Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Tuesday!
    My goal: to eat sanely today.
    All the goodies at work are gone, thank goodness - no more temptation.
    (My office is right outside the department kitchen, which is NOT an easy spot! fortunately, the candy bowl is not nearby.)
    I have protein, vegetables and fruit in the fridge. Should work!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i crafted a long personal response to a bunch of people, and then MFP dumped it all and told me that the site was down for maintenance. so instead...hey everyone.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Robin - I'm glad you are starting to feel better. Don't beat yourself up, a couple of bagels isn't the end of the world. :) You'll get right back on the horse!

    Very behind.

    Very bad weekend. I completely went off my diet and blew up on Saturday and Sunday. This is the first time since March of this year that I've done any thing like that. I didn't exercise since I felt like carp all weekend from my terrible eating. Of course two days of pigging out made me hungry yesterday so I was STILL 300 calories over, but it was all real food. NO candy or junk so I feel better about that.

    Today I'm back at work so what I have to eat is all there is. I bring my breakfast/snacks/lunch with me each day. Tonight is my walk then a trip to the grocery store and some healthy cooking.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    ButterflyWood - so glad you shared your feelings today - I too was in an abusive relationship - 21 years - and all along I held a responsible and prestigious outside job. I lived a lie basically. I had a work life and a totally different, home life that was miserable. I wasn't abused physically, it was all emotional until the very end, it did take a well-placed fist for me to wake up and walk out. It totally scrambled my identity and it took living alone for me to piece myself back together, but there were many sacrifices, including my job and a nervous breakdown along the way. I'm so glad you have a support system as you continue to heal from the memory. Do NOT blame yourself, you were victimized. Do not REGRET the time lost, look toward the future. I hope you can have open dialogs with your kids so you can share your well- voiced feelings with them.
  • mommyplus3
    I've been slacking like crazy on this thread, sorry. It's harder to keep up than i originally thought.
    Anyways... I made a goal yesterday so I thought I would come & share it with you all =]

    Goal 1 -->
    -20 by xmas
    I am already -7.
    Only 13lbs to go.
    Goal 2 -->
    Go to Curves no less than 3x per week
    2 mini, reachable goals =]

    Good luck with your goals this week everyone.

    feel free to add me.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Well, I really blew it overnight. I fell asleep in my recliner and awoke at 3 am, and proceeded to gobble down 2 bagels with cream cheese before I went back to bed. Talk about a fourth meal - of course, now I am full and I need to eat something with my morning pills :grumble: I'd love to just not count the calories, I'm going to be over today for sure!

    I'm on a high dose of prednisone and I'm happy to say it is helping a great deal. I'm finally having pain free days! Halleluiah! Yesterday I did my own grocery shopping and had a very good day.....

    Some days are just like that... going over occasionally happens (just ask me!), and I guess we all survive, right?
    Sadly, I have to warn you that the high dose prednisone is going to do more to sabottage you than the bagels will. That's the unfortunate side effect (but it's mostly water weight, so you might be able to offset some with a parsley supplement).

    @Butterfly - brava, girl! You're correct, that most folks don't understand that mental & emotional abuse is just as toxic as physical abuse.. Been there, done that, survived - but still hard somedays.

    Well - off to the oncologist for my follow up... later everyone!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tuesday Goal::: To keep doing what I'm doing. As of this morning (and yesterday morning) I am down to 217.6lbs! Last Monday I was 227. (A lot of that was water weight but still) I am under my last logged weight but have decided to wait on tracking my weight for awhile. Just happy to see the scale where it is now. Want to keep seeing it go down.

    I am officially an enrolled college student! Only for 2 classes at the moment, had to do an online class to be able to sign up for my online class. So I did that today and hopefully will be able to get enrolled for those classes today as well.
    One of the classes I have though, there has to be at least 8ppl signed up for the class. And I only made hoping that at least 8ppl sign up--otherwise they will drop that class.

    Going today after work to just make sure I can get student loans and I will be all set!

    Have a terrific Tuesday!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Tina -- I bet you look cute in your family photos; everyone always hates their own photos, don't they? And what a brilliant SV!
    @Katrena -- I get a bit angry at 1700 calorie main courses now. Sometimes I give part of my meal away to my hungry family, or some places I can share a meal with my husband, or eat just a starter. I haven't quite got the knack of leaving excess food on my plate, particularly if it's delicious!
    @3smommy2008 -- welcome! When I started in June, I committed to 30 minutes cardio most days, but it wasn't running because I wasn't really fit enough then. Instead, I did brisk walks, Wii games, dance games and dance. I added in badminton after a few weeks, and then about a month ago I started one of the couch to 5k programs (the one I'm doing is an iPhone app called Ease into 5k). It's been great so far, and you can see I still have plenty to lose. So you can definitely be a runner! Just start with your workplace gym and walking. I'd recommend getting good shoes too. My other tip is that stopping by this group nearly every day has been fantastic for me; I only spend a few minutes a day and it keeps me focused.
    @Toots & Kitty -- With my SV yesterday I am BMI 39.9! So I too have just sneaked into that 'obese' category! It feels fantastic, a real payoff for my first four months of my new lifestyle.
    @Lin -- No, I have zero idea where Iowa is. Des Moines? Is that Iowa? I don't know if that's pronounced the French way even...
    @Helena -- Just stick to the plan this week and log everything, and then you'll be happy to jump on the scale next week, right? You can do this thing; one bad week doesn't matter in a long journey like ours. Fingers crossed for the sub list!
    @Susan -- It's working really well for me at home, where I do just eat the food I've always eaten, but in smaller portions and with better balance. But going out is hard! As Katrena said above, it's really difficult when you go to a restaurant and the main courses have as many calories as you should have for an entire day.
    @Robin -- so glad you're having pain free days!
    @ButterflyWood -- thanks for sharing, and I hope you can find the strength to put your memories of that abusive relationship well and truly behind you. I don't think the 'days' really matter here; they're just a prompt for if we can't think what to write; it's always good to share.
    @Kris -- One dodgy weekend won't matter in the long run!
    @Mommyplus3 -- good to see you. I don't think there are rules for slacking here.... Those goals sound good. I'd really like to lose another 12 pounds by Christmas because that would put me in a "Winter ONEderland!". But it's a bit of a stretch.

    We had a bit of a shock this morning; part of the lath and plaster ceiling in our dining room (kitchen/diner) had fallen in overnight! So McD's for breakfast while we worked out what to do, and several tense calls to the insurance company. They were suggesting not sending anyone to assess the damage until late next week, but we were worried that more of the plaster might fall down. Eventually we got a chap in, who's going to fix it tomorrow (with plasterboard, not lath & plaster), and it's not going to cost *that* much to sort out; we may not put it through the insurance. But he confirmed that it is still unsafe and we couldn't have just left it, which is what I thought. So lots of cleanup today, but the kitchen's usable now, and I did get out for my run. That's W5D2 -- if this were actually C25k, I'd be doing the 20 minute run next! As it is, that's next week, but I do have a 9 minute run on Thursday.

    Anyway, NSV -- it would have been very easy to just manage the stress by randomly eating stuff, but I didn't! It didn't even occur to me other than very very briefly.

    A tiny Tuesday goal -- today I got the '80 days in a row' message -- and I am definitely going to log every day to 100.


  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    Tuesday is goals day, right?

    My first milestone goal is to be under BMI 40 by the end of the year. When I reach that one, I'll figure out what I want my next goal to be. I tend to want to plan everything, but then I get overwhelmed by all the plans I've made.

    My other goal is to be more active every day. After 10 hours of work & commute, I seem to have no energy in the evenings.

    @Bohemian, wtg getting under 40.

    @Robin, don't beat yourself up too much about the bagels. I have terrible bouts of insomnia where I'll wake up during the night & sometimes when that happens my stomach is also growling!

    @Tina, congrats on getting registered for your classes. What are you studying?

    @Butterfly, I'm glad you are in a better place & managed to escape abuse. But yes, it is hard to see your family still haunted by the past. Consider yourself blessed to have endured & walked away from those situations, for so many do not. It pains me to see my mom, at 79 years old, still being emotionally abused by my father. But she won't leave him, even with daughters who have offered her a way out. :(

    @Mommyplus3, great goals! Here's hoping we both lose our 20 by the end of the year. :)
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good afternoon friends. Can't believe the weather we are having here. Was in the 80s yesterday and suppose to be same today as well as very humid. By the weekend high will be in the 40s. Looking forward to Saturday and the Down Syndrome Guild Walk. I know I won't have problems doing the mile at all. What I will need to watch is all the lovely food. KFC will be supplying the lunc, hope they bring the roasted chicken. So excited, I received 2 Sweating to the Oldies tapes today and will be starting them tonight. Will be going very slow at first and know I am going to be sore for several days. I don't know about you all, but I have this stomach that hangs down and makes button pants impossible to wear. I am praying Richard can help me get there. At my granddaughter's house and will going to be going outside to play as soon as she is fully awake.

    Robin, I am so glad you are able to do more without pain. I am glad I'm done with predisone. Can't blame you on the bagel, you are doing fine!

    Butterfly, I am praying for your continued healing and glad you have lots of support.

    Tom, sorry about your glasses, I too would be lost without mine. Praying all your tests turn out well. You are doing good on trying to stop smoking, view it as your eating, your going to have slips, but ultimately you will win!!!

    Sorry you lost all your work on personals Toots, I need to get better at doing them regularly.

    Congrats on all the SVs and NSVs and praying for motivation for those struggling. Love you all.

    Tuesday goal, do Richard Simmons 4x this week.

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @ Christine - I have the same stomach issues. I always wear tunic length shirts to cover it and even though it seems to be the last place I lose it's SLOOWWWWLLLLLY been creeping upwards so my shirts can get shorter and shorter.

    Wearing jeans is going to be a HUGE NSV for me for the same reasons. I haven't owned a pair since college.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tuesday is goals day, right?

    My first milestone goal is to be under BMI 40 by the end of the year. When I reach that one, I'll figure out what I want my next goal to be. I tend to want to plan everything, but then I get overwhelmed by all the plans I've made.

    My other goal is to be more active every day. After 10 hours of work & commute, I seem to have no energy in the evenings.

    @Tina, congrats on getting registered for your classes. What are you studying?

    First off, goals are fantastic. And I think that not putting a date on things makes it less stressful and more doable. You can do this :)

    And thank you! I am VERY excited! I am going to get my Associates Degree in Nursing. To become and RN. And eventually I want to get my Bachelors degree. But right now focusing on my Associates. It's something I've ALWAYS wanted to do.
  • mrsbonnie72
    New to this board and pretty new to MFP.

    My mini goal is to have lost lbs by Christmas. Already 1/2 way there.
  • sjoyner71
    sjoyner71 Posts: 3 Member
    First I would like to lose another 15lbs by New Years!
    Then I would like to be able to lose another 20lbs by April when I go to Germany!
    However, I will take whatever loss I can achieve and be happy with it cause its down hill I am headed no matter how long it takes to get to the bottom :)

    Have a GREAT day everyone!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots & Kitty -- With my SV yesterday I am BMI 39.9! So I too have just sneaked into that 'obese' category! It feels fantastic, a real payoff for my first four months of my new lifestyle.
    minute run on Thursday.

    woo hoo!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tuesday goal- I want to lose 5 more pounds by Thanksgiving. I will do this by limiting my carbs and working out harder.
    I have been maintaining my weight for almost a year now so it really needs to change and start dropping again. My next option is to drop my carbs to below 50g a day and see what happens.

    Tomorrow will be busy as I have an observation at school, dentist appointment, personal training appointment then a workout with a friend and finally dinner, The last three will happen between 4 and 7:30pm. We are doing chili for dinner so that is somewhat healthy.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I've just been popping in with brief posts. It's the end of the quarter this week, so I'm instituting my "no personal" rule until I catch up with all of my grading.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Continue to get back on track with my eating. Fell off the wagon on Monday, and today I will be under calories but still over carbs. :grumble: Will continue to work on this through the week.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 29/49 AP essays
    2. x/59 Thoreau essays
    3. x/59 Montana 1948 Character journals
    4. x/59 Montana 1948 Vocab
    5. x/22 two paragraph responses
    6. x/22 essay plans
    7. x/49 Blake journals

    UGH!! That looks terrible! Oh well. :ohwell:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today was a good day! It was volunteer day at work so lots of walking. Food has been going ok really working on portion control. Not always easy but trying.

    My goal is to keep walking this week, We have been having lots of rain lately but between drops you can get a walk in,

    I have started thinking maybe I can start handling my Richard Simmons videos again, or to add weights. Like to expand my workouts.

  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @Butterfly ~ Thanks for writing your story. This could have been written by my daughter. My hearts breaks for her (and for you) as she is still trying to heal after dumping him 3 years ago (she went back to him twice). He made her feel important and special, yet degraded her to the point she felt she didn't deserve any better. :cry:

    Tuesday goals: I was trying to exercise every day, but the motor at the pool went out and won't be fixed until Thursday or Friday. Yesterday, I decided to do some circuit training, and something in my knee "popped." I have had pain ever since. I've had two total knee replacements, and this can't be good. I can't get in to see my knee doc until Tuesday, and I'm worrried. Also, I took our little puppy, Luna, to the vet today with concern about a cough that will not go away. Sad to find out she has an enlarged heart. Prognosis may not be so good. :cry: I called my husband immediately when I found out, then went home and told my daughter. My daughter broke down into tears. Then I went into the bedroom and found my husband crying. He never cries. I have been trying to stay strong for the sake of my daughter and husband. I would have gone to the pool if it had been up and running. Instead, I have been eating through my emotions...:cry::cry: :cry:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Cath -- so sorry to hear about your little puppy. I am praying for your fur baby and you and your family. Our fur babies are such a part of our families. I can understand eating through emotions its easy to do. We are here for you if at least a safe place for you to get it out.
