

  • Jerzeebabie04
    D6L1 Shredded! Hubbby quit after circuit 1!!! Sucka!

    Haha I bet that made you feel soooo good! That's awesome
  • crmldlyte
    D6L1 Shredded! Hubbby quit after circuit 1!!! Sucka!

    Haha I bet that made you feel soooo good! That's awesome

    Jerzee, you have absolutely NO idea! I mean I love him for even offering to Shred with me! it was his idea to workout with me I guess to prove that I was being a wimp when I told him how hard it was. Well look who's the wimp now sucka! LOL Every shredder should feel great that we just beat a guy that does 24 hour mountain bike races! ROCK ON DIVAS!!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    didn't make it to shred today (and i probably won't tomorrow either *wah*) but i did get an hour of cardio interval class at my gym this morning. :)
  • Semmons
    Didn't get to Shred Friday or yesterday... although I did spent all day yesterday doing crazy manual labour doing renovations to my house! Back to shredding tonight!!!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    D6L1 Shredded! Hubbby quit after circuit 1!!! Sucka!

    Haha I bet that made you feel soooo good! That's awesome

    Jerzee, you have absolutely NO idea! I mean I love him for even offering to Shred with me! it was his idea to workout with me I guess to prove that I was being a wimp when I told him how hard it was. Well look who's the wimp now sucka! LOL Every shredder should feel great that we just beat a guy that does 24 hour mountain bike races! ROCK ON DIVAS!!!

    Very cool, lady!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Well, I took Callie's advise and took a day off; my shoulder already feels better. I will see how the rest of today goes and decide whether I will do the Shred today or wait til tomorrow. I dont want to reinjure my shoulder.

    Today is the last day of week one!!! We did it!!! Great job, ladies!!!!!

    I love to read about your motivation, your strength, your improvements, but most of all, if you take a look over the thread, we have all come very far!!! Congratulations!!! Keep it up!

    We will continue to post here until the 10th day, which according to the "first" day of this thread, will be Wednesday. At that point, a new thread will be started and we will post our weights and measurements again! Leeslim made it a point to compare hers so feel free to do that. I think its a great idea!

    Happy Sunday all!

    Have a great day!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Taking today hip is killing me and I know it needs rest to feel better. Dang our bodies that aren't invincible lol!!!

    Great job everyone!!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    Options more day on level 1...I took the night off and didn't get on the treadmill though. It actually felt good to take a break.

    I will weigh and measure tomorrow...regardless of how much I have lost..I feel great, and that's what matters most!

    Good job everyone!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Today was the first day of Level 2 and the good news was..... it went very quickly the bad news ...... it was really hard !!! but thats how its supposed to be, I guess if I was finding it easy it would not be doing me any good!!! Think I need a nice hot bath now so catch up with you all tomorrow.
  • apatrick23
    Last day of week 1 for me! Yay! I did it! D6L1 completed! I feel great for keeping up my workout regimen over the weekend! I can't wait to start week 2 tomorrow!

    Great job everyone for sticking with it!
  • LosingLori
    I'm doing level 1 day 3 today...can I join?! I love this workout!
  • LosingLori
    How do you post your 'mini-goals'?
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm so jealous. I just ordered the DVD on Amazon, but since it is coming from a 3rd party seller and I didn't spring for the fast shipping, the expected delivery date is "March 5 - March 22"! ACK!

    Oh well.

    I have already been doing fast-paced 15-20 minute circuits using bodyweight exercises (pushups, squats, etc.) 3x/week already. I doubt I push myself as hard as Jillian will, but I guess I'm easing into it then. Can't wait to join the group, though!
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    L1D7 DONE!! It's certainly gotten "easier" from starting on Monday. I am doing all the push-ups, and cardio without feeling like I can't make it. The ONLY think I have some issues with is finishing with the EXTRA slow bicycle. :explode:

    I am going to bang out my first 10 days straight, then take an off day before moving into Level 2!

    Wohooo .. take that Jillian!! :bigsmile:
  • Jerzeebabie04
    I'm so jealous. I just ordered the DVD on Amazon, but since it is coming from a 3rd party seller and I didn't spring for the fast shipping, the expected delivery date is "March 5 - March 22"! ACK!

    Oh well.

    I have already been doing fast-paced 15-20 minute circuits using bodyweight exercises (pushups, squats, etc.) 3x/week already. I doubt I push myself as hard as Jillian will, but I guess I'm easing into it then. Can't wait to join the group, though!

    If you check my post a few pages back I posted a link to Jillian Michaels 30 day slimdown. It's through exercise tv and you can download the workout on there until your dvd comes in if you don't want to wait that long to begin
  • Jerzeebabie04
    L1D7 DONE! Can't believe I survived a week! haha I was definitely able to get through almost the whole thing today! I did take 5 seconds to breathe in circuit 1 during the jumping jacks and jump rope, cause I think I need to drink more water before doing the workout. My mouth gets so dry I can't even swallow and feel like I'm going to choke. So I took 5 seconds to breath n sip a little water. Other than that I made it through everything except those freakin pushups! I even made it through most of the bicycle crunches! I'm getting closer slowly but surely I'll be able to complete the WHOLE level 1 without stopping or modifying ( I hope)! For all of the cardio whenever I wanted to stop, I looked at my new GSP calendar on the wall & thought how sexy he looked from all the working out he does HAHA

    After the shred I took like 15 minutes to chug some water and bring my heart rate down a little, then did about 20 minutes of Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, but now I have to go get ready for work :( Hope you all have/had a great day 7 (or whatever day/level you are on) workout!!!!!!!

    p.s. I totally had to do a couple of my measurements because I just feel like I lost inches & I'm pretty satisfied with the results so far :)

    mmrose-- great job making it through so much of the level! I also have trouble with those stupid bicycle crunches going so slowly!!!! I feel like I put too much strain on my neck doing those, even though i do feel it in my abs!
  • crmldlyte
    crmldlyte Posts: 64
    Shredded 7 days STRAIGHT! Hubby lasted the entire workout this time but whined the the WHOLE time...LOL Going to try not to take a day off until day 30. Have a great week everyone! New me!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    So today is are my measurements...I am happy with the results so far..

    Starting weight 178.................................after 10 days 177
    r arm 11.5 .............................................r arm 11
    l arm 12............................................. l arm 11
    chest 42 ........................................ chest 41
    waist 36...................................... waist 34
    hips 43.......................................... hips 41
    l thigh 21........................................... l thigh 20 1/2
    r thigh 21 .......................................... r thigh 20 1/2

    tomorrow I start level 2!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    So today is are my measurements...I am happy with the results so far..

    Starting weight 178.................................after 10 days 177
    r arm 11.5 .............................................r arm 11
    l arm 12............................................. l arm 11
    chest 42 ........................................ chest 41
    waist 36...................................... waist 34
    hips 43.......................................... hips 41
    l thigh 21........................................... l thigh 20 1/2
    r thigh 21 .......................................... r thigh 20 1/2

    tomorrow I start level 2!

    I LOVE IT!!!! Keep it up Karen!!! You are doing so well!!!
  • littlesuzieq
    OK - I'm sucking at keeping up the posting so I'm "unadding" myself to your group... Good luck ladies and keep up the great progress!!!:drinker: