is it worth the money to buy shakeology



  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    170 cals for 16 grams protein? No thanks. I'll stick to ON. Better profile, and better price. Oh, and I don't have to support an MLM company. :)

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    to the OP, here have been my reactions to shakeology use, every day, for the last 6 months.

    1) improved digestion
    2) improved energy
    3) i have not gotten sick ONCE, and if i feel that tickle coming on, I drink an extra shake, pop a zinc lozenge, and it passes. my immune system is friggin amazing

    yes, i have also worked out consistently. yes, i have also overhauled the rest of my diet and don't do dairy and processed food, but I cant argue with the way I feel and how my body works right now.

    I'm 26, I live in NYC, and I'm a waiter. I can barely afford to buy shakeology every month, but I do because I love how I feel. I was as skeptical as everyone else at first. Bought a bag, tried to make it last as long as possible by drinking it every few days, but eventually realized I'd benefit more if I drank it regularly. So I do, and I love it.

    Feel free to bash all you want, but that's my honest to god experience.

    See bold, cognitive dissonance much?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    170 cals for 16 grams protein? No thanks. I'll stick to ON. Better profile, and better price. Oh, and I don't have to support an MLM company. :)

    shakeology isn't meant to be a protein shake, it's a meal replacement. ON is just protein. two different products.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    See bold, cognitive dissonance much?

    stopped dairy in december of last year. started shakeology in april of this year. didn't do them at the same time. ;)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    See bold, cognitive dissonance much?

    stopped dairy in december of last year. started shakeology in april of this year. didn't do them at the same time. ;)

    Shakeology is heavily processed, so how did you give up processed foods yet drank Shakeology everyday for 6 months
  • BeSexy
    BeSexy Posts: 94
    If you were to ask me if I think it's worth it than I would say yes! I've done the protein powders from wal-mart and GNC for after lifting sessions. They did there job. When Shake first came out I was hesitant but gave it a try. I didn't like the taste at all. I mean really... compare that to a DQ blizzard of course it isn't going to taste good. Even with the protein powders I had been getting, I would put banana and flax oil in those along with skim milk. However, despite the taste I kept drinking it at least for the 30 day bottom of bag guarantee. After 4 days of experimenting with the taste and prep I went with basic cold water. I could get it down! By the end of the week... my results started happening. I had been in a weightloss rut and it was breaking! My digestion, which has always, never been regular, starting working!!!! For me.... this is amazing! I've done the activia yogurt which was good but did nothing compared to what shakeology has done for me. With time I grew to like the taste. I wasn't crazy about the formula change since it did change the taste so I switched over to the vegan formula. (I do the chocolate)) I refuse to go without my shakeology. It's helped me. I know people that it has helped. In fact, I have a dear friend who was going thru chemo and at times, shakeology was the only thing her body wouldn't reject!

    If your curious about it. Try it! You have a 30 day bottom of the guarantee. SO you have nothing to lose and you can find out for YOURSELF.... if you feel it is right for you. I do recommend though... drink it daily.. once a day! Start out at half a serving if you choose.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    If you were to ask me if I think it's worth it than I would say yes! I've done the protein powders from wal-mart and GNC for after lifting sessions. They did there job. When Shake first came out I was hesitant but gave it a try. I didn't like the taste at all. I mean really... compare that to a DQ blizzard of course it isn't going to taste good. Even with the protein powders I had been getting, I would put banana and flax oil in those along with skim milk. However, despite the taste I kept drinking it at least for the 30 day bottom of bag guarantee. After 4 days of experimenting with the taste and prep I went with basic cold water. I could get it down! By the end of the week... my results started happening. I had been in a weightloss rut and it was breaking! My digestion, which has always, never been regular, starting working!!!! For me.... this is amazing! I've done the activia yogurt which was good but did nothing compared to what shakeology has done for me. With time I grew to like the taste. I wasn't crazy about the formula change since it did change the taste so I switched over to the vegan formula. (I do the chocolate)) I refuse to go without my shakeology. It's helped me. I know people that it has helped. In fact, I have a dear friend who was going thru chemo and at times, shakeology was the only thing her body wouldn't reject!

    If your curious about it. Try it! You have a 30 day bottom of the guarantee. SO you have nothing to lose and you can find out for YOURSELF.... if you feel it is right for you. I do recommend though... drink it daily.. once a day! Start out at half a serving if you choose.

    Well of course you'd recommend it. You sell it don't you?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Haven't read any of the posts yet, but...

    WOOHOO!!! A shakeology thread that made it to three pages!

    Give me a few minutes and I'll be all caught up.

    That's it?

    Meh. I've seen better.
  • suenix24
    suenix24 Posts: 121 Member
    I love it. I think it is worth it. I have been drinking chocolate w/a banana for over three months. :drinker:

    I do not sell it.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    give me another company that only uses natural and non-synthetic ingredients.

    but then again, you don't mind ingesting chemicals. :)

    In the interest of full disclosure, are you a BB coach?
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    but then again, you don't mind ingesting chemicals. :)

    And you were doing so well.

    Personally I did Shakeology for a few months. It was OK until they changed the formula. WAY WAY WAY over priced I think, but overall pretty nutritious if you've got plenty of bucks to blow.

    One thing I didn't like was that after the chocolate reformulation, their macros didn't add up any more. i.e. carb x 4 + protein x 4 + fat x 9=???????
  • Marquettedominos
    Marquettedominos Posts: 107 Member
    Now take a look at my morning smoothy. My Diary is open. Yeah it costs me around 4 bucks but it is 853 cals 64C 93P 30F which breaks down to around %40P %30C %30F. A much better Macro spread. Again IMO.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Funny how the thread dies once the coaches have been outed! :laugh:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Funny how the thread dies once the coaches have been outed! :laugh:

    or we have other things to do with our lives and aren't online every waking moment. ;)

    to answer your question, yes I am a coach. I decided to become one because of how the products (P90X/Shakeology/etc) changed my health and made me feel. I was already telling my friends they should try them, so why not try and build a career out of helping people get in shape? If you don't want to try shakeology that's fine! if you've tried it and don't like it, that's fine too! I'm not gonna try and force it down anyone's throat, and if you don't think it works that's your prerogative. But with any supplement, you'll find people who believe in it while others don't - that's the way it works with products that aren't regulated by any sort of agency or organization. I personally put my faith in this company, but you don't have to!

    here's an example. for years people have been screaming for a vanilla flavor of shakeology. Beachbody tried to make it. they sunk tons of money into developing a vanilla flavor, but when they couldn't get that vanilla taste without adding synthetic, artificial sweeteners, they scrapped it. EVEN THOUGH the product would make them more money, they didn't want to sacrifice their integrity. That's a company I can get behind, but as I've said over and over, you don't have to!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    but then again, you don't mind ingesting chemicals. :)

    And you were doing so well.

    Personally I did Shakeology for a few months. It was OK until they changed the formula. WAY WAY WAY over priced I think, but overall pretty nutritious if you've got plenty of bucks to blow.

    One thing I didn't like was that after the chocolate reformulation, their macros didn't add up any more. i.e. carb x 4 + protein x 4 + fat x 9=???????

    what chemicals are those?
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    but then again, you don't mind ingesting chemicals. :)

    And you were doing so well.

    Personally I did Shakeology for a few months. It was OK until they changed the formula. WAY WAY WAY over priced I think, but overall pretty nutritious if you've got plenty of bucks to blow.

    One thing I didn't like was that after the chocolate reformulation, their macros didn't add up any more. i.e. carb x 4 + protein x 4 + fat x 9=???????

    what chemicals are those?
    Water is a chemical.
    Cyanide can be made from all natural ingredients.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Water is a chemical.
    Cyanide can be made from all natural ingredients.

  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Is it worth the investment? & what makes it more superior/ inferior to other protein shakes?

    You know, I'd hoped to learn about different protein shakes instead I'm reading just a bunch of guys putting one product down or supporting it. You know, it would be useful if you'd all shake hands and actually state what protein shakes you recommend and why instead of just bashing one and arguing with each other. Frankly, you're not even responding to the question which is what he asked (see above).

    Technically, if it's inferior - what do you drink instead? How do you prepare your homemade ones if that's the route you use? What ingredients do you use to prepare yours?

    If it's superior, what results did you get from it? What kind of a difference did you notice while using it? How long did it take before you noticed the results?

    I'd prefer information not just back and forth negativity. Once I lose the weight I'm going to start weight lifting to start getting in shape but none of the information here really was helpful. How about you all start this up again?


    To start with, I DO NOT SELL SHAKEOLOGY, I just drink it. I have done a couple of different shakes, Shakeology being one of them. Yes, Shakeology is more expensive, but as another user said, it isn't any pricier than Starbucks or a shake at the gym. I like the chocolate flavor (even the new mix). If you are just looking to add protein, you can definitely do it cheaper though. However I will say that when I drink one after I work out I do recover faster and I do feel a lot more energized. To be honest, I don't know if it is the protein or the other ingredients- but I suspect it is the shake as a whole- because I consume a lot of lean protein and I feel better when I am on the shakes. I do recommend trying a sample first. It is pretty expensive if you don't like it. I find that most people have a flavor they like- or they hate them all. I also ALWAYS mix it with something frozen. Otherwise it is too chalky- but I find that with most shakes.
    Bottom line, if you are going to lift, I would add a recovery shake. It doesn't have to be shakeology, but it is one that I chose because I like it and it is gluten free.
  • I've been drinking the chocolate blended in a vitamix with milk and lots of ice for the past year. I never get tired of it- tastes like a milkshake. Lately I've been throwing in a bunch of spinach with it which makes it look disgusting but you can't taste it at all. So, yes, I think it is worth it.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    there are way better tasting ones at GNC...