I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street



  • JennPrebs
    JennPrebs Posts: 111 Member
    I hate when people do this, its like why the freak do you think i am outside running!!?!!?! What a bunch of doucheronies, call the city and make sure they have all the necessary permits to do work and hope they don't hehehe, im kidding ignoring would be best , even though i like to pretend revenge schemes in my head!
  • Col3573
    Col3573 Posts: 2 Member
    I think it is fantastic that you are out there and making an effort.They wont be laughing so hard when you run by after losing weight continuously. Keep up the good work. As much as they say you should treat people the way you would like to be treated, perhaps you could turn the tables and find something to laugh at them about - let them see how it feels to be ridiculed every time you see them. Just because they are who they are. In the end you will have the last laugh because you have set yourself a goal and you are aiming for and achieving it - you are definately the better role model for the child.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    You aren't asking too much. Some people are just ****s. It's a good thing we don't know where they live, or I'm sure there'd be a goodly number of MFPers on their front porch with pitchforks tomorrow morning.

    Keep kicking butt and screw them.
  • colorfulcupcakes
    colorfulcupcakes Posts: 122 Member
    In my experience, when I have confronted someone on unwanted behavior, the other party has never acknowledged what they did. I've gotten "I don't know what you are talking about" to "You are overreacting" to "Eff You." Yet every time, they have backed off afterward. I hope this is the same for you. I think you did the right thing to confront them calmly. Another suggestion is to write down each incident as it may help you in case you make a report, or even just to be able to say to them "In the last 3 weeks you have verbally harassed me 6 times..." it might scare them.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    No words. That is so stupid for someone to do or say. You run your heart out.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Wear a t-shirt that says "Ask me about my low-class, trashy neighbors". I'll even design the shirt for you. I've got about ten different ideas for slogans just thinking about it.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    grab the ear phones an run ....an in no time you will be running in that sexy new sport out fit looking all hot an not only will the neighbor an his wife be gawking but the comments will be whats your number-ppl are idioits-an those who act like that have some serious issues of there own---dont let anyone stop you from getting your health back an meeting your goals-these *kitten* are not worth it

    THEN when you're all fit for your sexy outfit you have a shirt that says "Yea, I'm the one you called fat *kitten*." & then on your pants on the back "Phat *kitten*." * BAZINGA Lmso
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    **** them! Keep running. I wish I could run...I think it is fantastic that you can and love doing it. Keep it up.
  • WillieBouwer
    Just keep running - I'm also overweight but I take joy in the fact that us pavement trodders do what only 10% of the population do. So lift your chin be proud of what you have accomplished and RUN!!
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    People that are heckling you are probably ashamed that they can't achieve what you already have, well done, keep running and be proud of your achievements. People with small minds, sadly, prefer to insult and upset others rather than face their own inadequacies!!
  • sadyel
    sadyel Posts: 250
    thats disgusting! it will you who will be you laughing, being fit and healthy, keep up the good work!!
  • Elizadolots
    That is so trashy, good luck for that poor child's future!

    Headphones in and keep running! You have done amazingly well, don't let them make any difference to how you feel about your success!

    Must admit that is one of the reasons I run early mornings, too scared I'll get nasty comments!

    Well done on your success!
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 252 Member
    What a bunch of losers and sh#theads!
    Honey I am in awe of what you have done so far! I have lost 44 lbs, I was around sizes 18-22 depending of where I got my clothes. Size 16 are fitting me and a few are roomy now. I walk every day but I don't think I could manage to run like you do. As someone said, put on your music and earphones and just go for it !-they really aren't worth you even thinking about them or acknowledging their presence They sound like a huge waste of oxygen and sadly they are raising a child to be as mean, petty and disgusting as they are.
    You BE PROUD of what you are doing and what you have achieved, and let them go to Hell!
    Hugs to you from across the pond.xxxx
  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    who would do something like that!? sounds like trash just moved in and your property values are about to go down until they move. Ignore them. A friend of mine made a nasty comment out the window at a jogger one day while I was driving... I calmy pulled up at the next parking lot and suggested he try and do something to better himself and perhaps he should try and jog the rest of the way home. Needless to say he now see's joggers/cyclist's in a different light.

    Just remember YOU are improving yourself all they are doing is trying to make themselves feel better by putting other down because they dont have the drive and determination that you have.

    If you have a dog (or a friend that will lend you their dog) I suggest you take it on runs with you late and night and ensure it does its business on their front lawn :P
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Wow! What rude people. My heart broke as I read this <3

    You're so amazing for being able to run for 2 hours. Can they do that? I highly highly doubt it. It's despicable that some people think they are "justified" in making fun of someone because of weight. At least you're out there running, working hard and having a good time while they are sitting on their butts, being miserable. You are strong, you are active, and you are working towards the greater good. Meanwhile, they are likely living unhealthily, and miserably (although I doubt the know it. It's probably hard to recognize it underneath all that negativity and rudeness). You're doing the right thing, and you should definitely remember that.

    Plus, I applaud you for going and saying something! That was such a strong and bold move. It is definitely worth respect in my eyes. People should learn to mind their own business, and quit being judgmental and rude. Especially if they can't judge themselves properly.

    Also: you were most certainly NOT over reacting. If it were me I would have found some way to get police involved.. LOL!

    Good luck, keep running, and have a wonderful life :) Haters Gonna Hate! They're all just jealous in the end.:laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • anjoneill
    anjoneill Posts: 98 Member
    why do people have to be so cruel. keep up the good work and do not be put off by the mindless few.
  • SashaMegan
    SashaMegan Posts: 110 Member

    Walk up to them and say "if you think Im so huge, why dont you race me? 5 miles!" Because you know for SURE you could outrun them anyday!

    Shut them right up....

    Hahaha, exactly! :bigsmile:
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I just read how far and long you run. Wow. I can run a block and then I panic a lot. Nice work. lmso
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    I have had the same thing with people driving by. I even posted on it. I think the majority of people are either encouraging or just won't say anything. Then you have these jerks. The thing is while you will lose weight and get more fit they will continue to be stupid and igornant people. It's something they have to be forever as you are only overweight temporarily as you keep working. Keep the headphones in and keep running you are doing great! Feel free to friend me.
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the positive comments and support, this forum really rocks. :)

    I definitely feel sorry for their child, been raised by such parents I also in a small part feel sorry for the parents too. Sounds like the parents have not been raised properly with little or no social graces, they have never been taught better and are lacking in intelligence. I am just grateful their child goes to the other village primary school, I would hate my daughter to pick up such bad manners.

    I can't change their bad attitude and behaviour, but I can and will work on changing my reaction to it IYSWIM.

    Definitely need to have headphones plugged in before I step outside, which I do already use for long runs but I don't use headphones when I am just going to the local shops. I run up the hill and use the short time out of the house as a little hill training/de-stress mini run and walk back with the shopping. I am not stopping doing it, I will run on my side as I do normally and have earphones in even if they are not working. Sod them, rude people.