Do you drink any diet soda?



  • torshi
    torshi Posts: 107 Member
    It's very very rare for me to drink soda. I'm a water girl all the way...I really wished my weight was due to soda drinking, but it's not :(
  • AngieBee67
    AngieBee67 Posts: 16 Member
    I love my water. Because I am a water drinker I'm picky with the water restaurants provide. So I splurge and have a diet coke when we are out to dinner. I keep in mind that it has 0 calories but is still bad for you overall. All soda is. I keep to my calorie intake and exercise all the time. So, it doesn't make me gain any weight. And I am the opposite of some, the soda fills me up more so I eat less. But, then it always makes me feel bloated.
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    I've lost all desire for soda (pop here in Michigan) unless I am desperate for a jolt of caffine
  • Ldysw357
    Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
    I have switched from drinking 3-4 Mountain Dews a day to now having 1-2 Coke Zeroes. In between I drink water with crystal light or if I'm working out, just plain water and I do feel much better! I love the crystal light in water and 10 calories is way better that the 170 I was getting in the Dew.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I have it as a "treat" once in a great while when I really want one.

    I agree on it depending on the person. Some people metabolize fake sugar the same as they do real sugar and it raises your bloodsugar and kicks in the insulin.

    So in reality, it can cause you to hold on to your fat stores.

    Just make sure you're getting your water in. I've heard you should drink an extra 8-16 oz of water for every 12 oz diet coke/pepsi you drink but again....hearsay.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member

    Mainly because I get migraines from artificial sweeteners.
    I'd rather have the sugary ones as an occasional treat.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i lost 80 pounds in the past drinking soda and using artificial sweeteners so when people say it will hinder i just ignore them. I drink mostly water now but i still drink diet soda just not as much cause i wanna fit the water in. No one is fat because they drink diet soda!
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    I very rarely drink any fizzy soda. Not so much for diet but more because I have psoriasis and find that soda (diet coke or Pepsi in particular) makes it worse.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    I don't think it's the diet soda that makes you's what you EAT with, before or after the soda.

    I used to drink diet soda with my meals and snacks, so my brain "linked" the soda with stuff like fried chicken, pizza, burgers, popcorn, pretzels, chips etc., etc. Drinking a diet soda with a salad just wasn't as satisfying and my brain was screaming--"Where's the burger??"

    I decided to give up the soda and found that when I brought an "off brand" of my favorite flavor (i.e., el cheapo diet cola vs. Diet Pepsi) it was easier to wean off of it. It's been about 4 months I've been on the wagon and only had 2 sodas--buy my choice, not because of habit. I was drinking decaf soda, so that wasn't an issue.

    I'm now drinking water at restaurants and at home and saving quite a bit of money...for me, that's the biggest payoff of kicking that habit.
  • dwoodmanjr
    dwoodmanjr Posts: 89 Member
    I used to drink a lot of Diet Dr. Pepper, and then Dr. Pepper Ten came out, so I started drinking that (it's much better). However, after my lap-band surgery in April, I stopped all soda. I've only had two cups of Coke Zero (not even the full cans) on two different airline trips, and they both made me feel really bloated, so I haven't gone back. And honestly, I haven't really missed it. Plain water (tap, spring, doesn't matter) does have a "tinny" taste to it, so I've been using the flavored powders (Hawaiian Punch Sugar free, Crystal light, etc.). Also a big fan now of Propel Zero, VitaminWater Zero, Sobe Lifewater, and Fuze Slenderize (does have calaories (as much as 20 in a bottle), but you can't beat the taste (the Tropical Punch is amazing))
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    No. I drink regular soda. I'd rather have my body be able to metabolize the sugar rather than not be able to easily break down the "fake" sugar or sweetners. A surgeon once showed me this interesting thing. He took a packet of sugar and poured it over a lit lighter. The sugar just burned. He took a packet of sweetenlow and did the same and the sweetenlow exploded,. He said he could also tell when doing surgery when people were heavy diet soda drinkers. He said that their fat would have a crystal like substance that would glisten. Ever since he told me that I stick to regular sodas, which I barely drink to begin with. I allow myself 1-2 12 ounce cans per week and only on the weekends. Most of the time I'll only have 1 can though and that's when I'm at work.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I drink a gallon or more a day. No negative effects here.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Hey, I was wondering if its Okay to drink diet Pepsi, diet soda while trying to lose weight..
    I read some people say it's still will make you fat and some says its Okay.
    So i decided to ask you guys!

    I drink coke zero. there are lots of people who will tell you diet soda will kill you but they casually forget to mention that crossing the road might kill you, too.

    This ^^

    I pretty much drink water exclusively but every once in awhile I will drink a diet soda.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    gave up all soda 23 years ago :bigsmile:

    Same, at least 10 years ago
  • elizawe
    elizawe Posts: 54 Member
    No. I drink regular soda. I'd rather have my body be able to metabolize the sugar rather than not be able to easily break down the "fake" sugar or sweetners. A surgeon once showed me this interesting thing. He took a packet of sugar and poured it over a lit lighter. The sugar just burned. He took a packet of sweetenlow and did the same and the sweetenlow exploded,. He said he could also tell when doing surgery when people were heavy diet soda drinkers. He said that their fat would have a crystal like substance that would glisten.

    The problem with diet drinks is that the brain can't tell the difference. Once the taste of sugar hits the tongue, it tells the brain that sugar is entering the blood stream and the brain tells the pancreas to release insulin. Insulin pushes the sugar into the cell, or in the case of diet soda, the crystal like substance as quoted above. Once all the sugar or sugar substitute is pushed into the cells and stored as FAT, the brain then receives signals that the blood sugar supply is low and it tells the body to go eat. The problem is not whether it's diet or not, the problem is the sweet taste. For most people, this leads to weight problems.
  • drvoss
    drvoss Posts: 2 Member
    I drink a diet/zero soda for lunch and a Miller Lite for dinner. I am still losing weight. For me, it's all about my daily calorie intake. I would drink regular soda, but it's just too many calories that I would rather eat somewhere else in the day! Good luck!
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    No. I don't like soda. I prefer to hydrate with water and iced tea. I'm getting some benefit from these beverages, whereas no value from soda. I don't make this choice relative to weight loss , rather general overall health.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    You'll have to test it out for yourself.

    I drink diet soda, tons of it some days, and still lost 100 lbs. It fills my need for sweets and I have less cravings.

    For some people drinking diet soda may increase cravings for sweets or just make them hungrier.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    I was told by a dr that if u want to lose weight and you drink soda, its better to take in the calories then to drink the diet stuff, instead of drinking 5 or 6 diets sodas a day, drink one regular soda and make it your treat. I still drink the Coke zeros. I like them, i drink 2 a week.
  • emg9
    emg9 Posts: 112
    i dont see the point of drinking it unless you put vodka in there too.