Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good afternoon to all my beautiful friends, Belle and I are just resting after having a wonderful lunch of vegitarian chili my DIL made yesterday. It was delish!!! My weekend didn't go as planned,but was nice. Ended up not going to Topeka due to transportation problems. Was bummed about not getting to see old friends and help celebrate a dear person's 70th birthday, but will see her another time and it will be special then. I spent the weekend enjoying family here in KC and going to church. Next weekend is the Down Syndrome Walk and I am ready for it, only thing is it is an all morning affair and the temp is going to be COLD with a high of 40. Will have to bundle up in lots of layers. It is always so much fun to see all the children and adults, usually around 5,000 people at Arrowhead Stadium with lots of balloons, colors, tents, banners, activities for people of all ages. I love it!!! This week have my Bible studies, and working on pillowcase dresses. I love hearing about each of you and feel like you are all part of my family. I know I haven't done personals in a while, but thinking and praying about each one of you. Have a blessed week.

  • GerritTheBlacksmith
    was out of town this weekend and fell off the wagon a bit....climbing back on today.
  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    Monday-Check In- Had a good weekend. First week went pretty good. Stayed under calories all week and still managed to eat some "goodies" (portion control). My oldest is out of town for the week, so borrowing his X-Box 360 so I can finally try out my Zumba rush game and see how much it kicks my rear end.
    Feeling kind of drained today, I think it is the cold drizzle and grey skies.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello all, :smile:

    Monday has been a good day so far. Today has been rather relaxing raining all day so have not made it out for a walk yet unless I want to count walking around Costco and Walmart today. Food is going well. Nothing to really write home about.

    Yay to all of your who are celebrating Scale and NSV 's today . and Hugs for all of you who are struggling. :flowerforyou:

    Liz :drinker: :drinker:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    mmmmm, Going to try the Sweet Potatoe and Tomato soup....sounds easy and yummy. Last night i made a big pot of Broke Bean Soup to put in the freezer
    off to start painting the downstairs bedroom.....hope i have all the supplies i need
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Monday Check-In:

    I'm finally starting to feel better for the first time in a while. I've felt so sluggish the last few weeks and my workouts have been lackluster at best, when I do one at all. I have decided that today is the day to get back on the wagon, so I am going to attempt to run my 5k today and see how bad/good my time is.

    As promised, I have another new recipe to share with everyone today. It is one of my own concoctions and is only 350 calories per serving! :) I hope you like it as much as I do. Oh, and I am def going to try the sweet potato/tomato soup idea. Sounds yummy!

    Jana's Easy-to-Make Chicken Pot Pie

    1 can veg-all (or any mixed veggies you prefer)

    1 can cream of chicken soup (reduced fat or regular)

    2 large chicken breasts (boil and then shred)

    1/2 bag egg noodles (or any noodles you like)

    1 can cresent rolls (any kind you prefer)

    1/2 bag shredded cheese

    Boil chicken and noodles together. While boiling the chicken, drain veggies and then pour cream of chicken soup and veggies into a pan and heat until boiling. (stir often so it doesn't burn) Shred chicken and put into a casserole dish with noodles and add soup/veggie mix. Mix well. Once you finish, add cheese to the top of the dish. Take cresent rolls and layer across the top of the casserole dish. Bake as stated on the cresent roll package. When it comes out, the edges of the rolls should be golden brown. Serve hot. (Serves 6)

    I hope you are all doing well. Enjoy! Bon Appetit! :)
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Howdy all!

    Monday check in - scale was down 1#, so hopefully we're past this latest plateau. Still peeved at the MFP/Fitbit changes tho' :grumble:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Congrats to all with SV's!!! :drinker:

    Not gonna do personals tonight b/c I had an outing after school and just got home. A retired teacher friend has a photography showing and a bunch of us went to see it. She brought wine and a bunch of snacks including homemade sweet kugel. I think I ate 4 pieces--yes, they were small pieces, but still. :embarassed: I also had some wine and a few macaroons, so I'm on sugar overload. Came home and DH had made pork chops and sweet potato soup. I had a pork chop and will have a little bit of the soup b/c it's so delicious.

    I'm going to be over by about 500 calories today, but I was under by more than 600 yesterday, so I'm gonna call it a wash. :ohwell:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    It was a great weekend and limited the damage from a carb attack this weekend. Tonight I had a birthday celebration after work and we ate out at Panera plus I made the cake. I enjoy the baking and the decorating of cake. Not to mention that I like the home made icing better than store brought. The friendships and stories are always fun to hear.

    Driving home later than usual I decided not to hit the gym. I figures I have worked out hard three days in a row so I could take a rest day. However, tomorrow I will be working with my trainer so that should be a good workout. I just hope I have energy at 7pm since that is later than I normally work out. Frustrating but I will try to give it 110%.

    Have a great week.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I can totally relate. Over many years, I was on WW so many times I lost count. I lost 70 lbs and 80 lbs at different times, but I would hit that plateau mark and just wasn't patient to work through it. I gained back the weight and then some. I'm really preparing myself mentally because I know the plateau will come again. I've had one small one for 3 weeks and I just pushed throough. I know we can do this and will work through the plateaus together!

    My official opinion is that plateus suck -- and I'm there again at present.
    Tried everything I know to pop off of it, and nothing so far. aack. :grumble:

    I just hate this for you. I know it's so tough to work through this and often no matter how much you've tried you just can't get off it. Hang in there!! You've lost so much weight, which is AWESOME!!! I can't really give advice because I'm not in your shoes, but all I know is you've lost so much already. Do not look back and just keep pushing forward. You can do it!!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I really enjoyed everyone's Sunday shares this week! I love hearing about your lives.

    @Susan, Vicki -- I am not sure I'm mentally prepared for a big plateau. I keep trying to remind myself that the amount I'm eating now would actually be maintenance calories (or even more than) if I got to goal because I'm so short. So this isn't really a diet in any sense; I'm just eating the way I'm going to be eating for the rest of my life. Which is hard when I make sensible choices at parties or restaurants. I don't think I'm mentally ready for the idea that three course restaurant meals are no longer part of my life. I do tell myself that I'm at these events because I want to spend time with the other people there, and the food and drink are ancilliary. Which is true but unsatisfying somehow.

    While we're on autumnal cooking:

    Sweet Potato & Tomato Soup

    1 onion, chopped
    2 cloves garlic, pressed
    2 largish sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
    1 can (400g/14oz) chopped tomatoes
    1 pint beef stock
    salt and pepper
    sour cream (or 0% fat free yoghurt, it's an option! But sour cream tastes better so you don't need to use as much)

    You fry the onion till it's soft, adding in the garlic for the last two minutes, add the tomatoes and fry for a couple of minutes, add everything else and cook until the sweet potatoes are cooked through (perhaps 20 minutes). Then you season, puree it, and press it through a sieve if you're serving it to guests (I never do this!). Garnish with chopped parsley and a swirl of sour cream.

    -- Alison

    Thanks Alison!! I'm really looking at this for life. I haven't really changed my eating completely, but basically much smaller portions, weighing, tracking, exercising, etc. . . I'm not depriving myself because I know I want that little bit of dark chocolate certain times of the month or celebrate with a sliver of cake versus a huge slice I might have chosen in the past. I'm learning to make better choices that's for sure, but not feeling like anything is off limits. BTW thanks for the recipe. I love anything with sweet potatoes. It's definitely being added to the soup list.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Howdy all!

    Monday check in - scale was down 1#, so hopefully we're past this latest plateau. Still peeved at the MFP/Fitbit changes tho' :grumble:

    Woo Hoo!!! I hope this is the start to a steady decline and off that crazy plateau. I had another friend who said the Fitbit was all messed up for her too. I need to get something either a Fitbit or HRM. I havent' decided, but definitely need to increase my intensity more in my work outs that's for sure.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Food choices were fine, but I didn't get any exercise in today. I'm 7 days away from the house closing in Atlanta so still a bit stressed with that going on. I'm doing everything in my power to NOT use food to relieve or comfort my stress. In the past, I would have already had an evening with Ben & Jerry plus eaten a whole bag of chips. Not this time, but the end is in sight!!
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Tuesday Truth - Fell off the wagon for a few days. I restocked my snack drawer at work with healthy stuff so I'm not tempted by the chips.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good morning all!

    Hope everyone is doing well today.

    Lost .4 yesterday. Hoping I can get som momentum going in the weight loss department.

    This week my goal is to follow my new exercise plan as it is going to be challenging, but I'm also hoping it's going to help me get better results. I'm not going to worry about eating back my exercise calories this week. For me any time I pick up the intensity in the exercise department I always get more hungry, so I'm going to allow myself to eat some of them back for this week and next. My ultimate goal is to do keep up with the exercise plan and not eat back my exercise calories except for special occasions (i.e. birthdays, Christmas dinner, etc).

    What are everyone else's goals for the week?

    Have a great day everybody!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Well, I really blew it overnight. I fell asleep in my recliner and awoke at 3 am, and proceeded to gobble down 2 bagels with cream cheese before I went back to bed. Talk about a fourth meal - of course, now I am full and I need to eat something with my morning pills :grumble: I'd love to just not count the calories, I'm going to be over today for sure!

    I'm on a high dose of prednisone and I'm happy to say it is helping a great deal. I'm finally having pain free days! Halleluiah! Yesterday I did my own grocery shopping and had a very good day.....
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    RobinsEgg- I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Tuesday goal-- to avoid soy. I know I was before, but when I fell off the wagon, I fell off the soy wagon, too. Now my period is off kilter, and I suspect it's my thyroid. So, back to avoiding soy and seeing if that helps!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Well, I really blew it overnight. I fell asleep in my recliner and awoke at 3 am, and proceeded to gobble down 2 bagels with cream cheese before I went back to bed. Talk about a fourth meal - of course, now I am full and I need to eat something with my morning pills :grumble: I'd love to just not count the calories, I'm going to be over today for sure!

    I'm on a high dose of prednisone and I'm happy to say it is helping a great deal. I'm finally having pain free days! Halleluiah! Yesterday I did my own grocery shopping and had a very good day.....

    Good for you Robin, I'm glad you are having pain free days!

    I’m going for nerve conduction (?) tests today and I broke my glasses yesterday at work so I will try to get to the eye doctor also.

    I did have a few smokes yesterday, but I'm still trying to stop.

    Here is to healthy days for all of us!:drinker:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Morning -

    I am adding little hand weight and ankle weight exercises. It's been less than a week but it's going well. I've thought about it for a long time.

    Tom - hope your tests aren't awful and you have good results. Sorry about the glasses. I live in fear of breaking mine---no backups! And sorry for the few smokes. I know it's tough. You have accomplished so much we all believe in you to do this as well.

    Helen - gosh it's nice to *see* you again. LEAVE THAT SOY ALONE! Just kidding, I'm trying to cut down on dairy. Wow, for me it's sooooo difficult. Wishing you well.

    Robin - sorry about the bagels and that darn prednisone has always racheted my hunger to the max. I hope you'll be off that med soon. Meanwhile, it's one day, hang in there.

    Wishing the best for everyone. :drinker:


  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    I am not sure why I feel so compelled to write this, I know it is off topic for today but it has been nagging at me for the past day or two to be written…so here it goes. Ignore it or take something from it, maybe someone out there just needs to hear it.
    People often wonder why someone who is abused stays in that situation or relationship. Most times they are looking at the results of physical abuse which is very visible and someone can see proof of what is being done, maybe even step in to try and stop it.
    What they don’t see, what they can’t stop is the mental and emotional abuse that does more damage than any fist could. You may say that a fist can kill…well so can words. Why do you think there is now such an outcry against bullying? It is because those invisible scars take much longer to heal, if they ever do and the damage can be much more extensive.
    Also, those who abuse via mental and emotional abuse are very cunning and can be so very charming at times. They know just how to make you think anything that is wrong is your fault. Somehow they are able to make you feel that you need to be the one to apologize, you need to make it better. Make you feel that you are worthless and can’t do anything. They are cunning, even if you try to leave, they can convince you to stay, that they will change...and they might for a while. You feel trapped and ashamed; feel like you can’t tell anyone. How would you make it alone? How will you support and provide for your kids? You have no physical marks. Who would believe you when you don’t even believe it yourself?
    It has taken me years being out of that situation to admit that I was in such a relationship for a long time. Some of my family saw it and tried to open my eyes but I denied that things were that bad. I denied that I could be that person…that I could be so weak as to let someone be that way to me, let alone my kids. It is still something that I have trouble facing and admitting even to myself, let alone talk about. Yet I see the left over results, the damage in those I care about, the effects that are still a shadow on my children. I feel it when I doubt when I am called pretty or complimented in anyway. I was lucky, I got out, and I have lots of family support and love but it is still a long road to heal the damages.