
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning everyone. Getting so caught up in things I forget to catch up here. Great job on almost one week in the bag everyone. I have great respect to those of you that are fitting the workout in the am and pm. I think it is awesome. And to those doing the full pushups...WOW! My wrists tend to be weak, so I can't seem to do more than a couple, and it's hard to maintain the plank poses in L2. Does anyone else have this problem? Do you think wrist bandages like used for carpal tunnel would help? My shoulders are finally getting strong enough to handle them, but my wrists just seem to collapse on me.

    I like the idea you have Karma, of being able to go all-out Natalie style before moving to the next level. I went ahead and started Level 2 on Thurs. I literally passed out between the 2nd and 3rd circuits because I was following Natalie. So on Fri. and today, I went through it all modified and did fine. Actually felt a little sore after, but a good sore you know? So I think I'm going to go through the remainder of L2 and L3 following Anita, doing each level for 10 days. Then I will do my next 30 days attempting Natalie style. I'm also training for a 5k right now, so don't want to push myself TOO hard.

    As far as weight and measurements, I personally have decided to only weigh myself once a month, so I will post my weight and measurements at the end of the 30 days (about March 20, for me)

    That is a great idea-doing each level for 10 days following Anita and then another 30 days, 10 days a level following Nathalie! I think I will go that route, too! I sneak peeked at my waist measurement, and after only 5 days, there is change!!!

    My shoulder really, really, hurts. It feels like in certain movements, even when I'm not working out, it feels like its "popping". The pain is throughout the whole arm...anybody have any remedies?

    Other than that, its going great!
  • L1D10 COMPLETE!! Woo Hoo. I will say halfway through those side lunge arm raise thingies that my butt spasamed and it still hasn't recovered. Ouch! I could definitely stay on level 1 and still have it be a hard workout but I'm going to venture to level 2 tomorrow. If it's totally unmanagable I'll move back down for awhile. I seriously thought it would take me a month to complete the first level but really, only 12 days. (I take 1 day a week off) Yay!

    Good job everyone and keep up the great work!
  • ugh......finished L1D5 and I am just not feeling it anymore......i had a rougher day today for some reason....not sure if i'm tired of it after just 4 days or what......i was happier when i was just doing my walking for 35 mins everyday.... :sad:
  • Hey Girls

    Decided against my 2nd day in a row.... 3 days Shred a week is all I need to stick too.

    So I did 30 mins on the treadmill.

    canadagirl maybe changing it up between the Shred and walking will help... You gotta do what works for you... so you will / can continue forward :smile:
  • Good morning everyone. Getting so caught up in things I forget to catch up here. Great job on almost one week in the bag everyone. I have great respect to those of you that are fitting the workout in the am and pm. I think it is awesome. And to those doing the full pushups...WOW! My wrists tend to be weak, so I can't seem to do more than a couple, and it's hard to maintain the plank poses in L2. Does anyone else have this problem? Do you think wrist bandages like used for carpal tunnel would help? My shoulders are finally getting strong enough to handle them, but my wrists just seem to collapse on me.

    I like the idea you have Karma, of being able to go all-out Natalie style before moving to the next level. I went ahead and started Level 2 on Thurs. I literally passed out between the 2nd and 3rd circuits because I was following Natalie. So on Fri. and today, I went through it all modified and did fine. Actually felt a little sore after, but a good sore you know? So I think I'm going to go through the remainder of L2 and L3 following Anita, doing each level for 10 days. Then I will do my next 30 days attempting Natalie style. I'm also training for a 5k right now, so don't want to push myself TOO hard.

    As far as weight and measurements, I personally have decided to only weigh myself once a month, so I will post my weight and measurements at the end of the 30 days (about March 20, for me)

    That is a great idea-doing each level for 10 days following Anita and then another 30 days, 10 days a level following Nathalie! I think I will go that route, too! I sneak peeked at my waist measurement, and after only 5 days, there is change!!!

    My shoulder really, really, hurts. It feels like in certain movements, even when I'm not working out, it feels like its "popping". The pain is throughout the whole arm...anybody have any remedies?

    Other than that, its going great!

    Yep I gotta a left shoulder thing going... mine pops a bit lately... I dont know exactly caused the noice, I know you dont want to break your roll..

    but rest it ... might be the answer :frown:
  • i managed to get out and do my 2nd day of c25k so i feel a bit better.....i cannot believe that i'm actually out running LOL..whodda thunk it....i never run.....and i felt very refreshed afterwards...i think i need another week of doing week 1 though because i only go outside 1 day this week because it's been pouring rain.....hopefully the weather holds up next week and i can get a few more days in before switching to week 2
  • Running sounds like your passion!!! Hope the weather clears so you can get out more, this week. coming.

    Rain - rain go away! :smile:
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    (I measured for fun this morning, my biceps got bigger and my tummy lost, from what I can tell, almost 2 inches? wtf?)!!!!

    Now I'm excited to do my workout today :)
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning everyone. Getting so caught up in things I forget to catch up here. Great job on almost one week in the bag everyone. I have great respect to those of you that are fitting the workout in the am and pm. I think it is awesome. And to those doing the full pushups...WOW! My wrists tend to be weak, so I can't seem to do more than a couple, and it's hard to maintain the plank poses in L2. Does anyone else have this problem? Do you think wrist bandages like used for carpal tunnel would help? My shoulders are finally getting strong enough to handle them, but my wrists just seem to collapse on me.

    I like the idea you have Karma, of being able to go all-out Natalie style before moving to the next level. I went ahead and started Level 2 on Thurs. I literally passed out between the 2nd and 3rd circuits because I was following Natalie. So on Fri. and today, I went through it all modified and did fine. Actually felt a little sore after, but a good sore you know? So I think I'm going to go through the remainder of L2 and L3 following Anita, doing each level for 10 days. Then I will do my next 30 days attempting Natalie style. I'm also training for a 5k right now, so don't want to push myself TOO hard.

    As far as weight and measurements, I personally have decided to only weigh myself once a month, so I will post my weight and measurements at the end of the 30 days (about March 20, for me)

    That is a great idea-doing each level for 10 days following Anita and then another 30 days, 10 days a level following Nathalie! I think I will go that route, too! I sneak peeked at my waist measurement, and after only 5 days, there is change!!!

    My shoulder really, really, hurts. It feels like in certain movements, even when I'm not working out, it feels like its "popping". The pain is throughout the whole arm...anybody have any remedies?

    Other than that, its going great!

    Yep I gotta a left shoulder thing going... mine pops a bit lately... I dont know exactly caused the noice, I know you dont want to break your roll..

    but rest it ... might be the answer :frown:

    I know, but Im afraid if I skip, I wont pick back up. But I'm also afraid of hurting it worse or tearing something. I'm going to feel it out the rest of the day and go from there.


    Funny, its my left shoulder, too!
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    L1D6 in the BAG baby!!! Still pushing through those push-ups..Still able to do all of them girlie style, but it felt a tad bit easier today, but still hard as hell! LOL

    Plan to get to L2 by Wednesday.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Good morning everyone. Getting so caught up in things I forget to catch up here. Great job on almost one week in the bag everyone. I have great respect to those of you that are fitting the workout in the am and pm. I think it is awesome. And to those doing the full pushups...WOW! My wrists tend to be weak, so I can't seem to do more than a couple, and it's hard to maintain the plank poses in L2. Does anyone else have this problem? Do you think wrist bandages like used for carpal tunnel would help? My shoulders are finally getting strong enough to handle them, but my wrists just seem to collapse on me.

    I like the idea you have Karma, of being able to go all-out Natalie style before moving to the next level. I went ahead and started Level 2 on Thurs. I literally passed out between the 2nd and 3rd circuits because I was following Natalie. So on Fri. and today, I went through it all modified and did fine. Actually felt a little sore after, but a good sore you know? So I think I'm going to go through the remainder of L2 and L3 following Anita, doing each level for 10 days. Then I will do my next 30 days attempting Natalie style. I'm also training for a 5k right now, so don't want to push myself TOO hard.

    As far as weight and measurements, I personally have decided to only weigh myself once a month, so I will post my weight and measurements at the end of the 30 days (about March 20, for me)

    That is a great idea-doing each level for 10 days following Anita and then another 30 days, 10 days a level following Nathalie! I think I will go that route, too! I sneak peeked at my waist measurement, and after only 5 days, there is change!!!

    My shoulder really, really, hurts. It feels like in certain movements, even when I'm not working out, it feels like its "popping". The pain is throughout the whole arm...anybody have any remedies?

    Other than that, its going great!

    Yep I gotta a left shoulder thing going... mine pops a bit lately... I dont know exactly caused the noice, I know you dont want to break your roll..

    but rest it ... might be the answer :frown:

    I know, but Im afraid if I skip, I wont pick back up. But I'm also afraid of hurting it worse or tearing something. I'm going to feel it out the rest of the day and go from there.


    Funny, its my left shoulder, too!

    Karmas I learned it the hard way... with my left knee with running... I was bound determined to run, I love the runner high. I pushed past the pain, had for weeks.... but just up and walking hurt !! I finally stopped, stopped... all exercise for about a year, over the disappointment of NOT running and it healed, but its never been the same, Now I feel a bit I ease up and give it a rest, like today even though I wanted to Shred... :ohwell:

    Its asking for rest... I will/ the group will/ remind you... you'll be back at it ready to go!!
  • (I measured for fun this morning, my biceps got bigger and my tummy lost, from what I can tell, almost 2 inches? wtf?)!!!!

    Now I'm excited to do my workout today :)

    I don't know if I'm measuring wrong or what..but i took my measurements last night and for the fun of it, i took them again today and they are BIGGER than last night...i just don't understand :sad:
  • (I measured for fun this morning, my biceps got bigger and my tummy lost, from what I can tell, almost 2 inches? wtf?)!!!!

    Now I'm excited to do my workout today :)

    I was soo tempted to check my measurements today, because I just feel like I lost inches, I put one of my shirts on and was like um this part was never this loose on me! Now you REALLY have me tempted! thats awesome
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I'm nosey, I love 30DS and I'm friends with some of you so I wanted to chime in. First off, GREAT JOB! Keep it up!!! Secondly, as I read your initial opinions on the work out I was thinking it's great that you have documented it. Go back and read it again when you are done with your 30 days and you will feel so proud of yourselves! Just my 2 cents, I always feel proud and strong when I think about my first two times doing it and where I am now with all my workouts.
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    (I measured for fun this morning, my biceps got bigger and my tummy lost, from what I can tell, almost 2 inches? wtf?)!!!!

    Now I'm excited to do my workout today :)

    I don't know if I'm measuring wrong or what..but i took my measurements last night and for the fun of it, i took them again today and they are BIGGER than last night...i just don't understand :sad:

    Rmember that when youre putting on muscle, the muscles will hold water, so its important that we drink as much + more as we were drinking in water before we started the shred!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello everyone, well I have just finished L1 D10 YESSSSS!!!!!!!... It was still hard but I am going to move on to L2 tomorrow and try to do as well as possible!!! and as said before when I finish the shred I will start again and try to do it ALL like Natalie!!! One problem I have is my floor!! it was not made with jumping in mind and everything shakes lol. As for measurements I took mine on day 5 of the shred ( that was the Monday and official start date) so have only done 5 days since taking them and not sure when to do them again!!
  • L1D6 DONE! It's getting easier, but for some reason the jump rope hurt from my foot to my calf so I couldn't do the whole time for the jump rope. But I did everything else without stopping. And I ALMOST got through the whole time of bicycle crunches. Probably about 45 seconds instead of a whole minute... but I'm getting closer!

    Instead of doing it again later, I'm going to follow day 3 of the Jillian Michaels 30 day slimdown so it'll be No more trouble zones (AHHHH I'm kind of nervous haha)
  • L1D6 conquered! Before I did it I really didn't want to, but I put on my workout clothes and kicked my own butt into doing it. I'm glad I did because now I feel great!
  • Well since my Saturday night consists of staying in writing a boring paper for school that I forgot about and have no motivation to do, but have to email it by tomorrow, I decided to get another workout in. I planned on doing No more trouble zones like day 3 of the slimdown, but wasn't thinking about it & ended up doing Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (Well 30 minutes of it including the warm up) And I have to say I don't think I would have gotten that far if I hadn't started the Shred when I did! I really like BFBM though it's kind of fun.... some kickboxing and other good cardio. Next time I try it I'll do more than 30 minutes though hopefully.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend & ready for Day 7 tomorrow! Can you believe we have come this far already.... a week of it we're all doing so great
  • D6L1 Shredded! Hubbby quit after circuit 1!!! Sucka!
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