there is still many more things for me to work on...my six week bran muffins, my work green chili souffle', and trying to figure out how much of my giblets and gravy I can have.

    Had a wonderful time at lunch with Jane yesterday. Walking in the door and I knew right away who she was...and we filled up 2 1/2 hrs so quickly. We kept to the plan of eating healthy and I will confess.....I used all my restraint to keep from eating those cheddar cheese biscuits, they are so good but way too many calories for what you get that one moment of taste bud pleasure. I look forward to when we are able to do it again.:happy:

    Last night I walked Sam's Club with Son #2 and his family as they don't have a membership there and it was quite fun to be with all of them and my #2 GS that's 2 felt that only Grandma Laura could push him in the cart so I felt pretty special.:bigsmile:

    When hubby got home from work last night we were talking about how our day was and how happy he was to see the scale move, he's already lost just under #17 and we were talking about how much better we feel when he headed to the basement and came back up with #30 of weights from the weight bench and told me I had to get out of bed and feel how heavy this was:noway: Oh my gosh I could hardly lift them up:blushing: ...and to think that's what I was carring around...now wonder I was out of breath and had such a hard time tying my shoes:noway: Any time I think I may want to not watch what I'm eating I will be going back to lift up those #30...because I don't want to do this ever again...it's healthy for me from now on:drinker:

    Hubby is at work today and I have a lot of things I want to get done today so I will have to go for now and see if I can find the time to get back here later and comment on what I've read.

    One thing I do remember, Nancy I love Winnie the Pooh and reading the quote reminds me I have my copy of Winnie the Pooh in the basement that my Mom used to read to me...I think it's time to pull it out and start reading to the grandsons:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day all...keep up the new habits we are developing...logging your food, exercising and drinking your water:drinker:

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    So much for the "bump" - I have lost the time frame allowed to edit but at least I found the thread easily. It's almost afternoon here in Dallas and has been a quiet morning. I finally got up and did a little cleaning in the bedroom. My plans for today are to put some steps on my pedometer. I wasn't real active in the exercise this past week but I did manage to lose some.

    I have to say this is one active thread! For me to stay on top of everyone's posts I would need to read and comment 2-3 times a day. So if I don't comment on your post today please take heart in that I did read through them. I am randomly commenting because time is of the essence - if I don't get going I won't go and I do plan to go - be active.

    Barbie, been meaning to comment on your getting that bike for the winter - that is awesome and I hope you like it. Also keeping Jake in mind and hoping that the ortho doctor can offer some solution for his shoulder. Thank you for adding me as your friend.

    Sundance, sounds to me like you do your daughters proud! I like that saying too - "keep coming back! it works when you work it!" - work it :bigsmile:

    June, I feel your pain as I have a pile of shredding adding up myself; oh the days when we could just toss!

    Amanda, your passion for books is refreshing - my hubby & I like to browse the bookstores ourselves.

    Liz, should be a great day after a night's full rest - your sleeping pattern sounds a lot like my husband's.

    Meg, $10 a day - I'd stay away.

    Laura, really cool how you and hubby are doing this together - congrats on all the pounds lost! :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone has much happiness and good health this day; see ya later :glasses:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Saturday and it started beautiful so I got ready to go out and rake leaves, and darned if it isn't hailing right now. Strange weather. Hopefully it will pass quickly and I can get the raking done. It's sort of a time crunch because I only have weekends to do yard work now due to the shorter days and my work schedule, but the garden waste pick up is next weekend Friday and Monday and whatever is left is mine for the winter and will have to be cleaned up after the snow clears in spring.

    Meg, sounds like you are having fun in Philly. I think the internet charges at hotels are a total rip-off. If they have a charge I complain and usually they comp it.

    Laura and Jane - how nice for you two to meet and bond more.

    I guess I could spend the afternoon reading (final chapter of this book that I'm not fond of) plus I have some background reading to do for the Dalai Lama Heart-Mind workshops Monday and Tuesday. I need to go out and get clear garden waste bags anyway as I only have one left and it will take about 15-20 to clear the leaves.

    Will check in later (it's been about 1/2 hr now and it's still hailing like crazy).

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    It has been a few days since I have been on here. We were off to Calgary for a global leadership conference - very interesting and challenging sessions from a variety of speakers and viewpoints. It also means that meals were not totally in my control and exercise was sparse. But we did squeeze in a short walk at noon one day and a 15 minute work out in the very cold pool at the motel! :huh: and then made the best food choices given the selection there. So today is a new day and a fresh start!

    I had a doctor appointment last week and was down almost 2 pounds since my last visit. The Really encouraging news was that when she checked back through my computer records, I have lost about 15 pounds since last January!:happy: It was a good reminder, during this slow process, of the progress that has accumulated over time! That's 5 3-pound packs of margarine - a relief to lay that weight aside!

    Barbie - thanks for the reminder to do a mid month checkup on our goals.
    logging daily- check
    exercise three x per week - one week not so good, back at it
    get to gymn - weather is still holding so still walking
    paper purge - have attacked two collection areas, move on to more
    phsio - inconsistent
    I have added- at the advice of some wise women - to up my calorie intake as well. It has definitely been better lately.

    Linda - After reading your posts, I am really going to have to track down the happiness project. Sounds likeI need it1

    Michelle - What cream are you using for plantars warts? They are difficult to get rid of - I get them periodically too.

    Lila - I do hope that cold clears up soon for you. It sounds like you have been through every possible manifestation of it lately! Has the treadmill arrived and been assembled. I think you will need to find some sort of diversion to keep your mind occupied while you are on it. i am no good at ree\ading on the treadmill, but Tv or music helps, maybe a magazine?
    The drive over Kootenay sounds wonderful - I am so ready for a jaunt to the mountains, but I am not sure when it will happen! The resort sounds very interesting too, and what a fantastic meal. I may have to check it out sometime.

    Kate --Congrats on the loose clothes - dress and pants! I know you are part way through your losing, but maybe you should buy one or two nice fitting pieces to reward yourself - something you will feel good in! NYC here she comes!

    Jane - your Mexico description made me long for that wonderful turquoise water. It takes my breath away every timeI am there! And how fun to have lunch with Laura! We are all just a bit jealous - wouldn't it be wonderful to have a face to face with each other!:smile:

    m - I am also a fan of the V8 juice - healthy, satisfying and not too much sodium. I too eat lotsof veg normally but sometimes it helps to squeeze in a couple of servings on those tougher days. And takes the edge off during supper prep - especially a cup heated with some tabasco!

    genelace - I got a chuckle out of the breast screening nurse at your group - I bet she did look familiar to you all! I see you are in Ottawa - I do love that city. I will be there in November to visit my mom.

    Liz - sounds like it might be time to invest in a new coat:smile:

    Amanda - I LOVE children's books. I read the Narnia books to my kids when they were little - and they still touch my heart. We also did not have a TV while our kids were growing and I am kind of thankful for that now. I am not sure they missed much but I think we all gained - time to read, time to play together, time for crafts and interaction!

    Jen The conversion app on my phone says 2100 metres is 1.3 miles.
    I may have to try a line dance video-sounds like it might be fun:smile: . I love the idea but am SO uncoordinated!! The linethat says "Dance like nobody's watching"....I sure hope they are not!:laugh:

    Well, I was going to tackle some yard cleanup today but the wind is howling:grumble: Maybe indoor chores will be the plan. Beter get at something here before the day is totally gone!

    with gratitude. Glenda
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lila, I think you win the prize for the story of the stinkiest dog…….it certainly beats the stories of my Sasha rubbing her ears in deer poop.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, you are so right about children and books…..I spent my childhood reading….i went to a baby shower last weekend and brought a favorite children’s book as my gift.

    :flowerforyou: CSueB, I agree with you about the early morning…..that’s when I walk my dogs and I love it……this morning I slept late (6:00) and by the time we got out it was starting to get light and I missed the darkness of our usual walks.

    :flowerforyou: Liz, enjoy your weekend by yourself and do not be discouraged by the scale.

    :flowerforyou: Janehadji, posting a picture in the middle of your reply requires having an account on Photo Bucket or Flickr…then you get a code to paste on your post. How great that you and Laura had face-to-face time together……did you take pictures? Is that what you want to post?

    :bigsmile: Meg, glad you are back….we missed you…..the last time I missed logging onto MFP was when I was in a hotel that charged for the internet.

    :bigsmile: I did my weight training again today. Jake was riding our new recumbent exercise bike that arrived today (he put it together in a fairly short time with only a little help from me and no problems with the directions or the parts). The bike is really quiet so it will be great to ride while watching TV. The bike is right in the middle of the living room set up so that it doesn’t block the view from where either one of us sits.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Hope you all are having a nice Saturday. Mine has been very productive. Able to get DH corner in the bedroom pickup and organize. Deep clean the kitchen and tackle the living room. I hope to get to the linen closet tomorrow. Went out with DD to get a few things and able to get Bella out for two walks. it was pleasant outside but you can feel the chil in the air.

    Had a nice dinner with my daughter. I even got her to try a sweet potato. lol

    @Amanda- I love reading and so does my daughter. That is a beautiful thing to past on to your grandbabies.

    @Lin-- I hope your Dad is ok and no infection.

    @Glenda- Congrats on the 2lbs.

    @Michele- Plantars warts Ihave had them off and on what cream are you using?

    @ Lili I hope the storm clear up quickly for you,

    @M-- I like V8 juice, I like to drink it also use it as a broth or base for some of my stews and soups.

    @ Meg-- welcome back sounds like a fun trip in Philly!

    @Jane and @Laura how cool that you were able to meet.

    Well that is it for now. Will try to check in later if I can.

    Looks like we maybe getting a storm very windy out/

    Take care and wishing everyone a nice evening,

  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    I started out the weekend with a trip to the farmers market. So many wonderful things to choose from. I got a variety of sweet potato that I have not tried before, can't remember the name, deep red, they said it was sweeter. Can't wait to try it. Last fall I cooked a bunch of sweet potatoes, cut them in chunks and froze them. Then I pulled out a chunck whenever I wanted some. Great stuff. I got got some small white potatoes, carrots and onions - beef stew in the crock pot tomorrow. I love fall for all the comfort fodods. Next week is the last farmers market of the year although the farm with the sweet potatoes said they would be at an indoor stand after the market. It gets a little too cold in southeast Wisconsin in November for outdoor markets. Fall is also for more reading, nothing better than curling up with a blanket and a book. My GS lives with me and is starting first grade. I love watching him read on his own, sounding out the words. Another generation of readers, it's all good.
    Barbie -I am going to look into the titles you shared for strength training. I like the idea of not having to get on the floor, it is too hard on knees.
    Keep coming back,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    DeeDee - Garlic-Herb Mini Quiches Recipe
    45 Servings
    Prep/Total Time: 25 min.
    15 10 25
    1 carton (6-1/2 ounces) reduced-fat spreadable garlic and herb cream cheese
    1/4 cup fat-free milk
    2 eggs
    3 packages (1.9 ounces each) frozen miniature phyllo tart shells
    2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
    Minced chives, optional
    In a small bowl, beat the cream cheese, milk and eggs. Place tart shells on an ungreased baking sheet; fill each with 2 teaspoons mixture. Sprinkle with parsley.
    Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes or until filling is set and shells are lightly browned. Sprinkle with chives if desired. Serve warm. Yield: 45 mini quiches.
    Nutrition Facts: 1 mini quiche equals 31 calories, 2 g fat (trace saturated fat), 12 mg cholesterol, 32 mg sodium, 2 g carbohydrate, trace fiber, 1 g protein

    I couldin't find garlic and herb cheese, the only herb cheese I could find was a cheese and herb, and one of the gals is allergic to all cheeses, so I used garden veg. cheese. Didn't taste bad at all.

    Did an hour of yoga DVD (Rodney Yee's Yoga Burn) today. Tomorrow I'll do a pilates DVD.

    The guys were here for the fence. Honestly, I think the guy in charge thought it would be a 1 hr repair job. They were here for 4 hours. They installed an extra piece of fence and it was so crooked you wouldn't believe it! Well, the way they originally wanted to "repair" it was that they dug up the post (remember, it's set in concrete) and were going to raise it. Vince just said "you mean now the concrete is going to be at ground level?" The guy then asked if we wanted them to chip off some of the concrete. To which Vince asked how they were going to do under the concrete post. The guy said "we'll fill in with dirt". Now that DID NOT sit well with Vince AT ALL. He just said "well, in a day or two the ground will settle and then the post will sink down. I really don't see how you can repair it without installing a new post". They installed a new post. The fence installer wasn't happy at all. But that's just too bad. We went around the fence, pointing out all the scratches, they touched them up and left us the can of touch up paint. They did repair the posts that were more than 1" from vertical. Interestingly, the guy at the end asked Vince if he wanted to use a level on them, Vince could tell just by looking that they were straighter. The fence guy couldn't see it, I think he thought Vince was being too pickey. Oh well..... We couldn't get over how much direction he had to give to the one worker. Even tho it was in Spanish, it appeared at one point that the fence guy was sort-of chastising the worker. Too bad. No, we didn't provide bottles of water or any snacks. I'm not about to reward them for screwing up! No way. We suspect the tile guy took much longer than he originally said he would because they didn't want any other problems. Seems they got a bad review on Angies list, but honestly most of the things this person was complaining about didn't look bad at all. Our understanding was that even if they'd installed a solid gold pool, it wouldn't be good enough for her. Well, it takes all kinds.

    Amanda - those grandtwins will be two already!!!! No way!!!! Seems like just yesterday that they were born.

    CSueB - have fun at the party!

    Vince wants to put in some of the landscape lighting tomorrow, then we can test them out tomorrow night. We're thinking that 8' apart is good, but we'll see when they are actually installed.

    jb - congrats on getting into the size 12's. Wonderful, you've come a long way baby.....

    Meg - welcome back! Glad you had a wonderful time in Philly. Can't wait to hear more about it. We have a MiFi that we use when we're at the condo. I wonder if that would work at a hotel? I'll ask Vince, he'll probably know.

    Laura and Jane - so glad you had such a nice visit. Isn't it special to meet up with someone you know so much about but have never met? I love it

    Glenda - WTG on the loss! You're doing fantastic. For my plantar warts the MD prescribed imiquimod cream. I'm supposed to put it on the wart about 8 hours before I shower. According to him, this cream takes a while to work (like months) but it seems to be longer lasting. What it does is it makes the body "see" the wart as an invader and attack it. I've read that reading while on the treadmill or elliptical really isn't recommended, probably because there's a greater possibility that you'll get engrossed in an article and without realizing it lower your speed. On the treadmill you might lower it so that you'd be able to read better. That's my guess, anyway. I always use my iPod.

    I just realized that I had two bigt containers of spaghetti squash in the freezer and just now I put another large one in there. Guess I'll be eating spaghetti squash for some time to come....lol Well, it COULD be worse...lol

    Mary - never thought of freezing sweet potatoes. Oh wonderful! Something ELSE for my freezer....lol

    Anybody have any ideas of something to put on the spaghetti squash. After a while, I get tired of tomato sauce, but I can't think of anything else.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    My first true fall from grace in my seventy something days of logging. 500 c alories over, and that's with the added calories fitbit added in. Oh well, my brother only visits me once every 4 years!!!
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Happy Saturday Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    I have been unable to get up on my foot for most of this week:grumble: . I have felt really sick from the medications:sick: and been under my calories everyday. But today, I felt pretty good:bigsmile: . Unfortunately my appetite was back with a vengeance:mad: :mad: . My husband ordered Pizza Hut and I gave into that demon:explode: :explode: . I ate more than I should and have been filled with self loathing ever since:mad: :angry: :grumble: . Definitely not worth it:noway: . However, I did feel well enough to clean and rearrange my very large living room and foyer. I hope that worked off some of the indulgence. :huh:

    I visited my mother this afternoon and I'll be darned if she wasn't rearranging her living room too when I got there, lol.:laugh: :laugh: So much like my mother its scary.:ohwell:

    Anyway, the foot is better. The toe is still not much of a looker. Its still very red and swollen, but I hope to be able to wear a shoe on it by Monday so I can get back into the gym and back to my "normal" routine. :glasses:

    It was a beautiful day here. We had sunshine and light wind, 65 degrees. The leaves are gorgeous colors and its a perfect time to walk...if you can wear shoes.

    I hope to be back to being a good and diligent girl next week. For today, the fluffy girl escaped for a bit, but I think I have her caged again.

    @Wessecg- don't feel like the Lone Ranger. I stumbled this weekend myself. It happens. We just have to start over tomorrow.

    Thank you all for being here for me. I want to be a better person because you all help me aspire to be like you...:heart::heart:

    Have a great weekend.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday evening. :flowerforyou:
    I went to the gym today by myself and it felt good to work out. I was not able to go much during the week. The exercise makes me feel grounded or less stressed. :happy: This is good because it wipes away any cravings that I might have.:drinker: :drinker:

    I read all the posts and thoroughly enjoyed all of them. I am just too tired tonight to write ya'all back! :yawn: :yawn:

    I am feeling really sleepy. I made an organic lean ground beef and pinto bean chili for dinner tonight. It was very good! Today, the sun never came out,but it was still 70 degrees. I guess we needed some hot comfort foods! :laugh: :laugh:

    Ok, everyone have a wonderful Sunday. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Be back on track, log, drink that water , and keep those muscles burning those calories! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Linda aka Sundance
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: Love your new pic!!! I love to read and passed that on to my daughter, we were just laughing about a book we shared in the past, my oldest granddaughter 11, always wants to go to a book store on our shopping trips, I think we passed the bug to her!

    M:smile: Hoping you`re having a great time with family this weekend!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: Hope you`re having a wonderful weekend!!

    CSueB:smile: Hope you enjoyed the party!!!!

    Liz:smile: Yay for a good night sleep!!! Have you measured yourself? You could be losing inches even though the scale is not moving! Don`t let it get you down!!!

    Janehadji:smile: So glad you and Laura got to meet and had a great time!!!

    Jb:smile: I love NYDJ`s!!! The ones I have are too big now, I need to figure out what size I might need, I usually order them and I hate having to send things back! Glad you found some new things!!! Thanks for the recipe link!!!

    Meg:smile: Welcome home!!! Looking forward to hearing about your trip!

    Laura80111:smile: Congrats to hubby for losing 17 lbs.!!!! Great idea to pick up the 30lb. weight to remind yourself!!!

    Teri:smile: We are a chatty bunch:laugh: !!!

    Lila:smile: I see now why you wanted to get your yard done this weekend! Hailing for over half an hour:noway: , did it look like snow on the ground?

    Glenda:smile: Congrats on 15 pounds since Jan.!!!!!

    Barbie:smile: I`m like you if I get up at 6am, I`m late, I`m up everyday around 5am! I get my walk in first thing in the morning and the rest of the day, anything extra is great, I walk Noel 30 to 45 minutes several times a day, I don`t really count that since she stops and smells the roses so to speak :laugh: .

    Mary:smile: I`ve had the deep red sweet potatoes, they are sweeter and I thought at bit drier than the yellow ones, they`re good but I prefer the yellow ones.

    Michele:smile: Thanks for the recipe! I think I`ll make that when the kids come over for our Halloween dinner! I`m glad they glad they finished your fence, I know it looks better now! I put a little butter, salt & pepper, and parmesan cheese on my spaghetti squash, it`s yummy!

    Cheryl:smile: Just get back on your plan, we all have indulgences sometimes!

    Jolene:smile: Don`t beat yourself up too much for the pizza, just get right back on your plan!!!

    Linda:smile: Your chili sounds delish!!! Hope you had a good night sleep!!!

    It`s time for me to get ready to put on my tiara, I think today I`ll curl my hair, I don`t do it very often because it takes about an hour to do:tongue: , however I do get tired of it just being straight and since I have some extra time today, why not. I had a yard guy here a couple of years ago doing big maintance work, pruning, mulching, etc. etc, he was here about 3 days and everyday I had my hair pulled back in a ponytail except for the last day, and I had curled it, when he saw me he said "OMG, your hair is beautiful" :laugh: :laugh: . I thought I must have looked really a mess with it the days before:laugh: .

    Hope all of you beauties have a wonderful Sunday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning and Happy Sunday everyone! How's your weekend going?

    Mine took a detour yesterday - I cut out the halloween costume for GD, only to be stricken with some sort of stomach bug. It could have just been that I had eaten eggs for breakfast without any carbs to go with them - they tend to upset my stomach if I eat them "straight." I also didn't eat a lot the entire day. Anyway, I wound up going to lay down and didn't do much of anything all day :frown:. I feel much better today - I think I was just a little run down. Now I'm just way behind on my projects.

    Ellen, I did read your article - very interesting. As I said, I don't know enough about that time even though I lived right through it - as a self-absorbed teen. Glad to know a little more. I agree on the going out to eat thing - DH and I struggle to justify going to restaurants for those very reasons. We used to love to go out to eat.

    JaneH, congratulations on that lovely date night with DH! Maybe you could find either a low-calorie treat to send to her or, better yet, a low-calorie cookbook with some of her favorite recipes lightened up? I'm the same way with the cake - it's a family tradition from way back. My mom would make the cake, and whoever the birthday boy or girl was could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner until it was gone :). Oh, wait, maybe that was my tradition. :smile:

    Deborah, isn't change the pits? lol. Thanks for the lovely thought.

    Lin, take your time. You've been sick for a bit, so it will take a few days to feel back at top speed, don't you think? Sorry to hear about the cauliflower soup. Sometimes food just doesn't work out like you think it will. I hope your dad recovers from his infection quickly - it's much harder on the elderly, isn't it? Adding to that the home trying to pressure you to decide before you know what his discharge is going to be? That's pretty awful.

    DeeDee, how horrible that someone called so late, but it sounds like it was probably a wrong number who had a creative way of trying to get out of having to admit it :wink:.

    Barbie, your weight routine sounds very ambitious! I do like my free weights and am trying to figure out how to get more. I'm going to be checking out craig's list and the local yard sales soon :smile:. Your line-dancing classes sound so fun! Love the pic :wink:. Have fun with the bike too!

    DebA, your day with your granddaughter sounds like so much fun! I agree, 14 is a fun age. The dinner sounds wonderful too! Have a great time on the hike - hopefully it's not like mine was with DH in the White Mountains - or that you're in better shape than I was for that one :wink:.

    Michele, your workout descriptions always leave me exhausted lol. You must have a ton of energy. I say that, but I do a fair bit of exercising each day too. I was feeling a bit "off" the past two days, and boom, I wound up in bed for most of the day yesterday. Hope you're not coming down with something. You might remind Vince it's not doing anyone any good to get angry about the pool guys, just to show them what he expects as far as getting the job done. Save the angry for if they say they won't make the changes. Most people want to do a good job. I made mini-quiche yesterday - but no crust, just baked the egg mix in a muffin tin. The still weren't that light - probably about 80 calories each. LOL about your station wagon story.

    Lila, Eeewwww!!! I don't have any idea what it smells like, and I can only imagine but I'll keep it that way thank you very much!!! You poor thing. Your food choices sound perfect! Beatrix Potter was my favorite to read to DD when she was small - and we/I collected the figurines for her for years (a new one each Easter). Now she has the collection for DGD as well as the books. We even went to visit Beatrix Potter's home in the Lake District in England when we were there.

    Amanda, congratulations on another pounds lost - although you've been feeling a little out of sorts - maybe that's the cause? At least now you know it's your body finding it's own weight setting now :smile:. I love your book titles - we loved those.

    JaneM, your exercises/stretching sound perfect for your back. Good for you! Have fun at the pumpkin patch.

    Sue, your run sounds lovely! There's a meteor shower this weekend that's supposed to be lovely. I can never stay up long enough to see them :frown:. Have fun at your party!

    Liz, yay for sleep!!! Gamers are a breed all unto themselves, aren't they? BIL is one (as is middle niece), and my SIL is another (he actually is an art director for a gaming company, video). They crack me up. Are you taking measurements in addition to the scale? You'll probably see a change there even if not on the scale. Enjoy your weekend!

    JaneH, I haven't posted any pictures, but I know you have to have an on-line account somewhere like shutterfly or photobucket. So glad to hear about your lunch! I've met a few virtual friends in real life - and we always just chat forever. It's so great to put a real experience to a virtual one, isn't it?

    JB, congratulations on learning acceptance of your new body. You look terrific - there's no shame in that! Enjoy your time in your home now that your outside home is resting for the winter.

    Meg, welcome back! I can't wait to hear what you thought about Philly.

    Laura, glad you enjoyed your meeting with JaneH too - and how special that you can not only spend time with your grandchildren but they single you out to care for them :love:. I skyped with DD yesterday but it always leaves me feeling sad I'm not closer to them so I can hold my precious DGD :sad:. DH did that very same thing the other day - he couldn't believe how heavy the weight was!

    Texas, don't worry about the commenting - I'm sure I comment enough for all of us lol :smile:. Glad your scale is moving - and I hope you get out and get those steps in too!

    Lila, it's hailing now? That is odd weather. Good luck getting those leaves raked. Your workshop sounds interesting - maybe you can tell us a little more about it sometime? You can PM me if you'd rather and are willing too. I hope your car is in the garage - we used to get hail in CO that would destroy anything left outside.

    Glenda, congratulations on the loss since the start of the year! That's really terrific. It does help to visualize what that much weight represents in cold hard margarine lol. Someone else mentioned podcasts - I love listening to them, and they're free on Itunes for the most part. I listen to RadioLab a lot - interesting show.

    Liz, does your daughter not like sweet potatoes? How could anyone not like them? LOL. I was reading recipes yesterday (it's a pasttime, or torture, depending) and the magazine was full of Thanksgiving recipes - lots of sweet potato casseroles. Sigh.

    Mary, so jealous of the farmers' market! We don't have them close enough here - instead we have these "mud auctions" run mainly by the Amish - I'll have to try to check them out more.

    Cheryl, I'll laugh if your scale goes down after your "fall" lol. I hope you enjoyed your visit with your brother.

    Jolene, I hope that toe goes back to normal quickly too! Does your husband support your efforts to lose weight? It's especially hard if you have someone who isn't as "on board" with the plan as you are. Too much of the "one bite won't hurt" - I hope he's not that type. Look at you - you're almost half-way there! That's really terrific. I hope you get to enjoy your beautiful weekend!

    Linda-Sun - so glad to hear the gym is doing its magic for you! Your chili sounds wonderful too.

    DeeDee - Curls will hold up that tiara so it doesn't slip :smile:. How nice for compliments - especially when least expected.

    OK, everyone, off to sew. Enjoy the rest of your weekend -


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    My kids are avid readers too. When they were growing up and we went camping or anywhere we had mandatory reading time (It was so I could read without interuption) The end result was a family that spent hours sitting around a camp reading and now my kids would rather read than watch tv.

    When my daughter had her baby shower her friends put (please no cards just books) on the invitation so that Oliva ended up with a very nice library before whe was even born. People used old books and also bought new books. It was great.