

  • Jerzeebabie04
    L1D8 FINITO!!! Felt like I could attempt L2 right after I finished L1 because I had quite a bit of energy left...BUT it was CLEARLY just a thought!! I got to the first set of Jumping Jacks in L2 and shut it off... I'll wait! LOLOL

    2 more days on L1!! WOhooo

    8 days straight BABY!!:flowerforyou:

    awesome job!!! I watched level 2 and I'm excited yet kind of scared that we start it in 2 days!!! I like a lot of it but was mad to see more jump rope! Keep up the great work in these next 2 days!
  • crmldlyte
    crmldlyte Posts: 64
    L1D8 FINITO!!! Felt like I could attempt L2 right after I finished L1 because I had quite a bit of energy left...BUT it was CLEARLY just a thought!! I got to the first set of Jumping Jacks in L2 and shut it off... I'll wait! LOLOL

    2 more days on L1!! WOhooo

    8 days straight BABY!!:flowerforyou:

    You go mmrose! I'll be right there with you after Jack Bauer goes off! I can't miss 24! Congrats on your 8 days straight!
  • apatrick23
    I finished D8L1 with much apprehension. It's not that I didn't want to do it, I was just really tired ALL DAY LONG! Maybe I need to go to bed early. EIther way it's done!

    Has anyone realized that they can recite everything Jillian says by now? It's kind of annoying but at the same time when I do say what she's saying then I don't focus as much on the pain. Only two more days of level 1 and then I can learn a new script on level 2!
  • bethany_85
    Has anyone realized that they can recite everything Jillian says by now? It's kind of annoying but at the same time when I do say what she's saying then I don't focus as much on the pain. Only two more days of level 1 and then I can learn a new script on level 2!

    Totally why I moved on to level 2! I know I could have stayed in level 1 and improved my form or followed the harder workout o but I got so sick of knowing the lines (in only 10 days!! haha!) that I had to move to level 2.
  • crmldlyte
    crmldlyte Posts: 64
    D8L1 DONE! I'm kinda anxious for Level 2 to begin because like apatrick said, I'm sick of reciting Jillian, isn't that right buddy? LOL Anyone have that damn porn music in their head the entire day even when they wake up in the morning?! LMAO! Not that I know what porn music sounds like...:blushing:

    Bang out those workouts ladies and I'll see ya in level 2 in 2! :~) For those that are taking a rest from Jillian, stay active even if it's just 30 min on the dreadmill.

    Oh yeah...hubby is hanging in there with me! He goes back to work on Wednesday so I doubt he'll be interested in my shenanigans much longer!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Great job to everyone moving forward!

    Looking forward to seeing your successes and opinions on Level 2! Only 2 more days!!!!

    I know you can do this! We are women, damn it! We can do anything!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    ugh......finished L1D5 and I am just not feeling it anymore......i had a rougher day today for some reason....not sure if i'm tired of it after just 4 days or what......i was happier when i was just doing my walking for 35 mins everyday.... :sad:

    This workout is much harder than walking for 35mins. You have to push yourself & make your body work. You can't stop Now girl, the party is just beginning!!! I hope you stick with it. Good Luck!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    i managed to get out and do my 2nd day of c25k so i feel a bit better.....i cannot believe that i'm actually out running LOL..whodda thunk it....i never run.....and i felt very refreshed afterwards...i think i need another week of doing week 1 though because i only go outside 1 day this week because it's been pouring rain.....hopefully the weather holds up next week and i can get a few more days in before switching to week 2

    That's great!!! I can't wait to start running. I haven't ran since high school and find myself so out of breath it's not even funny. So in May a girlfriend & I are going to start running in May! I am hoping I am in better condition to do so with less weight & the 30 Day Shred. Keep up the good work!!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Well since my Saturday night consists of staying in writing a boring paper for school that I forgot about and have no motivation to do, but have to email it by tomorrow, I decided to get another workout in. I planned on doing No more trouble zones like day 3 of the slimdown, but wasn't thinking about it & ended up doing Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (Well 30 minutes of it including the warm up) And I have to say I don't think I would have gotten that far if I hadn't started the Shred when I did! I really like BFBM though it's kind of fun.... some kickboxing and other good cardio. Next time I try it I'll do more than 30 minutes though hopefully.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend & ready for Day 7 tomorrow! Can you believe we have come this far already.... a week of it we're all doing so great

    Why are you making me spend more money? I have been hearing the same thing about BFBM....and am getting the itch to try it!!!! You are doing so great!!! Keep it up Girl!!!!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    L1D7 CHECK. Phew...I had a really hard time waking up, and warming up, this morning. I almost quit after the warmup but I'm glad I pushed, it got much better once the blood started flowing. 16 girly pushups, then 18 on the bar. I am giving up on those anterior raises..I mean on doing both arms at a time. Or else I have to get some 3 lb weights...I dunno. I bet it would take me a month even from now to be able to do the whole set properly.

    I guess I have bursitis in my hip, since the x-ray didn't show a fracture or anything. I'm hoping I can get a shot or something when I go back to the doc on Friday..I hear they can give you cortisone to make the pain go away for months. Then I will get back to my C25K dangit! The elliptical machine is great and all but I wanna be a runner...waaaah!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    L2D1....all I can say is I need to work on my balance...the second circuit had me almost on my face a few times...I have to say, I was surprised on how well I did the plank jumping jacks..I was able to do them all in the first section and almost half in the second before I started to modify...double jumps...think I will stick with them modification for now..I do like the ab segments a lot better...

    Anyhow, I am excited for the next 9 days(depending on how my balance improves..I may stick with level 2 a little longer..)

    Good luck ladies! We are doing awesome!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!!
    I hope everyone had a great weekend, I am on D24L3, still going strong and enjoying the change so far.

    I ate horribly yesterday, it was my 2yrs old birthday celebration & I over indulged. Still don't know how I was able to pull off a 1.8lb weight loss but, am so happy I did!!!:happy:

    Keep up the hard work Shredders!!!!

    Happy birthday to your little one!And congrats on the weight loss! That's exciting..
    I am starting level 2 tomorrow, I have taken a sneak peak..I have to say I am ready for the change, but nervous at the same time....

    Thank you Karen!!! I can't wait to hear your feed back on Level 2!!!! Work it !!!!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    l1d5 is done. i feel like i lost ground taking 3 days off for the weekend, so i my add a few days on the back end. hope everyone else is doing great!
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    D8L1 DONE! I'm kinda anxious for Level 2 to begin because like apatrick said, I'm sick of reciting Jillian, isn't that right buddy? LOL Anyone have that damn porn music in their head the entire day even when they wake up in the morning?! LMAO! Not that I know what porn music sounds like...:blushing:

    Bang out those workouts ladies and I'll see ya in level 2 in 2! :~) For those that are taking a rest from Jillian, stay active even if it's just 30 min on the dreadmill.

    Oh yeah...hubby is hanging in there with me! He goes back to work on Wednesday so I doubt he'll be interested in my shenanigans much longer!

    ROTH @ your comment about reciting Jillian.. I was just saying the same thing to myself yesterday..."I could use a good chest fly in my life" LOLOL...

    I AM READY (or so I think) to move on to Level 2!!!

    Keep up the great work!! One more day til Level 2!!!
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    L2D1....all I can say is I need to work on my balance...the second circuit had me almost on my face a few times...I have to say, I was surprised on how well I did the plank jumping jacks..I was able to do them all in the first section and almost half in the second before I started to modify...double jumps...think I will stick with them modification for now..I do like the ab segments a lot better...

    Anyhow, I am excited for the next 9 days(depending on how my balance improves..I may stick with level 2 a little longer..)

    Good luck ladies! We are doing awesome!

    GO..GO..GO Karen!!! Your doing GREAT!!! I am heading into L2 on Thursday...I think. :wink: Can't wait to hear about all of your success in L2!!!

    Get it girl!!!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    L2D1....all I can say is I need to work on my balance...the second circuit had me almost on my face a few times...I have to say, I was surprised on how well I did the plank jumping jacks..I was able to do them all in the first section and almost half in the second before I started to modify...double jumps...think I will stick with them modification for now..I do like the ab segments a lot better...

    Anyhow, I am excited for the next 9 days(depending on how my balance improves..I may stick with level 2 a little longer..)

    Good luck ladies! We are doing awesome!

    GO..GO..GO Karen!!! Your doing GREAT!!! I am heading into L2 on Thursday...I think. :wink: Can't wait to hear about all of your success in L2!!!

    Get it girl!!!

    You will like level 2...with level one..the ab segments weren't a big challenge..I can say I am feeling it in my abs....and like I said previously, I hate the second circuit...but I know that's only because I need to work on balance..and I will do it..
    Can't wait to hear your impression of level 2
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    Alright now ladies.. PHEWWWW:bigsmile: I did it! L1D9 (9 Days straight)... I got up this a.m put on my workout gear just to psych myself out, I knew I wanted to do it, but its TOM and really it's kicking my butt!! :explode: BUT, I just told myself if I complete today, it's only one more day in L1.. SO I DID IT! :smooched: I feel better... 1 MORE DAY before Level 2!


    Can't wait to hear how you guys did today!
  • Chantelle160
    Going to do it tonight! I don't even remember what day I'm on. lol. Just keep going we are all doing so great! Have a feeling Jillian is going to kick my butt tonight thinking of doing level two, but I'm scared that I wont be able to move tomorrow.
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    Going to do it tonight! I don't even remember what day I'm on. lol. Just keep going we are all doing so great! Have a feeling Jillian is going to kick my butt tonight thinking of doing level two, but I'm scared that I wont be able to move tomorrow.

    I haven't started L2 yet, but I KNOW we can do it!!!! We have to push our bodies to see the changes we want and deserve... LOOK OUT Summer 2010.. Here we come!!!

    Can't wait to hear how L2 goes for you!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    This Group is kicking MAJOR Shred *kitten*!!!!

    I'm so proud of you all for sticking with it!!! It's hard but, it's feels so good once you finished!!! I'm looking for ward to my Day 25 Level3. I am almost doing all of the 1st set of the traveling push-ups the regular way and so close to doing all of the Plank arm raise leg raise moves as well!!!

    Someone mentioned Level 2 being easier than level 1......who ever said it is right, Level 2 is hard but, not like Level 1!!!
    Keep on Pushing Ladies!!!!