Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    There must be something in the air, I am feeling extremely tired, bone-deep tired. Trying to get up energy to put Richard Simmons on and walk through exercise. Missed my walk last night due to being late when I got home and feeling exhausted after playing with my granddaughter. This morning it is raining so will miss another walk. Feeling lots of weight on my lungs right now and when I weighed this morning I gained 5 lbs, so know its water. I have my CT next Tuesday and see pulmonologist. I know this too shall pass and I will be back to my cheerful, perky self in no time. I miss the euphoria I get from nice brisk walks. The weather went from the 80s yesterday to the 50s today:huh: Wishing for a happy medium.

    Praying for sick people, sick pets, those with motivation issues and everyone in between. We will get through this.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Christine~I think the cold front that went through your neck of the woods is headed this way, they say in 50s for us tomorrow. Brrr...

    @MyM0wM0w~Hope nothing serious is wrong with your kitty, and his lethargy is just temporary. They sure like to hide their symptoms, don't they?!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    @Robinsegg- Breakfast sounds great! I love an egg white omelet with a slice of cheese torn and strategically placed! I should do that tomorrow. I bought Chihuahua cheese with jalapeno. I can't wait! (I do tend to wonder if one gets Chihuahua cheese by milking real chihuahuas. My husband says probably not. That would take a lot of work....)

    @monachris- Either that, or you could be coming down with something. I think if you are bone tired, you should take a day to rest and give your immune system an opportunity to fight for you. (Of course, I fell of the wagon for a month, so I suppose I'm not the most diligent one here...

    Thursday Truth- My biggest issue is that I feel guilty putting me first when I am caregiving. I NEED to remember that if I fall ill because I didn't take care of me, then I won't be taking care of anyone else. And if taking care of me means not buying something that is unhealthy and I can't resist, that is what it means. I must learn to say "This is what I need to do to take care of me..." not just to myself, but out loud. If it is selfish, is it anymore so than wanting what one wants? In the long run, no one really suffers if I don't buy unhealthy food.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wow!! It's been a few days so I have some catching up to do.

    Thursday's Truth- I hate to say it but I am becoming very resentful of my partners kids and his lack of support with discipline on them. My partner doesn't really support me either his plan to give me time to get my homework done nightly was that maybe I should quit school all together. Hell No I Won't!!! The kids are completely disrespectful and lie all the time they even tell me that they don't have to listen to me because I am not their mom. I know I am not their mom but they do have show respect to me just like my 16yr old does to their dad.
    I have been trying to get walks in when I can to ease my mind of all the stress.

    I will get caught up on posts soon hopefully.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Just Wednesday Wishing everyone every success and happiness!

    (I subbed today! It's great being back in the classroom, even sporadically!)

    so glad to hear you got to teach!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    thursday truth- my eldest son 'dropped in' last evening....he lives in alberta but is in bc taking his class for a filed trip. He brought some mead wine and we each had a glass with dinner. After dinner i proceeded to drink 3 more glasses of red wine then started to eat..:sad: :sad: :sad: but at least i slept for the first time in a long time
    i am afraid that as my knee surgery approaches and i get more stressed i will not be able to lose the 10 pounds i have gained and they wont do the surgery....i need to STAY on track...
    so today i am riding my bike to the library and to the gym and hopefully home!!! this afternoon i have to cut and attach the baseboards in the bedroom i just painted and start taping the next room

    have not seen Charlotte on here.....anyone hear from her?
  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    @MyMOWMOW, I hope your cat is ok.

    Thursday truth--I'm totally not committing to my exercise goals. I did manage to do 30 minutes on the elliptical last night, but I'm supposed to be doing 60 minutes of cardio per day, that was my goal since just keeping below on calories doesn't help me tremendously in weight loss. I really need to burn it off. Why is it I'd rather do almost anything (even clean house) than exercise?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    thursday truth- my eldest son 'dropped in' last evening....he lives in alberta but is in bc taking his class for a filed trip. He brought some mead wine and we each had a glass with dinner. After dinner i proceeded to drink 3 more glasses of red wine then started to eat..:sad: :sad: :sad: but at least i slept for the first time in a long time
    i am afraid that as my knee surgery approaches and i get more stressed i will not be able to lose the 10 pounds i have gained and they wont do the surgery....i need to STAY on track...
    so today i am riding my bike to the library and to the gym and hopefully home!!! this afternoon i have to cut and attach the baseboards in the bedroom i just painted and start taping the next room

    have not seen Charlotte on here.....anyone hear from her?

    Oh, more surgery, poo!
    So sorry you have to have that done! But heck you'll be one fantastic strong lady when you're all through with that one!

    Haven't heard from Charlotte. Sent her a PM about a month ago - didn't hear anything back - fear we've lost her for good :noway: :ohwell:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am back for now. This has been a trying week with very little down time.

    Clarification- I need to stay under 50 g of carbs a day however, I fail on this task every time I try to do it. It is usually by accident that it happens. Typically, I am happy if I am under 100g a day. Most day it is approaching 150g. I just enjoy my carbs to much to let them all go on a consistent basis.

    Wish- That I can find the motivation and the desire to stick to with the goals to lose weight. This means watching what I eat on a daily basis.

    Truth- I have given into to more carbs the last couple of days than I have in a long time. The carbs of choice are pure sugar namely candy. Yesterday, was the worst but it is no excuse. Yesterday, my day started off on the wrong foot and continued downhill all day. Cut the back of my leg while shaving- not a big deal. then went to leave for work and my car would not start. Tried a couple of times and NADA to sound or anything. Drove my mom's car to work because I had an observation yesterday. Ask my mom to call triple AAA but I had to call. Arrive to school late then had to make a few phone calls. Gave students busy work so I could make the call. The tow truck arrived and the car started right up, the driver suggested that it might be the battery and to call AAA back and have them send another truck that replaces the battery. Called AAA again during planning and learned that if I went that route the warranty would be in my mom's name and if something happened she would need to be in the car with me. Not realistic expectation. Next had observation which went okay at least the kids stayed engaged throughout the lesson. Lunch- called the AAA garage and asked them about the battery warranty and if I needed to bring it or could someone else do it. Luckily, my brother and my mom were able to take my car out there so they could check it out and replace the battery. About 2:40 I was trying to figure out how to get my car so I could run the rest of my errands that day. Called dentist to see if they were running on time for my 4pm appointment ( usually running late), they were on time. Arranged to meet my mom and brother after the appointment. Bro drove me to the car place so I could retrieve my car at 5pm. Then drove to the gym to meet my trainer at 5:30 and worked out for 1 hour. Then meet my friend to continue working out. Then we went to dinner at her house at 7:30 pm. By the time I got home at 9;15 I was physically and mentally exhausted. Needless to stay, I ate a few candy bars yesterday while dealing with the car issues and all the stress build up.

    Today- observation results all went well. Tonight I am resting and catching up on the posts. Next, I need to grade a few papers before going to sleep.

    Grading goals
    7th grade lab papers x/29
    8th grade chemical/ physical change responses x/90

    Tomorrow will be adding
    8th grade chemical reaction labs x/90.

    next week 7th grade science fair projects are due but at least I can grade those during the presentations.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Exercise goal update
    Exercise Plan
    Saturday- gym 10 mile bike :laugh:
    Sunday-10 mile bike :wink:
    Monday- going out after school want to meet with trainer not sure if it will work out :cry: REST DAY Instead :bigsmile:
    Tuesday- rest day No rest 10 mile spin bike ride :laugh:
    Wednesday- frisbee golf no Trainer and personal workout 10 exercises for 1 minute each then repeat, rock climbing and walking :bigsmile:
    Thursday-gym. NO REST DAY
    Friday-Rock Climbing
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - what a tremendously long and stressful day you had! I am impressed that you able to get through it and probably it was the kind of day where you needed little boosts of energy to get through those higher stress levels as intense as they were when you were looking ahead at what you had to face further on and strategize for all your appointments. I'm sure I would have developed an ulcer in your shoes! :tongue: Congrats on making it late into the evening and getting your workouts done!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Thursday truth - I'm craving carbs :noway:
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Tina - That is what happened to me two weeks ago, four pounds in two days! OUCH! but I go it off by getting back on the program, you can too.

    Robin - put a bottle of water by your bed. I wake up hungry and take a drink and before I know it I have fallen asleep again.

    Laurie - You are a workout wonder!

    Vicki - If you are craving carbs, eat some, but eat some high fiber complex carbohydrates. It will keep you on track and settle your craving. I am going to eat a heavy grain piece of bread before bed for that very reason.

    I haven't exercised for over a week, I am procrastinating about calling the doctor about my cold...:sick: I hate being sick but not as much as I hate going to the doctor.:ohwell:
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Hey!!! Just popping in for a "bump" so I don't lose y'all! Miss you bunches but I am incredibly busy with kid, school, work, new man... I am at least tracking my food again.

    Hope y'all are doing terrificamundo! :drinker:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    The weather is changing for sure here in Idaho. There is snow on the mountains already here in the valley very cold and today the fog was so thick. Which made our field trip for work to the corn maze this morning very interesting, We got there at 10 morning very cold still. We went and pick pumpkins and walk the corn mazes for the day. By the end of the first shift I was so cold could not get warm up. I had to take my after school group that was just plain cold at least not so muddy. They had lots of fun and that made it fun for me. I also go a lot of walking in. But by the end of the day I am just exhuasted my legs are killing me,

    @MyMowMow so sorry about your cat

    @Christine maybe you are coming down with something I hope not get lots of reat.

    Well I am just exhuasted and going to get ready for bed.

    Thursday truth: -- Before I left for work this morning I made the stew for dinner. With notes on how to warm it up so it be ready. Of course no one saw the note on the fridge. After working 9 hours and giving all day to others I don't fhink I had more than an hour of that time where I wasn't talking. I just want silence and to put my feet up. But I am not saying this for a pat on the back . It is what happens. Than I feel guity cause its not their fault I am tired.

    Sorry not very encouraging today. Wishing everyone well hope you have a good night.

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I had an incredibly lazy day. I woke up this morning and got up but then I wasnt feeling so great so I layed back down and slept until a little after 1 in the afternoon. My daughter then made dinner for my brother and his family so I didnt have to cook or anything and it was so nice to just relax the whole day away. My calorie intake for the day is needless to say insanely low as I have only eaten dinner and it was a nice healthy fajita salad. Anyway I hope everyone starts feeling better and getting their mojo back fairly soon. You are all a super great bunch of people and I know you can totally do this.
  • Thursday Truth - pretty sure I didn't get the job I interviewed for, because the projected time frame has come and gone. sigh. I wasn't sure I wanted it, but I definitely wanted the choice to be mine, lol. I hate this job-search process, as it brings out all my insecurities.

    Friday Fitness -- now that both heels have recovered and my knee is on-the-mend, I would really like to get out for a hike or two this weekend. I also need to rake the leaves. Hopefully, Sandy will wait until at least Monday to hit us.

    Read everyone's posts from while I was away, but no time to respond tonight. Sorry about sick puppies and kitties and frustrating weight gains and stress and exhaustion. Hopefully next week, we will all be on the up-swing...
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    TGIF Everybody!

    Friday Fitness - I'm pretty much sticking to the same exercise plan that I've had except I added The Biggest Loser's cardio max and power scuplt to me routine. I really enjoy the workouts and I'm hoping that will help jump start more dramatic weightloss.

    I hope all of you have a wonderful day and weekend!
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    I've been totally unmotivated this week to exercise, I've been working really long hours and by the time I get home I'm too tired to do anything.

    This weekend we're going to Hall-O-Scream with my daughter and one of her friends, so we'll be walking a lot. I'm going to use the pedometer app on my phone so I can see exactly how much I walked.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & TGIF!

    It’s been a whirlwind of a week at work, so glad that today is Friday. The temps here cooled off by yesterday afternoon, actually needed a sweatshirt this morning! :happy:

    Friday Fitness:

    Monday~I was supposed to walk, but one of my trainers insisted I rest from my 3 mile run on Sunday.
    Tuesday~Long work day prevented a workout so unscheduled rest day
    Wednesday~Short Run Outside – DONE!
    Thursday~Trainer DONE!
    Friday~Cross Trainer at gym
    Saturday~C25K at gym

    All-in-all not a horrible week, but I could have done better. Scale hopped this morning, I'm the same as last week but tomorrow is my official scale day this week so we'll see.

    @Laurie~Your day sounded just exhausting, mentally and physically. I’m so impressed you still made it to the gym and got your workout in, that was really important. I hope today is a better day!

    @Vicki~If you are craving carbs, you could be lacking protein. I found that to be true for me sometimes – of course, it could be stress too but I’ve found more protein usually helps.

    @Nicole~Good to “see” you!
    Thursday truth--I'm totally not committing to my exercise goals. I did manage to do 30 minutes on the elliptical last night, but I'm supposed to be doing 60 minutes of cardio per day, that was my goal since just keeping below on calories doesn't help me tremendously in weight loss. I really need to burn it off. Why is it I'd rather do almost anything (even clean house) than exercise?

    I'm just the opposite, I would rather exercise than do most anything else. Weird, I know! :laugh: