Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Christine-- Congratulations on your doctors appointment victory. You have been working very hard these past 5 months and it is paying off for you. I am doing cartwheels over your successes.. YIPEEEEEEEEEE!!!

    Fitness-- I am doing well on my goals and have been busy. I am enjoying my new hobby of frisbee golf but the season will be ending soon since daylight saving time will end and it will be to dark to play except on weekends. I did meet my goals this week and even took a rest day yesterday. Tomorrow I will hit the gym or do something fun. It is suppose to be nice here.

    Exercise Plan
    Saturday- gym 10 mile bike
    Sunday- gym 10 mile bike
    Monday- going out after school want to meet with trainer not sure if it will work out
    Tuesday- rest day
    Wednesday- frisbee golf
    Friday-Rock Climbing

    I must admit that today I went over my carb limit. After dropping my car off at the mechanic today, went to KMart with my Mom. We shopped for a while and then I getting hungry- don't shop in the food section when hungry. Needless to say I brought some additional junk food that I did not need but at least my parents will help eat it. My Dad will take care of the Cheese Nips if I let him then he will want to buy me another box. Needless to say, I won't let him eat the whole box, he is a diabetic type 2.

    Good night Everyone. Have a great weekend.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Wow... takes a while to catch up if I miss a day!
    @Christine - congratulations! I could be a little jealous of ya there - seems like I'm bouncing around the same few pounds lately... I know I'll get over the plateau, but it's such a pain.

    Friday fitness - 30 minutes in the gym - yep, I'm back on schedule.

    Got a busy weekend, so I'll see y'all soon :happy:
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    *slinks in*

    Seems every time I post a "wow, it's been too long since I've been here!" and get back in the groove for a few days, then I go and fall off the earth for a week, or two, or maybe it's even three this time. :embarassed:

    And it hasn't been a good few weeks, food-wise. Back to the eating habits I had this time last year, which means about 1000 calories over budget pretty much every day. And let's not even talk about carbs. (gack.) Thing is, it's not necessarily stress (that's always a part of my life and not much in excess lately). I've definitely hit that self-sabotage piece that many folks have talked about here, though, when they hit their lowest adult weight. And oh, man, am I craving sweet stuff as the weather cools. I had to very firmly talk myself out of a 400-calorie mocha today. Might not have succeeded if I hadn't been on call, which means I can't leave the campus (I was considering a sneak-out).

    So props to all those with successes. I really need to spend more time here for a while; it'll help me get my head in gear.

    As will the requirement to do the Health Engagement Model if I want a lower health insurance premium (honestly, that's what got me started last year, too). Open Enrollment is now done, and I need to fill out my HEM assessment (which means weighing and measuring for the first time in a while). I don't want to be looking at any more numbers I already saw on the way down, I am NOT buying any new clothes in larger sizes, and dammit, I feel like crap when I eat crap.

    So it's time to get back on the wagon.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    And oh, man, am I craving sweet stuff as the weather cools.

    I don't want to be looking at any more numbers I already saw on the way down, I am NOT buying any new clothes in larger sizes, and dammit, I feel like crap when I eat crap.

    So it's time to get back on the wagon.


    preach it. i crave it too. that's why when it comes to like my birthday and halloween etc i have bit here and there. as long as i can handle it the rest of the time not caving. i feel like crap when i eat crap too.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    I don't particularly have any truths to get off my chest lol so this is essentially just an update. I still have my sinus infection but I have attempted both suggestions to control my stress.

    I scheduled a playday when I woke up. I didn't do anything particular, just kind of vegged and played sims on my phone. I did straighten up and tidy up a little bit but I essentially did absolutely nothing but watch a few TV shows that I love (criminal minds and elementary, mystery diners... things like that). I tried, even, to slack on my diet a little and give myself a treat (bowl of smacks for breakfast... WOOT!) but I ended up offsetting it with a nice Caesar Salad with light dressing so I'm not sure how I really did on that front (I didn't go over my calorie limit- in fact came in at about 1200 cals).

    Also scheduled some easy exercise tomorrow due to the fact that my sinuses are swelled lol. I plan to take the dogs to the park. We really need to establish that we're all one pack lol.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!! I'm a bit behind, but read through all 8 pages to catch up. I still log my food/exercise every day with MFP, but just not enough time to read all the posts. I was glad to see so many wonderful accomplishments, but also so many willing to share their struggles too. It's called life and I know part of this journey is learning how to deal with life circumstances without the comfort of food.

    I've stayed on track with my eating (for the most part) and down 32 lbs to date (Woo Hoo!!) I was exercising about 6 days a week, but the past few weeks have not been quite as much. I really need to start planning ahead better whether it's my menu's or daily exercise goals.

    Today is actually my birthday so I'm taking time today to just reflect on my next steps in this journey.

    My house closing is still scheduled for 10/30. It will be so great to have this burden off my shoulders. While I know this new job and moving 2,000 miles away was the best move for me and my son, it's not been fun paying two households for the past 4 months. If all goes well, no mortgage payment for 11/1 - thank goodness!!!!!

    Enjoy your day - eat less and move more!!!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Birthday, Susan!!! :flowerforyou: Today is my sister's birthday too, I hope to Skype with her later - need to see what my nephews are up to. This is the last year in her 30s, so need to pick on her a bit! :laugh:

    Saturday Success~I had a good week, kept within all my macros all week and lost a little over a pound inching me closer to that century mark. I've lost 17 pounds so far for the challenge at my gym, with just a couple of weeks left I'd like to make it an even 20. Not sure where it puts me in the stats, but I'm pleased.

    Lots to do today - need to get in a good long workout at the gym this morning, then get usual running around done and stuff done around the house. Its supposed to be in the mid-80s today - wish I could open up the house but allergens are too high and I'll be miserable.

    I had peanut m&m's yesterday for the first time in probably 6 months - they were fantastic!!! I'm not a candy eater at all, could take it or leave it - but my sister and I share a love for peanut or almond m&m's! :bigsmile: I almost never have them, so they are a real treat when I do. Everyone at work picks on me when I do eat them, it takes me forever. :laugh:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Christine - congrats on your good drs. appt. - glad you had such good results. Its hard to impress a Dr. WOOT!

    Susan - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Glad you have such a near closing date on your old house. Thank goodness no more 2 payments. That money will come in handy.

    Raven - hope you're feeling better soon!

    I'm just hanging in here - same ole, same ole situation, waiting for things to get better........the prednisone has improved the movement in my arms and reduced the pain somewhat, but in the am, I am like a catepillar getting out of bed, the arms are frozen at my sides, and I have to inch and roll to get turned over and sat up, and I end up laughing and chuckling. In an hour, and 2 cups of coffee later, they are warmed up and moving good enough to do things for myself, but the pain is still there and some limitation on m ovement.......I read where it can involve the hips as well so I am a very lucky person that it did not get my hips!
  • bima80
    bima80 Posts: 46 Member
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, :happy:

    Happy Birthday Susan!!!!! Good news about your old house too!:drinker:

    @Kah awesome on the scale victory and keeping within all of your macros. :drinker:

    I haven't been so lucky no loss again this week sort of upset felt like my clothes were more baggy but no loss. Here I am all excited about nearing a big milestone but I guess its all part of this journey and at least its not up right...

    @Robin--as I read your post I can just picture you trying to get up at least you can chuckle about it. I hope you start feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    @raven -- that sounds like a good plan. Hope your sinus infection clears up soon.

    @Toots -- You are right on the many versions of that settlers game. I know I have never heard of any of them before till my hubby took up this hobby a few years back. I guess many years back there was the magic years now this. I prefer playing a game of cards.

    @Laurie-- Don't grocery shop when hungry I have learn that lesson the hard way .

    NSV--- I slept Beautiful Sleep-- for a full night. I went to bed and did not wake up till morning.I even slept in 2 hours later than my normal wake up time. I have been getting such poor sleep in. Go to bed at a decent time will sleep maybe for 3 hours wake up wide awake than up for 3 maybe and if I am lucky will be able to go back to bed and get in 2 more hours. This has been going on for like a month. :mad:

    Today is a deep cleaning day. Cleaning my DH corner of the bedroom, organizing our closet to put his things. Plus other areas. Getting ready to put in new floors next weekend. So want things done, For next weekend will be about that. I hope to go to get the shopping done but that may wait till my 3rd day off (Monday). Hangout with DD. and get a nice walk in with Bella.

    Goal of walking Bella 2 x's today
    Go to the Y and
    walking Bella.

    Hope everyone has a fun Saturday. :smile: Will be back later to check posts. I need to get going Daylight is a burning and these chores won't get done by themselves.

  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    *slinks in*

    Seems every time I post a "wow, it's been too long since I've been here!" and get back in the groove for a few days, then I go and fall off the earth for a week, or two, or maybe it's even three this time. :embarassed:

    And it hasn't been a good few weeks, food-wise. Back to the eating habits I had this time last year, which means about 1000 calories over budget pretty much every day. And let's not even talk about carbs. (gack.) Thing is, it's not necessarily stress (that's always a part of my life and not much in excess lately). I've definitely hit that self-sabotage piece that many folks have talked about here, though, when they hit their lowest adult weight. And oh, man, am I craving sweet stuff as the weather cools. I had to very firmly talk myself out of a 400-calorie mocha today. Might not have succeeded if I hadn't been on call, which means I can't leave the campus (I was considering a sneak-out).

    :flowerforyou: :hug:
    Hey Shrinkrapt! Missed ya!
    I've been struggling with emotional eating the past few weeks, so I can really relate - and now MFP "improved" the way fitbit syncs - so if it doesn't think you've been active enough, the thing takes away calories (seriously?? SERIOUSLY??) so yeah, been *interesting*.

    We psych folks have to hang in there together! We can do this, right? :bigsmile:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    happy birthday, susan!
    @Toots -- You are right on the many versions of that settlers game. I know I have never heard of any of them before till my hubby took up this hobby a few years back. I guess many years back there was the magic years now this. I prefer playing a game of cards.

    i don't like any game that takes hours to play. i like something like scategories that takes 45 minutes to play and requires no strategy. lol
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Happy Birthday Susan:flowerforyou:
    Robin, take care of yourself, praying for your arms to be as good as new!
    Shrink, great to see you.
    Ravin, praying you are good as gold soon.

    I have already shared this week about my excitement over my dr. appt. I am happy that I only have 1 more day of predisone and have actually lost weight instead of gained which is a first:bigsmile: Have had 2 good walks already today and going for a third this afternoon. I have found I really love walking and how it makes me feel. Praying everyone has a nice weekend. Keep hanging in there, we will overcome!

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    happy birthday, susan!
    @Toots -- You are right on the many versions of that settlers game. I know I have never heard of any of them before till my hubby took up this hobby a few years back. I guess many years back there was the magic years now this. I prefer playing a game of cards.

    i don't like any game that takes hours to play. i like something like scategories that takes 45 minutes to play and requires no strategy. lol

    I'm with you toots, I want to have fun, not have to make the game work!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    happy birthday, susan!
    @Toots -- You are right on the many versions of that settlers game. I know I have never heard of any of them before till my hubby took up this hobby a few years back. I guess many years back there was the magic years now this. I prefer playing a game of cards.

    i don't like any game that takes hours to play. i like something like scategories that takes 45 minutes to play and requires no strategy. lol

    I'm with you toots, I want to have fun, not have to make the game work!

    exactly. it's like they have a different interpretation of 'play' lol
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    I am so excited about how my dr. appt. went today:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My dr. was excited about my losing over 60 lbs since May and told me soon I will have all the guys whistling at me:laugh: . My blood pressure was 122/68, lowest its been in over 2 years and he is weaning me off 1 of my BP meds. YIPPPEEE. High 5s all around. Praise God for doing for me what I could not do for myself!!! I go back to him in 3 months and hope to shed another 20 by then. Oh and the best part is I am no longer morbidly obese, just plain old obese. With all that excitement I lost my cell phone and had to get a new one, but had been planning on getting a new one anyway so just waiting on the new one to activate. Love you all, have a wonderful weekend all.


    Such wonderful news----congratulations Christine. What a wonderful doctor's appointment. Congrats---!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member

    Today is actually my birthday so I'm taking time today to just reflect on my next steps in this journey.

    My house closing is still scheduled for 10/30. It will be so great to have this burden off my shoulders. While I know this new job and moving 2,000 miles away was the best move for me and my son, it's not been fun paying two households for the past 4 months. If all goes well, no mortgage payment for 11/1 - thank goodness!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Susan and Happy Upcoming House Closing!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--happy birthday!! :flowerforyou:

    @christine--glad your doc recognized all of your hard work!! :drinker:

    @sara--good to see you again!! You were another "regular" I've been missing--glad you are back with us. :smile:

    @everyone who's sick/hurting--hope you heal quickly!

    I forgot to come back last night and post Friday Fitness, but as I mentioned, I had been taking it easy b/c of hip/back pain due to being all out of alignment. Doing better today--still stiff in the morning (I think I must look similar to robin when trying to maneuver myself out of bed :laugh: )--but once I'm up and moving, the pain subsides and I no longer feel "crooked."

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--long run outside DONE
    Tues--core DONE + walk dog DONE (if I get home from meeting before it gets dark)
    Wed--walk dog DONE
    Thurs--long run outside + core NOT DONE
    Fri--walk dog DONE
    Sat--long run outside DONE
    Sun--not sure yet (depends on grading)

    Saturday Success:
    Went for a run with my fur-baby this morning, and now I'm out grading for the afternoon. Plan to attend "wurst" fest tonight, but won't be having any bratwurst, since I already had that for breakfast. :embarassed: I know it's a weird choice, but I was in a rush and it was the only cooked protein in my fridge.

    Hope to get through 8 more AP essays today--that will mean one class is complete!

    Grading goals:
    1. 14/22 AP essays
    2. 22/22 punctuation tests DONE
    3. x/22 2 paragraph responses
    4. x/59 Thoreau essays
    5. read section 2 of Montana 1948 DONE
    6. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE
    7. 59/59 M1948 vocab assignments DONE
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thanks guys for the birthday wishes! Very quiet day, which is how I like it. I went to our small group for church, which is Families in the Park. Afterwards, myself and another family went for a hike. We went up Radar Mountain, which was a nice steady climb. Great way to get my exercise in, but really enjoy my surroundings too. The afternoon was relaxing by the pool and going through my magazines like US Weekly, Weight Watchers and InStyle. I'm getting ready to head to church to end the day by going to church with my son. Life is good.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    @Toots and @ Christine it seems like we are all in agreement no game for us that takes hours and makes us feel like its work. lol

    @Skinnyjean I am glad you are beginning to feel better.

    So today was a good day overall. Lovely day with my daughter today able to go out together and get a few things done. Plus able to get get my chores done around here. Deep clean the kitchen, organgize and clean up our bedroom kitchen. I hope to tackle the linen closet tomorrow or Monday but would like it done before I go back to work on Tuesday.

    Also able to get Bella out for her walks today. Now I am enjoy the evening relaxing.

    Wishing everyone a good evening. Take care,
