Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning, crazy day yesterday - guess I forgot to stop by. :cry:

    Monday Check-In~Had a good but busy weekend, pizza out with friends on Saturday (but I planned for it). It was fantastic!!! :bigsmile: Got tons of exercise in on both days. I'm pretty tired today as my trainer mapped out a 5k run and that is what we did during our training session yesterday, it wiped me out!!! Guess he's trying to get me ready for the events I have coming up.

    Last week's fitness:

    Monday~Elliptical at home DONE!
    Tuesday~Cross Trainer at gym DONE!
    Wednesday~Recovery Day
    Thursday~Training DONE
    Friday~2 mile run/walk outside DONE
    Saturday~Elliptical & C25K at gym DONE
    Sunday~5k w Trainer DONE

    This week:

    Monday~Walk after Chiropractor appt (after 2 intense workouts this weekend, need to lighten it up)
    Tuesday~Cross Trainer at gym
    Wednesday~Recovery Day
    Friday~Going to be cool, so a run/walk outside
    Saturday~Elliptical at gym

    Hope everyone has a great week ahead!
  • GrannyBandit
    Hi everyone! I'm just getting started so I"m checking this out. It looks like you all are doing fantastic! Good jobs!!! I hope I can do well too. Anyway, just thought I'd say hi.:happy:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    lost 2.2 pounds this week which puts me back at where i was before i went off the wagon for a month or so. i gained about six pounds during that time. but i'm back down where i was. maybe even .1 of a pound less. but i can't remember which it was :laugh: but anyway, yay. my ticker is true again haha.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Monday Check In::: Well feeling really good this week. Logged all weekend and didn't do too terribly bad. But I logged all weekend. And my weight was NOT up this morning! I was happy about that! It was actually really down under my weight I last logged on here. But I didn't log it because I think it was the fact I was finally able to um...go to the bathroom and I feel much better. But I will wait until Friday or Monday of next week to log my weight.

    Had our family pictures done Sunday, hoping they turn out good. I got a preview of them and I think I look horrible in them all..but it's probably me being critical of myself. Cause everyone else's looks great...but me. So we will see!

    Have a magnificent Monday everyone!

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    To all the new folks, welcome. Wish I had time to post, but we are checking out of the hotel, heading home.
    Really blew this trip. My entree at Maggiano's last night was 1700 calories.

    Planned for today and had a perfectly fine breakfast and plan a veggie lunch. Will be home this evening in time for the debate. I've had fun but have missed my hubby and family.

    Lots of work this week, repairing and cleaning a rental home to get it ready to either sell or rent. Plus my business needs some attention.

    I'll take time to respnd to the posts this week and to exercise and eat right. I am back on track and hope too much harm has not been done.

  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    lost 2.2 pounds this week which puts me back at where i was before i went off the wagon for a month or so. i gained about six pounds during that time. but i'm back down where i was. maybe even .1 of a pound less. but i can't remember which it was :laugh: but anyway, yay. my ticker is true again haha.

  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member

    Had our family pictures done Sunday, hoping they turn out good. I got a preview of them and I think I look horrible in them all..but it's probably me being critical of myself. Cause everyone else's looks great...but me. So we will see!

    Tina, I'm sure you do not look terrible. As someone who is overly critical of myself as well, I'm sure that's what you're suffering from when you look at those pics. Also, think of what you'd look like if you still had the 55 pounds you lost. You're doing great. :) Keep it up!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    thanks. i think that i left morbidly obese and am now just regularly obese :laugh: because i'm down under 40 and i'm pretty sure that's the cut off
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost 2 pounds this week so i am happy about that ! I have lost 32 now !
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Congrats to everyone who had a weight loss this week! WOOT! And congrats to all who struggled and plan on having a better week ahead!

    I sure do enjoy the Sunday shares......its so interesting to get a peak into people's lives - Boho Coast - thanks for sharing your life in England - it is totally fascinating to me! KJeffries - thanks for sharing the story of your impoverished time growing up. I was very moved. That experience does force a person to be very afraid of going hungry in the present time. You have done well to fight that urge.
  • 3smommy2008
    I am new to posting, but joined myfitnesspal a while back. I don't think I was serious enough before, but I just recently started working at a heart hospital and have finally come to terms with the dangers of my current lifestyle. I need as much help and support as I can get, and my hopes are that I can get some of both here. I've joined the employee gym at my new workplace and my first day to exercise there will be today! If anyone has any suggestions or words of encouragement, please reply or message me. I am 32 with 2 small children....if I don;t lose weight, I'm scared that I won't be around to raise them. My goal is to become a runner. It's something I've always wanted to do, but at this point it seems almost imposible. Please help!!!
  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello again everyone,

    Well I have got to get better about logging in daily & recording my foods & exercise. (Well at least I backtracked & put in yesterday's food today).

    Monday check-in I'm happy that I managed to lose 2 lbs at the end of this past week, despite all the once-per-month bloating and scale stand-still from earlier in the week. I think I'm on track to reach 10 lbs down by the end of October, I hope I make it!

    Toots, that's great you're now under 40 BMI (you're correct, that's the marker from "obese" to "morbidly obese". I'm trying to get under 40 also (at 43 right now). Another 23 lbs & I'll be there. I figured that's a good mini-goal to have. Having to lose over 100 can seem so overwhelming, so having smaller goals within the larger goal I think will help me stay motivated.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I am new to posting, but joined myfitnesspal a while back. I don't think I was serious enough before, but I just recently started working at a heart hospital and have finally come to terms with the dangers of my current lifestyle. I need as much help and support as I can get, and my hopes are that I can get some of both here. I've joined the employee gym at my new workplace and my first day to exercise there will be today! If anyone has any suggestions or words of encouragement, please reply or message me. I am 32 with 2 small children....if I don;t lose weight, I'm scared that I won't be around to raise them. My goal is to become a runner. It's something I've always wanted to do, but at this point it seems almost imposible. Please help!!!

    Nothing is ever impossible, the trick is to start things out slowly and work your way up. If you aren't very active right now, just ease into a workout program - start by using the elliptical, the bike, or by walking on the treadmill. Once you have established a routine, start challenging yourself by increasing intensity or the amount of time you spend on the exercise. When it comes to running, there are several C25K programs you can try - it gets you from no running to running a 5K (3.1 miles) in 8 weeks.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member

    @Alison -- No Idaho is in the Northwest. Its an easy mistake.


    Ladies - I live in IOWA which is often confused with IDAHO for some reason. We have nothing memorable in the state apparently because most folks have no idea where it is! We are neighbors to ILLINOIS.

    Don't quiz me on geography of other countries. I'd fail miserably......

    Monday, Monday. Scale was down. Yeah.

    Weekend went ok with the exception that I was unhappy that my Fitbit didn't sync to my MFP account from Saturday afternoon until this morning.


  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    I am new to posting, but joined myfitnesspal a while back. I don't think I was serious enough before, but I just recently started working at a heart hospital and have finally come to terms with the dangers of my current lifestyle. I need as much help and support as I can get, and my hopes are that I can get some of both here. I've joined the employee gym at my new workplace and my first day to exercise there will be today! If anyone has any suggestions or words of encouragement, please reply or message me. I am 32 with 2 small children....if I don;t lose weight, I'm scared that I won't be around to raise them. My goal is to become a runner. It's something I've always wanted to do, but at this point it seems almost imposible. Please help!!!

    Welcome 3smommy, love your avatar of you & your kids, adorable! I am working towards motherhood (hopefully) & feel the same way, wanting to be healthy enough to raise my future child or children, since I'm getting started rather late in the game. Good luck with your workout today at the employee gym. That's a great benefit to offer employees, it's good more places have them.

  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Hi. I know it is check in day, but I'm afraid to weigh in this week. I know when I gain, I get depressed, and when I'm depressed, I start thinking I'm hungry. I have my period, so there is NO WAY I'm getting on that thing. (TWSS? Sorry. I couldn't resist....and I should've, I know....)
    I had a job interview to be on a local sub list on Friday. All I need is my fingerprints to check out (they will!) and my tb test to turn out fine (it will) and I'm in!!!! YAYY! I miss being in the classroom SO much!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I lost 2 pounds this week so i am happy about that ! I have lost 32 now !

    whoo nice work
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    We were not nourished well and we often went to bed hungry. My father was a proud man and would not allow us to receive free lunches at school. We took a white flour biscuit with sorghum syrup for lunch each day. I remember being so hungry after lunch and before I got home, that my stomach would growl. Our breakfast was a biscuit with gravy from white flour w/canned tomatoes. We never had milk but occasionally we had eggs.

    i also grew up very poor. but if it wasn't for school lunches there would have been many days i wouldn't have eaten at all. we got all of our food from the government or the church food pantry. my parents had good stamps too but it was common practice to trade them for whatever they could get and remember later that they had no freaking food. so i do understand where you're coming from. there was a month one time were all we had was beans, unflavored boiled beans, and puffed rice. not sugared. just puffed rice. to this day i will eat neither of those things :laugh:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am new to posting, but joined myfitnesspal a while back. I don't think I was serious enough before, but I just recently started working at a heart hospital and have finally come to terms with the dangers of my current lifestyle. I need as much help and support as I can get, and my hopes are that I can get some of both here. I've joined the employee gym at my new workplace and my first day to exercise there will be today! If anyone has any suggestions or words of encouragement, please reply or message me. I am 32 with 2 small children....if I don;t lose weight, I'm scared that I won't be around to raise them. My goal is to become a runner. It's something I've always wanted to do, but at this point it seems almost imposible. Please help!!!

    Welcome 3smommy! It sounds like you are off to a great start. Using MFP is a wonderful accessory to a lifestyle eating change and this forum is a great place to get the encouragement you need . Please stop in daily and post your forward movement!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi. I know it is check in day, but I'm afraid to weigh in this week. I know when I gain, I get depressed, and when I'm depressed, I start thinking I'm hungry. I have my period, so there is NO WAY I'm getting on that thing. (TWSS? Sorry. I couldn't resist....and I should've, I know....)
    I had a job interview to be on a local sub list on Friday. All I need is my fingerprints to check out (they will!) and my tb test to turn out fine (it will) and I'm in!!!! YAYY! I miss being in the classroom SO much!

    Helen - I'm so glad you have the job interview and very good odds to get on the sub list. Working will improve your depression greatly. Getting involved back here on a daily basis would be good for you too. You were always such a good contributor! Clever and wise! HUGS to one of my favorite people, and may that black dog of depression stop following you. :flowerforyou: