So your eating less crap, but its still CRAP



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I've read all 18 pages. Whoa. Lots of funny and nonjudgemental people here that I would love to have as friends, because their idea of positive encouragement and support works for me personally. And I am a "portion control/moderation/but still eat tasty treats/junk" kinda person at this works for me.

    Teaching doesn't mean "preaching" or judging, necessarily, there are other ways to get your information across to people you (supposedly) care about. The original post came off as judgemental because it's another "you HAVE to eat MY way if you want to lose weight." I think if the original poster really wanted to help her "friends" (IF they're actually asking for help, most people don't deal well with unsolicited "advice"), perhaps she could post healthy recipes that she's tried and recommend them, or post blogs about her personal experiences with "clean eating" or PM people with suggestions. That's IF they want help. Making an entire thread to bash people in the guise of "help" is...odd.

    I also don't get how people have time to read everyone's MFPals are awesome, but I don't get the chance to read a lot of diaries. And I don't judge what my friends eat and they don't judge me (thank you MFPeeps, you rock!)
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    It's really driving me mental!!! I have something like 89 friends on here. I browse a lot of food journals (friends and random people, too) and am SHOCKED by what I see most of the time. Most of you want to lose weight but I see are not willing to change your ways. Food for thought on this Thursday. Lean on your support network if you need help. That's why we're here! Why log in every day and record CRAP. If you want to change your body, CHANGE YOUR DIET!

    i guess i must be the exception to the rule. i've made my goal by making adjustments. My eating is far,far,far from clean, but I manage portions and refuse to deprive myself.

    I see this as a lifestyle and not a jail term.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Eat right, exercise, die anyway
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Less crap is still a change.

    For most of my adult life I've been a 60oz Mountain Dew, Sweets Daily, Fast Food for 2 meals and skipping breakfast type of person which is what got me here.

    It's not that I don't know what I need to be doing, and I HAVE gone from that to perfect meals/exercise in the past but it wasn't sustainable for me as even 6 months in ALLI could ever think about was food and junk food.

    So now I do fast food for a few meals a week, have sweets most days (although in much smaller quantities) and I'm still averaging about 1lb loss/week, and I honestly believe that this time it's sustainable as I'm not constantly thinking and craving that crap. I drink coke or mountain dew (sometimes) when we go out to eat, but there are also times I would rather have water. And that difference in my mindset is what makes me believe 100% that THIS is what has finally clicked. That is HUGE for me. I fully plan on implementing other changes slowly, as I have already done, although I don't plan to never ever eat out or eat sweets again.

    So are you really judgmental and snarky enough to think that I should go back cold turkey and non sustain? It has to be something that works for life.
  • Agreed with the person above me, less crap is indeed a change.

    :z That moment when the o.p. calls everything that people like to eat crap because it's not all veggies or non-processed. Life should be enjoyable, and enjoyable is moderation.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    I have been wondering why there are so many people who aren't showing their diaries on here... now i know why... Showing it has been a wonderful help to me.. how horrible to make people insecure like that!
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    I think there are different types of people on this site. There are people that are just counting calories and as a result will eat junk as long as it fits within their calorie goals. There are also people that are trying to eat cleaner and have a healthier lifestyle. I believe the OP wants to have a healthier and cleaner lifestyle which is what prompted her post. I did not see it as judgmental...just that some people are not here for the same goals.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member


    So much for a picture being worth 1,000 words--this pic was TRULY inspiring:noway:

    This thread (actually this pic) "made me (OKAY, inspired me:wink: ) " to go to Trader Joe's (I needed something anyway) and I walked over to snack aisle in Trader Joe's today (a section I usually completely ignore--cause just because I can have it, doesn't mean I need it--that's what I tell myself anyhoo) and I bought some Trader Joes White cheddar cheese corn puffs. (that look JUST LIKE the ones in the pic kinda sorta ) I haven't had any of that stuff in a long time. :ohwell: Meh! It tasted like cheddar cheese flavored cardboard. GLAD it was just 140 cals per 2.5 cups. I'd rather chew on my mini Babybel cheese & an apple or some concord grapes instead.

    This is my definition of CRAP -- But, and it's a big ole BUT--to each is OWN and to thine OWN SELF one must be true. Everyone is on their own individual journey and what's crap to some may be wonderful to others and visa versa. This journey we're all on FOR A LIFE TIME is not a one size fits all. That how I view it anyhoo!

  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I think there are different types of people on this site. There are people that are just counting calories and as a result will eat junk as long as it fits within their calorie goals. There are also people that are trying to eat cleaner and have a healthier lifestyle. I believe the OP wants to have a healthier and cleaner lifestyle which is what prompted her post. I did not see it as judgmental...just that some people are not here for the same goals.

    I see your point. If she wants to have a healthier and cleaner lifestyle, that's awesome...but to judge everyone who does NOT eat like her, especially the way she made a public post about people on her friends list, seems a little...hmmm...judgemental. If I really was concerned about the eating habits of someone on my friends list (or in real life) I'd talk to THEM...not make a public post condemning people for eating so-called "crap" :)
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    If it bothers you so much, then don't look at their diaries. It isn't worth getting all worked up over the choices other people make.

    Making incremental changes is of value. Some of us are not ready to change everything about our lives all at once.

    So, we move on, making small changes that add up over time.
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member
    I've read all 18 pages. Whoa. Lots of funny and nonjudgemental people here that I would love to have as friends, because their idea of positive encouragement and support works for me personally. And I am a "portion control/moderation/but still eat tasty treats/junk" kinda person at this works for me.

    Teaching doesn't mean "preaching" or judging, necessarily, there are other ways to get your information across to people you (supposedly) care about. The original post came off as judgemental because it's another "you HAVE to eat MY way if you want to lose weight." I think if the original poster really wanted to help her "friends" (IF they're actually asking for help, most people don't deal well with unsolicited "advice"), perhaps she could post healthy recipes that she's tried and recommend them, or post blogs about her personal experiences with "clean eating" or PM people with suggestions. That's IF they want help. Making an entire thread to bash people in the guise of "help" is...odd.

    I also don't get how people have time to read everyone's MFPals are awesome, but I don't get the chance to read a lot of diaries. And I don't judge what my friends eat and they don't judge me (thank you MFPeeps, you rock!)

    Yeah, what she said!!! :smile:
  • tzuris
    tzuris Posts: 30
    I agree 100% with the OP on this thread. this site is for people who have their body, health and diet in check! also u gotta look good! this site is not 4 people who have issues with their diet. wait!!! some just logged in a do nut! im about to go bungie jumping without a bungie! seee yaaa

    Excuse me?

    This site is only for people who have their body, health and diet in check? I beg to differ. This is a starting point for so many people in getting their diet under control. Fitocracy sounds like it would be more appropriate for you, since the focus is on exercise and body, not on learning how to control your diet.

    The joke

    Your head

    Drat :blushing:
    In my defence, there are a few people posting in here saying exactly the same thing and they're NOT kidding.
    gottcha!!!:laugh: :smile: :tongue: :laugh: :happy: :wink: :smile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    You totalllllly got me. Brat! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    I would be sad if I cared so much to make a thread about what people that you don't know eat...hmmmm

  • As long as they're recording it and staying accountable, who gives a CRAP
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    Because the purpose of journaling is to become more aware of what we are putting in our mouths, not to make b!tches who read our journals feel good. :noway:

    ^the reason I keep her as a friend ;-)

    The reason she needs to friend me. :drinker:
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    Funny how you all think I'm such a loser for caring about the people in my network and that they learn something about health. My profession is to care and teach health. Guilty conscience? Or sad yourself since you so much time to breed such negativity about people who care about those around them?

    Great it's your profession. Are they your clients? If not, you have no right to judge their journey. If so, you need to be less angry in helping them.

    And calling the comments negative? LOL! Kettle. Black. Your comment was all "me me me, how it affects me" . Horrible approach if you really meant to help, especially for a professional.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    As long as they're recording it and staying accountable, who gives a CRAP
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I had a kitkat and giant can of pepsi max last night, i'm screwed for life! Actually i'm usually pretty healthy during the week, but lets not talk about what goes down on the weekends LOL and yes I am reaching my goals.

    OP would have a heart attack if they looked in the what do your meals look like threads.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Define "CRAP"

    Exactly. What do you mean by crap? How much everyday?